City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 474: Risk

Everything turned dark, and a moment later, the core appeared.

It is blazing brightly with dense emotion power, while witchcraft while the planets revolved around it.

It's really a beautiful scene.

Though I had not summoned it to admire its beauty. A pack of bottles appeared in my hand

A moment later, a dense mist came off from the core, entering the planet.

Filling it with beautiful colors that I wanted it to continue, but unfortunately, it could not. It stopped after a few seconds.

A moment after that, the color begins to drain.

Within seconds, all the color got drained from it. Leaving it just as before.

I raised my hand, and twelve bottles came flying. Unlike before, they are not empty.

I looked at the mist inside them. It looked at such, that they are the building blocks of the world. Some say they are.

It's so dense that it feels like liquid, but it's still a mist. It would turn to liquid in Grade IV.

I sighed, and everything disappeared, including the twelve bottles as I appeared in my office.

I smiled and resumed the work.

It's a new store-floors policy. Now that the whole tower had turned to the legacy. I have to make changes in the policy of operating them.

There hadn't been even a full day since the legacy started, and we have already seen stone owners increasing the prices exorbitantly.

We put a stop to that immediately and closed two stores. They had crossed the limit.

It's clear that the existing policy wouldn't work anymore.

Thankfully, I know what I have to do. I have nearly finished with the proposal. It is a basic one; it will work till I create a comprehensive one by the opening day.

'Master Silver, they have arrived,' informed Lola. Hearing that, I had stopped and got up.


I was out of the door a second later.

Lola, standing in front of the conference room opened it for me. I nodded my thanks and stepped inside.

"Lord Silver,"

They greeted and bowed; the only one who didn't was Lady Blackwell. I nodded at her, before turning to the rest of the table.

Everyone is there, Valentina Amellus, Miss Rolgath, Miss Ulaxasyn, and our construction partners.

"It wasn't a long ago; I had told you all that I would like to see you all under my legacy's roof once again. I thought it would take a few years for that to happen, but it happened in less than forty days," I said, and all of them laughed.

"I for one glad for that," said Lady Blackwell.

"Congratulations on the advancement of your legacy, Lord Silver," she congratulated.

"Thank you, Lady Blackwell," I thanked, before making my expressions serious.

"So, will you all be able to do it by the founding day?" I asked the question directly instead of ordering them to do it.

If they say, it's not possible. Then I will postpone the opening. I want the changes to be perfect I don't want the rushed work.

"It will be challenging, but the interiors will be done by the timeline," replied Miss Rolgath.

"So will be the plants," added Miss Ulaxasys. I turned to Amellus and the construction partners.

"It will be done," he said finally.

"Good," I replied. "You will begin the work immediately and will have ten more days to tell me. If it could be finished within a time,"

I plan to send the invitation for the founding day/legacy celebration in ten days.

"If it did not, then I will postpone it," I added after a moment of silence.

I stayed there forty-five minutes more; telling them about the new requirements, before walking out.

"Miss Eva wants to meet you," informed Lola. It surprised me, but I nodded.

I am busy, but I could make a few minutes for a friend. Despite knowing what she wants.

It's not that hard to guess.


Soon, I reached my office and a few minutes later, Eva walked in as beautiful as ever.

"My lord," she greeted. "Eva," I said, offered her a seat.

"Thank you," she thanked as she sat.

"What can I do for you, Eva?" I asked directly, and she smiled. "I am sure you already know, but I will say it. I want another floor for my store," she requested.

"I had already given you an answer to that," I replied. Refusing her request once again.

It's not the first time, she had asked for this. She had asked for it not long ago and I have declined her request.

"Besides, why do you want it?" I asked, "With the legacy advancing, the space of your store has already doubled; it should be more than enough for you," I added.

To that, she smiled, with a hint of seductiveness appearing in it.

"Yes, but the workshop is going to take a space. We need a space, to complete the big order you have given us," she replied, looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

Today we have given her an order.

That would be wrong to say; that the order had already been given a few weeks ago. The timeline of it is just expedited; she will need to finish them by the end of the month.

"Sixty-thousand square feet isn't a small space. Many legacies don't even have that much," I replied.

"Half floor? Even Quarter will do in the underground?" she asked, making her eyes pitiful.

"No," I refused firmly.

I want to give her more space, I truly do.

Seeing what she is doing is going to put the city on the radar of people, I wanted to be attracted to the city, but I couldn't.

"Fine, but when the legacy advances next time. I want two more floors," she said, with her boring into me.

"Sure," I replied, and a surprise appeared on her face.

If the legacy really did advance to Grade 4, one day, and expansion skill worked like it usually does on other legacies. Then, giving her two floors wouldn't be a problem.

"I will hold you on your word when the time comes," she said and got up before walking away.

I watched her leave, before focusing back on my work.

Ilden Kingdom

"Mom, you have called me?" asked a man with silvery blond hair as she stepped into the parlor.

"Have you heard about the news from Harsoth?" asked the woman sitting in a leather chair slowly.

"Grade III, within a year. That man is really something," he replied.

He was in the casino when he heard that. He didn't want to believe it. It was too hard to believe, but his grandfather confirmed it.

The woman shook her head.

"No, about this," she replied and threw the note at him. The young man caught before reading and his eyes widened in shock.

"Five extra floors and he wants to open a casino in it," he said, with his voice shaking.

He knew the legacy had covered twenty-one floors of the tower, but now there are even five floors. The domain of it shocked him.

He understood well how much the size of the legacy matters. They have the second biggest legacy under Grade II and the twelfth biggest in all the legacies of the continent.

He didn't say anything reading it, but the ring on his finger lit up as he contacted his contacts and information came soon.

He digested it, before turning to his mother.

"What do you want to do with the information mother?" he asked slowly. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from her.

"I want us to apply for that space," she replied. I expected it, but it still shook me.

We have a legacy, and we open many branches of our business. Accumulating a lot of wealth and influence.

If it had been any other place. I wouldn't have been surprised, much less shocked, but it is a legacy and one with a bright future.

In the morning grandfather had that as long as Silver didn't die in the next few decades. Its ascendant into the throne is all but guaranteed.

"This offer is only for the merchant state and empire. I don't think, Silver will not want to bear their wrath choosing us?"

"He wouldn't choose us, with conflict in vision for our legacy."

"There is also a reason being Ilden allied with Geim, and they are attacking Harsoth. Not to mention, the undead, that could capture the city at any moment,"

"Most importantly, I don't think it is wise. We are critical time, we should focus on grandfather and getting our hands on the most lucrative branches,"

"Uncles have already good, many of the good branches,"

Grandfather is dying. So is legacy; the moment he dies, the legacy will disappear as well.

The thought is terrifying. The that brought us so much wealth and influence going to disappear, so suddenly.

"I think, this is the right time, my son," she said and sighed with her head filled with worries. It had been for years.

There was a hope, that our efforts will succeed, and some throne will agree to make our legacy a pawn. It failed, just as it failed to make any of them its heirs.

"The legacy is our shield. It's going to disappear and with it most of our influence,"

"It is what protected us. Once the shield disappears, no one will protect us; the vultures will eat our flesh bit by bit, till nothing remains,"

She understood well what would happen to them. It had already started happening.

Her father had been a merciless businessman. He had made a lot of enemies, not just of merchant houses, but also of noble, powerful nobles.

They will not let us live in peace.

She looked at her son, who was deep in thought. She too is having hundreds of thoughts, but she is clear about one thing.

Ilden isn't safe for them. They won't die; the king will make sure of that at least. Not because he cares, but because he will need to for the other legacies in the kingdom.

There will be restrictions.

They won't be able to do the business as they had been and many other things.

It's better to start a new one. Use Velvet Garden as the springboard to enter the new market.

It won't be easy and there will be danger to life, but it won't be as much restrictive as it will be here.

They won't die a slow death.

"It's too risky Mom. There are undead and I don't think it is viable, even if Grandfather somehow accepts it. The kingdom won't, nor would Harsoth or merchant's states,"

"Even Silver won't accept it," he said, and I smiled.

"He might, because there is something only, we could offer to him," she said.

He was confused for a moment before the understanding dawned on his face and his eyes widened.

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