City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 487: Changed

Aman Halcyon

The ship stopped and a few minutes later, the men begin to bring out the huge crates and load them into the cargo carriages.

I didn't have to be here, but I wanted to.

Each of those crates contains the casino games.

The very games that would be used by the Onix Halcyon are being brought here.

Each of those games cost a lot and after spending decades in the legacy, had made them even more expensive.

Every part of them contains the power of the legacy.

There was resistance, not only from the kingdom but also from my uncles, who wanted these things for their casinos.

Thankfully, Grandfather helped, and his words are the last, but still my uncles might to do something, and we have to be careful.

It is not just the games we are bringing out, but also the art and other things that become a signature of the Onix Halcyon.

Though this ship only brought the casino games.

Mom is still in the Ilden, handling the things at her end, while I am handling the things here.

There are a lot of things to do. That since I had come here, I didn't sleep for over five hours each night.

"I will handle the things here, Aman. Go to the legacy," said Carnes.

The man had been working in the halcyon since before I was even born and is my mother's most trusted man.

"Ok," I said and walked to the carriage. I would have stayed, but I have a lot of work to do.

A few minutes later, the carriage reached the garden and moved toward the tower.

Silver had really made something beautiful.

The tower looks simple and even ugly at first glance, but the more one looks at it, the more one falls in love with it.

It had rough beauty to it, that will remind one of the wastelands around us.

The tower wasn't fully visible; only the store floors looked visible, while the rest were covered in a mist. The mist isn't dense, but it's dense enough that one couldn't see through it.

The mist will thin and the whole tower became visible at the opening a week later.

Soon, the carriage stopped, and I entered inside. I didn't walk through the lobby, but through the south side of the tower; the service entrance.

As I entered inside, I felt its power, and it was amazing.

I have been through too many legacies, but the Velvet Garden impressed me the most.

It's not the strongest of the Grade III, but the feeling it gives is better than any legacy. I will not say it openly, but it felt like, it was as comprehensive as Thrones.

If I am wrong; its emotion slate must be quite wide.

The feeling from it isn't as strong as the most powerful Grade III legacy, but the legacy is new.

It hadn't been even a month since it had advanced. It will grow powerful in a few years. It might be as powerful as Onyx Halcyon.

I wouldn't have said those words. If it had been any other legacy, seeing the legacies take decades to reach that power. Most don't.

Onyx Halcyon had been the biggest Grade III legacy and one of the most powerful.

It was special, but soon it was going to disappear.

It made me sad, but I am also a little happy. That tiny part of it would be here. Merge with this legacy, which will soon become our new home and help us start a new.

I sighed and stepped onto the minus floors, where I saw a lot of people.

All of them are working on different things, with supervisors keeping an eye on their work.

Greltheaven might be a small city, but it has an advantage that even Beyhelm didn't.

The close proximity to merchant state. It's the main reason why mother had chosen to take this risk and because of it.

Such close distance to it will bring the high-income individuals, which the merchant states have more than any other kingdom on the continent.

There are also the expert workers and artists. They have one of the best artists on the continent.

The legacy had hired many companies led by these people.

They are one doing work on these floors, and their work is amazing. When it will finish, it might even dwarf Onyx Halcyon itself.

The work of such a level isn't cheap.

The budget had already gone three times more than I had thought it would, and it was going to increase even further.

I thought there would be an objection, but mother and grandfather simply agreed after looking at the proposal that the interior designers made.

The work is going fast, but it's going to take a lot of time. Around two months at least; the changes aren't small, and they needed to be specific.

Silver didn't have a problem with the timeline, which made me relieved.

However, we still want to finish it sooner. Grandfather didn't have much time. He could die any day, and we want to finish it before he leaves the world.

I hope he will see the new casino. That is a fusion of his and Silver's vision.

I am excited about it, even if it is the most frustrating thing in the world. In the evening daily, there is a meeting with the interior designers, gardeners, and the madams.

It is frustrating, seeing how little they compromise.

We need the fusion of both visions, but sometimes, I felt like they wanted Velvet Garden more and Onyx Halcyon less in the fusion.

I am not letting that happen. I am fighting tooth and nail for every little change, which is like fighting a battle.

At every meeting. I become so tired, that all I want is to sleep.


I climbed to minus third floor when I saw a woman. She is familiar, about my age, with dark blue hair and blue eyes.

"Madam Danelle," I greeted the woman. She turned to me with a smile.

"Mr. Halcyon," she said.

"I didn't expect to see you, here," I said and the smile on her face widened. "I didn't expect to see you too; I thought you had gone to the port?" she asked.

The woman is on a negotiating team along with Madam Caena.

She is a fierce girl. It would be a grave mistake to assume she is harmless seeing her petite figure and pretty face.

I had paid a prize for that.

"I just returned," I replied. She nodded and looked around slowly.

She is a clearly using a skill.

Another thing, that is frustrating is that. It is hard to sense when the madams are using the skills. The legacy hides it, like how the casino hides us using our skills.

It also amplifies the power of the skills and suppresses the others' skills.

We used to do that to others, but now it is being done to us. It's not a good feeling, I hate it, but there was nothing I could do about it.

As I looked at her, I couldn't help, but wonder whether my class would change according to the legacy.

It will depend on Silver and my own efforts. Mostly on Silver. If he didn't want us to be part of his legacy. Then, no matter the feat, we achieve, we will not gain authority.

In the legacies, the will of the master is absolute.

I stayed in the legacy for half an hour more, before walking out. I have work and a few people to meet.

Soon, it was five, and I walked out of my office and went to the warehouse, compound, which was being guarded by the private mercenary group we had hired.

There are also police, that are patrolling around. Keeping an eye on things.

Silver had also said that few of his people were keeping an eye on it in secret. If someone tries anything, they will act immediately to deal with it.


The door opened, and I walked inside the warehouse, which was filled with crates.

"Open them," I said.

The men moved and began to open the crates. The first that opened had the card table and its parts.

The second one had the same and so was the third. After several crates, it is a roulette and then other things.


Another crate opened, and a surprise appeared on the faces of everyone, including mine.

"As expected," I muttered.

Instead of a slot machine which I had expected. There are blocks of wood.

Someone had changed the things.

"Keep opening," I ordered, and the crates opened one after another. The next five crates also had the wooden blocks, that game they were supposed to contain.

Soon, the last of the crate opened, and Carnes turned to me.

"What do you think?" he asked. "You already know," I replied, and he simply nodded.

The best chance to replace the boxes would be at sea, but I don't think that happened. We have trusted people here; some even Carnes doesn't know about.

The ship didn't stop anywhere since leaving the port of the Beyhelm.

That means only one thing. The boxes had been changed in Beyhelm.

There are only two people who could do that, and we had already expected they would do it, but hoped in our hearts that they will not.

They have got so much more than us; the entire business empire, but they still did this.

"Carnes, inform my mother," I said and walked toward the crates.

We had hoped, they wouldn't do this, but since they did, we will act on our preparations as well. We truly didn't want to make such moves, but they had left us no choice.

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