Club Luna

86. Haunted Homecoming

content warning: brief reminder of past abuse

It was about five in the afternoon as Paige pulled the minivan into the driveway of a good-sized house just off Town Line Road. The houses in this area were older than where my family lived, but still relatively modern compared to some of the oldest parts of town. Like if I had to guess I'd say maybe nineteen-fifties or sixties era.

We were near the south end of town, a little ways east of the plaza with the grocery store where Cerys and Melanie worked. It sort of felt weird that I had no idea where she used to live until now, but then again she had good reason to keep her home life secret from the rest of us.

On the other hand I'd never been to Brooke's house either, until a few minutes earlier. She was off work and available to spend the night ghost hunting, so Paige picked her up on the way to Mrs. Ainsley's place.

We all had our backpacks with us when we emerged from the van. After spending a few hours at Melanie's place doing some planning and stuff, we'd all gone home for a bit to put together overnight bags and let our folks know we'd be sleeping over at a friend's place.

Cerys led us all up to the front door, then she got out the key her mom gave her. But before she could open it Melanie suggested, "Let me go in first. I'll check the place for scents, just incase."

"Ok," Cerys nodded as she unlocked the door. Then she added, "Be careful. And shout if you see something."

Melanie smiled, "I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm just going to be like ten seconds."

The rest of us waited on the front step, and sure enough it didn't take long for the older wolf to return.

"Mostly just your mom's scent," she announced. "There's another scent, pretty sure it's a man, but it's old, faded."

Cerys stepped in the door and took a breath then scowled, "It's my dad. The whole place is probably going to have his scent around, obviously he lived here up till they finally sent him to jail."

"Are you going to be ok Cerys?" Paige asked.

"I'll manage," she shrugged.

We all followed into the house, then as soon as the front door was closed Melanie shifted to her wolfgirl form. And we all got out of our winter boots and coats and stuff.

"It's weird being back here," Cerys commented as she set her jacket on the floor against the wall. "It's definitely not my home. Actually I don't know if it ever was? Home for me is Melanie's basement, that's where I feel comfortable."

The older wolfgirl pulled her into a hug and the two exchanged a kiss.

After they were finished Kaylee suggested, "Let's all have a look around before we start getting comfortable? With our magic sight obviously, see if we can't spot anything unusual or supernatural."

"Split up or stay together?" Brooke asked.

"Let's stick together for now," Cerys replied. "I'll give you all the tour at the same time, so you know where everything is."

We were all in the front landing or front hall at first, which was an open space that had a few doors leading off to other rooms. There was also a fancy-looking curved staircase that went up to the second level.

The house seemed nice at first glance, like the Ainsleys were probably doing ok before Mr. Ainsley was hurt. They weren't doing too bad afterwards either, whatever her mom did for a living must have paid pretty well. The house was nice, the furniture looked fancy.

To the right of the front door was the living-room, which had a fancy sofa and matching wingback chairs, and one of those glass cabinets full of decorative china figurines and stuff that some older ladies liked to collect.

Next was the library room, with bookcases on three walls. There were four drum chairs around a table, where people could read or play table-top games or stuff like that.

Then there was the staircase up, behind that was a door leading to the basement stairs. At the back of the house on the right was the kitchen, which was a decent size. It was all tastefully decorated, with a large wood kitchen table and six chairs around it and all the appliances were clean and white and looked in good shape.

On the other hand there was broken glass scattered all over the kitchen floor, and a few of the cupboard doors were still open.

Across from the kitchen was the family room, which had more nice-looking furniture. There was a big cosy-looking sofa and a couple easy-chairs. A large flat-screen TV was on the wall opposite the furniture, but there was a dent in the front and a bunch of cracks radiating outwards from it. And the remote was on the floor under the TV, so it was pretty obvious how the screen got broken.

The last rooms on the left side of the house were the laundry room and a small washroom. After we'd all had a look around, Cerys led everyone up the curved stairs to the second floor. There was another good-sized landing there, with a few more doors leading off to bedrooms and stuff.

The first one on the right was the master bedroom. It was a good-sized room with a big bed in the middle, and a comfy chair to one side between a window and a little side table. There was also an ensuite bathroom. I noticed the bed was made, like Mrs. Ainsley might have been in a rush to leave the place but she still took the time to make her bed first.

Next to the master bedroom was a guest room, which was setup with some very bland boring decor. Like it was obviously a guest room, nobody lived there. Beside that was another bathroom, which looked like nobody had used it in a while. Then was a hall closet, and the last room on the left used to belong to Cerys. And as soon as we all looked in there Melanie gave her girlfriend another hug.

The closet door was open, there were a few things still hanging in there and a couple more things on the floor, but it was obvious most of the clothes were gone. A handful of books lay scattered on a couple shelves of the bookcase, but it was otherwise empty. There was a desk and dresser, but no sign of any belongings or keepsakes or anything. Even the walls were bare, except for some tape and the corners of posters that had since been torn down.

One thing that looked really out of place was a large throw-rug that covered half the bedroom floor, from the bed partway back to the bedroom door. It was odd because most of the house had wall to wall carpeting, except the kitchen laundry room and bathrooms. Seeing a throw rug ontop of the carpet in the bedroom just looked odd.

And finally, the blankets and pillows on her bed had all been slashed and torn up.

We were all quiet for the next half minute or so as we all just looked around at what used to be our friend's bedroom.

The silence was finally broken by Kaylee, as she crouched down and asked "What do you figure's under this rug? It obviously doesn't belong here."

"Don't -" Melanie started to say, but my girlfriend had already lifted a corner of it then pulled it partially out of the way. As soon as we all saw what the throw-rug was hiding the wolfgirl sighed, "Crud."

The carpet underneath was discoloured and faded, like there'd been a large irregular stain that someone tried to clean. It wasn't hard to guess what the stain was, and it was kind of scary how big it was.

"I'm sorry Cerys," Kaylee said as she carefully put the throw-rug back.

The young blonde shrugged, "It's fine. It was a long time ago now, and I'm fully healed and mostly over it."

There was another awkward silence, which I broke as I commented "I haven't seen any magic at all here. No spirits, no orbs, nothing like that."

"Me neither," Cerys responded. "But according to mom all the activity is late at night. From around one in the morning till about three?"

Paige moved to the bed and took a closer look at the damaged bedding. She pointed out, "This looks cut rather than torn. Like someone took a knife to it."

"You're right," Melanie said after she had a closer look. "Does that mean anything? Like I guess what I'm asking is, can ghosts use ghost knives? Or real knives?"

Cerys answered, "If a ghost is angry enough then yeah, they can either manifest their own weapon or rarely they can pick up and manipulate something from the environment."

"We should have another look in the kitchen," Brooke suggested. "See if any knives are missing."

Kaylee was still staring at the bed and the throw-rug, and she had a troubled expression on her face. "Maybe you shouldn't be here tonight Cerys? Maybe the ghost wasn't after your mom at all. Attacking your bed like this, using a knife to slash your pillows and blankets, that's a lot of anger. And it's directed at your room, right? It might not be safe for you to be here."

The young werewolf looked thoughtful for a few moments, then smirked and stated "I ain't afraid of no ghosts."

Melanie rolled her eyes and Nina looked like she was trying not to smile, which made me think Cerys was quoting something. I wasn't sure what though.

Meanwhile Paige stated in a serious voice, "Kaylee's got a point, Cerys. Unless I missed something, your mom was scared but nothing's actually targeted her. The whole thing started with a shadow in her bedroom, right? There's been violence in the kitchen a couple times, violence in the family room, and now an obvious demonstration of angry violence directed at your bed. That's pretty personal."

"I get it," Cerys replied with a shrug. "You're right, and if we were investigating some other haunting I'd be telling the person exactly the same thing. But I'm not some helpless human girl anymore. And old movie quotes aside, I'm really not afraid of some ghost. I know spirit magic, I know how to fight them, how to stop them, and how to put them down."

She glanced around at the rest of us and added, "And most of all, I'm not alone. I've got my girlfriend and most of my friends here with me. I've got wolves, witches, a demon and a goddess on my side. So I'm staying here."

"Ok Cerys," Paige replied. "I'm not going to argue, and you're right. We're all here to help, and we'll look out for each other. So let's make ourselves comfortable and figure out what we're going to do for the rest of the evening. We've got a long night ahead of us."

The first thing we did was double-check the kitchen, but there was no obvious indication of any missing knives. We also got a broom and dustpan and tidied up the broken glass, so there was no chance of anyone accidentally getting cut or hurt there.

There was some food in the fridge but nothing interesting, so we ended up ordering a couple pizzas. And with the TV in the family room broken we all ended up in the master bedroom.

Cerys, Melanie, and Nina sat on the bed, while me and Kaylee grabbed all the cushions off the sofa in the family room and set them up on the floor at the foot of the bed. It was kind of comfy there, the two of us could sit and cuddle while we watched TV in Mrs. Ainsley's room. And Paige took the comfy chair by the window, while Brooke brought in another chair from the guest room and parked herself next to Paige.

It was equal parts familiar and strange, like hanging out with friends while we watched TV and ate pizza was pretty normal, but we were doing all that in what felt like a stranger's house. And we had to make sure not to relax too much or fall asleep, since the whole point was to be awake to catch any sign of supernatural activity.

To help keep awake we got four big two-litre bottles of cola along with the pizzas, and the others were all drinking plenty of it. Me and Nina stuck to water though. And all seven of us were talking and stuff. At first we got Brooke up to speed on everything that happened at lunch, then after that we all found new things to share or talk about to help keep everyone awake and alert.

Even so, a few of us were starting to get quiet as the clock neared one in the morning. Kaylee and Paige both looked a little drowsy, and even Cerys was quiet. She didn't seem sleepy though, but she might have been a little more anxious or subdued.

"Is there anything specific we should be watching out for?" I asked. "Like are there any warning signs or anything, to tell us ghosts are about?"

The blonde wolf answered in a soft voice, "Temperature drops, like the air gets a few degrees cooler. Hairs on your arms standing up. Chill down your spine. Feeling like you're being watched, or like you're not alone. Sometimes electronics acts up? Any or all of the above, or none of the above."

Nina asked, "What do we do if we hear something? Like if there's a noise downstairs, do we all go investigate together? Or should some people stay up here and keep an eye out incase there's activity here?"

"We stick with Cerys," Melanie stated. "Whether we go investigate or stay put, we stick with her."

Paige checked the time on her phone then suggested, "Let's turn off the TV and the lights. It might not make a difference, but we may as well try and recreate the conditions of the earlier events."

Cerys agreed, she found the remote and turned off the TV, then Brooke turned out the lights. Suddenly it was very dark and quiet, as we all sat there quietly together. Kaylee hadn't moved or said anything for the last hour or so, but I knew she was awake because she held me a little tighter.

Unfortunately sitting around in the dark waiting for something to happen got boring really quickly. So it was almost a relief when, after about fifteen or twenty minutes of absolutely nothing happening, Melanie suddenly whispered "I hear something downstairs. Footsteps, in the kitchen."

"What should we do?" Nina whispered.

"Just wait," Cerys responded softly. "Mom never went to investigate, she stayed put. We'll do the same."

I was positive all of us were wide awake by that point. The sounds downstairs soon became louder. It sounded like someone was opening cupboards, then we heard noises like dishes and glasses being jostled about. Then the unmistakable sound of glass shattering.

"Cerys?" my girlfriend asked softly. "If it comes up here, do we try and lay it to rest?"

The blonde werewolf answered back just as softly, "That's probably for the best. No point trying to communicate, it's obviously violent and poses a threat."

We continued listening to the noises downstairs, then the footsteps finally left the kitchen and things went quiet again. With most of the house carpeted that meant there probably wouldn't be any more footsteps to follow, and we all ended up straining to listen for any other sounds.

"It's coming up the stairs," Nina suddenly whispered.

We all turned to look, and sure enough a shadowy figure came into view as it ascended the curved staircase.

Except I could actually see more than just the shadows. The figure bore the faint purple outline of magic. I couldn't make out a lot of detail, like his face and even what he was wearing wasn't clear. What I could see though was a man just over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build.

One strange thing I noticed was there seemed to be a fine thread or filament of magic that emerged from his back and stretched off into the distance, disappearing into the wall at the left side of the house.

At the top of the stairs the figure took a step towards Cerys's bedroom then paused. After a brief hesitation he turned and started stalking straight for the master bedroom where we were all waiting. As he approached his features became less fuzzy and more distinct. I could see an angry glow in his eyes, and I saw the outline of a ghostly blade clutched in his right hand.

The silence was suddenly broken as Cerys exclaimed, "Oh crap! That's no ghost, that's my dad!"

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