City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 39: : Red Dress Woman


The comprehension exhaled and made a sound, like a spring thunder explosion, a cloud of energy suddenly burst out from his mouth, turning into a sound wave and rushing towards Fang Bai, and ripples were produced in the space along the way.

Buddhist lion roar!

Comprehension once again Fang Bai performed this Shaolin stunt.

At the same time, comprehension's left palm was shot forward, right palm followed up, superimposed on the left palm, and both palms pushed forward together, slapped towards Fang Bai's chest.

Powerful King Kong Palm!

King Kong pushes the mountain!

King Kong Pushing the Mountain is the most powerful palm in Shaolin's unique skill, Great King Kong. When the two palms are superimposed, the power is doubled sharply, and it can open a stone tablet.

The sound wave screamed, the palm wind was fierce, one after the other, the impact of the white shirt hunting and hunting, hair fluttered and excited.

If the target of the savvy attack is an ordinary person, or a weak warrior, then the opponent will first be dizzy under the impact of his sound waves and lose his mind. Then he will be hit by his palm in the chest, vomit blood, and fall down. He fell out and was seriously injured.

Then this "examination" will end in Fang Bai's failure.

It's a pity that Fang Bai is not an ordinary person, and his strength is not comparable to that of a junior warrior of the yellow rank.

Seeing the comprehension rushing over like a humanoid tank, Fang Bai's mouth was sneered.


When his comprehension rushed to two meters in front of him, Fang Bai raised his brows, his eyes shot coldly, and he opened his mouth and let out a violent shout.

The lion screams the waves!

This violent shout is similar to the savvy buddhist lion roar, and both use sound waves to shock opponents.

However, Fang Bai was powerful. He condensed his voice to the front line and exploded directly in the savvy ears. The effect of the attack was several times that of the savvy Buddhist lion roar.

Comprehension seemed to hit an invisible wall, and the forward figure suddenly stopped, his palms were still clapping, and Fang Bai's eyes were full of incredible colors.

"It's all sonic attacks, yours is obviously not as good as mine."

Fang Bai grinned suddenly, his teeth whiter than the bright moon in the night sky, and his eyes shining brighter than the stars in the sky.


Perception opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but there was no chance.

Two bloodshots suddenly flowed out of his ears, and then he felt the sky spin for a while, his eyes turned black, and he slowly collapsed to the ground.

Fang Bai's lion howl sound hit the wave and directly pierced his eardrum, making him unconscious on the spot.

"Junior Brother!"

Wuzhen didn't know the life or death of his junior brother. He was excited and yelled. Then his throat was sweet, almost another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Don't worry, he can't die."

Fang Bai gave Wuzhen a faint look, and said coldly: "I have no interest in comparing Wuzhen to this kind of thing, so I don't want to happen again, otherwise it may really be dead. Goodbye...well, it's better to never see again! "

After he said this, he turned and strode away.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a master in the world..."

Wu Zhen looked at Fang Bai's away back, his face changing constantly, his eyes flickering.

He was inspired by his disciple Mao Qiangwu before, and he was very keen on martial arts, so he came out with his junior comprehension to meet Fang Bai. He wanted to ask for an explanation for his disciples and let him out. .

"The strength of this son may have surpassed the Huang level. Perhaps only the elders of the four halls of Bodhidharma, Prajna Hall, Arhat Hall, Commandment Hall, and Zhike Hall in the temple can beat him? Just, The elders of one house and four halls chant Buddhism and study martial arts all the year round. It is not a major event that is vital to the survival of the temple and endangers the reputation of the temple. How can they do it?"

Wuzhen turned his gaze to the comprehension of the younger brother who fell unconscious on the ground, some self-blame and some regrets, he sighed lightly, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.


The "Tiangong Hotel", located in the prosperous section of Zhongzhou City, is one of the top five-star hotels in Zhongzhou City. Those who enter and leave here are celebrities from all walks of life.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, the parking lot next to the Tiangong Hotel was already full of luxury cars, and several security guards who were responsible for maintaining order were busy sweating profusely.

Outside the hotel, eight welcoming ladies dressed in all-red red cheongsam were young, beautiful and slender. With professional smiles on their faces, they greeted every customer.

As the night breeze blew, he lifted a corner of the Eight Women's cheongsam, revealing a section of slender, straight, beautifully-shaped snow-white long legs, which made many passersby look at him.

The five Chinese characters "Tiangong Hotel" directly above the hotel's gate showed dazzling light, reflecting half of the sky.

After Fang Bai defeated the two Shaolin monks, Wuzhen and Wuxing, he returned to the city from the abandoned stadium in the suburbs and walked hurriedly along the sidewalk to his home.

When passing by the entrance of Tiangong Hotel, a young woman in a red dress stumbled and rushed out of the hotel. If it hadn't been for Fang Bai's quick dodge, she was almost hit by her.

Fang Bai frowned and glanced at the woman in the red skirt.

The woman in the red dress is drunk, her head is drooping, her long tousled hair covers half of her cheeks, she can't see her face clearly, but she has a ******** figure with a graceful curve, but she is superb, exposed skin It is also luminous, powdery and white, better than most women in the world.

The woman in the red skirt looked unconscious, ran past Fang Bai and hurriedly rushed to the opposite parking lot. When she passed the steps on the sidewalk, she staggered and almost fell.

"Catch her!"

"Don't let her run away!"

"The girl Liu Sanye likes still wants to fly?"

"Sanye Liu said, as long as you take her back, you will be rewarded!"


Amidst shouts and screams, three burly men in black vests rushed out of the Tiangong Hotel and chased the woman in red dress like wolves.

"Miss Xia, Sanye Liu has opened a room to wait for you, how can you leave? Hey, go back with us!"

After the three burly men blocked the path of the woman in the red dress, two of them showed wretched smiles, grabbing the woman in the red dress by the arms of the woman on the left and right, and striding her towards the Tiangong Hotel.

There was a night wind blowing, and he lifted up a few strands of hair that were hiding in front of the woman in the red dress. Although it was just a glimpse, Fang Bai had already seen her face clearly.

She was an amazingly beautiful woman in her early twenties, perhaps because she was a little bit drunk. At this moment, the woman's cheeks flushed, her eyes blurred, and she became even more charming.

" me..."

When passing Fang Bai's side, the woman in the red dress who was held up by the two burly men suddenly struggled, and then let out a feeble pleading.

Although her voice was almost inaudible if it were not there, Fang Bai, who had a keen ear, could still hear her clearly.


Fang Bai looked at the woman in the red skirt in surprise, then moved his nose, as if he could smell something, and then his brows gradually frowned.

The woman in the red skirt is not only the smell of alcohol, but also the smell of "Ecstasy".

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