Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 188

Chapter 165 Girls are always the best teachers for b

“Huh? Are you… Fang Ran?”

Fang Ran’s impatient steps suddenly stopped!

The expression of fierce anger froze on his face, “Phantom” quietly disappeared through the transparent night, Fang Ran’s eyes widened slightly.

He didn’t expect someone to stop him at this time.

I didn’t expect this person to stop myself.

Fang Ran opened his mouth, trying to say something, but in the end he slowly turned around, suppressing the irritability in his heart, and facing the white gentle knitting arms in front of the girl who was holding a drink for others .

Wei Wenwen.

Reluctantly smiled:

“Ah, good… coincidence.”

Then the two of them were silent in the night breeze, and Fang Ran lowered his head and looked around. He wanted to leave, wanted to seek revenge against the woman against the water immediately, but didn’t know why…

His feet just don’t listen..

Set in place.

It happened to be her.

This is the first time the two have spoken since half a month ago.

Fang Ran’s eyes were slightly flustered and irritable, and he was about to piece together an excuse in his heart, and then mustered the courage to turn around and leave, pretending that nothing happened, but just one second before he wanted to do so.

The girl standing opposite him spoke softly:

“What happened?”

All the preparations and courage disappeared all at once, and Fang Ran, who was seen through, raised his head in a panic and tried to smirk and prevaricate, but he found that in fact…

Unlike her gaze, the **** the opposite side has been looking at her face.

She didn’t even use the tone of asking if it was right, but asked Fang Ran directly.

What happened?

“Huh? What… what happened…?”

But Fang Ran still pretended not to understand and smiled. Without looking at her face, he turned around and waved her hand, pretending to be worried but embarrassed and said:

“That, I still…”

“When you lie, you are used to hiding your eyes and turning around to prevent others from seeing your face.”


Fang Ran, who had just walked half a step after turning around, felt like he had hit a glass wall, and stopped silently.

I almost forgot, it’s useless to lie in front of this girl.

He turned around silently, looked at Wei Wenwen’s face, then sighed softly, and said in a low voice:

“Why do you remember such boring things.”

Obviously you are not…, why remember the habit of a passerby when he lied.

Why do you know me so much.

Fang Ran lowered his eyes, quietly looking at the girl wearing white knitting opposite.

This is the other half of the reason why he is not good at dealing with other beautiful women.

This is why he just glanced at Ye Sheng at the station and chose to continue to collapse on the chair.

This is the other half of the reason why he faces Shui Lianxin’s invitation, and just wants to sneak home as soon as possible.

This is the other half of the reason why even when facing Xia Yao’s gentle help to tidy up his collar, after a second of his heartbeat, he just turned away in a panic.

In addition to knowing that he and the other party are not self-knowledge of the same world,

The remaining half of the reason…

In fact, it’s just a simple fool who can’t forget the first time he has a crush on the girl he likes.

“Just now I was thinking how to apologize to others if I admit my mistake.”

Wei Wenwen spoke softly, with a soft voice, a gentle and quiet girl.

“Why do you say that?”

Fang Ran looked at her calmly, let go of the hand he had been holding tightly, and asked back with his shoulders relaxed and his head tilted.

“Because the Fang Ran I know is a boy who always has a disguised and playful smile on his face, but when he is alone, he is a calm, delicate, gentle and kind-hearted boy who is a little bit quiet.”

Wei Wenwen smiled softly at him, and then approached him seriously and raised his eyes to see Fang Ran’s exhausted expression that was flustered and turbulent all night.

Smile softly:

“The dangerous aura just now looks like a scary look like someone is looking for a fight. It’s not Fang Ran I know.”

Fang Ran’s trembling eyes looked at her gentle smile at the moment, gritted her teeth tightly, and hid her hot eyes by the night.

Don’t do this, you can always see through me like this, and then take care of my self-esteem and comfort me, which will make me cry.

Then she gently took out a bottle from her arms and stuffed it into Fang Ran’s arms.

“No, this is for you. After drinking it, you will feel better.”

Watching the girl walk into the auditorium and disappear into the night, Fang Ran stood silently, looking at the bottle of hot cocoa in his hand, and sighed with a bitter smile, only he could hear the soft voice.

“So, why do you know me so much…”

Then he sat down directly on the ground, no longer trying to force his nerves that were a little unsustainable, and he felt as though the whole person had cooled from the anger just now.


Gently breaking the tab, Fang Ran looked up at the night tonight. The lights at the concert were so bright that he couldn’t find the stars.

Then he sipped the hot cocoa in his hand, the slightly bitter but delicious taste spread in his mouth, and there was an incredible power to calm people down.

This is probably the share she bought for herself.

“Fang Ran, you stupid.”

Fang Ran breathed out lightly, sighed.

Obviously agreed, you agreed to yourself after the night machine scene that night.

Obviously, they are all determined not to be confused by emotions.

No longer use the ability of night combat to do things that avenge others.

But what were you thinking about just now…?

You almost became a murderer last time, what about this time…?

Had it not happened that the only person who could stop you appeared just now, did you really kill people in reality this time?

Fang Ran sat on the ground weak and decadent, remembering that at the end of the night machine scene, he pulled out the silver broken dragon tooth from the chest of the group.

After the impulse of revenge extinguished, that deep regret and fear…

“Almost, almost…”

Fang Ran muttered to himself with lingering fears, and then patted his face vigorously.

Calm down, idiot.

Senior sister, she is fine, don’t be the same as a secondary disease who runs away at every turn.

The overheated brain started to cool down because of the series of things that started when Xia Yao was shot tonight, Fang Ran looked up at the night sky blankly, letting go of his thoughts, letting the tight nerves rest and calm down.

“Yo Xi, the normal version of Fang Ran is online.”

He spoke quietly and quietly, making jokes that nobody laughed at himself.

Think about it carefully, Fang Ran, what is happening this night?

Think calmly. Start with everything you meet, start with everyone you meet, and think about what is going on behind it.

It was strange that the people against the current sniping the senior sister, the appearance of the night crow didn’t seem to make them look at.

And who are those two people who claim to be official?

What are they doing tonight?

Suddenly, Fang Ran suddenly remembered something!

He lowered his head and touched his heart, thinking about the reason why he lost his heart in the first place More than a week ago, the western restaurant suddenly collapsed, heavily armed mercenaries, that C-level participant!

Claiming to come from against the water!

Then Xia Yao turned the white skirt in front of her eyes, put on her feather cap and said with a smile:

“Square, how is it, is it good-looking, the same paragraph from Shui Lianxin’s concert tonight?”

He slowly widened his eyes, and a series of things were clear in his mind!

Then figured out the same helpless sigh.


Because of the girl’s words, the calm brain slowly finalized the details of his preparation.

Then he stood up slowly and patted the ash on his pants, but as soon as he raised his hand, the light was shining from his chest and the magic book appeared.

The chain opened, the pages of the book turned silently, and the last page stood upright.

The golden rectangle broke away from the page and flew into Fang Ran’s hands, who looked at it unexpectedly.


[Symbol: rest, calm mood]

[Introduction: Has the magic to sleep the opponent]

Fang Ran looked at the newly appeared card in his hand, shaking his head and laughing:

“Rest, calm mood, sometimes I wonder, did you appear on the spot of my mood.”

Then Fang Ran raised his head and looked at the night sky calmly and firmly this time.

Heroes do not use violence to avenge someone…but…

No matter what you want to do this time, I will not let you succeed!

Fang Ran looked at the empty can of hot cocoa in his hand, lost consciousness for a second and then smiled.

I took out the pen I had just brought in from the medical staff and wrote something on the two cards, and set the alarm clock on my phone.

Gently put down the empty can of hot cocoa, and walked towards the concert venue.

thank you.

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