City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 886

Chapter 886 Ten ghosts

Wu Xiaoyou is finally tired.

“Nothing, don’t watch.” Wu Xiaoyou sat down and drank a cup of tea.

“Hehe, this thing is so magical, it’s not so easy to see the clues.” Mohamo smiled.

“Hey, that’s what I said.” Wu Xiaoyou sighed.

Mohamo collected the butterfly marrow, and the butterfly disappeared.


Suddenly, someone kicked the door of the room, and several people broke in.

“Who?” Mohamo shouted.

In his City Lord’s Mansion, who would dare to make such a mistake, it was the opposite.

“Mohamo, you are so courageous to share your butterfly marrow with others here.” said an extremely coquettish woman.

This woman is charming and has a very visual impact.

He winks, red lips and pink tongue, a living little fairy.

But she is really a spiritual creature, because of the demonic air all over her body.

Behind the woman, followed by dozens of spiritual creatures, of different races, a mixture of fish and dragons.

But all of them are wicked and unkind.

“Xie Jiumei, it’s you, how dare you come to my city lord mansion to be presumptuous.” Mohamo said.

“Haha, it’s me, am I surprised?” Xie Jiumei smiled.

“Xie Jiumei, I advise you to go as soon as possible, my place is not where you want to come.” Mohamo said.

“Don’t be strong and calm. All your subordinates are dead. Now there are no more subordinates except yourself.” Xie Jiumei said with disdain.

Mohamo’s face changed, “What the **** do you want to do?”

“Don’t you understand why I’m here? Hand over the butterfly marrow, I can let you make a living.” Xie Jiumei said with a cold face.

“It turned out to be coming from the butterfly marrow, why should I be? Isn’t it just an infamous jade stone, here it is.” Mohamo threw it out and gave the butterfly marrow to Xie Jiumei.

Xie Jiumei stretched out her hand and grabbed it in her hand, “You know the current affairs.”

“The butterfly marrow is here for you, I’m leaving.” Mohamo left immediately.

Xie Jiumei didn’t stop him either, and let him go.

Wu Xiaoyou winked Jiang Feng’s eyes and signaled to leave.

“You stay for me, Mohamo gave me the butterfly marrow to leave, what can you give me?” Xie Jiumei stopped them.

“We have nothing, please let us leave.” Wu Xiaoyou said.

“What if I don’t let you leave?” Xie Jiumei said lightly.

“If you don’t let you leave, you will have to die.” Jiang Feng doesn’t have that great patience.

Just a few spirit creatures, I want to look at their bamboo sticks and look for death.


Jiang Feng punched out and hit Xie Jiumei.

But Xie Jiumei’s figure flashed, and she avoided the blow, causing Jiang Feng to miss her punch.

Jiang Feng was taken aback, the opponent’s strength seemed to be good.

But soon he denied it, not because of his good strength, but because he has a unique body, and seems to have a very strong ability to dodge.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s not wrong.


Jiang Feng’s thoughts moved, the secret realm technique was aroused, and a secret realm instantly unfolded, enshrouding the scorpion nine charms.

The mystery technique is the inheritance he got in the ancient world, and today this is the first time he has used it against the enemy.

After Xie Jiumei was brought into the secret realm, she was suddenly dizzy, because she didn’t understand what had happened, and how the world had found a change in the good end.

How can she know that this is a world under the wind of the river, and her death date is also coming.

Although Jiang Feng couldn’t use the Secret Realm Technique to its extreme right now, it was more than enough to deal with a spiritual creature.

There are mountains, waters and creatures in the secret territory. Just like the real world, things in the secret territory can still be attacked.

But he can make up for this shortcoming.


Continuously flashing, shuttled back and forth beside Xie Jiumei.

The blood knife swung out, and a knife fell on Xie Jiumei.

Not long after, Xie Jiumei was chopped into countless pieces of meat, which was terrible.

Xie Jiumei was dead, and Jiang Feng immediately took back the secret realm.

Nothing seemed to happen, there was only a pile of minced meat on the ground.

Those spirit creatures who followed Xie Jiumei saw this scene for a moment, then panicked, screamed and fled in panic.

How could Jiang Feng let them go, and the blood knife slashed out, killing them all in three or two strokes.

It was not the first time that Wu Xiaoyou saw Jiang Feng killing people like this, so he was not surprised, but ran up to the pile of minced meat and picked up something.

It is the butterfly marrow.

“No one wants such a good thing, I just accepted it, hehe.” Wu Xiaoyou thiefly stuffed the thing into his arms.

“Let’s go, we can’t stay here for long.” Jiang Feng said.

“Okay.” Wu Xiao had a good point, and the two immediately ran out.

Just ran to the gate of the city lord’s mansion and met Mohamo again.

At this moment, Mohamo was carrying a large bag of things, and Cyan was panicked. After seeing the two, he said as he walked: “Come on, I am the city lord too. I was found here by Xie Jiumei today, their brothers and sisters. I must have found it too, you two, I’m sorry, please take care of yourself.”

Mohamo went out now.

“Hey, tell me clearly, what siblings of Xie Jiumei? She has been killed by us, what are you afraid of.” Wu Xiaoyou stopped Mohamo.

“You don’t know the ten ghosts of the Demon Spirit Realm, right? They are ten people including Xie Jiumei, claiming to be brothers and sisters, and they are arrogant in the Demon Spirit Realm. They will all be slaughtered to death.” Mohamo said.

“Well, I won’t tell you more, it’s important to escape, and there will be a period later.”

Mohamo greeted the two pros and ran away in a hurry.

“What should I do?” Wu Xiaoyou looked at Jiang Feng.

“Of course I ran away. Could it be that I’m still here waiting for the ten ghosts to find it.” Jiang Feng had already seized the door.

“Wait for me.” Wu Xiaoyou hurriedly followed.

The two of them left the city lord’s mansion and walked a few streets, only to find that the originally lively streets had become deserted and deserted, and one of them was gone, leaving only the mess on the ground.

Jiang Feng immediately felt something was wrong.

“Be careful, maybe ten ghosts are already in the city.” Jiang Feng said.

After walking for a while, they saw a corpse mountain made of dead corpses. Bloody water spread under the corpse mountain, which was terrifying.

“Ah, they actually killed all the people in Wanling City.” Wu Xiaoyou exclaimed, his face full of horror.

“Don’t worry about so much, let’s get out of the city first.” Jiang Feng said.

Heading towards the city gate, you can see corpses all over the ground from time to time in the middle of the journey, which is shocking.

At this time, a fireworks appeared in the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion, and the City Lord’s Mansion was actually set on fire.

“Mahmo must have set the fire, so the ten ghosts will think that the City Lord’s Mansion has also been ransacked, and will no longer trouble Mohamo, but we are in trouble.” Jiang Feng looked at the flames in the distance. His expression was a little cold, “This Mohamed is too cunning. He ran off all by himself, leaving the trouble to others.”

“What trouble can we have?” Wu Xiaoyou didn’t understand what Jiang Feng meant.

“The ten ghosts don’t look for Mohamo, they must look for someone who has been in contact with him recently, and we, just came out of the city lord’s mansion, you said that trouble is not troublesome.” Jiang Feng said.

Wu Xiaoyou just realized, “I see, if the ten ghosts can’t get the butterfly marrow, they will always look for it, so they must think we have the butterfly marrow, and then bite on it.”

“Yes, but in fact we do have butterfly marrow.” Jiang Feng said.

“Then no more, I’ll throw it away.” Wu Xiaoyou took out the butterfly marrow and made a gesture to throw it away.

“It’s useless, if you just throw it away, they will still find us.” Jiang Feng said.

“Uh…” Wu Xiaoyou raised his hand, not willing to throw it away, “Well, let’s keep it.”

“How are you guys.”

Suddenly, there was a crack in the ground, the soil was opened, and a person jumped out.

This is a short man with a braid on his head, dark skin, big head, small body, arms thin like dry wood, holding two boning knives in his hands, it feels like a juggling clown.

“Who are you?” Jiang Feng asked.

“Hey, I’m one of the ten ghosts you are talking about, Shujuro.” Shujuro grinned.

“So that’s it.” Jiang Feng calmed down.

Only ten ghosts, the scorpion Jiu Mei was killed just now, not bad for this one.

Besides, the ten ghosts do not seem to be powerful.

“Hand over the butterfly marrow, don’t wait for me to do it,” said Shujuro.

“Come and take it yourself, as long as you can take it, it’s yours.” Jiang Feng said.

“Hmph, it seems that your heart will not die before the Yellow River.” Shu Shi Lang turned his body into the ground, and a mound of soil immediately swelled toward the foot of the river breeze.

“The little vultures dared to show off in front of me, and didn’t know what he could do.” Jiang Feng slashed down, and the blade plunged into the ground.

Suddenly a burst of blood rushed out.

Jiang Feng drew the bleeding knife, and Shujuro was already stuck on the tip of the knife, staring at his eyes, leaving a sigh of relief.

“You…” Shujuro’s mouth bleeds, “Who are you? Why are you so powerful.”

“You have no right to know who I am.” Jiang Feng said with disdain: “What kind of **** and ten ghosts are you, you are just a few friends, friends, friends. I can’t stop even a single move. ”

“Go down and accompany that scorpion Jiu Mei, so as not to live in the world and harm others.”

He drew the bleeding knife abruptly, and Shujuro’s body was halved.

But Shujuro hasn’t completely died yet, his brain is still conscious, and his mouth wriggles a few times, “Xie Jiu Mei is dead?”

“Our brothers and sisters will avenge us…”


In the end, Ratjuro’s voice was almost inaudible.

“Which so much nonsense.” Jiang Feng raised a kick and kicked Ratjuro directly in the head.

At this time, Tojuro was completely finished.

Leaving Wanling City, Jiang Feng and Wu Xiaoyou rushed directly to Jinghe.

There are still two days before the gully will be opened, and they will rush to the human sacred realm.

Soon into the night, the closer you get to the gully, the more wild it is. There are woods, mountains and streams everywhere, and some wandering spirits in groups often appear.

As long as those who dare to find faults, Jiang Feng never let go.

“We can’t make it tonight, let’s find a place to rest. I’m a little hungry, my legs are numb, and I can’t walk anymore.” Wu Xiaoyou stopped.

Jiang Feng looked around for a moment. It was a woods here, and the night was falling, it was dark all around, and nothing could be seen clearly. It was really not suitable for further rushing.

“Alright, then stop and rest, and then go on the road tomorrow morning.” Jiang Feng said.

Next, Jiang Feng found dry wood, lit a fire, then caught two fat birds, and the two sat around the fire to barbecue.

Wu Xiaoyou slapped his mouth, his saliva almost came out.

“Wow, it smells good.” Wu Xiaoyou lowered his head and smelled the scent, indulged for a while.

“Okay, you can eat.” Jiang Feng said.

Naturally, Wu Xiaoyou would not be slow, so he tore off a bird’s leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Woo delicious, delicious ” Wu Xiaoyou’s mouth was full of bird meat.

Jiang Feng smiled helplessly, feeling that Wu Xiaoyou was like a child who hadn’t grown up yet, his heart was very immature.

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