City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 854

Chapter 854 Brother Rabbit

After Jiang Feng hit the tree and died, he instantly came to a new space.

This is a stone room.

There are no exits around, tightly closed, and nowhere to go.

But Jiang Feng has no mind to care about where it is now, because he is still in a daze.

Jiang Feng was in a daze for a while, and then squatted down on the ground.

I can finally catch my breath.

For a long time, Jiang Feng muttered to himself: “I finally understand what’s going on in the Nine Deaths Secret Realm. It turns out that I will be integrated into the things inside, experience some things, and then make a choice.”

“If you understand the cause and effect, you can survive, and then enter the next secret realm.”

“If you can’t see through cause and effect, you can only get stuck inside, and you can’t continue to test, and there is no chance to go out.”

“If I didn’t choose to commit suicide just now, I would have to wait for death.”

“I chose to commit suicide, and I have my life now.”

“Arrangement of me as a sheep is actually to test me. It is to illustrate the truth that wolves and sheep are natural enemies and cannot be partners.”

“Fortunately, I understand, I’m really lucky.”

Jiang Feng took another deep breath, “Nine Deaths Secret Realm, but from the name, it is estimated that there will be nine secret realms waiting for me, and each secret realm is a test of life and death. As long as there is a mistake, I will be dead. .”

“I don’t know what the next secret realm will be?”

Jiang Feng stood up, and thought of what Wawa No.1 had told him, saying that he would get a corresponding reward every time he went through a secret realm.

“Where is the reward?” Jiang Feng only started to look at the stone room.

There is nothing in the stone room, only a stone platform in the middle.

There seemed to be something inconspicuous on the stone platform, and I couldn’t see what it was.

Jiang Feng walked over curiously and looked down. He hadn’t seen this thing either.

“This seems to be a litchi.” Jiang Feng said.

Yes, it looks like a lychee, with a bright red skin, with small squares on it, round and round like a ruby.

“Is this the reward for me?” Jiang Feng squeezed gently.

In the palm of his hand, he immediately felt a majestic force swing away.

“His, so strong aura.” Jiang Feng said in surprise.

“This thing seems to be much stronger than that of Dikuizhi. If it is absorbed, it will definitely increase a lot of primordial spirit.”

“Don’t say it, this reward is pretty good.”

“Since it’s like this, it fits my good intentions, so I might as well just absorb it now.”

Jiang Feng made up his mind and immediately absorbed it.

Anyway, this stone room is safe.

The absorption is also fast, the absorption is completed in about an hour.

Now he has a knack for absorbing things, so he absorbs things faster and faster.

There is a way that practice makes perfect. If you absorb more, the speed will naturally increase.

“Sure enough, it’s a good thing. Although I don’t know what it is, it actually added fifty souls to me, which is really unexpected.” Jiang Feng stood up with joy.

Counting the previous ones, he has reached one hundred and eighty-eight primordial spirits.

Although it is still far away from a thousand souls, such progress is already the envy of countless people.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, step by step, there will always be a day.

Just when Jiang Feng was happy, his body suddenly twisted, and a black hole instantly swallowed him.

After the next second, he left the stone room and came to a beautiful place.

Here is a field that cannot be seen.

There are slices of carrots planted in the fields, all of them are fat, exuding attractive sweetness.

“Sure enough, as I expected, I came to the next secret realm.” Jiang Feng said.

“I don’t know what I will encounter here.”

“Does it have something to do with the radish all over the floor?”

Jiang Feng looked at these radishes, unexpectedly saliva appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“This radish is big and plump, it looks quite attractive.” Jiang Feng licked his tongue.

After a while, Jiang Feng seemed to realize something, “That’s not right, why should I have such a strong feeling for carrots.”

Jiang Feng jerked his head down, and when he saw his current appearance, he felt arrogant in his heart.

No wonder, because he has become a rabbit.

Of course, rabbits have a soft spot for radishes.

“Last time I became a sheep, but this time I did well, and I became a rabbit again, still a gray rabbit.” Jiang Feng said helplessly.

“Brother Rabbit, why are you in a daze? Come and eat radishes. These radishes only have a ten-day growing season. After these few days, these radishes will rot, and you will not be able to eat them if you want to.” A white rabbit passed by Jiang Feng, turned his head and said.

But Jiang Feng had learned from the past, and he no longer easily took care of the creatures in the secret realm, and he always remembered this time that he was himself, not anything else.

Therefore, when the rabbit talked to him, he pretended not to hear and did not answer.

“I said you are stupid, cut, I don’t care about you, I will go and eat the radish myself.” The rabbit no longer listened to the river wind, but ran to pick the fat radish by himself.

Click! Click!

The rabbit picked up a big radish and gnawed it. The front teeth were like sharp knives, and a radish was eaten in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a few more rabbits passed by, one after another, looking for radishes to eat, one after another crazy. Holding the radish is just gnawing, there is no image at all, and there is no cuteness of rabbits at all.

From Jiang Feng’s point of view, the rabbit is not so good at all.

“What is that Brother Rabbit doing? It’s stupid.”

“Who knows, leave him alone, we should eat.”

“Yes, yes, it’s a good thing to eat radishes in the stomach.”

“This is mine, I want to eat it.”

“Don’t grab it, there are a lot of them here, enough for us to eat.”

A group of rabbits started eating radishes frantically, and the scene looked funny.

Jiang Feng is still keeping his heart, not eating carrots or being a rabbit.

Although he is now a rabbit.

“Calm down, I must hold back. I don’t care about the deliciousness of radishes.” Jiang Feng looked away, trying not to look at the radishes.

However, if the eyes do not look, the ears can hear.

The sound of eating radish sounds really tempting.

“Fuck it.” He cursed, and ran away.

But no matter how he runs, he still can’t get out of the carrot field.

The radishes everywhere are everywhere, everywhere.

And there will be some greedy rabbits constantly.

“Brother Rabbit, do you want to eat together.”

“Brother Rabbit, what are you running?”

“Don’t run around, splash me in mud.”

“Oh, I stepped on my tail.”

“Go away and go away, sahuan.”

“Look, this rabbit brother is crazy.”

“Hey, it’s so pitiful, suddenly I’m crazy.”

“Yes, it means he is not blessed to enjoy this plump carrot.”

“It’s just right, without him, we can eat a few more bites.”

“Extremely right.”

Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to all the remarks, sullen his head and just run.

Suddenly, he tripped on his feet and rolled onto the ground. He didn’t stop until he hit a fat radish.

“Bah, baah, bad luck.” Jiang Feng spit out the dirt in his mouth and climbed up.

Shaking his head, Jiang Feng heard the endless “Kacha Kacha” sound of gnawing radishes, which was simply a maggot of bones, lingering.

“It’s endless.” Jiang Feng covered his ears.

Covering his ears, he was attracted by the big carrot in front of him again.

The big radish that blocked him just now is really fat, and I really want to eat it just by looking at it.

“No, I can’t help it anymore.” Jiang Feng finally didn’t hold on, hugging the big radish and gnawing.

The entrance is crispy and sweet, just delicious.

“It’s delicious, it’s so good, I didn’t expect it to be so delicious.” Jiang Feng said while eating.

Once he took the first bite, he forgot about himself and started to feast on it. A big radish was quickly eaten.

His belly is also bulging.


After a full hiccup, he still felt unhappy, so he picked up a radish and continued to eat.

Everyone is eating anyway, and there is not one more of him.

After eating, he found a rabbit next to him suddenly fell down.

I saw that the rabbit’s belly was round and bigger than his own body.

This is being held up alive.

The rabbit still held half of the radish and didn’t let go. It was obvious that even if he died, he would eat the radish to the end.

Jiang Feng was stunned, and stopped, daring not to eat any more, he would die if he eats again.

“Hold it, hold it back, I must hold it back.” Jiang Feng muttered silently in his heart.

He hugged his head and squatted on the ground, not looking, listening, or thinking.

But things backfired, no matter what, it can’t beat my own heart.

A heart that is completely driven by appetite.

“Oh, eat, eat, everyone, please.”

“Come here, after eating this one, there are many more.”

“I like this feeling, it’s refreshing to eat and drink.”

“The radish is beautiful, the radish is wonderful, the radish croaks.”

“Well, stop talking, let’s eat, how can this rare feast be decadent.”


A group of rabbits cheered, unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

Because they have been completely confused by the turnips, and now they only know how to eat!

Even if Jiang Feng knew that he would be crushed if he continued to eat like this now?

It is not difficult for him to extricate himself.

No, Jiang Feng stood up abruptly, panting heavily, his chest undulating sharply, his eyes fixed on the carrots all over the floor.

“I don’t care, I want to eat, I will eat even if I die.” Jiang Feng also went crazy.

Rabbits eat radishes, it is natural and indelible.

If it’s not too late, you can live or die.

But now it’s dead if you eat it.

Unless, at this time, stop appetite and stop eating carrots.

Or a chance to survive.

However, no one can control it now, including Jiang Feng himself.

Under the wind and clouds, Jiang Feng already felt that he couldn’t eat anymore, his stomach was more than twice his body, but he still couldn’t help eating all the time.

He has reached the brink of being crushed to death.

“No, I can’t, I can’t eat here anymore.” Jiang Feng was cold-resistant in his heart.

Even though he understands in his heart, his actions do not follow his original intention.

“These radishes are not normal radishes, they are life-threatening radishes.” Now Jiang Feng finally understands.

“This is the opposite of the truth that sheep cannot fall in love with wolves. Even if rabbits can eat carrots, they cannot eat them.”

“The first one is to cut off the craving, now is to cut off the appetite, yes, I can’t eat anymore.”

Jiang Feng suddenly picked up a radish and slammed it on his head.

Jiang Feng fainted immediately.

I’m dizzy, I can’t eat anymore.

The situation should get better.

He hopes this is right.

If it doesn’t work, everything is in vain. When you wake up, you will continue to eat carrots, or you will die.

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