Club Luna

Interlude 25 – Fur Fangs & Claws

content warning: brief mentions of depression, guilt, death

=::= Melanie's PoV =::=

There was a thick layer of fresh snow on the ground as I moved quietly between the trees. Every time I exhaled I left a little cloud of breath in the cold still night air, barely visible in the darkness.

I was careful to only step in places the snow had already been compressed, so as to make as little sound as possible. I also made a point of avoiding the dry frozen branches sticking out around trees, as well as the frozen bushes and anything else that might make noise and reveal my presence.

A glance up at the clear sky revealed the stars overhead, the moon had set a while ago. Even so I had a feeling morning wasn't too far off. I wasn't sure if that was some kind of wolf thing, or maybe it was a witch thing. Then again maybe I just had a really good sense of time, I had no idea. Either way it felt like four thirty, maybe five o'clock in the morning.

Being the middle of winter we still had a couple hours before the sun would rise, but the town would be slowly starting to wake up soon. Early risers would already be getting up and preparing to begin their day.

Those thoughts were instantly forgotten as a faint sound to my left caught my attention.

A soft crunch in the fresh snow was my only warning, I barely had time to brace myself let alone move before a strong fur-clad figure tackled me. I was knocked off my feet, away from the trail and into the deep fresh snow. I rolled along with my assailant, a mess of fur and fangs and claws as the two of us both struggled to gain the advantage over each other.

It really wasn't much of a contest though. Strength and experience beat youthful enthusiasm once again, and I found myself on top.

The blonde wolf was pinned beneath me, my jaws around her neck. If I'd been a male wolf then she'd have been in a very compromising position. Heck it was still compromising even though the pair of us were both girls. There wasn't any of that though, this wasn't foreplay or flirting.

Or at least, it mostly wasn't any of those things. Really it was just play, pure and simple.

The wolf I held at my mercy with her throat in between my sharp teeth wasn't scared and she didn't try to escape. She lay panting beneath me with her tail wagging happily, and after another half minute she let out a joyous yip.

I released her and yipped back, then licked at her face and muzzle while she rolled over and rubbed herself against my furry body.

We'd been doing this sort of thing almost the whole night, play-fighting and goofing around. We fought over sticks, we chased each other around the woods, and we took turns stalking each other in the cold winter night. We were acting more like a couple adolescent wolf cubs than the large dangerous beasts the humans saw us as.

Normally I might have been embarrassed about acting so immature, but after the last couple weeks it was more of a relief seeing Cerys cut loose and have fun. Or at least, her wolf was having fun.

I really hoped when we shifted back in the morning the girl inside wouldn't feel worse for having spent the night playing. I hoped she was able to appreciate that her wolf needed to lighten the mood, for both of them.

That was something I never appreciated until after I stopped fighting the change and embraced my wolf. It felt separate and different, but it wasn't. The wolf and the person were more like two sides of the same coin, and if one was sad or upset or angry then the other would feel that way too.

The biggest difference was the side that still thought like a human was usually caught-up in logic and intellect and stuff like that. Or too busy thinking about human things, like feeling shame or embarrassment. Meanwhile the wolf side was more direct with its emotions, embracing its instincts, and doing what came naturally.

So where humans might think it was silly or inappropriate to play and have fun in response to sadness and guilt and grief, the wolf would instinctively know that was a good way to combat those feelings and blow off steam.

That was the sort of wisdom I never understood until after my wolf and I came together, despite my wolf tutor explaining it to me several times. Likewise I'd already tried to teach it to Cerys, but I didn't expect her to really accept it until she experienced it herself first-hand. And I knew that wouldn't happen for at least another couple months yet.

This was only her fourth full moon since I turned her. Her fourth experience of shifting into a large dangerous-looking animal. Her fourth time losing control of her body while an animal took over. To her the wolf was still 'other', and after all the stuff with her dad she spent the last couple days dreading this change more than ever.

I couldn't really blame her. The last two weeks she felt like everything was falling apart around her. She basically blamed herself for everything her dad did since last August, and she blamed herself for her dad's death too.

Cass was taking that really badly as well, according to Kaylee. There wasn't much I could do to help there, apart from thanking Cassandra for stopping Mr. Ainsley and saving me and my girlfriend. I just hoped between Kaylee and Nina and everyone else, they'd get Cass out of her funk. For now I'd keep trying to do the same for Cerys.

And on that subject, my girlfriend yipped loudly as she rolled to her feet. She made a little motion like she was about to run off into the woods again and she obviously wanted me to chase her.

She wanted to play another round of tag, but after a glance at the sky I knew it was too late. I growled 'no' as I stood up. I motioned towards the west with my muzzle and growled 'follow' before I set off towards home.

Cerys whined once before falling into line behind me.

We were running, but sort of a casual run. I decided not to waste any time exploring or wandering around on the way though, I was worried about traffic on the highway and the smaller roads since I'd left it a bit late this time. We stuck to the trails where the snow was already compacted and it was easy to move, as we quickly made our way along the north side of the lake.

We crossed the earthen dam and cut through the woods, then headed south to the edge of the town cemetery before turning west again. We had to wait a minute or so before it was safe to cut across the highway, but we made it without any trouble.

Sure enough the side streets were starting to get busy as people headed out for the early shift or they were heading home after the late shift. We ended up sticking to the sidewalks and avoiding the roads completely, otherwise we'd waste too much time getting on and off the road whenever we saw or heard a car.

By now Cerys knew the way home, and rather than follow me she put on a burst of speed as she dashed ahead. I chased after her, but she was treating this like another game. Actually she seemed to have decided it was a race to see who'd get home first.

I did my best to catch up to her, partially because I didn't want to lose the race but partially because I was worried she might run into trouble. And we definitely had a couple close calls along the way.

There was one near miss that nearly gave me a heart-attack as she dashed straight across a road without checking. A small car slammed on the brakes and skidded into the snowbank, narrowly avoiding my girlfriend. Cerys didn't stop and neither did I, the pair of us kept going full-tilt towards home.

The other near miss wasn't as dangerous, but she nearly tackled a human walking along the sidewalk in the dark. As it was the poor woman was probably scared half to death when the large wolf raced past her at full speed, she startled so hard she fell over into the snow. I paused long enough to make sure she was ok before I took off after my girlfriend again, but that cost me the race.

By the time I got home and into the backyard Cerys was rolling around in the snow having fun again. She yipped happily at me with her tail wagging and her nose up high, obviously proud of herself for finally winning at one of our games.

I gave her a warning growl though, because of the risks she'd taken. Suddenly chastised, she put her chin down in the snow and sulked.

Which in turn made me feel like crud. Like she'd been having fun all night and I went and spoiled it at the last minute by acting all serious and scolding her and stuff.

I moved to her side and started nuzzling her, I licked her a bit then rolled over and invited her to 'attack' me in another play-fight. She pounced, and this time I barely fought back. I put just enough into it that she had to make the effort, but I let her win the next few little wrestling matches.

She knew I was letting her win, I was sure of it. It seemed to cheer her up though, and none of it was serious anyways. We were just a couple wolfs playing in the snow.

The fun came to an end about a half hour later, when she suddenly stopped and let out a whimper. It was time to shift back.

I licked her face and nuzzled her once more, then moved a few paces away so she had some space.

Cerys curled up with her ears down and her tail between her legs and waited. Like usual it took a few more minutes. I knew she'd feel a growing pressure inside her. Last night the pressure was her wolf struggling to force its way out, now it would be the girl struggling to regain control of her body. Last night the girl fought to retain her humanity, now the wolf would be fighting to hold onto her own sense of self.

It was a fight, and that meant the actual change was slow and painful. Every time she changed, either direction, it would suck. Until she and her wolf embraced each other and became one again.

She let out another whimper, then her body shuddered and her legs twitched. I watched and waited till she was about at the halfway point, then I shifted to my wolfgirl form. I grabbed the two big heavy blankets and shook some snow off them, then wrapped one around myself and held the other one ready for my girlfriend.

The snow was freezing on my bare feet, but I ignored it. That was one of the many advantages of being a werewolf. Cold didn't affect me as much as a human, and even though it was something like minus fifteen degrees out it wasn't so bad that I couldn't handle a few minutes of it.

There was one last whimper from my girlfriend before her own shift was over. The wolf was gone and in its place was the girl, laying curled up naked in the snow.

"You're ok Cerys," I said as I helped her to her feet. I wrapped the other blanket around her as I told her, "I'm here. I've got you. Let's go inside now, all right?"

She nodded silently, then wiped some tears out of her eyes. She also brushed some snow out of her hair as the two of us moved to the side door. Like usual we went straight down the basement stairs, and curled up together on the sofa with the blankets still tightly wrapped around ourselves.

I kept an arm around her and pulled her into a cuddle as I asked softly, "How are you doing?"

She rested her head against my shoulder and sniffed, but didn't respond right away. I could feel her trembling slightly as she rested against my body, and I couldn't help worrying today was going to be just as bad as the last couple days had been. Maybe even worse, after her wolf narrowly avoided getting hit by a car less than an hour earlier.

"I um," she mumbled softly, her voice was even quieter than usual. "I had fun tonight."

My ears twitched and for a moment I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. I tried not to sound like I was freaking out or anything as I asked, "You did?"

Cerys nodded slightly, "Yeah. Playing tag in the snow, chasing each other around, that was a lot of fun. Even the play-fighting was fun, even though you beat me every single time. Except at the end, but I knew you were letting me win."

"That race home at the end was a lot of fun too," she added in a half-whisper. "I'm sorry if I scared you with the car. I saw it coming and I knew it wasn't going to hit me. They didn't even have to swerve, the driver just panicked. And sorry I cheated at the end, and made you stop to check on the woman."

For the next couple seconds I was completely silent. I had no idea what to say or how to react. I'd been expecting her to be upset and moody again like she was after the first three full moons. Or depressed and moody, like she'd been for the past week.

"Melanie?" she asked softly as she turned to look at me. "You're not mad at me are you?"

I blinked, "What? No, of course not! I'm just surprised is all. And um... You really had fun tonight?"

"Yeah," she replied quietly. "The last two weeks have been hell, and I know I was absolutely dreading the full moon last night. I didn't think I could handle it. But um... Yeah. All we did was run and play and goof around, and it was really nice."

Her cheeks were red as she added softly, "I honestly wouldn't mind switching back to the wolf again right now. Even if we don't go back out and play more? Like I could just be a wolf and not worry or care about all the stressful human stuff for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I can do human stuff. Today I kind of just want to be a wolf."

My heart was almost racing as I processed all of that. I gulped and kept my voice level as I said, "If you want to give it a try that's fine with me. You remember what I've told you, right? Just reach down deep inside yourself, find your wolf where she's hiding, and invite her back out."

"The change doesn't hurt when you do it willingly," I added. "It's a lot faster too."

Cerys nodded slowly, "Yeah I remember you told me that. I'm going to try it now."

"Good luck," I whispered.

We were still cuddling and my arm was around her, but I shifted slightly so I wasn't really holding her. She was still wrapped in her blanket too but that was ok. It wasn't like restrictive clothes, it would just fall away once she climbed out of it.

I was almost holding my breath as I watched and waited. My girlfriend's eyes were closed, and I could pretty much envision what was happening inside. I hadn't forgotten what it was like for me, the first time I tried to do it intentionally.

It was almost exactly a year ago too, a few days after the full moon last January. Me and Cerys just had our first date, we just agreed to be girlfriends and she challenged me to a video game competition. She convinced me to try and shift for her, and I did it.

Now it was Cerys's turn, and a couple seconds later it happened. There were no cries or groans, no tears or whimpers. One moment she was a girl, her eyes closed and a look of concentration on her face. The next she was a wolf, happily licking my cheek and leaving a trail of wolf-spit across my face.

"You did it!" I gasped. "Holy crap Cerys, that's awesome!"

She yipped and gave me another lick across the face, then scrambled out of the blankets so she was standing next to me on the sofa with her tail wagging happily.

"Thanks for the face-wash cutie," I laughed. "I don't need any extra wolf-slobber, I can make my own you know?"

My girlfriend yipped once more, then yawned and turned to look at the bed.

That made me yawn too and I nodded, "Yeah good point, we should get some sleep. Gimme a minute to get ready ok?"

I pulled on some pyjamas and brushed my teeth, then I got into bed. Cerys waited till I was comfy before jumping onto the bed with me. I was under the covers but she lay ontop of them, so she wouldn't overheat under the blankets. She cuddled up against me like usual, she always wanted to be the little spoon.

It was different with her in wolf form, but we figured out how to make it comfy for both of us. As we lay there I gave her some pets and scritches, but my arm ended up gently hugging her as we cuddled together. I mumbled a quiet good-night to her and she made some happy wolf noises back.

Like usual we drifted off to sleep just as all our friends would have been waking up to their day. But this time it was different. This time we were a girl wolf and her wolfgirl girlfriend.

And for the first time in four months, we had a quiet peaceful sleep the day after the full moon.

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