City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 1883: Purple Flame Mountain·Molten Lake

The Southern Wilderness Continent is also called "the land of the extreme south" by the powers of the three thousand great worlds.

The continent has long days and short nights, strong sunlight, dry climate and extremely hot temperatures. The wind, frost, rain and snow that are common in other regions are rare here.

The strong natives who grew up in the extreme south were affected by the climate and environment, and their skin generally showed a bronze color.

According to legend, before the ancient times, the extreme south had pleasant temperatures and the four seasons were like spring, just like a paradise in a fairyland.

Later, a prolonged battle of the three tribes of immortals, demons, and demons spread to three thousand worlds. There were scattered fairy fires, magic fires, and demon fires scattered all over the three thousand worlds, among which they fell on the southern continent. The most.

Fortunately, under the suppression of the world’s rules of the Three Thousand Worlds, those powerful and scorching flames continue to degenerate and shrink, and their power is also greatly reduced. After tens of thousands of years, they have become the power of the Three Thousand Worlds. The legendary spirit fire.

As soon as the spiritual fire came out, it was thousands of miles away.

The reason why the extreme south is so hot is because there are many kinds of spiritual fires on this vast continent.

The cultivators in the extreme south are affected by this, and most of them practice martial arts of the fire system.

Although Spirit Fire possesses a huge and terrifying destructive power, it is regarded as auspicious by the fire system cultivators on the southern continent.

Every fire system cultivator wants to devour and subdue a kind of spiritual fire so as to enhance his own strength.

It's just that, swallowing and subduing spirit fire, without innate fire roots, strong cultivation bases without aptitude, and powerful flesh, is it easy to talk about?

The Purple Flame Mountain Range is located in the eastern part of the extreme south. It is about three thousand miles long, with one hundred thousand miles of virgin forest to the north and the vast ocean to the south.

According to legend, thousands of years ago, a cluster of purple fairy fire fell in the Purple Flame Mountain Range, burning the original green mountain range into purple. From then on, this mountain range has been called "Purple Flame".

And where the purple fairy fire fell, the ground in a radius of 100 li was melted, forming a purple lava lake with a radius of 100 li.

The lava lake kept boiling at all times, gurgling, purple smoke rising, and even birds dared not fly over it.

Within ten miles of the center of the molten lake, it is a restricted area for ordinary practitioners. Only fire practitioners with innate fire roots, or strong people with a cultivation level above the fifth level of Thunder Tribulation, dare to enter, otherwise it will be difficult. Endure the suffering of the fire.

In the evening of that day, two young women with slender figures and beautiful faces appeared in a dense forest in Ziyan Mountain.

The two women, one on the left and the other on the right, swept through the forest with all their strength, chasing a two-tailed fire leopard dozens of feet away in front.

The cultivation bases of the two women are both Thunder Tribulation Dual Stage, and the double-tailed Fire Leopard is comparable to the human Thunder Tribulation Dual Stage Realm.

It stands to reason that the power of the human beings and spirit beasts of the same cultivation level is even better. If the two-tailed fire leopard returns to fight with the two women, it will not necessarily have no chance of victory.

But for some reason, the two-tailed fire leopard ran away in panic under the chase of the two women, and did not dare to stay at all.

"Little pity, work harder, we are about to catch up!"

While chasing, the woman on the left suddenly spoke, her voice as clear as an oriole.

The woman's eyebrows are like spring mountains, her eyes are full of autumn water, the bridge of her nose is pretty, her lips are like flowers, and her brows are seven points soft, with three points of heroism.

"Okay! The double-tailed fire leopard is rare. Its flesh and blood is a great tonic for our fire-type cultivators. Dragon Girl, when the double-tailed fire leopard is killed, we will peel it and eat it after a barbecue. how about it?"

The woman named "Xiao Lian" "chuckled" and replied with a smile.

Xiao Lian and Long Nu have the same curvaceous beauty, but their temperaments are different. They lack the heroic temperament, and have a bit more feminine femininity, and their voice is soft and soft when they speak.

"I can't eat it yet!"

Long Nv smiled and said: "We have caught it, and we have to take it back to Luoxia Village and let it be handled by the village chief. But don't worry, Xiao Lian, you will definitely have our share of the double-tailed fire leopard's meat by then! "

Xiao Lian sighed bitterly, "Bring it back to Luoxia Village, we can only get a little bit. There are hundreds of people in the village!"

The Dragon Girl said: "Then let's kill as many spirit beasts as possible. Besides, Huowu and the others should have hunted a lot of spirit beasts. The villagers should have enough food for a while."

"Yeah! The double-tailed fire leopard ran away again, let's keep chasing!"

Seeing that the twin-tailed fire leopard fleeing in front of him suddenly exerted his strength, he widened the distance between him and the two of them. With a soft cry, his figure left a shadow on the spot, and struggling to chase it out.

The Dragon Girl also made efforts to chase after her.

The little pity of the two girls is Zhuge Lian.

Back then, Dragon Girl and Zhuge Lian came from a small world, and they landed in a mountain forest in the extreme south.

The two women were still weak at the time. They ran aimlessly in the mountains and forests, only to encounter a group of powerful spirit beasts. They fled all the way in panic, and happened to be rescued by a group of villagers in Luoxia Village passing by.

Luoxia Village is a small village on the edge of the Purple Flame Mountain Range. There are about 500 people in the village. Among them, the adult villagers are almost all thunder robbers.

Only because of the lack of training resources, the strongest current village chief in Luoxia Village is only in the thunder tribulation realm, and he is the only strong person in the village who has entered the thunder tribulation stage.

Dragon Girl and Zhuge Lian were too weak and had nowhere to go, so they settled in Luoxia Village.

Who would have thought that they had lived here for several years, and they had developed a deep relationship with the villagers of Luoxia Village, and they were reluctant to leave.

Luoxia Village is in a state of isolation. The villagers will only exchange some training resources before leaving the village. The rest of the time, they either stay in the village to practice with great concentration or go into the mountains to hunt down spirit beasts.

Although the Dragon Girl and Zhuge Lian's cultivation skills are weak, they have the fairy-level cultivation techniques taught by Fang Bai. In this three thousand great world where the spiritual energy is more than that of the small world, the cultivation progress is rapid and progress is rapid.

Within two years, the two women stepped into the realm of thunder robbery one after another, and were hailed as cultivators by the villagers.

The Dragon Girl and Zhuge Lian who had advanced to the realm of Thunder Tribulation had the qualifications to go into the mountains to hunt spirit beasts with the villagers.

During a time when they entered the mountain to hunt a spirit beast, when the two women joined forces to hunt down a spirit beast, they accidentally discovered the molten lake in the depths of Ziyan Mountain, and since then they often practiced in areas close to the molten lake.

The fire aura released by the molten lake is more pure and rich than outside the mountain. The two women are relying on the fire aura here to cultivate, and in the following time, they will advance all the way to the double realm of Thunder Tribulation.

The two women once shared the secrets of Molten Lake with the villagers in Luoxia Village, but none of the villagers in Luoxia Village had the same innate fire roots as they did, and they dared not approach the practice.

So Molten Lake became a place exclusively for the two women.

Today, after the two women were cultivating near the lava lake, they found the double-tailed fire leopard and prepared to kill it. Then they went to join the villagers of Luoxia Village who had entered the mountain together and returned to Luoxia Village.

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