City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 963

Chapter 963 Furong Town

Ji Heng ran away, and Mietian was anxious, “No, we must find Ji Heng, because he knows that we have found the Buddha figure. If the news leaks out, it will definitely attract a large number of people to scramble. The troubles are as numerous as the sky of stars.”

Mietian’s face was heavy, and there was even a hint of anger.

It is conceivable that if Ji Heng was caught by Mietian, there would be no way to survive.

The matter of Buddha Tu has a huge relationship, so it must not be leaked.

Ji Heng must be found back.

Jiang Feng also understood the seriousness of the matter and said: “He shouldn’t run far yet, let’s catch up quickly, and we can catch up.”

“Yes, chase.” Yuandi nodded, already chasing out first.

She also didn’t want the matter of Fotu to leak out.

After all, the fewer people find the Buddhist shrine, the more benefits they will get.

No one wants to share good things with a large group of people. This is human nature.

The three of them chased all the way, but in the end they didn’t find Ji Heng.

Jiang Feng said: “Forget it, he may not be able to speak out, even if he speaks out, so as long as he is not afraid of death, he can come over to fight.”

“Besides the dense forest here, it’s difficult to find someone, unless he comes out by himself.”

“Maybe he has been killed by the fierce beast.”

Mietian sighed: “Hey, Li is such a reason, but it’s better not to let him go until the end.”

“Yes, then turn around here. If you find Ji Heng, kill it. If you can’t find it, you should hurry up and find the Buddhist holy land, lest there will be many nights and dreams.” Yuandi said.

“This is reasonable, so let’s do it, go look for it.” Xietian said.

Afterwards, the three of them searched again and expanded the scope, not letting go of any place.

However, the result was still disappointing to them, and Ji Heng was still not found.

Since they couldn’t find Ji Heng, they acted according to the plan. They left here and began the search for the Buddhist holy land.

First of all, they have to find the unheard of Centipede Ridge.

As long as you find Centipede Ridge, you are not far from the Buddhist Holy Land.

After the three of them discussed, they decided to look for it according to Huadi’s route.

After all, Huadi was quite familiar in the Lich Continent, so she wouldn’t run around and waste time.

Although Mietian is also a person here, he no longer remembers many places, so just like Jiang Feng, he is half-hearted.

Ten days later, they came to a place called Furong Town. It is said that most of the women are here. The people who opened this place back then were called Furong, so they named it Furong Town.

“There are quite a few of us in the’Demon Court’ here. I can go and find out about Centipede Ridge.” Yuandi said.

“Okay, this is a good thing.” Jiang Feng didn’t think so much.

“No.” Mietian disagreed.

“Why?” Yuandi was taken aback.

But Jiang Feng immediately understood what Mietian meant. He might be worried that Yuandi would leak the secret, or would never return like Ji Heng.

The matter was so serious that he had to guard against it.

Ji Heng is a lesson from the past.

In the face of interests, no one can believe it.

I can only believe in myself.

I’m saying that they haven’t known each other for a long time, and they don’t know what kind of person is.

“It’s not why, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, if you want to inquire, let’s inquire about it together.” Mietian said.

Seeing Mietian frowning and cautiously, Huandi realized, “I understand, you are afraid that I will run away and reveal your secrets.”

“Haha, you really worry too much. I am a grasshopper on a rope with you. Is it necessary to do that.”

“I want to find a Buddhist holy place now, but I don’t have those silly intestines to toss about.”

“Not as stupid as Ji Heng. If you honestly follow us, you might get some benefits, but now, he won’t get anything.”

When Huandi said that, Mietian was a little moved. Yes, Huandi didn’t have to do that. It seemed that she had really thought about it.

Mietian was about to apologize, but Huandi said, “But, now you let me inquire, I’m not going, let’s go together, I won’t let people wrong me.”

Mietian can’t help but feel embarrassed.

“Forget it, let’s go together.” Jiang Feng hurriedly relieved, “I think there is a wine shop in front of it. There is a lot of people there, so let’s go there and just have something to eat.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Yuandi said.

Mietian also nodded slightly in agreement.

After entering the wine shop, Jiang Feng ordered a pot of good wine and two plates of barbecue.

In the Lich Continent, the most popular food is barbecue, because their concept is still that they can eat enough, and they have not developed various food cooking skills.

And the meat they roast is not the beef and mutton, but a fierce beast called the unicorn fat beast, because the meat is delicious and fat and thin, it is very popular.

The grilled meat is authentic, without any auxiliary seasonings.

The wine here is also made from pure fruits, sweet and delicious, not high in degree, just like modern popular fruits, but slightly bitter.

Just eating meat and drinking like this is a common scene in the Lich Continent.

Jiang Feng tried this kind of delicacy for the first time. He ate a plate by himself, not satisfied with his fullness.

“Well, this barbecue is very delicious, I like this way.” Jiang Feng said.

“Do you want another plate?” Huadi asked.

“No, these are enough. You can’t eat too many good things, or you will get bored. I want to leave some room for reverie.” Jiang Feng waved his hand.


Suddenly a few people broke in, kicked to a table, beat the guests who were eating, and broke the barbeque.

“People, come out for me, quick, barbecue and wine, all come up.” A big man shouted.

Jiang Feng frowned and looked at it. A dozen people came in, all of them fierce, wearing clothes made of animal skins, with beards on their faces, speaking with a loud voice and splashing saliva.

Jiang Feng shook his head and muttered: “It seems that there are groups like land ruffians and hooligans, and the Lich Continent is no exception.”

The owner of the wine shop bowed his head and greeted him, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He didn’t even see the broken table and the filth all over the floor.

He couldn’t provoke him because of the other party. He was a wine shop and could only earn enough food and clothing, and he didn’t dare to make trouble with the cultivator.

This is true in any world. There are strong and weak.

In the Lich Continent, those who can cultivate have a lofty status, and those who can’t cultivate can only work hard at farming and doing business, living at the lowest level, without happiness at all.

Time is also fate.

No one complains, just obey.

This is the destiny.

“It turned out to be Uncle Xiong, please sit down quickly, I’ll let people serve you wine and meat.” The boss respectfully said.

“That’s not hurry up, or the Lord will get angry.” Xiong Da’s eyes widened and shouted: “Good wine and good meat are also indispensable.”

“Yes, yes, it’s guaranteed to be good food.” The boss shivered with fright, and hurriedly went down and ordered someone to do it.

This Uncle Xiong is not annoying, Furong Town knows it.

Uncle Xiong’s name is Xiong Da, and he has seven younger brothers, Xiong Er, Xiong San… and so on, until Xiong Ba.

They all say that their mother is not a mortal, and they gave birth to eight sons in one breath, and when they were born, each weighed ten kilograms. This ability to produce naturally shocked everyone’s jaws.

However, their mother died shortly after giving birth to them. Then their eight brothers grew up in mud dens and robbed wild dogs for food. When they were ten years old, they could work together to kill the beasts and eat them raw. They have a strong physique.

In Furong Town, they are domineering and no one dares to provoke them. Even if they are annoying, there is no strong person to teach them because they worshipped a strange man.

The strange man didn’t know his real name. He had only a nickname called “Mud Neutron”. He was short in stature, like a fine mouse, but he was very powerful and extremely short-minded, so no one dared to provoke the eight bear brothers.

Today it was just a big bear coming, and the scene was so overbearing. If all of their eight brothers came, the scene would be unbelievable. If they were angry, it would be possible to tear down this restaurant.

They really did this kind of thing. Not long ago, they demolished a weapon shop because of a bad mood and snatched all the weapons in it. Finally, they didn’t let the proprietress of the weapon shop be spared.

Such a bad behavior, but no one dared to control it, is really a strange situation in Furong Town.

“I don’t think these people are kind, let’s watch the excitement and leave them alone.” Yuandi said.

“What are you afraid of? It’s just a group of gangsters, who dare to slaughter them presumptuously.” Jiang Feng disapproved.

Regarding this, Yandi was convinced that Jiang Feng’s strength, she knew, these people weren’t opponents at all, and it wouldn’t help if another group came.

Over there, food and drinks came soon, and Xiong Da and others began to eat and drink. The sound of clashing dishes was noisy, and the noise was heavy. It was impossible to let others eat at ease.

“Uncle Xiong, do you know? I have good news that Buddha treasures will appear on Green Mountain in the past few days. Shall we go and see?” said a guy with thin arms and legs.

“Huh? There is still this matter? Is the news reliable?” Uncle Xiong drank a large bowl of wine, wiped his sleeves over his mouth, with a look of surprise on his face.

“Reliable, I got this news at a high price. Someone got the inside news of the’Demon Court’, and I absolutely can’t fake it.” The thin guy said.

Xiong Da took another sip of wine, “Okay, damn, let’s go after drinking this wine. We must get ahead of others and find the Buddha treasure. If we get the Buddha treasure, we don’t have to stay in Furong Town. I Take you to a bigger place.”

“Okay, cheers.”

“Just listen to Uncle Xiong.”

“We believe what Uncle Xiong said.”

“Uncle Xiong will definitely lead us to the top.”

“Uncle Xiong, I toast you a bowl of wine.”


“Come on, everyone drink together.”


Jiang Feng and Mietian looked at each other, tacitly.

“Anyway, I can’t find the holy place of Buddhism right now, so it’s better to look for Buddhism, maybe there will be a new direction.” Jiang Feng said: “What do you think?”

“What you mean is what I mean.” Mie Tian nodded slightly.

“Are you going to grab the Buddha’s treasure?” Yuandi was taken aback.

“Well, if there are Buddha treasures, it is a good thing, how can I miss it.” Jiang Feng nodded and said, “Even if you don’t, you can fish in troubled waters in crowded places and find out more about the Buddhist Holy Land.”

“Okay, I listen to you.” Yuandi felt very reasonable, and she couldn’t help but secretly praise Jiang Feng’s calm and thoughtful qualities.

It’s really rare to be able to take advantage of the situation like this.

After Xiong Da and the others left, Jiang Feng and the others followed suit, leaving Furong Town all the way towards Green Mountain.

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