Collide Gamer

Chapter 694 – Another busy day


John woke up like he usually did. Warm, clean and happy. The only contrast to most other mornings was that nobody was bouncing or sucking on his cock. By some miracle, he was the first person awake. Well, aside from the maids and Metra, all of which were already out and about, getting their duties done.

Feeling quite energetic, John only kept lying in bed for as long as it took to beat the inherent want to stay under the warm blanket. On other mornings, he would have also had to put in his contact lenses, but he had kept them in overnight to get the Blessing of Binding activated. Once he managed to lift the blanket, he manoeuvred himself out of bed. It was quite a challenge to do so without shaking anybody. By a lucky coincidence, Rave’s nightly adventures must have first caused everyone to distance themselves from John and then she herself had rolled away. He couldn’t explain how else he wasn’t covered by anyone and his girlfriend was holding Eliza in a full body hug. It looked like Rave was a sloth holding onto Eliza as her branch.

“…John…” he heard his name when he was almost out the bedroom door. Turning around, he looked at Lydia, recognizing her voice. The queen still had her eyes closed and rolled over onto her other side. It was just some innocent sleep talking. That definitely was a close second to waking up to a blowjob.

With a smile on his lips, John stepped out of the bedroom and gently closed the door behind him. Then he enjoyed the quiet for a moment, not thinking, just relaxing. Even the elementals were still asleep, leaving him alone with himself. Most of the times he had rare moments like this, he cherished them. This morning, however, he had no particular urge to be alone. Nothing to think about that he wanted quiet for.

Luckily, he didn’t have to wait too long for someone to come his way. While he pulled the repaired Mandala Sphere from his inventory, the door opened and the two maids returned to the room. Aclysia led the way, Beatrice closed the door behind them, both walked a bit into the room and then took a simultaneous bow.

“”Good morning, Master,”” they greeted in unison, only for Aclysia to take the lead in speaking afterwards. “Do you require our services?”

That was a very good question. “Not right now, no,” John answered. Somewhat to his own surprise, he wasn’t feeling particularly horny. He still didn’t bother to put clothes on. “Maybe a bit of a massage while I get breakfast?” he suggested as he walked towards the large table in the living room.

“As you wish, Master.” The weaponized maid only did a slight bow that time, then made a quick gesture towards Beatrice. While Aclysia strutted towards the kitchen, the younger Artificial Spirit took position behind John and rubbed his shoulder in a rhythmic fashion. At first, the texture of her touch was that of gloves, then that of naked skin on his own. Given that Aclysia’s own maid uniform was replaced by her naked curves, John could safely assume that the passive maid had also gotten naked.

One would think that this had lost its lustre by now, but John was as interested in watching their nude forms as he had always been. The perversion had gotten not a bit weaker through exposure. If anything, John felt that his desires had been amplified over the months. Albeit that could easily be pushed to his steadily rising Libido.

Looking was enough for the moment. Much like his meals, he felt like getting an appetite before digging in. “What is for breakfast, by the way?” he asked, while Beatrice’s thumbs pressed into his neck. The light puncturing loosened a sore spot he hadn’t even realized was there.

“Your protein intake has been low recently, I was going to make porridge with nuts and cocoa,” Aclysia responded, taking out the oats to start on exactly that task. “If this isn’t to your satisfaction, I may oblige if you speak up, Master.”

“May? Since when do you get options when your master requests something?” John asked in a joking fashion.

“Since I have been put in charge of your nutritional intake,” Aclysia responded, swinging a spoon in his direction with all the intent of a sassy housewife. The motion reminded him that they still had to take a good look at her and Beatrice’s new weapon. Time for that would have to be found tomorrow. “Now be a good master and let me take care of you. Beatrice, make sure he remains comfortable.”

“Affirmative,” the passive maid responded with a rare smile. Something John could only see because she bowed down to kiss him. For a few seconds, the wet sounds of parting and meeting lips were all that cut through the quiet. Then Beatrice straightened up again. “Statement: I am eager to serve in any capacity able.”

“Mhm, I think I would prefer it if you got under the table now,” the Gamer stated. Although the massage was skilled, it only made John realize that he would need to take the time in the next few days to get his whole body relaxed thoroughly. The more relaxed his shoulders got, the sorer his back felt. That kiss had awakened his lust completely and now his erection was standing at attention.

“Task acknowledged.” Beatrice failed to make those two words sound sexy, but she made up for it with what followed. “Mission: give my kind, beloved Master a masterful blowjob until he is satisfied and I can taste his delicious seed over and over again. Honest addendum: I was hoping for this outcome.”

By the time she had finished speaking, John could already feel her breathing on his cock and soon thereafter her tongue and lips followed. He leaned back in his chair and ordered what he had to do this day. There was no shortage of tasks.

It was five in the morning. How he was this awake despite having only slept about four hours was beyond him, but the human body was weird even without getting pushed into superhuman territory. Maybe he would sleep twelve hours later to compensate for it. Perhaps he would suddenly feel very tired in a few hours. Always difficult to ascertain.

‘Anyway… I have to go to the airport with Lydia at 7:20… can I still…’ he crunched some numbers in his head, ‘…yeah, I should be able to get to Boston for the peace deal at 20 o’clock.’ He groaned and put a pin in his thoughts to reach down and take hold of Beatrice’s soft hair. She was really working on making him cum as quickly as possible and succeeded at it as well. Not that John was known for his stamina when it came to first times of the day. Once his shaft stopped quivering, he went right back along with his thoughts. ‘Getting from Boston back here in time to meet up with Maximillian is going to be a bit more of a task… Maybe I should cancel?’

That would certainly have been the easiest path to take. Of the three things he had planned for today, that was the one he had the least obligation to do. However, as hurried as that would make his day, this was also the first successful night out he had planned with Maximillian and cancelling on such short notice would have been quite a dick move. Not to mention that he had no idea when they could have the next opportunity. Especially since John had somehow managed to rope Magnus into it as well. It wasn’t like either of these two were known for their ample amount of free time.

‘I’ll just have to drop them a message that I might run late,’ John decided and pulled his phone from his inventory. Well, that would have been what he did if it had been there. He recalled that he had left it lying in the bedroom in case he got any emergency calls. It must still have been there. Getting up to fetch it wasn’t an option, so he had the Mandala Sphere morph into Jack instead.

The only risky part of the manoeuvre was to open the door. Once he had managed to do so quietly, the fact that Jack could hover delivered him to the nightstand without a problem. Jack put the phone into the inventory and John pulled it out at his current position.

A neat trick that he would try to use to his advantage in the future. Although the range of it was limited to the distance he and his Extension could be away from each other while maintaining a good ‘signal’. Which was about 5 kilometres, given that they were in the same barrier. If they weren’t, distance hardly mattered, the connection either broke off immediately or after being reduced to almost exclusively white noise.

Those limiting factors aside, the ability to get an object up to the size of a nightstand from point A to point B basically instantly was ludicrous. Bigger things were theoretically possible, but John hadn’t succeeded in cramming them into his inventory yet. Perhaps once he worked on getting some more slots for that mechanic. Those had always been scarce to come by.

‘I should get some Strength or Endurance scaling for this,’ he thought in a suggesting tone, just in case a certain deity was listening. Jack closed the door again and changed back into the Mandala Sphere. Meanwhile, John checked his messages.

There was a small flood of messages but the fact that none of them had woken him up must have meant that none of them had been too urgent. There was one from Magoi at around one in the morning saying that the IBMA replacement had been finished. That was a nice start, although John was a bit sad that he wasn’t around to see the cracks in the sky disappear. That must have been an interesting visual.

A whole slew of messages afterwards were from Scarlett, compiling more damage reports. He just scrolled over them, not too interested to look at the numbers at the moment. There was going to be ample time for that later, since he would spend about eight hours today just sitting around. At the tail end of messages from the Technomancer was her saying that she would go to sleep and be out for a while. That was around an hour ago. John doubted he would hear from the redhead until the afternoon.

‘Note to self, take her somewhere nice,’ John thought, since he was once again working her to the bone. Luckily, Scarlett was almost as addicted to working as she was to alcohol. ‘Not that she is actually addicted to alcohol, she quit for a month… Although I don’t know whether that actually means she isn’t minorly addicted, given that she went right back into it... I would need to look into research on that front. Oh, what’s that?’

A message that was earlier in terms of time than all other messages, but arrived through a program that had been given incredibly low priority, was the last one to be cleared. It was a rather simple line of text, delivered through Discord.

Gravity King: If you can’t make it today, I would understand.

As John had already made his decision, he quickly dropped a message to deny that.

Jeehan: No, no, I should be able to make it. I might run late (actually, I will 99% run late) but I will definitely show up.

Once the message was out, John realized what name was displayed there. ‘Jeehan… I guess I should change that at this point. Must be the last platform I still use that nickname on,’ he thought and quickly edited it to ‘TheGamer’. When he had started using the Abyssal side of Discord, he had gotten onto the SecretBlonde server about himself. Now he didn’t really need that obfuscation anymore. Not that he even used Discord a lot these days.

Not expecting Maximillian to respond at this ungodly hour, John put down the phone and closed his eyes for a moment. His attention shifted to the second orgasm, quickly rising, and the feeling of Beatrice’s lips as her head bobbed up and down in his lap. Just as he was about to cum, he felt a bit of squishiness applied to the back of his head. Boobs of the smaller variety, pressed against him.

“Hold it,” he heard the disciplined voice whisper from slightly above. “Hold it.” There wasn’t much she could have been referring to, so John decided to go along with it for the moment. “Hold it,” a third time, the command echoed out and, at that point, his body was actively trembling from the amount of pressure inside his balls. “Release.” He was finally allowed and pumped Beatrice’s greedy mouth full of his second load of the day.

“Feeling a bit dominating this morning, Lydia?” John asked and opened his eyes to see the queen standing above him, with her auburn hair confined only in a standard ponytail. Before she had her morning shower, the metal mage didn’t think it worthy of her time to go through the process of braiding her hair.

“Although you give me little opportunity to, I do enjoy partaking in the positions opposite of submission and masochism, sometimes,” Lydia responded. “What is our breakfast going to be?”

“Porridge,” Aclysia answered as quickly and to the point as the queen preferred, “with cocoa and nuts.”

“A good meal,” Lydia nodded. “Quick to prepare, quick to eat, occupies the stomach for a while.”

“And she doesn’t lose a word about the taste,” John commented out loud, earning himself a scolding flick to the forehead.

“Taste improves morale, that is its biggest value,” the militaristic woman declared, then walked away from John. “Now, I will go to the bathroom and go through the necessary parts of every morning,” she managed to formulate that quite elegantly. “If you are inclined to it, I would be joyous to have you present in the showers afterwards. I do think you should give me a bit more to remember you by before you accompany me to the airport.”

“Of course, my lady,” John agreed without hesitation. Little did she know that their time apart would be much smaller than she anticipated. That wasn’t a reason to decline the opportunity for a nice round of ‘make the queen forget how her legs work’ through the tools of a good butt fucking though.

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