Club Luna

Interlude 29 – The Cutest Girls

=::= Kaylee's PoV =::=

"I'm not entirely sure I like the way things turned out," I commented quietly as I looked across the cafeteria, to where my girlfriend was sitting with two other girls.

Paige asked, "How so?"

I continued watching the other table while I answered, "Willow pretty much got off completely free. She got everything she wanted, and she still has access to powerful magic."

Today was Friday the thirteenth, a whole week had passed since we uncovered the mystery sorceress. Sure enough Cass's moms came up with a way to handle the situation. It wasn't entirely to my liking, but to be fair I couldn't really think of any better ways of doing it.

Another disappointment was even though Willow knew about that strange cave, she didn't know anything about the trail-cam someone had up there in March. She didn't have anything to do with those mystery texts that lured us out there either.

So that whole situation was still unresolved, and we still didn't have any leads or clues to follow either.

As for Willow, she was having lunch today with Cass and Melanie. All three of them had somewhat similar experiences of being trans and receiving unexpected magical transitions, so they were sharing stories and getting to know each other a bit more. Cerys and Nina were sitting at another table, and that left Paige and I to have lunch with each other.

The tall athletic brunette shrugged, "In terms of Willow keeping her magic, there was literally nothing we could do about that. You remember back in January, Julie and Tanya said there was no way to take magic away from someone. And in this case, Willow got hers directly from a living goddess. I don't think any of us want to risk getting Hecate mad at us for trying to mess around with someone who received her personal blessing."

"Yeah," I sighed. I finally took my eyes off the other girls and looked back at Paige, "It still feels like she's getting away with things."

My friend shrugged again, "Sometimes that's just how it goes? She swore to stop using her magic, at least until she was able to do it responsibly. And she definitely seemed remorseful about what happened to the two teachers. And granted a couple people got hurt, but they're all going to make a full recovery."

She had a point there. Our club sponsors visited the hospital at some point to work their healing magic, and Mr. Guthrie already returned at school again this week. Mr. Sanderson's recovery was slower, but he'd be back to full health before long as well. Even Steve Ford was back to normal, after spending three or four days with the donkey enhancements.

"I know," I grimaced. "Maybe I'm just being petty."

Paige grinned as she teased, "You're not jealous are you? Your girlfriend's having lunch with another pretty girl, and the two of them have a lot in common."

I rolled my eyes and corrected her, "Cass is having lunch with two pretty girls. And no I'm not jealous. I know she's not interested in either of them. Not like that anyways."

The tall brunette responded, "Huh, good catch. I guess I don't really think of Melanie as 'pretty' because of her whole tough tomboy aesthetic. I bet she'd absolutely rock a dress though. Imagine her in an LBD? Maybe get her some diamond earrings, get her hair styled, teach her how to do make-up?"

"I bet she'd look like a femme fatale," I replied quietly. "Or some kind of spy maybe, with her athletic figure. She'd need heels though, to really sell it."

That got Paige smiling again, "I doubt that'd ever happen, but if it did I'd love to see it."

I smiled as well, "Same. Anyways Melanie probably wouldn't appreciate us mentally playing dress-up with her regardless."

"But yeah," I added as I looked back at the other table again, "All three of those girls are pretty."

My friend agreed, "Melanie's got the tough athletic tomboy thing, Cass has the cute innocent look, and Willow's got the slender exotic style."

She had that right. The sorceress was about the same height as my girlfriend, but in addition to being short she was also very slim. She still had all the right curves, but it felt like there wasn't an ounce of body fat on her except for her chest hips and butt. And with the purple eyes and the silky black hair that reached down to the small of her back she definitely had an exotic look to her.

And unlike Cass or Melanie, Willow wasn't shy about showing off her new curves. She was wearing a pair of tight black jeans, an equally-tight scoop-neck top, and she had some ankle boots that gave her a bit of height and some extra definition to her legs and behind.

The fact that she was openly embracing her femininity actually went at odds with the story her parents got last Friday afternoon, and everyone else got when she came back to school on Monday.

Rather than admit she was trans and went dabbling in powerful magic, the story she and Cass's moms went with was Willow got caught up in whatever mysterious force was affecting the school. She was just another victim, after Sanderson, Guthrie, and Steve Ford. That didn't entirely sit well with a few of us, but the truth would have got her in a lot more trouble since people would have figured out pretty quickly she was responsible for the other three incidents.

This way it let her keep her magic a secret. And both Tanya and Julie thought that was for the best, since if Willow was exposed it might lead to the rest of us getting exposed as well. And even if those reporters were gone we were still worried about attracting undue attention from the council.

The biggest problem with Willow's story was she obviously wasn't unhappy about getting 'unexpectedly turned into a girl against her will'. Like she didn't waste any time announcing her new name and pronouns, and by the time she was back to school on Monday she already had a new wardrobe too.

After a few seconds of silence Paige caught me off-guard as she commented, "Now I'm wondering if maybe we should invite her to join the club."

"Are you serious?" I asked as I turned to look at her again. "A week ago she was a menace, she sent two teachers to hospital. Now you want her to be part of Club Luna?"

She shrugged, "Melanie and Nina were both incidents or enemies before they joined. Plus Willow's a sorceress, that's a new talent Club Luna's never had before. She just needs some training. Anyways it's just a thought. Maybe I'll bring it up at tonight's club meeting?"

"The other thing is the club's going to be down a few members by the end of the summer," Paige added. "I won't be around, you won't be around. Melody might be leaving, and I don't know how much Brooke's going to be involved next year. That leaves Cerys, Cass, Melanie, and Nina."

"Yeah," I frowned. Then I sighed, "I guess I've been trying to avoid thinking about that."

"Are you having second thoughts about going into residence?" Paige asked.

"Only when I actually stop and think about it," I confessed. "I don't know that I'm ready to leave Cass, or the club. I'm kind of ready to spend time away from my parents, I just wish that didn't mean leaving all my friends behind too."

I continued with a sigh, "I can't back out of university though. I've been accepted, and that's the program I want. I can't get the same education anywhere else, as much as I'd like to go to our local college here with Cass."

Paige nodded, "I get it. That's why I'm going to Western, it's the best option for the future I want. I hate that it means leaving Brooke and the club and everything, but we can't just stop time and live in this moment forever, right? Life keeps moving on."

"At least that's what it does for us mortals," she added. "Cass and Nina could probably stay at high school forever. Or for a few hundred years, or until they get bored of it anyways."

"Huh," I frowned.

That was another thing I tried to avoid thinking about. Whether you looked at her as a goddess or a demon, my girlfriend was basically immortal and she probably wasn't going to age at all.

I actually noticed that already. Apart from her clothes and hair style, she hadn't changed at all since that very first club meeting over a year and a half ago. She was still the same cute shy brunette, and she still looked exactly like she did after she wandered into her very first club meeting and got transformed.

It was hard to imagine what it'd be like in another few years. I'd be in my twenties, a university graduate and looking for my first real job, while my girlfriend would still look like a cute little high-school girl. I only had to look at her sister for a real-life example of what that would be like for Cass. Nina was halfway through her second millennium but she looked fifteen or sixteen at most.

In fact it was the same with May Hawthorne, we knew she was well over a thousand years old but she looked twenty-five. It was weird to think that my girlfriend might still look like a cute seventeen year old in another ten or twenty years. Or fifty, or a hundred.

My brain was already wandering down that rabbit hole when my friend's voice brought me back to the present.

"You just said you're ready to spend time away from your parents," Paige commented. "Are things not getting any better with them?"

I grimaced slightly, "It's not that bad to be honest. Actually, I don't want to jinx it but I think my folks are starting to come around? Like I figured, they just needed some time to calm down and start listening and thinking."

She smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. So you figure everything's going to be all right after all?"

"Yeah," I smiled back. "I hope so anyways. It's been an uncomfortable couple weeks, but things are starting to improve again."

Then I leaned closer and lowered my voice as I commented, "Actually I think I might owe Melody a thank you? Part of the reason my dad's coming around is from talking with his partner at work. Apparently Alison Sinclair is very queer-positive, and she had some supportive things to say on the subject. And I get the feeling that maybe she wouldn't have brought it up or had that conversation with my dad, unless Melody mentioned something to her about the situation."

Paige smiled, "That's convenient. I guess you can ask her at the club meeting tonight?"

"Anyways I'm glad things with your folks are working out," she added. "That's got to be a big relief for you."

I nodded, "It is. Except I still have a few other issues with my mom? She's been trying to convince me to go on a diet, which..."

My voice trailed off and I blushed, "To be honest she might have a point? Except I don't think I eat that much? I just have a different metabolism, and I'm not that active."

"Anyways," I quickly got away from that topic, "For now I'm just glad they've started to accept that I'm gay, and that there's never going to be a boyfriend or husband in my life."

Paige gave me a sympathetic look as she replied, "I'm glad for that Kaylee. And I know that other topic is probably sensitive, but if you ever want to talk about it I'm here for you ok? I promise I'm not judgemental or any of that stuff."

"Thanks for the offer," I replied as my cheeks warmed up again. "No offence but it's not like you've got any first-hand experience with this stuff though, right? You've always been slim and strong and athletic, as long as I've known you."

She nodded, "You're right. And I know I'm lucky that way, I know genetics probably plays a huge part. Like I said, I'm not judgmental and I try not to be preachy about it either. I've seen other people who are, and I know it never helps. Anyways I just wanted you to know I'm here for you, even if it's for support or venting."

I smiled as I thanked her again. Then I let my eyes drift over towards my girlfriend again. She and Melanie were still talking with Willow, and I couldn't help looking at the sorceress's small slender figure.

And as I stared at the three supernatural trans girls, my mind started to wander again. I wondered if any of the healing spells I knew could be applied to general health or fitness. There were a few I could try, I could start experimenting every night before bed if I wanted to go that route.

Or maybe there was an even easier solution, I thought as I looked at my girlfriend again. She was a goddess after all, she could change reality with her magic. I knew it would absolutely be cheating, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I was fairly sure I could convince Cass to help me out if I asked just right.

As my mind wandered a little deeper down that rabbit-hole I sort of connected some earlier thoughts to these new ones.

What if I asked Cass for something more than just helping me out with my weight or metabolism? I'd been thinking a little while ago about how Cass was going to stay young and cute forever. Now I couldn't help wondering, what if she could do something like that for me?

"You're staring at them again," Paige's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "What are you thinking about now?"

I turned to face her again as my cheeks coloured. For a second or two I hesitated, as I questioned if I should admit what I was thinking. But Paige was my closest friend, of everyone in Club Luna I'd known her the longest. I trusted her, and she always had good judgement about these things.

"I was just thinking about something, but um," I grimaced then asked, "This is a secret ok? Just between you and me?"

Paige nodded, "Of course Kaylee, I promise."

I gave her a grateful smile, then quietly admitted "I was just thinking, my girlfriend is a goddess right? She's got powerful magic, she can literally change reality. So um, I started to wonder if she could help me with the metabolism stuff? Then that led to what you mentioned earlier, about her being immortal. She's going to be young and cute for a long time, maybe forever. And I um, was wondering if she could do something like that for me too..."

My friend's eyebrows crept up as she stared at me in surprise for the next couple seconds. Then she leaned closer and asked softly, "Kaylee are you serious? If she did something like that, you probably wouldn't be human anymore."

"I know," I half-whispered back. "And this just popped into my head right now, I haven't put any thought into it. Not yet at least."

She frowned, "Please do think about it. A lot. If you talk to Cass, get all the information you can about it ok? I'll support you Kaylee, whatever decision you finally make, but please don't rush into anything."

I sighed, "I know Paige. Like I said this just came up right now. I don't know if I'll ever even mention it to her? But if I do, I'll get as much information as I can, so I can make an informed decision."

"Good," she replied. Then she added, "Hard to believe it was less than a year ago you were kind of prejudiced against supernaturals, now you're actually talking about giving up your humanity and becoming one of them."

That made me grimace, "I know. It makes me sound like a hypocrite."

Paige shook her head, "No, it makes you sound like you've grown as a person."

"Thanks," I smiled as I blushed again.

Then I slowly turned to look over at my girlfriend once more, and the two supernaturals she was sitting with. And being honest with myself, I was a little envious of all three of them. Willow had the sort of slender petite figure I could never hope to achieve on my own. Melanie was strong, fast, tough, and brave. And Cass was shy and quiet, but also practically indestructible and immortal. And all three of them were attractive, in their own individual ways.

"Are you thinking about joining them?" Paige asked. Then she clarified, "I mean going over to their table, not joining them by becoming supernatural yourself."

"Not yet," I shook my head. I kept watching though, and after a few moments I quietly observed "The trans girls seem to be the cutest, you know?"

I could hear the smile in Paige's voice as she replied, "You might be a little biased there Kaylee, but you're right. They are pretty cute."

"Anyways it's almost time to get to our afternoon classes," she added. "So why don't you go round up your cute girlfriend? I'll meet up with you again after school, and we can all head over to Cass's place for the club meeting."

"Yeah ok," I nodded as I got to my feet.

I gathered up my things but before I went to fetch Cass I added, "Thanks again for the chat Paige. I really appreciate it."

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