City’s Peerless Immortal Doctor

Chapter 78: : Debt collection

The first level of "Dragon, Tiger, Lion, Elephant Skill" is the easiest way to practice, and there is no such thing as a small realm. It can be crossed in one step.

Starting from the second level of the "Essence Reserving Realm", the difficulty of cultivation will increase greatly.

Like the martial arts classification in this world, Fang Bai's "Dragon, Tiger, Lion, and Elephant Skill" starts from the second level of the "Essence Storage Realm", and will also be divided into four small realms: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, and Perfection.

Only by breaking through the bottleneck of the four small realms in succession can the barriers of the big realm be broken and another new realm can be reached.

At the beginning of July, Fang Bai began to pack his bags, and planned to leave for Yanjing in a few days and report to Yanjing Hospital.

Su Linglong wanted to go to Yanjing with Fang Bai, but Fang Bai refused.

Before leaving Zhongzhou, Fang Bai still had several things to do.

The first is to go to the "Huichun Zhai" and ask for one million yuan from Huayi.

The second is to take a trip to the "Hungry Wolves" to ask for an explanation for the butcher's attack on him.

The third is to continue to treat his father Fang Gang's legs. The recent improvement in strength has given Fang Bai the confidence to restore his father's legs to normal in a few days.

After finishing these few things, Fang Bai will leave without worry.

Su Linglong was disappointed that she couldn't go with Fang Bai, so she agreed to meet in Yanjing with Fang Bai to go ahead.

The morning after Su Linglong left Zhongzhou, Fang Bai returned from refining his body. After breakfast, he greeted his parents and rushed to "Returning Spring Festival" with the IOU written by Hua Yi.

The block where "Huichun Zhai" is located is not in the bustling commercial zone of Zhongzhou City, but rather remote.

I thought that in remote places, pedestrians and vehicles would be scarce and would appear very deserted, but when Fang Bai arrived near the "Huichun Zhai", he found that the area was crowded with people and vehicles, making it extremely lively.

The parking lot in front of the "Huichun Zhai" is full of vehicles from Tiandi Haibei. People who come out of the car include 100-year-olds, babies of several months, and even many foreign countries with blue eyes and high noses. people.

Everyone who walked out of the "Rejuvenation Studio" carried a large and small medicine packet in his hand, with a relaxed smile on his face, and obviously got a satisfactory result.

Needless to say, these people all came to the "Rejuvenation Studio" to seek medical advice.

"Huichunzhai, well-deserved reputation!"

Looking at the lively scene of the "Huichun Zhai" front gate, Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that he had made a rhetoric at the beginning that he wanted Fang's TCM clinic to catch up with the "Huichun Zhai". It seemed that he had to accomplish this goal. Heavy and long way.

Fang Bai followed a middle-aged couple into the "Huichun Zhai", and he saw a huge hall.

The east side of the hall is the place for registration and collection. Patients who come to see the doctor must register here first.

On the west side of the hall is a row of medicine cabinets. The medicine cabinets contain various cut herbs. There are long lines of patients holding prescriptions prescribed by the doctor. They line up outside the medicine cabinets, waiting for the "Huichun Zhai" staff Take medicine for yourself.

On the south side of the hall, long tables are lined up. Behind the long tables are more than a dozen Chinese medicine doctors. Those Chinese medicine doctors are sitting in danger and using the four methods of "seeing, smelling, asking and cutting" to diagnose diseases for patients.

There are more than a dozen Chinese medicine practitioners, almost all of whom are over forty years old, and there is only one Chinese medicine practitioner on the far left, which looks only in his 20s.

Usually when patients see a Chinese medicine doctor, they think that the older the doctor, the better the medical skills.

It stands to reason that for a TCM doctor in his twenties, no one should ask him to see a doctor. But at the moment, the young TCM doctor’s table has a long line of patients. It seems that he is very popular with patients.

Fang Bai couldn't help laughing when he saw the face of the young Chinese doctor.

That person is Hua Yi.

On the table in front of Hua Yi, simple medical devices such as stethoscopes and blood pressure monitors were placed, as well as a sign with the name and the doctor's profile.

Fang Bai glanced at the sign, and saw that it read "Hua Yi, the leader of the younger generation of "Hui Chun Zhai", who has won the inheritance of Chinese medical skills and was personally directed by Hua Tianhe, a Chinese medicine doctor."

"Huichun Zhai" is a family of traditional Chinese medicine that has been passed down for thousands of years and has a pivotal position in the Chinese medical community.

As a Chinese medicine doctor, Hua Ertianhe is even more famous. No one knows, no one knows. He can get his personal advice, which proves that Hua Yi's medical skills have been recognized by him, and it will never go too far.

Fang Bai thought that maybe it was the last sentence on the sign that caused many patients to ignore Hua Yi's age and rush to him.

Martial artists have keen intuition, and so does Hua Yi.

When Fang Bai stared at Hua Yi, Hua Yi quickly felt the strangeness. After raising his head, he saw Fang Bai standing in the middle of the hall at first glance.

The eyes of the two met, Hua Yi's face suddenly changed.

"Doctor, how is my illness?"

The patient sitting in front of Hua Yi saw that his face suddenly turned ugly, and thought he had some serious illness, and his voice trembled.

Hua Yi ignored the patient, staring at Fang Bai, his expression nervous and uneasy, and there was a trace of suffocation.

Fang Bai walked slowly to Hua Yi, took out the IOU written by Hua Yi himself, shook it in front of him, and said with a smile: "I have been short of money recently. I have come to ask for it."

"I have no money now, I'll give it to you later."

Hua Yi obviously didn't want the people of the "Returning Spring Studio" to know that he owed Fang Bai one million yuan, so he looked around and said in a low voice.


Fang Bai shook his head and said, "I have given you more than ten days, so I can't wait any longer!"

"I will give you 600,000 first, and the remaining 400,000 in ten days! How about?"

"No! One million, one point can't be less!"


Hua Yiqiang endured the anger in his heart, and clenched his fist tightly. If he could beat Fang Bai, if he was not in the "Rejuvenation Studio" at the moment, he would have gone up to beat Fang Bai.

"Ten days! Give me another ten days, and I will find a way to make up enough money for you!"

Hua Yi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"No! I'm going out these two days, I don't have time to wait!"

Seeing Fang Bai standing at the table, Hua Yi put on a posture that I wouldn't go if you didn't pay the money. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "You... Fang Bai, don't force me!"

"How did I force you?"

Fang Bai said with an innocent look: "It's a natural thing to kill and pay your life, and to pay off debts! You owe me a million, and it's clearly written in black and white... Do you want to go wrong?"

Hua Yi didn't get angry and smiled: "Joke, I'll fall back on the bill? A mere one million, I still don't care about Hua Yi..."

Fang Bai stretched his hand forward: "Then you give me the money!"

Hua Yi said with a sullen face: "I have already said it, I will give it to you in ten days!"

Fang Bai said loudly: "I also said that I can't wait for ten days! I can't wait for a day! You can give me a million yuan now, no one cent less!"

He deliberately spoke loudly, whether it was the doctors of the "Returning Spring Festival" or the patients who came to see the doctor, they turned their eyes to look at them.

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