Collide Gamer

Chapter 21 – John thinks with his d*ck


‘Aaaaaahhh,’ the Gamer screamed inside his mind. ‘Percentage bonuses are way too powerful to just pass up on… but…’ another part of him reared its head, ‘You’d not be at the low end of average anymore… When are you going to have another chance like this?’

He looked up at Rave. She hadn’t minded his size, or lack thereof. Then again, so far she had only taken it in her mouth. The last thing he wanted when he did get the chance to have actual sex with her was for her to ask ‘Is it in yet?’.

‘I’m not that small,’ he reminded himself. There was no logical reason to crave the dick length that much.

“Ya staring – and not in the sexy way, Johnny,” Rave pointed out. She made her way back from the window, every strut a distraction. “What’re ya thinking about?” With those words, she plopped back down on the couch.

“I, uhm, just got an Achievement that g-gives me a choice between two rewards,” he explained vaguely. If she found out what he had trouble deciding, he would have begged for a Skill that let him sink into the floor. “One is… so much better in the long run, b-but the other helps me with a current… ‘problem’.”

“You’re min-maxing IRL?” John nodded. Deeply, Rave inhaled, making her chest stretch. “NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD!” she shouted and for a moment John was reminded of school. The sneers, the shoves, the ripping of lunchmoney out of his hands. Laughter as he laid on the floor. Then Rave’s laughter filled the room and all of that was wiped away.

She swayed left to right, slapping his shoulder, then fell against the backrest of the couch. This wasn’t laughter at his expense. It wasn’t even derisive either. She was just… having a good time with him around.

And as the light caught in her pink hair, turning the chaotic strands into a halo of white, John’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel it in that moment, his lustful interest in her because she was hot shifting into something more wholesome. ‘She’s just… perfect,’ he thought, ‘I want to be with her… I want to hear more of this… see more of her smile.’

Rave put her elbow on the couch and smiled, her laughing fit ebbing away. She shot him a radiant smile. “Not even DBZA, ey? Ya gotta watch some anime.”

“Uhm, yeah, sure?” he agreed in a quiet, distracted tone. He was too busy listening to her voice to hear what she said.

The choice he had been mulling over was entirely out of his mind, when she crawled on top of him again. His cock hardened again. The two minutes his seed needed to be fully restocked had long passed. Hovering over his pointy erection, her crotch seemed… different. Not as puffy and definitely not as wet.

“Lemme make this real easy for you,” Rave purred and put her breasts right in front of his face. “First option, left boob. Option B, right boob. Ya gotta choose in the next five seconds or ya never, ever will get to touch either.”

“That’s supposed to make it easier?!” John blurted out.

Rave didn’t care about his objection. “Five.” The window flickered over in front of Rave's boobs, the accept buttons aligned with her nipples. Gaia obviously enjoyed this teasing. “Four.” His brain was on fire. How was he supposed to think with a stunning girl like this on top of him? “Three.” She teasingly shook her shoulders. The window was translucent and yet not. John could see her petite boobs jiggle ever so softly. “Twooooo…” her drawn out voice was a warning.

‘Ah fuck it!’ John thought and went for the right option.

Two feelings dominated his being. One was the softness of Rave’s right boob. There wasn’t much to play with, but what there was, offered the second greatest sensation his hands had ever experienced, second only to her butt. Squishy and warm, her heartbeat drumming behind. Rave pressed stronger against him, legs rubbing against where the second feeling was running its course. The increase in his size was accompanied by a mild increase in girth. It was a warm, tingly sensation and faded quickly.

“Did…did your dick just get bigger?” Rave was weirded out and astonished at the same time. She climbed off him, while he blushed, hard. Like an interested cat, she gave his manhood some pokes. “Hard again, bigger, your body is weird.” She leaned in a little closer. “Ain’t really small anymore… not big either… still that’s… interesting?”

“N-not as interesting as you,” John blurted out. ‘Yeah, that was the best I had, wasn’t it?’

Rave chortled, “Thank you, Gamer. Anyhowzels, I need to brush my teeth and take another shower…” she contemplated for a moment. “…ya wanna join?” At least that was an easy question.

The bathroom was as weird as most rooms in this building. Meaning that it was entirely themed to be a bathroom. White tiles covered the floor and most of the walls, that much was normal, what was not normal was the sheer amount of different bathroom equipment. There were two toilets, one a traditional western one and another one of those one would squat over, three sinks, each with different kinds of hot-warm regulation, two showers, glass door and curtain, a bathtub and two jacuzzis, one of which had a TABLE built into the middle and a small pool in the middle of it all. Necessarily, the room was enormous. John was starting to wonder how deep the house extended into the block.

“Your father is i-insane,” John said, no longer able to hold it back.

“Yeah, insanely awesome – ya see what he raised? Now…” Rave pointed at him. “Clothes off!”

“Y-yes, ma’am.” John had meant it to sound enthusiastic. It came out sheepish. He could practically see Rave’s interest waning. That his naked body was more bone than anything else certainly didn’t help.

“Didn’t know what else I expected… can’t ya use that ability of yours to get some muscle, Gamer?”

“I… don’t know? P-probably?”

“Ya should find out, stoopid,” she said flippantly, heel tapping on the floor. She walked over to one of the jacuzzis.

“D-didn’t you want to take a shower?”

“Changed mah mind,” Rave slurred and waved him over. To follow that bubble butt was natural. “Go get in there, Gamer.”

John could feel the heat of the water where he stood. Today had gone too smooth for him to chicken out right now. With some caution, he climbed into almost painfully hot water. Rave let him soak in it on his own for a little bit, giving her teeth a quick once over. He had never considered toothbrushing to be an erotic activity, but when a woman like her did it, what didn’t become one? When she finally entered the hot tub, she sighed contently. “Perfect temperature.”

‘How?’ John thought. He felt like he was sitting in a rice cooker. However, he also sat opposite of Rave in the smaller of the two jacuzzis. Swallowing his complaints, he did his best to relax. Even in this heat, or maybe especially because of it, he shivered when she poked his chest with her big toe.

“Tell me, Johnny, why did ya choose Collide over the Order?” she asked out of nowhere. The mischievous glint in her eyes made it a curious question, rather than a serious one.

“Well, I, uhm, wanted freedom over security… was a p-pretty h-hard choice though.”

“’Cause ya weren’t sure whether ya wanted the redhead or the half-Asian punk chick, hm?” Rave teased him.

‘Half…? Hm, now that she mentions it…’ “I, uhm, admit that was… part of the question…”

“Ya definitely picked right, didn’t ya?” Her big toe brushed up and down his chest. “Better me than that prude little princess with her superiority complex.”

“U-uhm… y-yeah.” John wasn’t sure when this had become a competition, but Rave was definitely winning it.

“Moi-Moi is bo-o-riiing,” Rave exclaimed and pulled her foot back. The water softly rippled from the movement. She stood up and then sat down next to him. “Wanna make out?”

John was feeling a little better about getting to experience all of this, after he made her climax twice earlier. Still, that she constantly dictated the tempo was leaving him unsatisfied. ‘I don’t want to be an errand boy for her I want… do I just want her or do I still want that harem?’ The question was difficult to answer. For now, he would just roll with it and see where it went. “Yes,” he answered the easier question.

Their kissing was slower this time. No pornstar moaning in the background and no horniness on her side to take things further. Just the amazing sensation of her soft lips pressing against his. A constant joy drummed in his chest, so much greater than the lust he had felt before. ‘I’m in love,’ he realized fully. Then he remembered she had said his kisses were unsatisfying. ‘Why don’t I get a Skill for this?’ he sent a bug report to the developer. In the meantime, he tried to make up for it with his own efforts.

Amidst the heat inside and outside his body, he felt a bother at the back of his head. An annoying tingling that demanded to be acknowledged. Uncertainty pressed against it and eventually yielded. He put his arm around Rave’s narrow waist and pulled her close. The other hand glided down her midriff and found her pussy again.

Rave moaned appreciatively into his mouth and reciprocated in kind. There was a difference in how her hand wrapped around his cock, doubtlessly originating from the increased size.

Wrestling tongues with Rave, he slowly leveraged the hand width he had on her. Her moans grew a little louder, after she tilted her head back. The pumping of her hand became faster. Already as red as he could be, John gave into the urge and joined her moans. Through half-closed lids, he looked at her flawless skin and beautiful face.

No Skill for fingering, but what he had learned about her sensitive spots still applied. When she came first, that filled him with an immense satisfaction. Before he could gloat, his cum spurted into the hot water. Rope for rope of white, getting swirled and drained by the constantly cycling bathtub. ‘The bills for this place must be insane,’ he realized, in that post-orgasmic moment of clarity.

Then the kiss broke. “I almost wanna fuck ya right now,” Rave panted.

“Give me two minutes and I am ready.” John had not been more serious about anything in his entire life.

“I said almost.” Her laughter took the wind out of his sails. Playfully chiding, she smacked the back of his head. “I told ya I ain’t that loose. Know I’m not making the best case for it…” she looked down at herself, “…but I draw the line at sex. I gotta be real bored or really happy for us to go there. Or, ya know… ya could shape up to be boyfriend material.”

That sounded like a challenge. “S-so what am I right now?”

“Entertainment,” she told him flat-out. He didn’t know why he kept asking, expecting a different answer when he had barely changed at all. All that happened so far was because she felt like it. He hadn’t initiated or earned anything yet. Not really. “Lost my virginity kind of on a fluke… screwed with the same guy a couple more times… shouldn’t have done any of that… ya can wait a month or two. We’ll see how ya shape up.”

John took a heavy breath, for many reasons. Ultimately, he just nodded. Even if he wanted her immediately, she was being reasonable and maybe… just maybe that would give him the time he needed not to feel like he was more than a novel boytoy she was dragging around.

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