Collide Gamer

Chapter 24 – At the old arcade once again.


He was the one that was late today. He had spent the whole day brooding. At one point during school, he had spotted a disguised Rave in the hallways. She mimicked the shy student pretty well, her nose always in some anime booklet. Surprisingly, no one messed with her though. John avoided her too, but only because he didn’t want Moira to get the right idea.

When he did make it to the arcade, he was greeted by shouting. “THIS IS BULLSHIT!” Jimmie screamed at the top of his lungs. “WHY DON’T YOU TAKE DAMAGE?! WHY DO I TAKE SO MUCH DAMAGE?!”

“Maybe ya should, as they say, git gud?” Rave asked. She was right next to him, the two sitting at the two computers by the arcade machines.

‘How do they have internet in here?’ John had to ask. He couldn’t imagine cables or signals making it through to a pocket dimension. The problem was that he had to be wrong on that. Last he checked, League of Legends did not have Peer to Peer connection. John peeked over Jimmie’s shoulder. “Why… why the hell are you building armour against Jax? That’s not even a Frozen Heart… and you’re playing Tryndamere? I could u-understand R-randuins…” ‘Almost got through that without a stammer, damn it,’ he cursed at himself.

“No one asked you,” Jimmie barked back, while hammering keys. “I’ve been playing this for 5 years, I know what I’m doing.”

“…What rank are you?”

“Silver 4.”

John could not suppress the amused snort. Defensively, he raised his hands when Jimmie gave him a warning glare. “Okay, okay,” John took a step back, then moved over to Rave. She smelled better anyway. Softly sweet, noticeable but not intense. “D-didn’t know you p-played League.” Her items made a lot more sense, even if it was the standard build.

“Right back at ya… although I could’ve guessed as much,” she responded. “Wanna play a 1v1 after I bash his brains in?”

“You arrogant bitch, how about you- ARGH, THAT ABILITY IS SO BUSTED!” He had run straight in, only to have his auto attacks completely nullified by Jax’s E.

“Please tell me you counter picked,” John tried to see to a last shred of potential dignity for Jimmie.

“Nope, he just neeeeeded to play Trynda, like an idiot.”

“HE CRITS LIKE A TRUCK!” Jimmie shouted at them both.

“Means nothing if I dodge all auto attacks,” Rave actually took her hands off the keyboard, while the two champions hit each other. Inevitably, she won. She was ahead in gold and her character countered his.

“Would have guessed you played more… L-lux, Jinx or Vi,” John confessed.

Rave rolled her eyes. “Jax beats people with a lamppost. A lamppost! That’s so rad, it's almost as hilarious as I am sexy.”

“Okay, I give up!” Jimmie declared and quit the game. “Fuck you Rave, I have to go to work. Do adult things, instead of getting good at this shitty game.”

“Have fun, Jimster.” Rave responded with a careless smirk. “We can play something you’re decent at next time. Smash Bros, maybe?”

“Whatever,” the mechanic walked off, taking his negative attitude with him, and leaving the seat next to Rave open. She kicked it, so the seat swivelled in his direction.

“Any excuse you’re late today?” she asked, after he sat down.

“J-just classes,” he reported.

“Just skip’em,” she responded outright. “I’m only going ‘cause dad insists I do the higher education basics. Waste of time, but ya know the way parents are.”

“My mom is around, so… difficult.”

“I guess,” Rave shrugged. This probably was the negative influence his mom had warned him about. It didn’t quite register as such when he had been having the same thought. Knowing about the Abyss changed things a lot. “So, you any good?” Rave pointed at the screen.

“Dunno, haven’t played League since… w-when did Kled come out?”

The techno lover swiftly looked it up. “August 2016, almost a year.”

“Yeah, s-sounds about right. I couldn’t stomach Teemo any longer… so I switched to Dota 2.”

Rave looked at him funny. “Isn’t there Uber-Teemo in Dota?”

“T-techies isn’t that bad… or, well, he’s worse, but the entire game’s different. If y-you don’t mind that I’m rusty, you can add me. L-let me just see if I remember my p-password.” John logged out of Jimmie’s account and started typing. He knew his account name by heart. The password was harder. He used 10 different ones, just for the sake of feeling a bit safer.

“What’s your name then?”


Rave nearly fell out of her chair, she was laughing that hard. “Ya serious?”

“N-no,” John responded with the biggest grin he could muster. He wasn’t used to making the expression and the corners of his lips trembled nervously.

There was nothing quite as satisfying as the joke landing. Rave laughed even louder, until she actually fell out of the chair. As she rolled on the concrete floor, John noticed she was wearing a miniskirt today, instead of the usual stretch jeans or yoga pants. He had the easiest view of her bright pink panties for a few seconds. Then she pulled her legs back and athletically jumped to her feet.

“…New... shoes?” he asked.

“Totes’,” she responded with a wide grin. They both knew where his eyes had actually been. Just so happened she actually wore sneakers today. “Had enough of the pine needles making it into my flip flops.”

“We could always train in the city,” John suggested. Now that he had a better grasp on the way the Illusion Barriers worked, going out into the forest felt a tad unnecessary.

“Kinda don’t want to risk the Order stumbling over our butts. Forest is safer,” Rave countered.

“Are we doing anything bad?” John wondered, only for the pink-haired half-Asian to get delightfully close.

“We could be,” she whispered, then backed away immediately when he blushed. “Man, ya really are so easy to mess with, Gamer. Anyway, username, now.”

“It’s J-Jeehan.”

“Is that with or without the stutter?” The question didn’t require an answer, she already had sent the friend request. “Kinda stupid nickname, not gonna lie.”

Neonlights wants to add you to their friends list, it said on the screen. “I don’t think you have room to talk…” John mumbled and accepted the request as well as the invite that came soon after. He looked at the selection screen. “The h-hell did they do to Galio?”

“Made him OP as fuck. Now pick something.”

It was blind pick, so Rave could have been going with any manner of duellist monstrosity. John decided to pick it safe, under that assumption. A tank would be a good choice. Sure it would take ages to push down the towers on the map (In good old 1v1 fashion it was Howling Abyss, which was slightly ironic) but not dying was more important. He decided to go with Malphite, threw some runes together and soon they were thrown into the game.

She had picked Teemo. “W-why?”

“Don’t be hating, Teemo isn’t that good against Malphite.”

“I will d-destroy you, rat player,” John exclaimed, the hatred for that rat was all consuming.

“Try me!” Rave challenged.

12 minutes later.

“THIS IS BULLSHIT!” Rave screamed as he slowly poked down the Nexus.

John laughed the dirtiest laugh he had all his life. “Ahahahaha. Rave you should never try to face off against the Gamer. This is my territory!”

“Not the reason why I lost!” Rave complained and rubbed her legs together. Her face was beet red and she was breathing hard. “Ya damn cheater!”

To her credit, he had been cheating a slight bit. After getting poked for two minutes, he had decided to punish Rave for her audacity by trying something he had been fantasizing about. A quick look under the table and he had Possessed her very visible panties. Then, he had been ‘vibrating’ against her pussy. It probably wasn’t as effective as a proper vibrator, but it did enough to distract her. That his attention was split hardly mattered. League of Legends was a game he had so many hours in, even a year break didn’t break the muscle memory.

He was the victor of the match, he had gotten to play with Rave the entire time, and he had gotten a Possession level. It was the whole package of awesome. ‘I just realized I didn’t stutter at all during that victory declaration,’ he pat himself on the proverbial back. ‘I can do it.’

Rave stood up on mildly shaking legs. “You…” she swallowed and took the half step towards him. As much as he wanted to ensure she came at least once, he was out of mana. The vibrating stopped and she gasped in both relief and disappointment.

“Yeeeees?” John asked, teasingly.

“You’re coming over later.” A hand landed on his shoulder as he said that. She squeezed the practically exposed bone under the t-shirt. “Ya being a bad boy and now ya gotta get me outta the mess ya got me into.”

John could only smile more. He still wasn’t sure what to do with his life, but even without upping his Charisma it seemed he was getting the hang of hanging out with her. That was the most important skill he could acquire at the moment anyhow. “W-we could… do it now?”

“Ya already made me cum, tiger,” she said and let go of his shoulder.

‘I did?’ he thought. He had been too concentrated on the game and the act of pleasuring her to notice. ‘Dammit…’ he chided himself. That wasn’t something he wanted to miss. She was gorgeous when she was all flustered and spasming.

“That’s a lesson learned. Just wanted to mess with ya a bit and now I gotta change underwear.”

“Never pick Teemo w-when I’m around! I didn’t get to Diamond 2 for nothing.”

“Neeeerd,” Rave laughed and gave his head a playful tap. “Gonna be back in a moment. “

John stared at her as she walked away. He discovered a distaste for skirts. While seeing so much of her legs was nice, the way the yoga pants had stuck to her ass had been so much better than the way the skirt stretched around her bubble butt. The contemplation distracted him long enough, he only remembered he had the upgraded Observe to use on her when she was almost up the stairs.

His Relationship Score was still improving and now she liked him for more than his powers. That was a large step in the right direction. Also a hint to dial it back on the Teemo hatred. If he had these kinds of hints earlier in his social life… Vanessa probably still would’ve ruined it all for him.

“What’re ya looking at?” Rave asked after she came back down. To her, he must have been intensely staring into the air. That she knew about his windows in general must have tipped her off though. “New Achievement?”

“Y-your Stats,” he confessed and realized a second too late that she had been touchy about the subject before.

“You can do that, Johnny?” her tone was serious.

Already too late to take back what he had said. “I, uhm, unlocked it yesterday… Y-your Agility is really impressive!”

“Yeah, sure, ya wanna look at my Agility,” she rolled her eyes. Red dusted her cheeks.

“W-why are you so embarrassed?” John didn’t get it. Somewhere in the back of his antisocial brain he knew that was a stupid question, but he really didn’t get it.

“Nothing to do with you.”

“I-is it the Libido? 13 can’t be that bad… I have 19”

“Yeah, well, my Libido is higher than my Wisdom and I dunno what that says about me but I don’t like it.” She crossed her arms and gave him a hard stare. “Ya wanna keep asking questions, Johnny, or can we do something fun?”

“W-we can go fight ghosts,” he assured her hastily. Whatever nerve he had just touched, he felt it best if he backed off and let her have her way for the rest of the day. With the interaction they had previously, he was already calling today a victory on the ‘seeming less like a doormat’ front.

The grinding session that followed had him reach level 9. They found another talisman and he got another level of Possession (just lowering the activation cost further, down to 4 MP). Technically they also found a few Ectoplasms, but John just kept using them.

Afterwards, she was in a good enough mood that she did still invite him to her place. They played Dancestar for a bit. John had been against it at first, but it did give him Muscle of the Operation 3. After they had worked up a sweat, John got a little bit pushy and offered to eat her out again. He wanted to endear himself and giving worked better than receiving. Plus, he did like making her cum.

She took him up on the offer and repaid him with a handjob. Not quite as good as the previous days, but good enough to make John happy. A wonderful Wednesday, all in all.

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