Club Luna

83. No Longer Normal

After everything that happened in the past few months, getting back to the normal mundane routine of going to school in January was kind of nice. Especially because I didn't have to worry any more about being attacked by evil fae or accidentally dying from running into random magic.

I did my best to ignore the goddess stuff and how I was part demon and all that, and focused on the lessons, the schoolwork, and on just being myself.

Kaylee met up with me and Nina in the mornings and the three of us walked to school together, and we usually all walked home together too. And best of all, my girlfriend and my little sister were getting along ok too.

It almost felt like I'd be able to enjoy the last six months of high school like any normal grade twelve girl.

That worked out pretty well, up until the end of our first week back. It was Friday afternoon and as the bell rang at the end of my last class I started packing up my books and stuff. We had a club meeting set for after school, and we were all going to meet by the front doors then head over to Melanie's place.

Except before I'd even got up out of my chair I was sort of cornered by Kenzie, who'd darted straight over from her usual seat in the opposite back corner of the class. I tried not to show it but I couldn't help feeling anxious. She hadn't spoken to me since September, and the only reason I could think of for her to talk to me now was because of my visit with her parents at the end of the holidays.

"Hi Cass," the bunnygirl said quietly. "Sorry to bother you, I was wondering if we could talk?"

I shrugged, "I guess. Is it something we need to discuss in secret?"

She hesitated a moment, then nodded "Yeah, probably? Or at least out in the hall or something, I don't want to talk while Mr. Guthrie's staring at us."

Sure enough the math ogre had his eyes on us as he sat there at his desk. Although he might have just been waiting for the two of us to get out of his classroom so he could pack up and go home.

"Ok," I agreed.

I picked up my backpack then as we headed out I pulled out my phone and sent a text on group chat that I'd be a few minutes late. I told the others to head out without me and I'd catch up to them, or meet them at Melanie's place.

Kenzie led the way, and for once she kept to a normal pace rather than zooming off ahead of me. As we walked she looked up at me and said, "I wanted to thank you, for whatever you did for my parents at new years. And um, I guess I also want to apologize for avoiding you and everything?"

"Huh?" I glanced at her in surprise. I'd been expecting anger or upset, or I thought maybe she was going to demand an explanation or something.

The bunnygirl nodded, "My folks wouldn't tell me and Kimmie all the details of what you did, they said they had to keep it secret. And they asked me and my sister to keep stuff secret too, which don't worry we will. But um, yeah. I don't think I've ever seen my parents so happy as they've been lately."

A wide smile settled on her face as she added, "You won't believe this but the other day after school? All three of us used our plushies and spent like an hour just running around the house having zoomies and playing together! It was awesome!"

"Wow," I replied as I tried not to cringe. I still had some mixed feelings about how I added that stuff to the agreement. I didn't let that show either though, instead I just gave her a slightly awkward smile and said "That sounds pretty cool. I'm glad Kirstie and Kathie are happy. And you too Kenzie. And um, I'm sorry for how I acted and stuff back in September. I wasn't... I had a lot going on and I guess I wasn't really myself at the time."

She got serious again too and nodded, "I get it. Kirstie told us a bit about that after she talked to you last month. And um, that Brian guy said some stuff too."

The two of us stopped at her locker, where we found another girl waiting. She was tall, about the same height as Brooke, but she looked a few years younger than me or Kenzie. She had long straight dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, and was already bundled up for the cold walk home, in snow boots and a white winter coat. It only took a moment for me to realize she was probably the bunnygirl's little sister, which was confirmed a moment later.

"Hey pipsqueak," the tall blonde addressed Kenzie. "I take it this is your friend Cassandra?"

The bunnygirl rolled her eyes but she did the introductions, "Yes this is Cass. And Cass, this is my little sister Kimmie."

I already had a sinking feeling in my stomach about where this was going, considering the whole thing with Kenzie's parents started with the bun asking me for an enchanted plushie for her sister.

My suspicions were confirmed a moment later when Kenz asked, "So um, me and Kimmie were wondering about getting another of those plushies for her?"

I sighed as I looked up at the taller girl and asked, "Do you really want this?"

Her cheeks had already turned a little pink and she glanced around the hallway as if she was worried about people overhearing or something, but after a brief hesitation she nodded.

She kept her voice down as she explained, "Now that both mom and dad are like Kenzie, and I see all three of them having fun together and doing stuff with their magic toys and stuff, I feel left out? Like it's not fair that they get to play with magic and do all that cool stuff but I don't."

"Yeah," I sighed again. "So you know this is permanent right? Once you do this you'll always have those animal parts, you'll never be a normal human again."

Kimmie rolled her eyes, "I get it. Like I said though, they've all done it and now I'm the weird one who stands out."

I nodded slowly, as I felt that calm come over myself again. "All right Kimmie. Back in September your sister said you liked cats. Is that what you want to be?"

"Yeah, I still want a cat," she nodded. "But not something super tiny though, ok? Don't give me a miniature cat like dad got."

"And make sure it's something that looks cool," she added. "Not just some plain boring cat."

"Sure, that's not a problem," I replied with a little smile.

I reached into my backpack and teleported one of the capsules from the box in my closet into my hand, then pulled it out and handed it to her. "Here you go. Instructions and warnings are already inside. Have fun."

Kenzie's eyes widened in surprise that I just happened to have a capsule with me, while Kimmie popped it open to take a look at the toy inside. While she was doing that the bunnygirl asked me almost the same thing Kirstie did in December, "You just carry them around in your backpack now?"

Before I could respond the taller girl exclaimed happily, "It's a Siamese! Check it out!"

She pulled the little plushie out and held it up so me and Kenzie could both see it. The toy had cream-coloured fur, while the ears tail and face were the colour of dark chocolate, and the eyes were a bright sparkling blue.

Kimmie was grinning as she stated happily, "I'm gonna look so cool!"

I smiled at her, "I'm glad you're happy. Don't use it here though ok? Wait till you get home, and maybe let your parents know before you do it?"

Kenzie looked like she was about to say something, but instead she just smiled. I figured she knew what Kimmie didn't seem to be aware of. Siamese cats weren't as tiny as Singapuras, but they were another small breed. How small would depend on what Kimmie really wanted, but I was pretty sure next time I saw her she wasn't going to be quite as tall as she was now.

"Thanks Cass," the bunnygirl said. "And like I said, I'm sorry for avoiding you and everything. Maybe we can start hanging out again, or at least having lunch together sometimes?"

I smiled, "Sure Kenz. I have to get going though, I'm supposed to go and meet my friends soon."

"Good luck Kimmie," I added to the younger sister as I started towards my locker. "Maybe I'll see you on Monday, you can let me know how it goes?"

She nodded, "Yeah! See you later!"

It only took me a minute or so to get stuff sorted out at my locker, and by then my confident act had fully faded away again. I pulled my winter coat on over my hoodie, and I had some warm gloves and a hat and everything. Then I headed out to try and catch up to my friends. Fortunately I had the whole demonic strength and speed thing, although I made sure not to be too unnaturally fast as I ran along the sidewalks and cut across roads and stuff.

Everyone else was almost at Melanie's house when I found them, and I slowed down a bit for the last part of the run before joining them.

"Hey Cass," Kaylee grinned as I moved up next to her. She reached out and took my hand in hers and asked, "Everything ok?"

I grimaced, "Yeah it's fine. Kenzie wanted to talk to me after class. She uh, we basically made up I guess? I think maybe we're friends again now."

"That's nice," my girlfriend replied with a smile. "I remember you said you were sad about things turning out badly between you and her."

"Yeah," I smiled. I was just as happy to see that Kaylee didn't seem jealous or upset or anything. I was sure if we had this conversation six months earlier she'd have been grumpy about me being friends with the demi-human.

Then Paige commented, "You ran all the way here from school to catch up to us huh? You're not even winded. You really need to start coming to gym class again, you'll kick everyone's butt."

"Ugh I don't know," I grimaced. I lowered my voice and added, "You know it's not natural, right? I haven't really been working out, it's just because I'm uh, different."

Melanie responded with a shrug, "So what? As long as you don't do anything that's too obvious, I don't see anything wrong with benefitting from any of those advantages."

Before anyone could question she elaborated, "Some people are just born being stronger and faster, right? Like some people have those genes or the right parents or they're just lucky? So some kids are faster and stronger, some kids are slower and weaker. That might not seem fair, but it's not cheating. I think it's the same thing. Some kids are human, some kids aren't. As long as you don't do anything too outrageous, it's fine."

"I sure don't miss getting clobbered playing dodge-ball," Cerys added with a grimace. "Last time Mr. Sanderson made us do that there were only three other kids in class who could even come close to hitting me. And one of those three is my girlfriend, the other is your sister."

Melanie grinned while Nina blushed. And Paige just rolled her eyes, "Fine, but make sure none of you get caught. Like Melanie said, don't do anything outrageous. Anyways like I said Cass, you should come back to gym class again."

"Maybe," I mumbled.

Fortunately we were at Melanie's place by that point, and we all went in the side door by the kitchen. It took a few moments for everyone to get out of their winter boots and coats and stuff, then we all went downstairs into the basement to get comfortable.

Like usual the two college girls wouldn't be around for another half hour, so the rest of us got some drinks and talked or played games while we waited. Apparently Mr. Caetano was expected home by half past six so we weren't going to stick around for dinner, but it was quickly decided that if Brooke and Melody didn't mind driving we'd all go out to a restaurant somewhere. Or maybe just for coffee or hot chocolate, we'd figure that out later.

Soon enough the other two girls arrived, then before they got comfy we moved the furniture around and got the circle set up with the candles and everything. I smiled as Cerys and Melanie both used their magic to get them all lit, it was really nice seeing the blonde wolfgirl using magic once again. And finally Paige went around and raised the circle, before sitting back down to start the meeting.

The seating was pretty much the same as always, with Brooke and Paige together on one sofa alongside Melody. And I sat in between Kaylee and Nina on the other sofa. Kaylee had an arm around my shoulders so the two of us were cuddling, same as the two tall girls sitting across from us. And finally Cerys was practically sitting on Melanie's lap as the two of them shared the big beanbag chair off to one side.

"How come we're doing the meeting so early?" Kaylee asked. "The full moon is more than a week away, it would have made more sense to have the club meeting next Friday. Or next Saturday even?"

Paige replied, "Two reasons. First, even though things were pretty much resolved for Cass last month there's still some more questions a few of us have, that may or may not affect the club. And second, I was asked to call an early meeting because of a potential incident that couldn't wait another week."

I cringed a bit as several of my friends looked to me. It was probably silly but I'd really hoped that everyone would just sort of ignore that whole topic. I really just wanted to pretend I was a normal human girl, but it seemed like neither my family or my friends were going to let that happen.

Paige gave me an apologetic smile as she asked, "So Cass? I can tell you don't really want to discuss this, but I think we need to at least bring this up? Not that it has any effect on your status as a member of Club Luna, but I think it's a good idea for all of us to know what each other's strengths and weaknesses are. Especially if we're ever dealing with dangerous situations, which we all know is very possible when we're working with the supernatural. So let's have the conversation now, when we're not in the middle of some sort of crisis."

After a brief pause she asked, "You're basically a goddess now, right?"

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