Club Luna

100. Really Strange Stuff

content warning: mention of bees / bee stings

Tuesday morning me and Nina met Kaylee on the way to school like usual, and as the three of us walked together I asked "How'd it go with your parents last night? Did you have another big talk with them?"

My girlfriend rolled her eyes and sighed, "Not really. There was lots of tension but they weren't in a talking mood, so I kept quiet."

"I'm sure it'll be ok," she added after she noticed my worried look. "They probably just need some time, right? It's only been a few days since they found out, they're still getting over the shock."

I nodded, "Ok Kaylee. If there's anything I can do to help just ask though, ok?"

She smiled, "Thanks Cass, I will."

"Did you and Nina tell your parents about those reporters?" she added a couple seconds later.

My little sister nodded, "We told them about it at dinner last night. I told them what Melanie and Cerys told us, and our parents basically said the same thing Paige did? Be careful, no magic, all that sort of thing."

I nodded quietly, but there wasn't really anything to add.

"It's good advice anyways," Kaylee responded. "We should be careful regardless, we should always be sure not to reveal anything to the public."

When we got to the school we all went our separate ways like usual. Except as I approached my locker I knew things weren't going to stay quiet, since there was an anxious-looking bunnygirl impatiently waiting for me this time.

As soon as she spotted me she zoomed right up in front of me and greeted me, "Good morning Cass I was hoping I could talk with you this morning there's something I need to tell you and it's kind of important but you might not want to hear it."

"Hi Kenzie," I greeted her. "What's up? Do we need to talk in private?"

She shook her head, "No I just needed to warn you about something ok?"

Without waiting for a response she continued in a much quieter voice, "It's kind of about my sister Kimmie? There's a couple reporters following her around today, and they already talked to her last night. Me and Kirstie and Kathie are avoiding them and told them we won't talk and not to take our pictures, but Kimmie is acting like she's excited about being famous. The rest of us all told her not to talk to those guys either, but she doesn't listen to Kathie and Kirstie anymore because officially they're not our parents now."

I groaned and slumped against my locker, "Ok Kenzie. Thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome take care see you in class later!" she replied, before zooming off again.

The one good thing was I knew Kimmie couldn't tell anyone about me or my family or Club Luna or any of that stuff. So I was almost positive whatever she was telling the reporters, it wouldn't lead back to me or my friends. I just hoped they didn't stumble onto anything else that might point to me or the club.

Unfortunately the news meant I was kind of distracted when I got to class. I missed half of what the teacher said in my first class. I tried again to focus in my second class, but Kenzie was in my class and every time I noticed her in the opposite corner that reminded me of what she told me earlier. So I ended up missing half the stuff Ms. Fields said too.

Kaylee and Paige were in the same English class, and when I wasn't thinking about Kenzie's news I was thinking about how I had to talk to them at lunch, to pass on the news.

I was still lost in thought when the bell suddenly rang, and it seemed much too early. I almost worried that I'd been so distracted I missed half the class. When I glanced at the clock I was confused to see the class was only half over, so I wasn't sure why the bell was ringing. Everyone else was out of their chairs though, and Ms. Fields was telling everyone to head to the nearest exit.

That's when I finally realized it wasn't the normal bell I was hearing, but the fire alarm.

I quickly stuffed my books and things into my backpack, then followed the other students out of the class. Ms. Fields was the last one out behind me, she closed the door and made sure we all made our way straight for the nearest exit. We all ended up milling around outside the back of the school, with plenty of other students from different classes and grades. Most of them were already looking at their phones, playing games or messaging friends.

Kaylee and Paige moved to join me as the tall brunette commented, "I don't smell any smoke. I'm pretty sure this isn't a drill, but it might be a false alarm?"

"Maybe," my girlfriend shrugged. "Whatever it is, I hope everyone's ok."

I nodded in agreement, but before I could say anything my phone buzzed. So did Kaylee's and Paige's, so I knew it was a Club Luna group text. I pulled it out and checked, and as soon as I read it my stomach lurched.

The text was from my little sister, "Incident in the gym. We're on the north side of the school near the front. Teacher hurt."

Kaylee and Paige both looked up from their phones, and all three of us started moving at once. We didn't run, but we moved as quick as we could while trying not to draw attention to ourselves. At the same time we could hear a couple sirens approaching the school, which only added to the stress.

It was easy to spot which cluster of students had been in the gym when the alarm went, since most of them were in shorts and t-shirts and sneakers. More troubling, a lot of them looked kind of freaked out.

We easily spotted my sister and our two wolfgirls standing together a little distance away from the rest of the students. Cerys started talking as soon as me and Kaylee and Paige joined them.

"Bees," the young wolf stated quietly. "Hundreds of them, like a swarm. They all came out of one of the heating vents on the wall, and they went right for Mr. Sanderson. I don't think anybody else even got stung."

Melanie agreed, "They seemed to ignore all the students but they swarmed the teacher. Everyone freaked out and started screaming and stuff, so I pulled the fire alarm. Then me and Cerys got the rest of the students out of the gym, but..."

"Mr. Sanderson's still in there," Cerys said quietly.

Nina asked quietly, "Should we go back in and try to help him?"

By that point the sirens were really close, then we all saw an ambulance pull up in front of the school. I couldn't help wondering if Mr. Holt was driving, or if Melody's dad was inside. A police car pulled up a couple seconds later.

Meanwhile Paige shook her head, "No. The authorities are here now. And there's teachers all over the place, they won't let us go back in. There's nothing we can do to help, we're just normal students."

Kaylee sighed. She half-whispered, "Right. No magic, no healing. We just stay out here with the rest of the normal students, and wait for the authorities to deal with it."

"Oh. Right," my little sister looked troubled, but she didn't argue.

A moment later Melanie muttered, "Aw crud. There's those two reporters snooping around."

I turned to look, and the two guys weren't hard to spot considering how much they stood out. They both looked to be in their mid-twenties, and they were very out of place hanging out around the school.

One was tall and slim, he had a handsome face, with short dirty-blond hair and blue eyes. He had his phone out and was using that to record video of all the students standing around. The other guy had a bit of a stocky appearance. He had black hair and brown eyes, and his skin had a sort of olive complexion. He was holding a small pro-type camera, and he was doing the same thing as the first guy.

As we watched, we saw the two guys talk to a couple students who'd been in the gym at the time. The taller guy would ask the questions, using his phone to video the student as they answered. And the shorter guy would stand back a few paces and video both his friend and the student.

The two men finished a brief interview with a girl in shorts and a tight t-shirt, then moved on to talk to a couple guys. They were both in t-shirts gym shorts and sneakers like everyone else, but one of the guys also had a black hoodie on overtop of his tee. And both guys looked really shaken up, like their faces were pale and they almost looked like they were in shock.

"Harrison doesn't look good," Melanie commented quietly. "Neither does Gord."

Cerys responded just as quietly, "Yeah they both look pretty shaken. I don't think either of them were too close to Sanderson when it happened though? I don't remember seeing them around at all when the bees started to swarm."

"Actually now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure Gord's allergic to bee stings? So it makes sense they'd run for cover as soon as it started," she added a moment later.

Whatever the reporters were asking, Harrison kept quiet and shook his head once like he didn't want to talk. Gord didn't even do that, he just stayed quiet and stared at the ground. The men asked again, Harrison shook his head again, then Cerys decided to intervene.

"Hey you guys with the cameras!" she half-shouted at the two men. "Leave them alone! They obviously don't want to talk to you!"

The reporters looked at each other then they both headed straight over to where our group was standing. Just like I'd seen them do before, the tall thin guy took the lead while the stocky guy stayed back a couple paces to video his buddy talking to the rest of us.

"Howdy young ladies," the blond guy greeted us in a friendly voice. He definitely had an accent that sounded like he was from the southern states, but I didn't know accents well enough to narrow it down any more than that. The guy went on to introduce himself, "My name's Keith Wilson, this here's Chaz Varela. We're the hosts of Really Strange Stuff. It's a podcast and video channel, maybe y'all have heard of us?"

Me and Nina both shook our heads, while Paige stated firmly "I do not give consent for you to take my picture or use my image. Please stop recording immediately."

"Same," Kaylee added. "You do not have permission to photograph or film me, or record my voice."

Keith tucked his phone into his jacket pocket then made a gesture to his friend, who lowered his camera so he wasn't capturing us. Then he asked "Can I at least talk to you folks? Do y'all know what's going on here? Some of the other students said there was a swarm of bees in the gym?"

"No comment," Melanie stated.

Then Kaylee asked, "Are you guys even allowed to be here? We're still on school property, it seems strange to have a couple grown men hanging around with cameras trying to film school girls."

"Don't worry miss, we got permission from the principal to record on school property," Keith replied. "Anyways we'll leave you young ladies alone, I can tell y'all don't want to talk. Let me give you something for your time though ok?"

He pulled something out of his pocket, and I thought at first they were business cards when he started handing them out. After he gave one to me I realized it was actually a sticker, but in a way it was the same thing as a card.

The sticker was about the same size as a business card too. It was all black, with a logo in the middle that looked like it was meant to be a ghost or a spooky mist or something along those lines. It had the name 'Really Strange #### Stuff' across the top, and at the bottom was their website.

"What's with the name?" Melanie asked as she looked at the sticker she'd been given.

This time Chaz answered, "Originally our channel was called Really Strange Shit, but we had to clean it up so we could go pro and start monetizing our work."

"Y'all have yourselves a good day," Keith added. "Stay safe girls."

Then the two of them turned away and pulled out their phone and camera again, as they looked around for some other students to talk to.

As soon as they were out of earshot Paige said quietly, "Kaylee? Let's check these guys out online as soon as we get a chance. See if we can find out if they're legit or not."

"I was thinking the same thing," my girlfriend replied just as softly.

Cerys agreed, "Me too. Sounds like we'll all be doing some research after school."

"Speaking of school," Melanie said as she looked around for some teachers, "I wonder if we'll have more classes today or not? I hope they'll at least let us into the change rooms so we can get our regular clothes again. Standing around in our gym shorts is starting to get annoying."

As luck would have it the nearest teacher was Mr. Guthrie the math ogre. The two wolfgirls headed on over to ask him what was going on, while me and Nina and Kaylee ended up wandering around to the front of the school.

We came around the corner in time to see the ambulance attendants bring Mr. Sanderson out on a stretcher. I didn't recognize either of the EMTs, it wasn't Mr. Holt or Alison Sinclair. I almost didn't recognize the gym teacher either, he had some bandages on his face. He was still alive, still breathing. I just hoped he'd be ok.

In addition to the ambulance there were also a couple police cars and a fire truck parked in front of the school, and it looked like they were starting to seal up the building.

"Doesn't look like they're going to let anyone back in just yet," Kaylee commented.

Nina shook her head, "It's probably not safe. Not if there's a bee hive in the heating ducts."

"We should probably head back around and rejoin the others," I said. "Then we can find out how much longer we have to hang around out here."

Kaylee and Nina agreed, so we went back to where we left Paige and the wolfgirls. It was another five or ten minutes before we found out that school was definitely closed for the day. Me and Paige and Kaylee had to go report to Ms. Fields around the back of the school before we were allowed to leave, since we were in her class when the emergency happened.

Apparently they needed to make sure every last student was accounted for, but when that was done they let us go. They wouldn't let us into the school to get our stuff out of our lockers though. And it was worse for the students who'd been in gym class, like Melanie and Cerys, since their clothes and most of their things were in the change rooms.

The whole thing was kind of a mess, but eventually all six of us decided to head over to Melanie's place. Then once we were down in the wolfgirls' basement and well out of view of the public, Nina teleported herself back to the school to grab her and the wolfgirls' clothes and stuff.

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