Club Luna

Interlude 28 – An Unexpected Outing

content warning: body shaming, homomisia

=::= Kaylee's PoV =::=

Melanie's surprise birthday party actually went well. I honestly didn't think we'd be able to keep it a secret from her, between her sense of smell and hearing I was positive she'd have sniffed out the cake in advance or overheard one of us say something about it.

Cerys did a good job organizing everything though, and the wolfgirl was definitely surprised. She was also really happy, which was good to see. Cass said both Melanie and her girlfriend really deserved some good times after all they'd been through, and I agreed with her.

The other minor surprise for me was finding out the wolfgirl's birthday was only ten days before my own.

All that was nine days ago, now it was about half past five on a Saturday afternoon and I was just putting the finishing touches on my make-up while I waited for my girlfriend to arrive. The two of us had plans for tonight, and I'd been looking forward to them all week. After triple-checking my mascara I slipped my glasses back on just in time to hear someone at the door.

"I'll get it!" I called out as I hurried out of my room and down the stairs.

From the smell of food cooking I figured mom was busy in the kitchen, but despite that and my shouting she was still halfway to the front door. I managed to beat her to it regardless, then paused just long enough to take a deep breath and make sure my hair and sweater were perfect.

Then with a wide smile I opened the door. Sure enough my girlfriend was waiting on the front step. I greeted her happily, "Hi Cass! Wow, you look great!"

Like usual she was in her big hoodie. She had a spring jacket on overtop, but I noticed immediately that she'd got her hair done up nice and she was wearing some cute make-up too. It looked like she was wearing new pants as well, so I figured maybe she'd got dressed up for the occasion.

I did too, I'd put on one of my nicer wool skirts over some tights, and I picked my favourite sweater. Between the bathroom and my bedroom I'd been locked away for the last couple hours getting ready, including doing my hair up a little different and getting my make-up perfect.

"Thanks Kaylee," my girlfriend replied with a smile of her own. "You look amazing too, I love what you've done with your hair."

She looked past me and added, "Hello Mrs. Holt."

"Hello Cassandra," my mom replied. She'd come to stand next to me while I was focused on my girlfriend. "What brings you here?"

That was a really weird question for my mom to ask, considering it should have been obvious Cass was here to see me. It left my girlfriend looking confused and awkward like she wasn't sure what to say.

"Me and Cass are going out," I responded, to spare my date the awkwardness of dealing with my mom. "Don't wait up, we'll probably go see a movie or something afterwards."

I was on my way to the hall closet to grab my jacket when my mother stated, "You're not going anywhere tonight Kaylee. You're staying home with your father and I, and we're having a proper wholesome home-cooked meal."

"What?" I spun around and frowned at her. "No, me and Cass have been planning this for a week!"

Mom just shook her head and stated, "I told you two hours ago we had a change of plans. Your father's schedule changed, he has to work tomorrow evening. So the three of us are going to celebrate your birthday here tonight."

"Two hours ago I was in the shower!" I responded impatiently as I pulled my jacket out of the closet. "And anyways Cass and I made our plans first. We can do the family dinner thing on Monday."

My mom had her hands on her hips as she stated in a firm voice, "You're not going out tonight Kaylee and that's final."

"Mom it's Saturday night," I insisted as I pulled on my jacket and headed back to the front door where my date was looking very awkward. "Me and Cass have had plans for days, she's probably got reservations somewhere nice. She's taking me out for my birthday."

Mom shook her head, "This isn't up for debate young lady."

"And honestly Kaylee," she added, "Birthday or not you've been eating out far too much lately. Not to mention the sort of food you've been choosing isn't good for you. I hate to say it hon but you're starting to look a little chunky. You had such a pretty figure, but the way you've been going lately it's no wonder you haven't got a boyfriend yet."

Her words hit me like a slap across the face, and I was equal parts shocked and embarrassed.

She'd made a few comments about my weight or about eating too much fast food now and then, but always in private. Same with talk about finding a boyfriend, that was the sort of thing her and dad only brought up rarely. Having her just blurt that stuff out in front of my girlfriend left me reeling.

"Mom what the hell?!" I demanded. "Do you know how rude that is? How could you say something like that, especially in front of Cass?!"

By that point dad had emerged from the family room. He gave me a stern look as he said, "Kaylee don't use that tone of voice with your mother."

Meanwhile Cass looked even more awkward. She looked to me and asked quietly, "Maybe I should go? We can go out another time..."

"I'm coming with you," I told her, as I moved past my mom.

Mom stated, "I told you no, Kaylee. You're staying home and celebrating your birthday with your father and I, over a proper healthy meal."

"Cassandra I'm sorry Kaylee didn't warn you that her plans had changed," she added as she addressed my girlfriend. "Maybe you can have dinner with one of your other friends instead."

I glared as I insisted, "Mom I'm an adult, I don't need you making a fuss about what I eat! And I already told you me and Cass were going out to celebrate my birthday!"

Dad responded in a firm voice, "Adult or not you're still our daughter and you still live under our roof Kaylee."

"It's nice that your friend wanted to take you out for dinner hon," mom added in a tone that was just one step away from being condescending, "But we're your family and we always celebrate your birthday together. As a family."

Her tone grew harder as she continued, "So you're staying here tonight, and the three of us are going to have a conversation about how you've been behaving lately."

My face was probably beet-red by that point, my heart was racing, and I felt almost trapped.

On the one hand Cass had to have figured out that my parents didn't know we were girlfriends. Like after mom talking about me not having a boyfriend, and referring to Cassandra as my 'friend' and suggesting she could go have dinner with another 'friend' instead, there was just no way Cass hadn't figured out that my parents didn't know.

I was scared what she'd think of me, if she thought I was embarrassed or ashamed to admit we were together. Or worse, if she thought I was just playing her along or something. It felt like the last possible thing our relationship needed. And after how badly I screwed things up last summer and how long it took to get back together again, I knew I'd never get another chance if my parents messed this up for me now.

Then on the other hand I was shocked, ashamed, and angry with my mom and dad for how they were acting, and for saying those things in front of Cassandra. Whether they knew she was my girlfriend or just thought Cass and I were best friends, either way it was completely rude and tactless to say any of that stuff while she was standing there next to me.

Before I figured out how to respond Cass took a step back. She said, "I should just go. I don't want to get you in any more trouble Kaylee. Maybe we can talk tomorrow or something."

"No," I stated as I pushed past my mother, out the door and onto the front step next to my girlfriend.

Then I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a big hug. My heart was pounding and I had a lump in my throat that might have been my stomach as I leaned in and gave my girlfriend a long passionate kiss while mom and dad stared at me.

When our lips finally parted I apologized, "Cass I'm sorry you had to be here for all this. I didn't mean for you to witness any of this, let alone get caught up in it."

I kissed her once more, then without letting go of my girlfriend I looked over at my parents. And in as firm a voice as I could manage I told them, "Mom, dad, I'm sorry I kept this secret for so long, but I was worried how you two might react. I'm still worried, but I can't hide it anymore."

"Cassandra and I are girlfriends," I stated. I took a deep breath and continued, "I'm gay, I'm a lesbian, and I don't give a damn if boys are attracted to me or not because I'm not the least bit interested in any of them. I'm sure as hell never going to marry one."

My mom just stared at me, her expression seemed to be frozen in a mix of shock and anger. Meanwhile my dad just looked disappointed. After a few seconds mom turned and walked away without another word, then she retreated back into the kitchen.

Meanwhile my dad just sighed as he gave me a sad look, "You don't want to be gay hon. You'll end up having to deal with discrimination, people will look down on you. I'm sure you don't want to hear statistics, but I can tell you it's not a great choice. Especially in rural areas like this."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Dad I love you but what you just said was so incredibly ignorant I don't even know how to respond. Unfortunately I don't have the time or patience to try and educate you right now."

My arms were still around Cass and I gave her a little squeeze before I looked back at dad again and added, "Maybe you and mom and I can talk about this another time? But right now, me and my girlfriend are going out on a date. Don't wait up."

Without waiting for a response I guided Cass away from the front door. We paused on the driveway and I gave her another kiss before apologizing again, "I'm sorry you had to be here for all that. Please let me make it up to you? Are you still up dinner?"

"It's ok Kaylee," she replied softly. "And yeah, of course I'm up for dinner. I still want to take you out to celebrate your birthday."

I smiled and we shared another kiss, before we set off together. We had our arms around each other as we walked, and as much as I dreaded facing my parents later I also felt like a huge weight I never knew was there had finally been lifted. It was nothing like the coming out I'd envisioned and practiced in my head, this was a lot more passionate and emotional than the quiet formal conversation I planned.

A half hour later we were sitting together in a nice private booth in one of our town's handful of fancy restaurants. We'd already placed our order, we got our drinks and there was a basket of crusty bread on the table in front of us.

Cass even took off her hoodie when we sat down, revealing a pretty grey and purple blouse that looked new. Then she reached into her purse for something, before presenting me with a small rectangular box wrapped in silver paper.

"Happy birthday Kaylee," she said quietly. "I hope you'll like it."

I grinned, "It's from you so I know I'll love it."

She smiled as well, then watched quietly as I took my time carefully peeling back the tape and unfolding the wrapping paper.

That revealed a small black box with a hinged lid. It was about six inches long, two inches wide, and a half inch thick. It was the kind of thing you got from a jewelry store, which had my heart racing a little. The size and shape made me think it was either a bracelet or a necklace.

I set the box on the table in front of me then carefully opened the lid to reveal the contents. Inside it was lined in black velvet, and sure enough there was a gleaming necklace that looked stunning against the soft black background.

My eyes widened as I stared at what looked like some kind of amulet or talisman. The symbol consisted of eight arrows all pointing in different directions, inside a ring or circle. The whole thing was asymmetrical and off-centre, almost lopsided in a way. It was obviously intentional, like whoever made it went out of their way to make it that shape.

It was all polished up to a perfect shine in what appeared to be rose gold, and hanging from a pretty rose gold chain.

"Cass this is beautiful," I finally responded. "Thank you so much!"

She smiled as she offered, "Can I help you put it on?"

"Yes please!" I nodded as I carefully removed the necklace from the box.

It had a fairly standard closure on the chain, and Cass carefully opened it and placed it around my neck. The chain was long enough that the amulet rested just below my neck, at the very top of my chest.

I could just see it myself if I looked straight down, and it looked brilliant against the subdued dark red of my sweater.

Once it was secure I turned then pulled her into a hug as I thanked her again. Then I gave her a kiss and asked, "Does it have a specific meaning? It reminds me a little of some pagan symbols, like the Celtic wheel of the year or the Wiccan symbol of the eight paths."

"Yeah," my girlfriend blushed slightly as she nodded. "It's a symbol of chaos. Call it a chaos-star maybe? It represents infinite possibilities and all different directions, but none of them are 'straight'..."

That left me with a wide smile on my face as I stated, "It's perfect. Thanks again Cassandra, I absolutely love it. Almost as much as I love you."

Then I leaned in and gave her another kiss while she was busy blushing.

For folks who're curious, Kaylee's necklace / Cass's chaos symbol looks like this:

Cass's chaos star

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