Collide Gamer

Chapter 705 – Guys Night Out Finale – A wonderful life


John wasn’t sure where to look, a feeling that he had quite often in life. Strategically, his gaze should have lain on Maximillian’s face. A secondary choice was his hand of cards. Emotionally, however, it drove him more towards the steady swinging of Ruby’s body around the polished pole and the bobbing of Lemia’s mouth, polishing his pole.

As it was his turn, he managed to keep his concentration on the table. All order it once had had long since been replaced with absolute chaos. A small Jägermeister bottle was nearing the end of its lifecycle, John’s and Maximillian’s shot glass standing next to it. A change from the earlier ‘One drink at a time’ order policy due to the fact that Ruby had to get off the stage whenever they wanted something. Although the dancer was the least vital to the current mood, the two men still wanted her to continue her delightful display.

Regardless, Ruby sometimes needed to stop. Be it because she wanted to take a small break between dances, because she wanted to talk or because Maximillian required her to get yet another game to the table.

Inspecting what he held and what was on the table, John placed two cards down, then flipped one of the visible ones over. Maximillian reached down, turned around the card that had just gotten flipped, then hesitated and went for the left of the two John had placed. The moment he saw the Queen of Hearts, he threw his cards into the air.

“In the name of Romulus’ fucking gallbladder!” the gravity king cursed and would likely have gestured around even more wildly, had it not been for the situation under the table. “How?! You never even played this game before!”

“I listened to the rules.” John shrugged and reached down to claw into Lemia’s hair and pull her all the way down into a deepthroat. She looked up to him, eyes tearing up slightly from the strain it put on her body. Professional or not, she just wasn’t trained to deal with something his size. “Did you seriously think you could outgame the Gamer, Max?”

“I won a few times,” the same grumbled and leaned over the table. It seemed he was done with trying to challenge John Newman to games and instead poured both of them a shot. “Have your victory drink then,” Maximillian remarked, sliding John’s glass over the table.

Catching it, he retorted, “And what are you having?”

“The consolation prize,” the gravity mage freely admitted, then the two of them raised their glasses in unison and put the herbal schnapps into their system. Although the taste was intense and sweet in a rather unique way, John had to admit that he rather liked this liquor. “You know that it is really easy to hate you?”

“I hope you don’t just say that because your ex is in my harem,” John felt free to shoot back in that tone, because Maximillian hadn’t sounded particularly serious in the first place.

“Careful, if you take jabs like that, buddy,” Maximillian raised his finger, wiggling it menacingly. “Or I will retaliate in kind.”

Knowing exactly what kinds of details he didn’t want to be privy to, John threw up his hands in defeat. “Alright, you win this point,” he conceded and gestured for the king to continue. “Tell me, then, what you mean.”

“Basic resentment towards the successful.” Maximillian took the bottle of Jägermeister and held it against a light. With a sour face, he evaluated the remaining contents, only to empty them into his mouth. “You’re a few years younger than me, yet you’ve gotten so much more done than me. Having to measure against you sucks.” Maximillian put the bottle down with a grin. “Thank Gaia I know you personally. You’re a bundle of power, paranoia and perversion, you’re just also a hard-working genius.”

“And you’re a superb actor and beloved king, as well as an arrogant asshole,” John laughed, and Maximillian joined in with a snicker. The conversation fell silent for a moment, as they both followed the swaying motion of Ruby. Noticing their attention, she sped up her dance, made her movements wilder. Her large breasts jiggled around; her hands pulled at the miniskirt. With a few steps and twists, she grinded against the steel pole. Her tongue slid along the smooth metal seductively, just as two fingers slid into her quim.

John watched the display intently, feeling an orgasm rise and his cum pump into Lemia’s stomach. Sudden, intense moans reverberated around his cock, proving that it had the usual effect. An effect she had come to expect, no doubt, given that this was far from the first time he had climaxed since she got down there.

The fact that Maximillian suddenly and audibly relaxed on the other side of the table likely meant he was going through a similar experience at the moment. A fair bit drunk, the line of what he was comfortable with had moved quite a bit out from where he had started the evening at. This went so far that he just went out and asked the question that popped up in his mind, “I’ve been wondering, how often can you cum in a row? Like, as a representative of the normal guy?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call myself ‘representative of the normal guy’,” Maximillian gestured at his, admittedly handsome, face. That he answered this so freely spoke to his own state of drunkenness. “Like three, maybe four times? Depends on the mood. Why? Something else you want to lord over the rest of us mortals?”

“Well, I started below that, before I got Skills for things, so not really?” John kept it vague to start with but then shrugged. “I can basically get hard whenever no matter the amount of times I came in the last few minutes.”

“And suddenly it makes sense how you can satisfy that entire harem of yours all the time.” Maximillian shook his head. “No need to be jealous of you, though, I have someone who can take care of me right here.” He looked under the table and made a beckoning gesture. Within the moment, Aletra got up, showing her smooth body again.

If the previous conversation hadn’t been enough to prove the mood, then the fact that John didn’t care whatsoever about what happened next definitely did. Aletra and Maximillian exchanged sweet nothings, Ruby was ordered to bring new drinks. After cleaning her mouth out with half a bottle of champagne, Aletra was making out with the gravity king like wild. Then they proceeded to fuck on the table. It was quite the quick series of events.

Or maybe not, the second Ruby had gotten those drinks to the table, John started drinking the second half of that champagne bottle out of her cleavage. There was some more banter between all of this. Something to the effect that the Gamer didn’t deserve to have two girls to himself. John retorted that he wouldn’t share. Soon enough, he retreated to the bedroom with the two girls while Maximillian continued on where he was.

Things got hazy from there on out. A rhythm established itself. Sex was had, John holding himself back so the two could actually use the stairs when they went back down. Temporarily satisfied, he and Maximillian talked and drank. That both of them were pantsless during that somehow didn’t matter whatsoever. Once their appetite was back, they split again. Either Maximillian and Aletra or John with Ruby and Lemia would get to the bedroom. The other party would remain where they were. There was no cross-fucking going on, the two men were quite principled to that end, even drunk.

Eventually, Magnus returned from the roof. The Fateweaver had a big goofy smile on his face that didn’t fit with his usual stern persona. With Nina in the room again, the drinking intensified. Even though he was by far the most sober out of the three of them, Magnus didn’t care whatsoever about the established way of things. Instead, he and John played a round of poker while he was facefucking Lemia. It was all very odd and carefree.

At some point someone said something and the gathering quickly dispersed from there. Maximillian stayed in the Little Whirl for the night, together with Aletra. Magnus managed to get a kiss on the cheek from Nina, while John made his goodbye to the ladies that attended him simple and somewhat professional. Somewhat because he almost tripped over his own feet in the process.

He had the presence of mind not to use the jet ski to get back. How he found his way to the closest teleporter outpost in the Hudson Barrier, however, was its own set of events. After making sure he was at least going into the right direction, he called Rave. His girlfriend was still awake and was happy to listen to him babble about the evening as he walked.

A happiness that, and she made that very clear, came entirely from the fact that everything he said sounded incredibly funny. Both because of the content and the way he drunkenly presented it. He told her to shut up. She flirted back that he should come back home and make her.

Then he got lost in some empty neighbourhood.

About thirty minutes he spent either walking in circles or laying down on some comfortable looking grass. Rave was still talking to him the entire time, with the patience only an amused girlfriend could have. At some point she said she had sent Aclysia out to fetch him and asked for an address. Once he had found one to give, John sat down with the actual purpose of waiting. The weaponized maid eventually found him and brought him back to the teleporter.

Once home, Aclysia forced him in the gentlest of ways to drink a good amount of water, eat a cream cheese covered bagel and to take a shower with her. Admittedly, that last part was more to her benefit. Even drunk as he was, he managed to have some fun. Rave joined someway through. It was all much better than with some random hookers. They knew all his weak spots and in the privacy of his home he was happy to behave in the regular ways. To a more important degree, he loved them, and that made all the difference in most things.

Eventually, however, he was too tired to continue and swayed into bed.


“So, how much do ya regret last night right now?” Rave teased, poking John’s face continuously. She was sitting on the chair next to him, although only half and not exactly in the way normal people sat. Her lower legs and feet were on the proper seating, the rest of her stretched over, with one hand holding onto John’s right leg to stabilize her position.

The Gamer was trying his best to ignore his girlfriend. A task that got continuously harder the more bacon and egg he shovelled off the plate and into himself. With every bit of nutrition swallowed, the hangover debuff was diminished, returning some of his concentration. Regardless, he kept a stoic expression.

“Ya know ya can’t be mad at me,” Rave insisted, stretching towards him in a very cat-like fashion. “I’m adorable!”

She was absolutely right about that and John dug into his breakfast with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know if regret is the proper word,” he grumbled, loading more egg on the fork. “I just did things I’m normally not comfortable with. That always happens when I’m drunk…” He raised the food to his mouth and spent a few seconds chewing. “Not like seeing Max without pants is some sort of apocalyptic thing.” He wanted to turn his head, but couldn’t without getting stabbed in the teeth. “Why are you still poking me, by the way?”

“‘Cause your cheek is soft so it’s weirdly satisfying,” Rave said. “If ya want me to stop, raise your arms and let me sit in your lap. Gotta re-mark my territory.”

John obliged, and his girlfriend soon hindered his further eating efforts through her presence. Given that the hangover hadn’t been that bad, courtesy of the bagel, he was happy to forego the rest of the breakfast in favour of cuddling her. Putting the fork down, he slung his arms around her narrow waist and just held her.

“As fun as that locale was, I think I’ll insist we just go drinking next time,” he told her. “Strippers are pretty distracting when you try to have a talk. Although conference blowjobs are something I should introduce by law.”

“What, every guy at the negotiation table should just get his dick blown under said table?” Rave giggled, resting the back of her head on his shoulder and scratching her boyfriend behind the ear.

“Or pussy licked, I won’t discriminate,” John promised and smelled her hair. Like peppermint, it smelled. “Although I guess that will lower general productivity by quite a bit. Not everyone can keep their cool like Max and I.”

“I’d suggest that I tag along next time, then you won’t have to sleep with some rando-prostitutes,” Rave hummed, which was quite an odd thing for a girlfriend to say. Out of her mouth, it made perfect sense, though. “That would kinda defeat the purpose of a guy evening though, wouldn’t it?”

“Yeah.” John kissed her neck. “Maybe we should invite him over and he can bring one of his girls if he gets bored and we just have a relatively normal eveni- why are you laughing?” Rave’s entire body was shaking inside his embrace, and the second he asked that she suddenly exploded into a fit.

It took her over ten seconds to finally answer the question. At least, she attempted to. “I… I just…” it shook her, “image… whew… I imagined that we, like, invite him to some sort of strip poker double date and he… he brings Bren… and your face…” she continued to laugh.

“NO!” John exclaimed, turning his embrace into a constricting grasp and getting up. “Bad Jane, very bad girl!” he declared, but she only continued laughing as he dragged her over to the couch. Once there, he threw her over the back, then dove after her, pressing her into the leather cushions. They wrangled for a bit, but her superior Strength was neutralized by the raw force of her amusement. John came out on top, sitting on her back, her arms pinned under him. He started slapping her naked ass. Like every time when at home, they wore no or very little clothing. “What are you?!” he shouted, as the loud clapping echoed through the room.

Laughter was replaced with cheerful moaning. “A very bad girl that likes to tease her boyfriend!” The admission came so quickly and freely that John was almost disappointed. Focusing her power, she wrestled her arms free and had turned the table shortly thereafter. Just that she pinned him down with the two of them facing each other, leaning down for a kiss. “Hey, not my fault that a successful relationship has a few ‘negative’ interactions a day. I didn’t make the rules.”

“Where did you read that?” John wondered. “Why did you read that?”

“Some credible psychology blog thingy, I can send you a link later,” she answered. “And ‘cause I am the best girl of this harem, somebody gotta learn how human interactions work.”

“And they say polygyny has no good effects on people,” the Gamer grinned and leaned up for another kiss, only for Rave to pull out of range. “Jaaaaneeee,” he whined, “you taste sweet and delicious, you can’t just deny me that.”

“Well you smell smoky and hot and I don’t need to kiss you for that.” She stuck out her pierced tongue, the pink lustre in her blue eyes mischievously shifting. “What do I get if I kiss you again?”

“Hmmm.” John had to think; they went through this interaction frequently, and he wanted to come up with something new. “A very beautiful dress,” he suggested.

“Wedding dress?” Rave asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, no, no,” he was quick and fervent to deny. “We agreed that question would happen at a much grander place and time. I just mean a dress in general. I have never seen you in one, because you hate long skirts like Aclysia hates coffee stains.”

“They flutter everywhere!” Rave defended herself. “Anyway, so ya gonna give me something that ya want to see me in for something ya want? What do I have from tha- ah!” A pained, surprised gasp escaped her when her butt was suddenly spanked again. Turning her head, she saw Jack grin at her. “Double tiger is not fair!” she declared.

“I say a casual morning threesome with your boyfriend and your boyfriend is exactly fair.” John grinned, already feeling her slick pussy grinding against his dick. “So how about we go do that and then I buy you a nice gift and then you wear that for me.”

Throwing her head back in another episode of carefree laughter, Rave’s hair turned into a pink cascade. “Fine, fine, you win!” she declared and gave him that kiss he craved.

This really was the place he always wanted to return to.

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