Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 430 - 430 Hahahahaha

430 Hahahahaha


The two followers behind the king had already circled to Kang De from both sides with their white robes and scepters.


The elders on both sides raised their arms and shouted Kang De’s name.



The cheers of the people outside the palace soared into the sky.


The soft sound and flickering light captured by the camera came from all directions.


Ah, chief, young chief, eagle of the African prairie. Your sharp spear is smeared with poison. Sinful Europeans wail under your ruthless stab.


His mood was complicated.

It was extremely complicated.

Kang De glanced at the king. The king of Comoros smiled sincerely at him. Although this young king who was studying the West and had advanced thoughts spoke many Chinese, he did not understand the Internet culture of China and did not know the new meaning of the African chief in the Chinese network.

He glanced at the ambassador behind him. The Chinese ambassador to Comoros was clapping hard, and the smile on his face was sincere and filled with kindness. The ambassador was old and did not know the world of young people very well. After all, he was not so free and did not realize the problem with the title of chief.

Good things were all good things.

In the end, Kang De glanced at his father.

Kang Jinzhu tried his best to make his smile look more like a gratified smile.

However, that trace of smugness could not be suppressed no matter what.

The culprit had been found.


—You schemed against me!

Needless to say, this ridiculous suggestion was most likely proposed by Father Kang and received an enthusiastic response from all walks of life. This was because Kang De had once discussed the idea of running a force in Comoros with his father. As an experienced worker who had worked in Africa for more than ten years, he knew what his son needed the most now.


The ancient title still existed in Africa now, because Africa was the area with the slowest development of civilization and had missed every change in the development of human technology. The African countries had transitioned from the primitive tribal state to modern society overnight, and it was forcefully controlled by external forces. Aspirations could not be achieved. Without step-by-step development, it could only cause a deformed outcome… However, this was what the controllers hoped.

This has led to the unique and chaotic social patterns and national situations of African countries today.

There were two groups. One was a modern administrative system. The management system composed of violent organs, judicial organs, administrative organs, and so on played a discounted role. The other was conferred by three-level chiefs below the Earth Emperor. The locals, especially the rural people, trusted and obeyed the latter more. Sometimes, the words of the chiefs were even more useful than the governor. That was what originally existed and made the citizens used to.

The era was developing, and society was evolving. Just like the old nobles of Europe and the old money of the United States, the deeply rooted and long-standing vested interest class was adapting to the changes of the era and seeking a new position for themselves. The chiefs were also continuously integrating with the modern national system to consolidate their interests and status. They held the population, land, and wealth. The national government had no choice but to cooperate with them and even recognize their rights and absorb them as part of the country’s ruling class.

Therefore, the ancient title of chief was revived in modern Africa.

With the official recognition and the support of the people, a chief meant privilege and approval, especially to foreigners. There were countless huge benefits to obtaining the title of chief.

For example, the locals would revere you and no longer dare to openly lie, deceive, and cheat. The officials would also get close to you. At the very least, they would not eat too badly or go back on their word. The local laws would no longer apply to you. The police would no longer have the theoretical right to enforce the law on you, even the fiefs recognized and protected by the law, and the legal private armed guards. These things were things that China did not dare to think about.

In fact, there had been a precedent for the Chinese to obtain the title of chief in recent years. In the past, there had also been such cases. Some were middle-level managers of the Chinese civil company that had helped build Africa, and some were the first wave of businessmen to go to Africa to work after the change. They had contributed greatly to the development of the local area, so they had been awarded an honor.

It was a reflection of the continuous expanding influence of the country in Africa.

The youngest was only 27 or 28 years old when he was conferred the title.

Kang De had once seen that news. At that time, he could not help but laugh. He said that this unlucky nickname was true. After the official confirmation, he would probably not be able to draw cards in the future.

He did not expect that the tables would turn today.


How should she put it?

It was indeed a good thing.

However, this name… was so f*cking awkward!

When he thought of this, Kang De glanced at his father, who had been holding back his laughter. Only this man who had kept up with the times understood such a joke. D*mn, he had tricked his son. What an old thing.

Kang Jinzhu looked at his gaze and was even more excited. He put on a touched and gratified expression and pretended to wipe his tears. He said emotionally, “Kang De, aren’t you going to kneel and thank me?”

Kneel… F*ck, it’s still his father. He can’t scold anything.

Kang Jinzhu’s words reminded Chakat II. Seeing that Kang De had not moved, the king was still curious and puzzled. When he heard Jinzhu say this, he understood.

So that was the case.

He had heard of the habits of the Chinese.

They had long stopped bowing to the king.

Chakat II thought for a moment, then smiled and said, “According to the ancient tradition, the chief has to kneel to his king to show his gratitude, loyalty, and promise. You’re Chinese, Kang De. I have to respect your customs, but I have to follow our tradition, so…”

He stepped forward and knelt on one knee, saying, “In the name of the King of Comoros, I express our gratitude, respect, and respect to you. This way, there’s no problem, right?”

…That was not the point!

However, at this point, the king had already knelt. What else did he want?

Kang De sighed and also half-knelt in front of the king. His two attendants went forward and draped his white robe over him. They tidied his clothes and put on the laurel crown. The king’s scepter rested on his shoulder.

Seeing this, the elders and chiefs watching the ceremony also half-knelt on the ground.

The ambassador, Kang Jinzhu, and a few other foreigners retreated to the side. The camera was working loyally. An obscure whisper came from the king’s mouth. It was a language that was already gradually disappearing. Together with this ancient ritual, traditional clothes, and this broken palace, it was the process of being held back and dying under the impact of foreign civilization.

“Chinese, Kang De, the Guardian Eagle God, Comoros’ friend, and the warrior watched by the kings. I confer you the title of chief and accept you as one of us.”

“Your honor and status will be second only to the king. You will enjoy the support and noble power of the people.”

“I’ll give you the richest land in 50 hectares. It’s planted with spices, cocoa, and coffee. It’s transferred from the royal territory and can be passed down to your descendants with your title.”

“I’ll give you the right to form a guard. You’ll have a private army of up to 100 people. As your guard, warrior, and hound, the Comoros government is responsible for feeding them.”

“However, all of this is not without a price. Power and responsibility often coexist. This generous gift comes from Comoros’ gratitude. Although we’re not rich, we’re willing to do our best to repay those people who have contributed to Comoros. We have nothing else to ask for. We only hope that you can treat us the way we treat you.”

The king retracted the scepter. A follower knelt and raised his arms high, taking the divine scepter. Chakat II took another scepter from another follower and held it with both hands as he handed it to Kang De.

“Please take your scepter and your honor, power, and responsibility.”

The surroundings were silent. Although it was a rushed ritual, because the palace was dilapidated, he had no choice but to move the appointment venue to the square in front of the palace, although the scene could even be said to be shabby…

Kang De and Chakat II looked at each other.

He looked at the scepter in front of him and stretched out his hand to hold it.

“Many years later, you’ll know what today’s decision means.”

“I know. I know now.”

The king smiled, then restrained his expression. He helped Kang De stand up and raised his scepter high. He looked around and shouted at the elders and chiefs watching the ceremony, “Nkuozu!”

Everyone raised their hands together and shouted, “Nkuozu!”

Kang De asked, “What’s he shouting?”

“It’s your title as the chief. Every title comes from the deeds and achievements of the recipient. Therefore, I decided on this title for you. I originally planned to call you the Guardian Eagle God, but the love and respect Comoros have for you are enough. What you need is not this, but awe.”

“Therefore, I confer you the title of ‘Nkuozu’.”

“It means…”

He raised Kang De’s hand high and raised his voice, “War Lord!”

These two words were shouted in Chinese, causing the two Chinese people watching the ceremony to be confused and dazed. However, such a shout had already spread outside the palace. For a moment, the entire city was filled with enthusiastic cheers.

“Let’s take a photo.”

Surrounded by a group of chiefs and elders, the royal photographer took this precious photo. In the photo, Kang De stood side by side with the King of Comoros in a white robe. His gigolo was especially eye-catching among the group of black people. He held a scepter and his robe swayed gently. He stood tall with bright eyes.

The British reporter, Irina, was also taking photos with a camera. She had most likely obtained the filming license on account of Kang De, and there was also a conspiracy of the old Communists. It had not been easy for China to capture the sore point of imperialism this time and let the British reporters expose the dirt on the American Empire and France. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if white dogs bit each other?

She carefully took the photo and thought of her partner, Cole, again. This was originally his job, but life was fragile. Things had changed overnight. Her heart ached and she was sad. She looked at Kang De and thought of the scene of him saving her that day. For a moment, she had mixed feelings.

Looking at Kang De in front of her and the Kang De on the screen, she did not know if it was an illusion, but she felt that Kang De was different. Standing among these Africans, he was even more outstanding. His figure and expression in a robe and holding a scepter revealed an indescribable charm. It was an expression of strength and confidence.

A strange thought flashed through her mind.

He was different from before.


The ambassador stood at the side. It was not their turn to take a photo of the African rulers. The next wave was the long-standing friendship between the Chinese and the Africans. He looked at Kang De, who was standing in the field. As the ambassador, he had seen countless people. He could tell who was pretending, who was bluffing, and who was using the prestige of the tiger.

He said to Kang Jinzhu in a low voice, “Congratulations, your son will have great achievements.”

Kang Jinzhu shook his head gently.

As a father, he did not want to see such a huge achievement.

War Lord…

The rulers of Africa had conferred a few Chinese as chiefs in recent years. The titles were all meaningful and had their own reasons. They were never without reason. Kang Jinzhu looked at the smiling ambassador and then at his son and king standing in the field. When he thought of the subtle situation, he sighed silently.

Gambia would have to bear the consequences.

Another wave of photos of Chinese friendship. The king and Kang De arrived at the palace and accepted the cheers of the people. Then there was the parade and celebration. Although it was a special period and everything was simple, it still had to be done. Along the way, Kang De smiled until his face was a little stiff, but he was still experienced.

The scene on Goethe’s side was much more fanatical than now.

The convoy paraded with cheering citizens on both sides. The king took out his phone and gestured for Kang De to take a selfie. Kang De was completely pretending to smile and cooperated without thinking. In the background were the cheering crowd, the king’s bright smile and large white teeth, and Kang De’s awkward but polite fake smile.

Along the way, Kang De saw many people carrying cameras. Some were black, some were Asian, and there were also white people. A reporter wanted to go forward, but he was stopped by the guards and citizens. Previously, the ambassador had said that he should temporarily reject any interviews and wait for a unified statement.

—Of course to talk to the Americans and France.

—I mean… if we succeed, we’ll lie together. If we can’t, I’ll teach you a lesson.

After tossing and turning all the way, it was already two hours later. When he returned to the palace, the people dispersed. Kang De heaved a sigh of relief and looked around. He saw his father staring at his phone behind him and smiling like an old rooster.


Kang De strode forward and prepared to deepen the relationship between father and son. When Kang Jinzhu saw his son, he laughed. At this moment, Kang De’s phone vibrated. He spent a lot of effort adding a blacklist and settings. His phone could finally be used normally. He took it out and saw a new WeChat message.

It was from Xiaoman.


These were the few words.

He had a bad feeling. The king, who had closed the door of the palace and completed the appointment ceremony, returned to his original appearance. With Brother Black’s natural optimism and musical talent, he jumped towards Kang De and waved his phone, “Kang De! Jinzhu! I’m on the trending searches! I’m on the trending searches on Weibo!”

Kang De’s expression changed.

—Fool! What did you do?!

He immediately opened Weibo and clicked on the trending topic. He saw that the first place on the trending topic was trending.

These four words were obvious.

“African Chief, Kang De.”

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