City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Abyss Demon

“I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, I really underestimated you, no wonder I could kill Ruhr.” Morina was shocked by Jiang Feng’s strength, and she felt a dangerous aura.

Morina couldn’t get a single blow, her body flipped in the air, and she withdrew more than ten meters back, with her staff pointing away and standing in opposition to Jiang Feng.

“Neither did I expect that there will be an existence like you in the world. It seems that there are too many unknown things in this world, and I underestimate this world.” Jiang Feng said.

“Of course you don’t know about our western world. There are even more powerful things you haven’t seen before. Don’t worry, you will try it out soon.” Morina despised.

“I want to see it, I’m afraid you won’t have a chance to show it.” Jiang Feng said.

“Since you want to see, then I will let you see, don’t be scared.” Morina’s eyes narrowed into a line, and the cold light spread.

Morina suddenly raised her staff and chanted in her mouth: “The light can never suppress the darkness, and the darkness will always spread over the world. When the light of darkness is connected to the abyss, the demon **** must have heard the call, come out, my abyss demon… ”


A roar sounded, deafening, and the sky trembled.

Following that, the earth broke apart, two huge claws stretched out, and then there was a hill-like head with fire in the eyes and smoke from the mouth, just like the pattern on the black stone.

Although the head is a skeleton, there are horns on the top of the head, bone spurs on the chin, and two bone spurs that are as sharp as swords on the shoulders, which are very conspicuous.


The monster jumped out of the ground completely, revealing all its features.

The whole body was black, as if the shriveled skin and flesh were glued to the bones, like a corpse, and looked very scary.

In addition, there are many complicated lines on the body, one after another, the roots are intertwined, and they are densely packed, like the armor of a **** general, and a faint light of fire emerges from the connection.

In the monster’s hand, he also held a huge axe made of bone, and the sharp blade was shining with brilliant light.

With such power, even Jiang Feng couldn’t help but stepped back a few steps, and the stormy sea turned up in his heart, frightened.

“Abyss Demon, go, kill the man in front of you, and use his blood to pay homage to the giant axe.” Morina shouted.

Needless to say, this huge monster is the so-called Abyssal Demon.

The abyss demon turned his head, his eyes looked at the river breeze like lanterns.

His eyes are like a torch, like a secluded fire in an underworld, as if to burn everything.

Jiang Feng’s heart tightened and he dared not look at him, so he moved his eyes away and looked away.

At this moment, he also understood the power of the evoker. No wonder Zhang Tianqi was so confident in his hole cards just now. It turned out that he was not blindly arrogant, but was justified and well-founded. He knew Morina’s power in his heart.

“This monster is too powerful. With my current strength, it may not be its opponent. If you are unlucky, it is very likely that you will die here.” Jiang Feng said secretly.

Jiang Feng always cherishes his life and won’t make a move easily.

Anyway, Zhang Tianqi has been killed and everyone in the Zhang family has been punished. There is no need to fight with his own lives anymore. It is better to withdraw first, save his life and then take it slowly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng was about to flee.

But the Demon of the Abyss had already acted under Morina’s orders.


The giant axe slashed out and crossed in front of Jiang Feng. The giant axe’s cold air dissipated, causing Jiang Feng to tremble all over, and his heart seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

But Jiang Feng wanted to run away, and quickly avoided, and then ran to the other side.

“Leave it to me, don’t let him run.” Morina saw Jiang Feng’s intentions and ordered the Abyss Demon again.

The abyss demon got the order and attacked more fiercely. The giant axe slashed out frequently, and each axe demanded Jiang Feng’s life.

While running away, Jiang Feng was actually stopped by the Abyss Demon, and he couldn’t get out of his left and right sides.

“Mad, the attack range of the Abyss Demon is too wide, and I cannot do without his attack range in a short time.” Jiang Feng anxiously scolded.

“Furthermore, the strength of the Abyss Demon is huge, one blow is more powerful than one, and there is no exhaustion. If this continues, even if he is not killed by the Abyss Demon, he will be exhausted on the run.”

“No, it must not be like this. Good or bad is a dangerous danger. Even if you die, you can’t die in vain.”

In desperation, Jiang Feng had no choice but to start a counterattack. Since he couldn’t escape, he had no choice but to fight. Waiting for death is not as good as desperate, at least death is worthwhile.

At this time, the abyss demon struck again, slashing towards Jiang Feng’s face with one axe.

Jiang Feng instantly took out the Shuijian sword and waved his hand to greet each other.


Jiang Feng only felt a huge force coming from the axe and sword, his arms were numb, his legs were slightly bent, and he withdrew more than a dozen steps backwards abruptly.

Jiang Feng was shocked and said: “My strength of 1,200 jin is like an ant, and in front of the abyss devil, I am like a weak child without the power to bind a chicken. With this strength alone, I am afraid that I will be able to fight with me. Compete with each other’s strength.”

Jiang Feng didn’t know that the abyssal demons were powerful beings in the Western world. They ranked very high among the demons. They were not idle things, comparable to those ancient evil creatures in the East, or fairy beasts.

And Morina is also a powerful evoker, how could the demon summoned be a waiter.

“It seems that I can only fight to the death. There is no way to escape.” Jiang Feng said.


The Shuijian sword trembled, and Jiang Feng began to attack.

Swipe it!

Jiang Feng cut five swords again and again and flew towards the abyss demon.

The abyss demon’s giant axe swept across, and actually directly stopped all the sword moves.

This hand is really overbearing and has to be admired.

But Jiang Feng didn’t stop there, swinging the sword again, and suddenly the shadow of the sword was heavy, forming a sword curtain, covering the sky and the earth, like a net of heaven and earth, even a little bird could not escape.

Boom boom boom…

There was a loud noise, and the abyss demon did not escape. Under the hood, all the sword blades smashed on the body, and pieces of shriveled flesh fell like gravel.

Jiang Feng was overjoyed. It seems that the Abyss Demon is not that powerful. As long as the method is right and the moves are sharp, he can still be defeated.

But the next scene made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

I saw that the skin and flesh that had been chopped off from the Abyss Demon grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the same as before, and there was no indication of any injuries.

Jiang Feng’s eyes stared slightly, astonished. That’s okay.

How do you look like the puppet poisonous corpse I encountered in the fairy world.

The same is true for the puppet poisonous corpse. Once injured, no matter the severity of the injury, as long as the body is still there, it can quickly recover, which is difficult to deal with.

When Jiang Feng broke into the swamp demon realm, he encountered the puppet poisonous corpse. After the battle, Jiang Feng was seriously injured and almost died in it. Fortunately, he encountered a rare spiritual grass and used it as a pill. Just saved his life.

The current abyss demon reminded him of that scene, and not only a trace of fear was born in his heart.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, even the most powerful people will have this kind of psychological imprint, unless they reach a state of fearlessness.


Jiang Feng was still in the memory, and he didn’t get back to his senses. He felt that his chest was hit hard, and then his whole body flew out.

It turned out that when Jiang Feng was stunned, the Abyss Demon suddenly launched an attack and gave Jiang Feng a fist.

Jiang Feng fell to the ground, dizzy in front of him, his throat felt sweet, he vomited a mouthful of blood, he was already seriously injured.

“No, I’m going to die here today.” Jiang Feng said in shock.

“Abyss Demon, hurry up, kill him and avenge Ruhr.” Morina ordered.

The Abyss Demon carried the giant axe and walked towards Jiang Feng, then raised the giant axe high, and was about to chop Jiang Feng into two pieces.

“Dao can be Tao, not constant Tao. A name can be named, not a constant name.”

Suddenly, a voice came, loud and bright, like Hong Zhongda Lu, deaf and awkward, reaching people’s minds.


A person fell from the sky and appeared in front of Jiang Feng, facing the abyss demon.

The abyss demon seemed to be stiff there, his limbs could not move, and the raised axe stood in the air with a heavy force.

But these words from the people are still stirring everywhere, never stopping, just like echoes in the valley, mighty, one after another.

It seems that every word has its own life, with wings and whirling, guarding justice and eliminating evil ways.

Tao can be Tao, not constant Tao. The name can be named, not a constant name. This sentence is well known by everyone and is a classic quotation from Taoism.

This remark is very mysterious and has many kinds of understanding. Everyone can’t realize it, and their opinions are also different, and their interpretations vary.

Jiang Feng glanced at the visitor, and found that the visitor was actually in a Taoist robe, about forty years old, with long hair in a bun, holding a whisk in his hand, but a fairytale bone, and he knew that he was not an ordinary person.

“What a profound skill, just one sentence can suppress the abyss demon, and will not be afraid of danger in the face of danger.” Jiang Feng secretly said.

The abyss demon was subdued in an instant, and Morina was shocked and shouted: “Who are you? Leave quickly, or you will be killed together.”

The visitor shook his head lightly and ignored Morina’s words. Instead, he turned to look at Jiang Feng and asked, “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, thank you for your help.” Jiang Feng said quickly.

“It’s okay, wait until I get rid of this western demon.” The visitor said.

“Dao is the origin of all things in the universe, and Tao is the basis for the survival of all things in the universe. Living beings cannot do without the universe, and the universe has little Tao and cannot make it.” The coming population thought silently, seeming to be reading an article.

But every word he uttered implies great power, making the world tremble.


A stream of light suddenly appeared in the night sky, instantly covering the body of the abyss demon.

The flow of light was great, and the abyss demon screamed.

“All laws are Tao, imprison-restrain -!” The visitor waved his hand, and the streamer solidified into a light mask.

There was a buzzing trembling, and the body of the abyss demon began to slowly disappear, like a piece of cold ice preheated and melted into water.


The streamer flashed, and disappeared together with the abyss demon.

The world suddenly returned to silence, and it seemed that no battle had ever happened.

Everything returned to night.

“Ah, my abyss demon is gone.” Morina was shocked, and quickly threw the black stone to summon the abyss demon again.

But no matter how she summoned, nothing happened.

“How could this happen, how could my magic be useless, it’s impossible, there will never be such a thing.” Morina did not give up, and then tried.

Then the man looked at her with a faint smile, and said: “No need to try again, it’s useless, in the universe, only Dao is the master, everything can’t escape a word “Tao”, whether it’s a man or a devil, you summon it The abyss demon has been imprisoned in the void by me, and will never be summoned again.”

Morina’s chest was up and down, and she couldn’t hear what he was talking about. Don’t call her a Westerner, even Jiang Feng didn’t understand it, because it was too mysterious.

Jiang Feng only knows one thing, the person here is very powerful, and he wiped out the Abyss Demon in his words and behavior. How powerful is this!

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