Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 252

Chapter 223 Communication is blocked, Fang Ran is tr

On the open deck, watching Sierra’s figure stepping on an invisible wall of air on the sea level and disappearing quickly, Si Ai frowned slightly, looking at the dark hexagram covered by the hull of the night pearl, trying to connect an exclusive Communicator.

Rustle rustle….

A loud electronic noise came from the headset.

This dark six-pointed star has blocked our communication! ?

Si Ai’s expression was dignified, he glanced at the direction of the bow deck, and then raised his head to look at the dark cloud thunder snake at the moment, the stormy sky.

He felt like raindrops had fallen on his face!

No, there is no time to communicate with him now, so I have to check her safety quickly.

Si Ai thought so, and then the flames on his body burst, and his figure disappeared on the open deck, and the moment he disappeared, a tall figure in a pitch black suit jumped up from below.

Meng Lang frowned while looking at the empty outdoor deck, then looked at the dark six-lights rising around like a light wall, and then glanced at the Holy Silver Crossbow, which seemed to resonate with some religious night weapon. The ugly face whispered:

“Damn it, could it be…”

Regardless of whether the battle outside the ship is over at this moment, but inside the ship, the chaos at this moment has just begun!

The hall where a large number of people had taken refuge was forcibly blown up by the pirates. Groups of pirates swarmed in, laughing and cheering, holding the AK-47, and shooting towards the ceiling! !



“Do not kill me!!!”

The screams broke out, and then they were scared down by the gunshots of the pirates!

There was chaos, all the people were threatened by the pirates with guns and rushed to the side. The men and women were forcibly separated. The pirates laughed and pushed the women down, ready to take them back as trophies!

Such a scene is unfolding in various places in the ship of the Pearl of Night!

And in the core of the night pearl.

On the basement floor, in the ball hall.


The scream of a lady pierced the silence that was shocked by the bombing of the ball hall just now, and then a large number of pirates holding guns laughing and cheering rushed in!

There were exclamations and screams everywhere, like a hungry wolf rushing into the flock, and…

It’s a pack of hungry wolves! !

Dangdangdangdang! ! ! ! ! !

The loud and violent gunfire peculiar to AK-47 resounded through the chaotic dance hall at this moment!

The surviving chandelier on the ceiling was finally inevitable, bursting brightly in the impact of the bullet, and then only the largest chandelier in the center was left crumbling, like a candle in the wind!

“Fuck!! It’s all the **** for Lao Tzu to retreat over there!”

“Will you big people not cherish your little life, right?”

The bearded pirate boss raised the AK-47 to the ceiling and shot it randomly. After the smashing sound of the chandelier glass, he shouted to everyone present in a remote English accent!

The dozen or so pirates behind him also raised their guns grinningly and pointed at the noble and powerful alligators in the ball.

These actions seem to have been fruitful. Everyone present at the ball is a big man of one party, and the big man naturally knows how to judge the situation. After the initial panic, many people quickly calmed down, leaving only the young women. And the young women were still crying in fear.

They clearly understand that all their money and rights are of no use to these arrogant pirates, so the best way at this moment is to be honest and obedient, at least not to lose their lives on the spot.

For a while, the ball hall fell silent again. The successful and powerful men forcibly calmed down. While indicating that they would not do anything to retreat to the corner of the room, they also protected the strangers around them. At this moment, they were scared to move. Women.


The bearded pirate showed a satisfied smile, but a young little pirate next to him looked at the lady’s daughter who was mixed with a gentleman and shrank into the corner, and swallowed hard, his eyes flickering. Can’t suppress the light of desire!

He directly rushed towards there!

“What are you going to do!?”

The Chinese man who mixed with her didn’t know her, saw that he stood in front of the celebrity, and asked loudly. The dark gray suit on his body gave him a high-level temperament that was not angry and pretentious. Usually in a high position.

Obviously the other party is a pirate with a gun, and he obviously doesn’t know the women around him, but!

Protecting women is a man’s bounden duty!

And the more they are in a high position, the more they will do this when they grow up with elite education!

There are people who are greedy for life and fear of death, but people who are greedy for life and fear of death cannot stand at the height they are at!

So he did not hesitate to stand up and glared at the young pirate and asked!

“Give her to me!”

There was a red light in the young pirate’s eyes, and he didn’t want to care about other things anymore. He just wanted to catch that woman and vent his desires!

Raising the **** of the rifle, he knocked down the man in one fell swoop!


A woman in a long skirt screamed and ran out, who appeared to be the man’s wife.

Chen Guoqiang gritted his teeth with blood on his forehead and looked at the pirate, and stretched out his evil claws at the young European and American woman!


At this time, Elder O’Brien, leaning on the ruby ​​cane, walked over with the help of the butler Hansen!

But the young pirate did not intend to take care of this old man who seemed to him to be old and weak, and still grabbed at the woman who was screaming in the dress!


Suddenly a foot stretched out and kicked him down!

“Idiot! I said I never said that you are not allowed to move the woman on this boat without my permission! If you want to move, you will have to wait for us to take it back!!”

The bearded pirate yelled, and then he punched and kicked the young pirate who fell on the ground without mercy, almost vomiting blood!

Then the beard raised his head and smiled harshly at the old man O’Brien:

“You are the owner of this ship?”

In the corner of the ballroom, the celebrities who were guarded by more than a dozen pirates were all squatting on the ground, looking at the pirates with anger and fear.

At the end of the crowd, seeing the young pirate being kicked down, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He released his left hand holding the Kuro card tightly in his pocket, and then he glanced vigilantly at the left and right, and found that no pirate was paying attention to him. The place.

Whispering to Monica who was afraid to shrink into a ball on the side:

“What are they talking about?”

Since both the pirate and Chen Guoqiang, who had just stepped forward, spoke English, Fang Ran could not figure out what the young pirate wanted to do, but he didn’t know what the bearded people said.

Monica took a look at Fang Ran. After seeing that he was not afraid of much, a slight surprise flashed across her eyes, and then she seemed to shrink again in fear, bit her lip, with a kind of Holding back the crying voice, he said firmly:

“The bearded man is asking grandfather, you are the owner of this ship.”

Then at this moment, the beard pushed the old man O’Brien away, but O’Brien didn’t seem to be very angry, but looked at him coldly.

The bearded man raised the gun in his hand, laughed loudly and shouted a few words at all the hostages, and then many of the people in the crowd who secretly made small movements became desperate.

“What did he say?”

Fang Ran listened to the vague and accented English in the bearded mouth, feeling that he could not understand a word.

And Monica seemed to pale when she heard this, she explained to Fang Ran in a crying voice:

“He said that his men had already controlled all the people on this ship. He knew that some of us had the means to save themselves, but if someone acted rashly, he did not contact other people regularly for a few minutes, knowing that they had an accident. His subordinates will kill all the hostages elsewhere on the ship.”

Hearing this, Fang Ran’s expression suddenly stopped, his eyes stagnated, and then he gritted his teeth and stopped.

He just wanted to take out the [film card] to stop these pirates and froze.

How to do?

Think about it! Fang Ran! Don’t panic, you are a participant, and you must have the means to deal with them!

After going through so many scenes, even if he was a little bit nervous, Fang Ran felt that he could control these dozen or so pirates.

Fang Ran clenched his fists and quickly thought about what method to use, but no matter how much he thought, he couldn’t get around. He subdued these pirates, but he did not receive a hurdle for other pirates to kill the hostages who he contacted regularly!

Obviously it was a good dance party, and he was still standing in the center of the dance floor last second, holding Ling in the glorious and magnificent eyes…!

Ling, contact with Ling!

“My Lady Queen!? Ling? Ling? Are you there?”

A face called out several times in his mind, and Fang Ran didn’t hear the voice that usually laughed at himself with the arrogant and crisp Loli voice.

In my mind, a moment ago, the figure of golden colored glaze born from the light was still amazed in my mind.

What kind of consciousness did Ling leave behind?

Fang Ran couldn’t grasp the clues, and tried to think about other ways.

correct! Contact with brother!

Fang Ran suddenly remembered, under his collar there was the communicator Xu Zheng gave him!

Correct! Use this to contact Brother Xu, Brother Xu and others, and ask yourself what to do now!

Fang Ran thought so, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and then he pressed his collar to open the communication channel.


On the communication channel, only rustling radio noise came.

Damn it! ! !

Is the communication blocked! ?

Fang Ran gritted his teeth and grasped the carpet under his hand He was inexplicably anxious not knowing what happened!

Monica looked at Fang Ran’s gritted teeth expression, tugged at his sleeve, and said comfortingly:

“That…your friend, it will be fine, don’t…don’t worry.”

Fang Ran was a little stunned by what she said, and then sighed softly, calming down some anxious emotions.

Withdrawal of the idea of ​​using the [phantom card] to become transparent, and sneak out quietly.

Yes, let’s not say how true this sentence is, this girl is really comforting herself.

Not only that, there are so many other people in this ballroom, and all of them are people with good status outside.

Like the Chinese man who came forward just now, at least nearly one-third of the ballroom has a Chinese appearance.

Therefore, I cannot go by myself.

Fang Ran, stop being impulsive, after so many things, you should learn to mature.

Now the lives of so many people in this ballroom are all hanging by a thread.

Only you can save everyone.

As long as you are here, even at the last minute, you can at least keep the people in this ballroom.

So calm down and don’t think about…the others who are not in the ballroom.

You are not a hero,

You can’t save everyone.

Fang Ran was silently silent, and gave up the idea of ​​taking the initiative, but the card in his pocket changed from [Shadow Card] to [Shield].

Brother, Xiaoor, Sister Ling Yan, Brother Xu, and everyone from Qianlong Team.

What happened outside?

What is going on?

Fang Ran stood in front of Monica, at the back of the crowd in the ballroom, asking silently in his heart, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the wall without windows.

Seems to perceive it,

The storm is coming.

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