Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 69

Chapter 67 12 hours later, let’s meet again on Ch

In Fang Ran’s repeated reiteration that what he said was the truth and Meng Lang’s gentle and kind face, a ‘I understand’.

The three of them randomly found a place to sell mattresses and prepared to rest.

“By the way, I have something to go out.”

But just as Fang Ran pounced on a sample bed with a particularly soft quilt, Ling floated out of his hood and said.

“Huh? Why are you going?”

Fang Ran lifted his face from the soft velvet and asked.

“Heh, do you think I am your kind of waste wood who sleeps besides eating and drinking?”

Ling’s voice disdainfully said, and then left a word floating outside.

“I’m going to see the situation of the participants. The three of you are here to practice your abilities honestly, practice your car skills, don’t go to the city center! Don’t even think about looking for C-13! That’s not what you can handle. of!”

“My Lady Queen, go slowly!!”

Doglegged Meng Lang immediately bowed to bid farewell.

Ling turned into a blue light and floated away. Gou Yu still couldn’t understand the flying power bank, and the corners of his mouth twitched and asked:

“So, after all…”

“That’s the Queen.”


Fang Ran listened to the conversation between the two, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then turned into a salted fish and lay on the bed completely.

It is a night battle scene, just after the middle of the first night.

But Fang Ran has a spring outing atmosphere here.

The three of them went to bed individually to relieve the exhaustion caused by the things they had just before entering the scene.

Fang Ran felt a sense of exhaustion all of a sudden, and all of the things he experienced from beginning to end that day burst out all of a sudden.

Feeling drowsy.

By the way, I have to…


Meng Lang suddenly got up!

Fang Ran was shocked awake immediately, Gou Yu also sat up, looking at Meng Lang’s serious expression.

“what happened!?”

“Brother, is there something going on?”

The two asked vigilantly. Although the atmosphere is like a spring outing, they have not actually forgotten that it is actually a night battle.

Meng Lang was full of seriousness, he pinched his chin, as if thinking carefully:

“We haven’t decided who the captain of our ICMB team is.”

“Brother, do you know that it’s easy to be beaten by scaring people up for this reason?”

Fang Ran looked at him and said seriously.

“No, no, no! Brother, this captain is very necessary. Believe me, if a team does not have a leader, it is easy to collapse. Moreover, a promising team composed of elites like us will definitely come into contact with it in the future. Other teams also need a leader to negotiate with others.”

“Well, I think you are right.”

Fang Ran nodded in agreement with a serious look.

Hello, you became too fast!

Gou Yu looked speechless.

“So! We need to decide on a captain now!”

Meng Lang said with a hammer in his palm, with a look of ‘I’m so smart’ on his face.

“Well, brother, what you said is true. If you look at it from the bottom, it’s better to leave it to you as the captain! How about?”

Fang Ran said with a look of admiration of ‘so good’.

“No! No!” Meng Lang shook his head quickly, and said hurriedly in fear: “These kind of non-sages can’t occupy the position. According to the simple and innocent view of the foolish brother, it is appropriate for the brother to live.”

Gou Yu watched the two goods inexplicably beginning to swell up in classical Chinese with a dazed expression, which was simply incomprehensible.

Why are you talking about classical Chinese? ?

I really can’t keep up with their thoughts.

Meng Lang and Fang Ran have looked at each other for three seconds at this moment, just like gentlemen looking at each other indifferently.

But the two suddenly rushed to each other, their hands pressed against each other, and at the same time they tried to push each other down on the bed, as if they were gnashing their teeth!

“Asshole! Don’t think I don’t know you want to push me out of the pot when you meet other teams!!!”

“Brother! You usually have a mentally retarded appearance, but when this happens, you always have extra insight!!”

The two put their hands together and began to wrestle each other. Thirty seconds later, Fang Ran was finally defeated, and Meng Lang used his muscles to overwhelm the bed in a very shameful posture.


Meng Lang let out a winner’s laugh, embraced his hands, and smiled triumphantly:

“Brother, stop struggling, the captain will decide it is you!”

Why do I not understand your decision method! !

Gou Yu covered his face and shouted in his heart!

Fang Ran had a decadent expression of being raped by life, and he accepted his fate, and what he knew now was destined to be the captain of the hot potato.

Damn it! I knew I had exercised my arm strength!

“Cut! Isn’t that the captain! I…”

Fang Ran grumbled back to his bed, rolled up the quilt, and wrapped himself in a ball.

The three of them stopped speaking, preparing to break their sleep, but (Fang Ranjuan) rolled around, sitting up with a haggard face.

Looking at both sides, one wears a suit but sleeps quite boldly, and a quiet lying sleeping position is like waiting to get into the ground.

Two goods who have fallen asleep.

Tucao silently.

Dry, not one side of the bed leaned against the wall, it was uncomfortable.



When the three of them fell asleep sleepy.

The first night of the night battle passed.

Before entering this scene, the three people with difficult-to-reciting sutras in their families slept for nine hours directly after experiencing some toss.

Nine hours later, Gou Yu opened his eyes for the first time, sat up and shook his somewhat dizzy head.

Meng Lang also woke up in a daze, and looked at the still dark night outside with a relieved smile.

“Ah, it turned out to be dark, I can still sleep.”

then fell back on the bed.

Fang Ran was also awakened by the biological clock in his body, and sat up with a yawn, rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked blankly, and then saw the still dark sky outside, shook his head and smiled.

“Really, I dreamed of the night battle in my dream. I must still be in my dream.”

After speaking, he collapsed back into the bed.

Hey! You two!

Gou Yu looked at them speechlessly, are you pigs? Go on to sleep! ?

sighed, then looked at the two people who didn’t intend to wake up at all, they just said indifferently:

“Huh? Your Queen, are you back?”

“It’s really rude! Queen, why don’t you say anything when you are back! The villain should go to meet you!”

“I didn’t sleep late! No! Absolutely not! I’m already up! I’m going to go to class!”

The two sit up reflexively like springs!

One immediately showed a flattering smile, and one reflexively covered his face.

was afraid of being smashed.

In the past few days, once Fang Ran is lying in the bed and intends to skip class, he will immediately be a power bank!

Fang Ran really hurts.

The two people who sat up in a dying illness boarded for a while, found that there was no movement, and immediately glared at Gou Yu!

“Small or!! You lied about the military situation!!! When cut!!”

Gou Yu looked at him silently, what’s all this and what.

“My Lady Queen, didn’t you let us exercise our abilities? Let’s be so lazy and wait for her to come back…”

“Xiaoor, why are you waking us up now!”

“Yes! You should wake us up early!”

The two immediately changed their faces, straightened their chests very ugly, and said righteously.

Gou Yu looked at Meng Lang and Fang Ran speechlessly.

That’s not what you said when you slept and just woke up.

“Then it should not be too late, let’s go!”

Fang Ran rolled over from the bed without forgetting to bring his curtain cloak.

“Go? Where are you going?”

Meng Lang looked puzzled at Fang Ran, who was about to walk outside the building.

“In the night battle scene, we naturally have to go outside to exercise our abilities in the city, what can we learn here?”

Fang Ran took the right tone and then sighed and said:

“Also, our abilities are all magical girls!! It would be too embarrassing for the three of us to be together, so we can’t use them at all, so we should separate and find a place nearby.”

“I think what you said makes sense.”

Gou Yu thought a little, then nodded and said, indeed, he was really embarrassed to practice this kind of heart-piercing ability of the little demon fairy.

But Meng Lang looked suspicious, staring at Fang Ran suspiciously:

“Brother, did you make this kind of suggestion because you wanted to go racing alone?”

“Cough cough cough cough!!!!”

Fang Ran suddenly coughed, then turned around, and said without any waves:

“Brother, how can you think of me that way, I don’t think that way at all!”

Then do you dare to turn around.

The two silently looked at Fang Ran’s back and talked.

“Well, it’s good to try to act in the dark. Let’s set a gathering time.”

Meng Lang finally agreed to Fang Ran’s proposal.

“Twelve hours, the second night has just begun. We just try to survive alone in the dark.”

Gou Yu thought for a while, and then said, in his opinion, twelve hours is the most appropriate.

“Good! Twelve hours later, we will meet again on Chambord Island!!!”

Fang Ran raised his curtain cloak, like a hero about to fight in the movie!

The Chocolate Box Masked Man goes out!

Gou Yu: “……”

Meng Lang: “……”

Brother, you still have the face to say that I know a lot about the second dimension…

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