Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 184 - 184 You Still Say You’re Not Green-Skinned!

184 You Still Say You’re Not Green-Skinned!

When he saw his iron son—who he had been thinking about day and night—arrive, Kang De was both happy and angry.

—This stupid child, if you want to come, come. Why don’t you wait until you sneak over at night? There’s a war here! Do you want to charge into the battlefield with a car? Do you really think you’re Optimus Prime?!

However, in the next moment…

“F*ck… f*ck!”


Kang De was so shocked that he could not hold the axe steadily. He hurriedly took out his binoculars and looked. He saw a group of bikers riding heavy locomotives leap out of the hill and high slope behind the Autobot. Black smoke billowed, and the engine roared. The roaring iron cavalry ran wildly across the vast plain. The rumbling roar approached from afar, and it could be heard clearly on the city.

As he looked, he muttered, “What… is this?!”

Even the commander of the Dusk Legion who was in a high position and had experienced hundreds of battles was dumbfounded, let alone Kang De! Earthlings had seen more, so he was even more shocked!

There were too many flaws in this scene!

This locomotive… the natives of the other world did not know it, but Kang De did recognize it. This thing was a locomotive. It was driven by an internal combustion engine and controlled by the handle. It drove two rounds and was fast and agile. From the appearance and operation method, it was indeed a locomotive, but it was really too f*cking huge!

Even the heavy locomotives on Earth could not compare. Instead of calling it a motorcycle, it was more like the big guy Batman was riding!

The huge body of the car was covered in thick wheels. Moreover, they were not rubber, but solid wooden wheels. They were even wrapped in a metal skin, like a steamroller. There were no traces of aerodynamics in the shape of the body of the car. They were completely made of metal, wood, bones, and even rocks. Some were clearly armor weapons of the elves. They were even stained with blood and were randomly nailed and tied to the car. They were simply passable.

From the common sense of Earthlings, this thing could not even run. However, it roared and sped at more than a hundred kilometers per hour, and it was all very custom-made.

Some of the seats had dozens of swords inserted in the opposite direction, like an Iron Throne. Some had two large flags smeared with strange words, and some had two large iron cylinders on both sides. There were really countless other miscellaneous items. It was simply like a custom-made convoy of paywall players.

However, this was still not the most shocking thing to Kang De.

“…This is an orc, right?! This is an orc, right?!”

Green rough skin, huge mouth, and fangs. He was muscular and brawny. He held a huge pieced weapon and was roaring wildly. He roared in the wind, even crazier than the Big Dipper Divine Fist.

Kang De turned to look at Preston, who was also shocked. He could not speak properly, “The orcs on your side look like this? Then how have you survived until now?”

Preston muttered, “I’ve never seen orcs ride such a thing… Who are they?”

When Kang De heard this, he suddenly returned to his senses.

Although he did not know what was going on with these orcs… his son was below!

Kang De took out his pistol and fired into the sky. The gunshot was violent and soared into the sky.

The Hummer that was charging over swung its tail and turned around, avoiding a team of cavalry. It brought those ferocious green-skinned bikers and rushed in the direction of the second wooden puppet!

Seeing this, Kang De stomped his feet and cursed, “Little brat, where are you running to?! Go to the other city wall!”

Unfortunately, he did not have a loudspeaker beside him. The battlefield was chaotic and noisy, and the voices could not be transmitted. Kang De gritted his teeth and shouted at Preston, “Get your people to cover them!”

The other party said in surprise, “You know them?”

Kang De did not say anything else. He grabbed the axe and rushed towards the last battle area.

Preston hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, “Pass down the order!”

Although this group of strange green-skinned people was too strange, they were attacking the elves’ military formation. At this point in the battle, as long as they could kill the elves, they were good friends!

Before the order to attack could be passed down, Position 5 vibrated. The stone bullet that emitted a red light soared into the sky and struck the elf formation. A strange light exploded and shot out. The power was extremely huge, and a disgusting smell of corruption floated in the air. However, the leader, Heaven Slash, took a deep breath and shouted, “So powerful!”

An endless ecstasy appeared on his face as he howled, “It’s the Great Tyrant’s throw! It’s much stronger than those mixed-fur in the tribe! The Great Tyrant is inside! Little Tyrant! You’re not lying to me!”

Now, the joy in his heart really surpassed everything. The green-skinned were emotional animals. As long as they felt happy and satisfied, they really did not care about anything. Since the little tyrant did not lie to them, they could just follow him! They would do whatever he did!

Therefore, these locomotives stepped on the accelerator and changed direction. They followed the Autobots and rushed towards the array gathered by the elves in the second warzone!

In the direction of the city wall, the commander ordered. The various long-range troops began to suppress the reinforcements with firepower. The huge ballista and catapult fired continuously. Bows and arrows rained down, and spells danced, suppressing the enemy infantry formation and restraining the long-range elves, preventing them from surrounding and attacking this surprise team.

Under the second warzone, a spear team had already rushed into formation. The brave elf soldiers faced the speeding convoy and calmly raised their spears diagonally. They closed their eyes and prayed for a moment before opening them.

The steel beast rumbled over unstoppably.

The elf soldiers in the front row roared and prepared to deal with the impact and fate.

However, in the next moment, their eyes widened.

This was because the alchemical chariot that they had never seen before suddenly flipped up. Then, it deformed and reformed at a dazzling speed, turning into a human. It was so exquisite, like a work of art made by God, that even they, as enemies, were surprised and shocked. They saw the steel giant jump up high and land on the top of the array. The elf soldiers subconsciously looked up, but they discovered that the other party had changed back into a car and pressed down like a mountain!

The heavy and huge Hummer pressed into the elf gun formation. The chainsaw blades that were spinning quickly suddenly stretched out from all sides of the car and quickly spun and cut. The car also circled on the spot and fired.

In an instant, the sharp blade cut and bullets flew. This wave of elf infantry fell like wheat being cut, and blood flowed. The soldiers turned around in a panic to dodge. The formation was chaotic, and the green-skinned convoy behind had already collided at high speed!

Break through the interception!

This motorcycle team rushed forward. The Autobot went all out and the guns roared. Wherever they went, it was like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. The bikers had already shouted and followed. These green-skinned people smashed the locomotives a few times, and the locomotives that had been modified into a mess activated their messy functions.

The swords on the “Iron Throne” all flew up and fell towards the places with many elves. Fortunately, they were one-time use. Otherwise, the green-skinned sword immortal would have been too terrifying.

The two iron cylinders on the other car sprayed out a black substance that ignited on its own with the wind. The fire was fierce.

Thunder rumbled from the sky and struck the locomotive with two flags. Lightning was guided by the iron flagpole, and blazing lightning surrounded the roaring locomotive!

All kinds of things happened.

After the green-skinned finished releasing the tank skill, they took out black balls from the bag behind them and threw them around. Explosions sounded with an extremely shocking commotion.

After giving the order, Preston rushed to Kang De’s side and fought alongside him, rushing towards the bridgehead built by the wooden puppet. As he slashed and killed, he paid attention to the situation of the battle. When he saw all this, he shouted, “Dong Zhuo! Don’t tell me you’re an orc in human skin!”

As Kang De slashed, he replied, “Bullsh*t!”

Preston shouted, “Then why are their methods so similar to yours?! You also repaired that catapult! Haven’t you seen what it looks like?! Dong Zhuo, you still say that you’re not green-skinned!”

Kang De said angrily, “How the f*ck should I know?!”

As he spoke, the Hummer had already rushed to the foot of the wooden puppet. Under the cries of the elves and humans, it transformed into an Autobot. It jumped up and grabbed the skin of the wooden puppet to climb up.

Its right hand turned into a gun and fired repeatedly, knocking down the elves on the wooden puppet one by one. It pulled out its battle axe and slashed at the wooden puppet, but this still could not injure the magic puppet that was activated by spell methods.

The huge Wood Giant struggled and counterattacked under the control of the spellcasters. The mages and archers below also began to shoot. The Autobot turned around and dodged. It grabbed a huge vine and swung to the front of the wooden puppet, dodging the attacks of the elves behind it. However, a few thick roots silently wrapped around its right arm!

The roots tightened, and the Autobot’s engine roared to resist this huge force, but it could not break free for a moment. In the next moment, a figure jumped out and landed in the direction of the Autobot!

Two cold arrows were as fast as the wind and shot at the figure in the air. The Autobot raised its left arm, and the sensor locked onto and predicted. Bang! Bang! Two shots shattered the arrows and intercepted the sneak attack. Kang De jumped to the Autobot’s chest and reached out to grab the roots. In the next moment, the entangled things dissipated like the wind.

Their eyes met. The Autobot said in a low voice, “Father, I’m here for you.”

Kang De smiled and shouts sounded from the city. The wooden puppet under him shook violently. The Autobot protected Kang De with one hand and leaped and teleported, dancing on the wooden puppet.

The father and son dodged the giant’s attack as the Autobot jumped onto the top of the leaf crown and fired down. It shattered the wooden puppet’s head with a shot, but it was useless.

Kang De said sternly, “Axe!”

Magic soared into the air behind him, and arrows rained down. The Autobot stood at the wooden puppet crown. He unfolded a large shield with his left hand and stabbed down, blocking the rain attack. The battle axe in his right hand left his hand and was held by Kang De.

Kang De closed his eyes and focused. Elements were injected into the huge axe. It was sharp and shining red. A moment later, the enchantment was completed. He shouted, “Change hands!”

The Autobot let go of the shield and turned around to grab the axe. Kang De ran to the shield and pressed his hands forward.

Their figures intertwined. The Autobot held the axe with both hands and jumped up, suddenly slashing at the bridge.

Kang De pressed his hands on the shield. His mental strength seeped out and came into contact with the magic that struck the shield.

The bridge wrapped in roots was cut in half by an axe.

The magic that struck the shield was sucked into an invisible vortex and dissipated.

Earth-shattering cheers suddenly sounded from the city wall. The Autobot flipped over and jumped back, grabbing the shield again. Kang De immediately retreated and half-knelt to press down on the wooden puppet under him. His mental strength spread and swept until it reached the magic core.

The puppet rumbled and let out an unbearable sound, its body staggering.

The Autobot raised his voice and shouted, “Heaven Slash!”

Heaven Slash was sprinting back and forth with the orcs. When he looked up and saw the figure beside the little tyrant, he immediately shouted, “Follow me! Listen to me! Press red!”

These green-skinned turned around with terrifying acrobatic driving skills. When they rushed under the wooden puppet, they shouted and reached out to lift the shell of the locomotive’s steering wheel, revealing a large red button.

The green-skinned boss punched down, and the other green-skinned did the same. Then, they jumped up, and the locomotive under them spun on its own. Then, it rushed towards the approaching elf army like a crazy bull!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another violent explosions surged, and people fell. Although these orcs had lost their locomotive, they still strode forward with their two large feet and were as fast as horses. They held large blades and slashed away the remaining elves, grabbing the vines of the wooden puppet and climbing towards this big guy!

The Autobot held his axe and shield and suddenly jumped up. He landed heavily, and the wooden puppet core collapsed. Since it had lost its momentum, it was kicked toward the city wall.

The orcs rushed up the branches.

The remaining elves were attacked from behind and lost reinforcements, so they all died in battle.

The human soldiers were ordered to restrain themselves by the officer and did not face these terrifying green-skinned swords. When the last green-skinned person rushed into the city, Kang De triggered his mental strength and the wooden puppet completely fell apart and shattered, smashing to the ground. The siege plan that the elves had prepared for the night had completely failed.

The five wooden puppets had already been destroyed.

The elves no longer had siege weapons that could easily attack the city wall.

In other words… they had won this siege.

The city wall was silent.

How sweet was a victory, but how strange was the uninvited guest? Strange orcs, shocking steel giants, and a certain Cathayan who claimed to have nothing to do with all of this.

Preston said faintly, “Liar…”

Kang De turned around and stared at the distant army of elves. He pointed and the Autobot half-knelt on the city wall. His hands closed and formed a thick cannon barrel. Hong San ran over with the still-useless gas tank. Kang De took it and stuffed it into the cannon barrel. Then he reached out and pressed the barrel.

The many magic power and elements of the wooden puppet that he had absorbed earlier were injected.

Cannon fire rumbled.

The explosion swept through the sky and blasted at the elf command platform. Brilliant light bloomed, and flames soared into the sky. In the violent explosion, the command platform collapsed and shattered, and the flag collapsed.

Then, a violent wind surged and blew away the smoke. The indomitable figure of the commander stepped out of the remains on the ground. He did not look angry but stared at the city wall from afar.

There, surrounded by the orcs, the giant stood behind him, and the human troops who had experienced the blood fire spread out from both sides. Valentine’s broken flag fluttered in the wind, and the human mages flew up and floated in the air.

The person in the center was the Cathayan, Kang De.

In a city, facing an invincible elf army, they had once been afraid and shaken. They had once been hysterical, but now, they were firmly and calmly facing the powerful enemy, just like…

—They gained a soul.

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