Club Luna

79. There’s Always A Catch

"Hey Cass," Kaylee grinned from behind the wheel, "Hop in!"

I climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door, then commented "I didn't know you had your drivers license?"

She rolled her eyes, "This is probably only the third time my folks have let me borrow the car, and they only let me take it now because they're not going anywhere and it's not a nice night for the two of us to walk to the restaurant? But of course I've got my license. I got it back in grade ten, I started driving lessons right after I turned sixteen. Doesn't everyone?"

"Didn't you?" she added a moment later as she stared at me.

I cringed and shook my head, "I never really thought about it? I didn't have access to a car, and I never needed to drive anywhere before."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, then carefully backed out onto the road. The sun went down like two hours ago, it was almost half past six on Saturday night and the two of us were going out for our second date. Or, the second one since we were starting over and everything.

We didn't talk during the drive, Kaylee was focused on the road and stuff. The weather that made it unpleasant to walk also meant it wasn't great for driving either. The snow was coming down pretty good, and there was already a lot of it on the ground. The bigger roads had been plowed and salted at least once during the day, but smaller ones like in our neighbourhood hadn't so they were still kind of slippery.

Luckily our destination wasn't that far, we were going to another one of the handful of fancy restaurants around town. Only a few minutes later we were in the parking lot, which was less than half full.

"I hope they're still open," I frowned. "I made us reservations, but maybe I should have called again just in case?"

Kaylee shrugged, "The weather's not that bad. Some folks might be staying home, but there's still lots of people out. And if this place is closed we can always go somewhere else."

"Good point," I agreed.

Sure enough they were open, although it looked like quite a few people were staying in tonight since the dining room was a lot less busy than I'd expect for a Saturday night. On the other hand it meant me and Kaylee would have a nice quiet dinner together.

We got seated in a booth again, and the two of us sat together on one side rather than facing each other across the table. Then before we got talking and stuff we both took a few moments to look at the menu.

"It's my treat this time," I mentioned quietly. "Since you took me out last week, I'm taking you out tonight."

Kaylee smiled but she didn't argue. And a few minutes later we both figured out what we wanted, so we set the menus down. The waitress turned up soon after to take our orders, and before long we both had our drinks and some fresh sliced crusty bread to munch on, along with some kind of herbed and spiced oil to dip it in or smear on it or something.

I had a sip of my water while the cute redhead drank some of her cola. Then she asked, "When did you stop drinking soda? I noticed at the restaurant last week you just had water, but I remember we both had cola when we were there in the summer."

"Oh," I blushed. I replied quietly, "Nina doesn't drink soda, I think it's a demon thing? So I stopped drinking it too, kind of for solidarity with my sister? And water's probably healthier anyways, than drinking all that sugar..."

She frowned, but decided to let that drop. Or sort of, anyways. Instead she commented, "We were going to talk more about your demonic magic last Saturday, but we kind of forgot all about that after you saved Alyssa."

"Which by the way Cass?" she added, "I'm proud of you for that. You really have a knack for that sort of thing. You always seem to know who needs help, and how to reach out to them."

That made me blush again. I shrugged, "I might get some of that from Nina? She seems to have a real thing for animals. You remember how upset she got about the dog those fairies zapped."

That left Kaylee with a thoughtful look on her face for a few seconds. She finally sighed, "You know, you're right. She's a lot like you, and I was pretty awful about ignoring that about her for a long time. I guess I owe her an apology."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I grabbed a piece of bread. Then I hesitated, "Are we really supposed to dip this in the oil? Doesn't that seem weird?"

She smiled, "It might be unusual, but it's the same idea as using butter. It adds flavour and changes the texture, that sort of thing? Makes it nicer?"

"Ok," I nodded, then gave it a try.

It wasn't bad, but it was certainly different. I wasn't sure I liked it, although maybe I used too much of the stuff. I figured I'd try a smaller dunk next time.

While I was munching on my bread Kaylee asked, "So the restaurant's pretty quiet, maybe if we keep our voices down you can tell me more about your magic? I'd still like to learn about it Cass, if you don't mind sharing."

I frowned and thought about that while I had another bite of my bread. When that was done I finally nodded, "Ok. Was there anything specific you wanted to know about?"

She shrugged, "I guess first I'd like to know some general stuff about it? Is it spells? Does it work like the magic we learned in the club, with the Will and the Word and the Way? Or is it different?"

"It's kind of different," I replied. I had a sip of water then took a deep breath before I gave her a sort of overview of what I knew about it.

"So in some ways it's like an inherent ability or something? Like nobody can use demonic magic except demons," I explained quietly. "Or I guess part-demon works too? But at the same time it's also sort of learned? So just being demon isn't enough, that means you have the potential, but you still need the knowledge. Which kind of works like spells I guess, and you can be taught how to do it if you're a demon."

After another sip of water I continued, "You can also figure stuff out on your own, like trial and error, or instinct maybe? And most of the simplest spells or magic or whatever seem to be stuff that's almost like, survival skills? Like a sleep spell, for Nina that would help her feed on nightmares since she can make sure people don't wake up part-way through? Same with illusions and changing appearance. So demons can appear human to blend in, or hide their horns and stuff."

Kaylee quietly ate some bread as she listened to me, nodding now and then that she was following what I had to say.

I grabbed another piece of bread but ended up fidgeting with it as I talked, "There's a few other spells like that, something like telekinesis and there's even a way to teleport? I can imagine those would be helpful too, for keeping demons safe and letting them move around undetected. Oh and it's not quite magic, but demons also have some other natural advantages too. Like strength, night vision, and maybe other supernatural senses. Basically I've been kind of thinking of all that stuff as like, evolutionary advantages? To help keep demons safe living among humans."

"Ok," Kaylee frowned as she thought all that through. "What about magic that can be used on other people? Like obviously the sleep spell, you used that on those fairies. You said demons could transform themselves to fit in, can they use that magic on humans too?"

"Not exactly," I grimaced. "So a big thing about demonic magic is it needs consent. That's where you get the whole thing about demonic contracts and stuff? Without that, it's very temporary. Like yeah the sleep spell worked, but only for an hour or two? Then it'd wear off. Same with any other spells."

"That only counts for people though," I added. "Or maybe anything with a soul? Demonic magic can affect inanimate objects and stuff like that without any problem."

She looked thoughtful again for a bit, so I dipped my bread in the oil then had another bite.

After a few moments Kaylee frowned and asked, "So how come all those rituals Nina did on you when you were a baby didn't need consent? A baby can't agree to stuff right? Shouldn't all that magic have worn off in an hour?"

My eyes widened slightly as I realized she was right, and my mind started racing as I tried to figure out how that worked. Suddenly it hit me, as I remembered the conversation me and Nina had in the middle of October, when she confessed her guilt and stuff. I realized that's why Socha lied to Nina, why I died then came back. Socha needed to get rid of the human soul so all the demonic magic would stick.

Except I wasn't going to tell Kaylee that. As much as I hated to lie, I promised my sister I'd keep that secret. Instead I quickly came up with what I hoped was a plausible explanation, "The rituals used demonic magic, but there was also some divine stuff involved too. Primarily that shard they put inside me? Divine magic doesn't have the same limitations as demonic stuff, and that let Socha's ritual bypass the consent thing."

Kaylee nodded slowly, "I remember you mentioned that, back when Kirstie and Kenzie were arguing with you after me and Paige got involved. Something about how demons needed consent but Gods didn't?"

"Yeah," I blushed slightly. "That's why gods are so powerful and so dangerous? They can use their magic on people without permission or consent or anything. Like those plushies, even without the instructions and warnings people still have to trigger them with a word right? That might be sketchy but it still kind of counts as consent? Uninformed consent I guess. Anyways, Socha could just point at someone and zap them into a bunnygirl or catgirl or whatever, but a demon couldn't. Or if they did, it'd just wear off in an hour."

She frowned again and lowered her voice as she responded, "You told Kirstie verbal consent was enough. Something about a handshake? Is that true? There's lots of legends or myths about demonic contracts, or pacts signed in blood..."

That made me blush brighter, "Yeah... Normally I'd need one of those written contracts signed in blood too, for anything super big like that? But Kirstie used one of those plush toys. That means she's kind of linked to Socha, and all those links go through me."

"What do you mean, kind of linked to Socha?" Kaylee asked in a wary voice.

I sighed, "This is... There's always a catch, right?"

"Cass?" she asked nervously, "What aren't you telling me?"

"It's like how Miss Hawthorne was using us," I admitted quietly. "Actually I guess it's not even that surprising, like mother like daughter? Anyone who uses those plushies kind of automatically becomes one of Socha's worshippers. And every time they use the toy to switch back and forth between animal and demi-human, that sort of counts like performing a rite in her honour?"

Kaylee turned and gave me a look that was one part worried and one part dark, "You spent all summer being mad at Miss Hawthorne for using us like that, and all this time you and Socha have been doing the same thing? You're taking advantage of those trans people you're helping?"

I sighed again, but nodded slowly. "Yes. When I was under her influence I guess I didn't care? Now... I know it's wrong, but I guess I kind of justify it? Socha's magic is giving them an instant transition, in return she gets a little something back."

"It doesn't hurt anyone," I added, "It doesn't take anything away from them, and they get their magical transition. Plus a lot of them don't actually use the toys over and over? A few of them do, like Kenzie? But most folks are more like Kirstie, they just use it once to get their gender-affirming body then put it away somewhere. And I made sure the magic in the toys won't do anything that people won't like. It gives people what they want, that's why they're happy."

She watched me for a few more seconds, then finally said "Cass? Thank you for not lying to me about that. Thanks for telling me the truth. I'm sure it wasn't easy, considering everything that's happened over the past six months."

I shrugged but didn't know what else to say. And fortunately our food arrived just then, so I was spared for another minute or two having to come up with something. The waitress refilled our drinks and stuff and made sure everything was ok, then she left us alone again.

Before we started eating Kaylee leaned closer and gave me a hug, "I'm not mad at you or anything Cass, just so you know? I have some concerns and maybe some misgivings about what you just told me, but I think I understand why you're still distributing those toys even if they are linked to Socha. I know how important it is to you, to be able to help other trans folks. I haven't forgotten what you told me last week, about people being happy and grateful. And I know it's not a great comparison, but I'm still using May's magic even if it does empower her. Same as Brooke, and Paige, and Melanie, and even Cerys is using it again now too."

"Except I'm the one who said she wouldn't use it anymore," I sighed. "Which makes me a total hypocrite."

Kaylee gave me a sad smile, "Maybe a little? Except you couldn't use it even if you wanted to, so it's not like you had a choice. Maybe you were just using that as an excuse? Like to make it less painful having it taken away from you, by saying you didn't want it anyways."

"Plus you had an alternative," she added. "You learned demonic magic, after you had to stop using May's spells."

I sighed again but nodded, "I guess. Thanks for not being mad at me Kaylee."

"You're welcome Cass. Now let's eat before it gets cold?"

I wasn't going to argue with that, and the two of us got started on our food. I got a pasta dish with chicken and alfredo sauce, and Kaylee had some poached salmon with fancy rice and veggies. It was all really tasty, and we were both just focused on the food for a little while.

Then as we began to fill up the conversation slowly resumed. Kaylee gave me a bit of a sly look and asked, "So you mentioned demons could teleport? Does that mean you can teleport?"

My cheeks started to warm up and I looked down at my food for a few seconds, then nodded quietly. "I figured it out towards the end of August? Nina teleported the two of us down to the city for a day, and I kind of paid attention to how she did it then figured it out from there."

"Socha might have helped?" I added. "I'm not sure. Like I said last week, she taught me stuff when I was asleep. But um, I couldn't remember any of my dreams when I woke up, so I didn't know that was happening. I'd just wake up with information in my head. Or sometimes I'd wake up feeling like I just had a nightmare, but couldn't remember the details."

Kaylee frowned, "I'm sorry Cass. That sounds really scary."

"Maybe," I mumbled quietly.

We were both quiet for another few minutes, and we'd both pretty much finished eating by then. The waitress came by to take our dishes away, and she left us a dessert menu just in case.

Then Kaylee leaned closer and asked softly, "So um, I've been wondering Cass? This is our second date since starting over... What do you think? Are we back together again?"

I leaned into her too, so our shoulders were pressed together. Then I nodded and replied just as quietly, "I think I'd like that? I'd like to be girlfriends with you again."

That put a smile on her face, and she slipped her arm around me then turned and gave me a kiss. I couldn't help blushing, but I moved my arm around her too and kissed her back.

Then the two of us ended up ordering a chocolate fudge sundae, with two spoons so we could share it.

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