City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 112: : Little beauty

Several team bodyguards were well-trained, and although they were not disturbed, they quickly made a clear division of labor.

Someone is responsible for taking the old man in Tang suit outside the car and giving heart compression to the old man in Tang suit.

Someone is responsible for holding up umbrellas to shield the elderly in Tang suit from wind and rain.

Someone took out his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number of the hospital.

Someone was armed with a gun to prevent another attack...

"How is he, grandpa? When will the ambulance come?"

The girl with double pony tails squatted beside the old man in Tang suit, watching a Chinese character face bodyguard doing heart compressions for her grandpa, shrugging her shoulders, crying and asking.

During the gun battle, the rain of bullets "Dangdangdang" kept shooting on the bulletproof car. Although they did not injure the grandson and grandson in the car, they scared the girl with double ponytails and shocked the old man in Tang suit.

As a result, the old man in the Tang suit triggered a heart attack, and after a while, he went into a coma.

The girl with two pony tails frightened Liushen Wuzhu, ignoring the danger outside, rushed out of the car, crying for help.

"Miss, the chairman's situation is not optimistic! This is outside the city, no matter how fast the ambulance is, it will take more than ten minutes to arrive!"

The black bodyguard holding the umbrella said solemnly.

The girl with two pony tails cried louder when she heard the words.

"It's useless to save you this way."

A slightly lazy voice sounded, the Chinese character face bodyguard who gave heart pressure to the old man in Tang suit and the girl with a double ponytail looked up at the same time. What they saw was a handsome young man holding a black umbrella and wearing a black T-shirt.

Fang Bai stood there quietly, his eyes fell on the old man in the Tang suit, and said in a light tone: "If you don't rescue him in time, this old man will die completely within five minutes."

" talk nonsense! My grandpa will be fine!"

The girl with two pony tails stood up suddenly, wiped the tears from her face, and stared at the boy Fang Bai with **** and white eyes, angrily said.

The girl with a double ponytail is only about 13 or 4 years old, but she is already about 165 centimeters tall, with a Yao nose, cherry lips, snowy skin, big eyes, thin eyebrows, and her body is like a budding flower. It hasn't been opened yet.

Her skin is delicate and tender like a baby, white as milk, and she is wearing a pink princess dress, noble and lovely.

"Little beauty, I'm not talking nonsense! Your grandfather is really dying! Well, after five minutes, even if I do it myself, I won't be able to save him!"

Fang Bai said with a smile to meet the black and white eyes of the ponytail girl.

Beautiful women are always pleasing to the eye, regardless of age.

The girl with two ponytails in front of her is still a little young now, but Fang Bai bet that when she grows to seventeen or eight years old, she will definitely not be inferior to women like Qin Yaoluo, Su Linglong, Tang Wenrou, and Xia Chenyu.

Of course, Fang Bai only had pure appreciation and admiration for the little beauty in front of him, without any blasphemy.

The rain in summer came and went fast. The heavy rain suddenly stopped, and even a few rays of sunlight shone through the scattered clouds.

"Mr., if you can help our chairman, please help!"

The bodyguard with the Chinese character face doing heart compressions for the old man in Tang costume stood up, and Chong Fangbai bowed deeply with respect.

The national character face bodyguard just witnessed Fang Bai blasting more than twenty men in camouflage uniforms into the river. He knew that he had encountered the legendary ancient martial artist, and listening to Fang Bai’s tone, it seemed that he would be cured in less than five minutes. Chairman.

"Sir, please!"

Seeing Fang Bai hesitated, the Guozilian bodyguard bowed deeply again, with a more sincere attitude.

"Big brother, are you a doctor? Can you really cure my grandpa?"

The girl with two pony tails looked excited, and she threw the matter that Fang Bai had made her angry just now, grabbing Fang Bai's sleeve and asked.

Seeing Fang Bai nodded, the ponytail girl looked hopeful, and begged: "Then big brother, can you help me? Grandpa is my most important person, and I don't want him to die."

Fang Bai, who was amorous in his previous life, was a pity and cherishment. He rarely refused women's requests, especially such a pitiful little beauty.

"Well, I'll try it."

Seeing the pleading eyes of the little beauty, Fang Bai felt soft.

"As long as the husband can cure our chairman, the amount of consultation fee is not a problem!"

That Guozilian bodyguard is a smart person, and when Fang Bai promised to save people, he immediately stated his position.

In the eyes of the bodyguard, since Fang Bai is a doctor, it is only natural for the doctor to treat and save people and the patient to pay for the consultation.

Besides, Fang Bai may do his best when he saves people with medical fees.

Fang Bai nodded. He and the other party had never known each other. Since the other party offered to pay the consultation fee, he was not polite. Moreover, depending on the opponent's battle, he was also a very rich person.

Fang Bai put the black umbrella aside, knelt down, took off the clothes on the chest of the old man in Tang suit, turned his hands over, and there were a few more silver needles between his fingers.

"Oh, what are you doing with a needle piercing my grandpa?"

Seeing Fang Bai's few silver needles pierced into the vicinity of his grandfather's heart, the girl with two pony tails thought that he was going to hurt his grandfather, Huarong turned pale and exclaimed.

"Little beauty, I'm saving your grandfather. If you yell like this, you will scare me. If my silver needle goes wrong, your grandfather's life will be gone! Then don't cry!"

Fang Bai blinked and teased the girl with ponytails with a smile.

"Then... Then I won't speak..."

The girl with two pony tails was so frightened that she closed her mouth tightly and did not dare to speak again.

Fang Bai laughed dumbly, pinching the tail of the silver needle with both hands, and began to continuously lift and twist, moving quickly and slowly.

The double ponytail girl stared at her grandpa's face without blinking, her eyes widened, praying in her heart that grandpa would wake up soon.

"Hey, little beauty, your grandpa's illness has been cured by me. Am I good?"

Ten minutes later, Fang Bai wiped off the fine sweat bead from his forehead, took a long breath, pulled out a few silver needles and put them away, smiling to the girl with a ponytail.

"you're lying!"

Seeing her grandfather motionless, the girl with two pony tails suddenly burst into tears and cried: "My grandpa is not awake, you haven't cured him!"

"I said it was cured, it was cured."

Fang Bai said, patted his palm on the head of the Tang suit boss. The Tang suit old man trembled and suddenly coughed violently. Then his eyelids moved and he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Grandpa, you finally woke up!"

Seeing the old man in Tang suit wake up, the girl with double pony tails cheered, ignoring the tears on her face, leaned over and slowly helped the old man in Tang suit sit up, breaking her tears into a smile and said: You were scared to death just now! You need to have three long and two short ones. Who will accompany the painter to play around in the future? "


The old man in the Tang costume coughed again, and the scared girl with two ponytails kept patting him on the back, helping him.

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