Collide Gamer

Chapter 707 – Ministers and Mentions


John yawned long and hard while he scribbled the last name into the roster. Contrary to what one may believe, John didn’t stock the Fusion Cabinet with his girls. Most of them lacked qualification, interest or opportunity to take those roles. The elementals, for example. John was more than sure that some of them, Salamander and Undine first and foremost, were able to do good executive work (Sylph was too bubbly, Gnome too shy and Siena too stabby). However, the fact that they could ‘only’ operate in a 500km radius around John and, more to the point, would have a very hard time travelling anywhere unseen, limited their effectiveness immensely.

Eliza was obviously out; she was too unstable and not interested in any sort of government position. Metra? Slightly different case, but same general strokes. Scarlett? Yes, definitely, except she didn’t want to be the person who had to break up her own monopoly. Rave? Far too spontaneous to be put in charge of a bureaucratic apparatus.

Although they weren’t there, Nathalia and Nia could also be discounted for their own, fairly obvious reasons.

Which left the ever-reliable triumvirate of white haired, black dressed maids. Aclysia had been appointed head of government, as John trusted her the most to govern in his interest. That she didn’t really need to sleep in any capacity would surely help her in organizing things. Her title would have been chancellor by traditional terms, but, once John had given her the position, she had declared herself First Servant of State instead.

John wasn’t even mad about that. A bit wordier than chancellor, sure, but the numerous puns couldn’t be missed. Every word was part of it. John was the head of state and essentially the embodiment of Fusion. Servant was the most obvious, pertaining to Aclysia’s position as his maid. First was a double meaning in that she was both the first girl that had started serving John and the first in the lines of officials serving the state. That it was a title that other historical people, such as Frederik the Great, had used helped the matter.

Beatrice was appointed as the head of the financial department. Allocating funds according to paradigms set by John and Aclysia was something she should turn out to be quite good at. Financial calculations also happened to be among the things that John had previously pushed off to her anyway, so she had a lot of experience in the matter already. Aside from that, she would still be his secretary.

And the last of the three was not technically a maid and not technically there. “Actually,” John spoke into his phone once his yawn and recounting of the last two days to her had concluded, “what are the odds that I can get you into a maid outfit when you get back?”

“How about null?” Momo responded swiftly. “I like my poncho; I can hide my fireflies under it.”

“You can have a maid outfit with a poncho,” John stated and imagined that design. Since Momo had a downright flat chest, giving her the same uniform as Aclysia and Beatrice wouldn’t have worked to any benefit anyway. “I think that would look adorable. Little White Maidenhood.”

“You know that nickname is a reason to absolutely not do it, right?” He could practically hear Momo shaking her head. “Anyway, you done with your minister picks?”

“I was done last week.” John stretched in his seat. Currently, he was alone in his office in the Guild Bank. “I got confirmation by everyone ahead of time. I barely know most of them, but I guess that’s going to change in the future. I’ll have to see them at least once a week to get my updates.” As John had no lovers to fill the positions with, random people of skill had to come about. Only Magnus, as minister of infrastructure – or Fateweaving, to be completely honest about it – was someone who he knew directly.

“Great, so, the reason why I am actually calling…” Momo started, only to be interrupted by John who just had to tell a quick joke.

“…Aside from hearing my sensuous voice?”

“…Look, you sound hot. You happy?” the sassy supporter fired back immediately. “Or do you need to bloviate some more to feel better about yourself?”

“I am afraid there is an aching in my heart that only your return will fill, Momo,” he responded just as swiftly.

“Psh.” This time he could practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Right, like you don’t have over a dozen other girls to keep you company.”

“You know perfectly well that I would miss any one of them would they go away,” the Gamer insisted, now serious. “I have enough love for all of you.”

“Which just makes you extra weird.”

“I know.”

“I don’t dislike it though.”

“And you can’t lead with that because you’re one big tsundere, as Jane would put it.”

“And you can’t lead a normal lifestyle because you are a giant pervert,” Momo stated and giggled. “Ah, I did miss these quickfire exchanges. You’re good at those.”

“And you’re getting better at giving compliments since you left… well, giving me compliments,” John responded, his chair creaking a bit when he leaned back. “Not that you ever had trouble saying nice things to everyone else.”

“You know what they say about not appreciating things until they are gone,” she responded. “Although, to be fair, you gave me the name of a sexually transmittable disease.”

“I named you after the word monochrome!” John shouted in exasperation. “What does a man have to do to be forgiven for that?”

“I dunno, I’ll think of something before I get back,” she stated. “Kissing my feet, maybe, or putting you into therapy for your obvious sex addiction.”

“I will have you know that I was abstinent for several days recently.”

“What? Really?”

“Yes! It was during my last grinding session. I challenged myself to not get off until we beat the Raid boss.”


“And it was absolutely horrible, you try being surrounded by willing, downright craving, women and not doing anything about your morning wood.” He shuddered at the mere memory of it. “But I did that, so there, I have control of it! I’m not an addict.”

“Okay, you’re just extremely indulgent.”

“Yeah, that’s blindingly obvious.”

“Surprised you aren’t getting a blowjob under the desk right now.”

“How do you know I am not?”

“Your tone would be different,” Momo told him. “Even if you try to hide it, I could tell.”

“I guess that’s expected of someone who was in my head for a while.” John leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the table. A change of posture purely for the sake of itself. “Did you make any progress on your resolution?”

“I’m not deciding whether I re-join your harem before I get back to you,” the Artificial Supporter stated and, in an amused tone, continued, “I know you would just love it if I fell to my knees and sucked your dick first thing on reunion.”

“That is what my dick would want, sure,” he freely admitted. “If you ask me as a whole, though, I would go for a hug first, then a passionate kiss, if you initiate it, and then I would carry you somewhere.”

“Princess style?” Momo asked.

“No, more like… uh… don’t think there is a specific name for it,” John scratched his head and looked over to the second computer where Jack was sitting. Although the Gamer was making a leisurely phone call, he was also doing work. The perks of being able to control a double. “It’s the kind of carry where I would cross my arms under your butt, lift you up and you would partially sit on them while holding onto my neck. Not exactly stable, but works for the ten steps to the nearest bed.”

“Ah…” Momo sounded almost impressed. Only almost, though. “…By the fact that you mention a bed, I am just going to assume that fucking would be the next step of that chain of events?”

“I mean, my dick is still an essential part of me,” John stated.

“You know what? I wanted to make another reprimanding comment at the expense of your Libido,” she let him know, “but I just decided to be nice instead. Sure, you have a massive desire for lustful moments, but you are quite the smart romantic under all those innuendos.”

“Guilty as charged.” John smiled. “There is more to being a womanizer than being a sex god – although it helps.”

“Don’t remind me of sex with you, please, or I will actually have to land and take care of myself…” Momo pleaded with a sigh. “I know that’s just stroking that overinflated ego of yours, but you did kind of carve yourself into my expectations for sex life… didn’t ruin what else I had of it, but when I feel lonely I always remember you, none of those other girls I had since.”

“Okay, drastic reversion in topic then,” John stated. “Maid uniform aside, would you be open to joining my government when you get back? I would like you to either replace Aclysia in her position or become minister of magic and research.”

“You want me to become your chancellor?” She sounded genuinely surprised by that.

“I trust Aclysia to make decisions in my best interest,” John stated. “But that’s exactly it. The Fusion Cabinet is my advisory board as much as it is the executive body and Aclysia isn’t going to give me a lot of pushback. That aside, to state the unflattering but obvious thing, you’re the smartest one amongst you three. I did raise Aclysia and Bae’s Mental Stats a bit ago, but that’s still true.”

“Which means you would trust me more to find independent solutions to problems so you don’t have to do any work,” Momo’s dry tone identified the unsaid thing immediately.

“You know me so well.” John shrugged and leaned back in his chair again. “What can I say, I want to have more hours in the day for gaming and doing the pleasurable parts of being an adult. This is on the table whether you decide to get back with me or not, by the way. I cherish your company.”

“Giving me loads of work is an odd way to show that.”

“I know you secretly enjoy it, babe,” John stated in the least serious flirting tone he had. “I haven’t forgotten that you used to help Lydia for fun. You’re like her and Scarlett, you like work. You need something to do, otherwise you go crazy. I’ll give you every bit you could ever need and a nice evening when you need to get rid of the stress.”

“Stooooooop,” Momo pleaded. “I don’t want to come back yeeeeet!”

“Alright, alright,” he laughed. “I will stop mixing work into the punch.” He stopped for a moment, and the pause in the conversation let him recall something. “Sorry, you were trying to get somewhere before I mentioned that my voice is sexy.”

“Right…,” Momo sounded a bit defeated by the fact that she had failed to get back to that until now. “I wanted to say that I was calling because of the request you sent me. You know, the whole ‘meet with Metra to check whether or not there are replacement materials’ thing?”

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” he joked, something made ‘funny’ by the fact that he had literally sent that text yesterday.

“Just wanted to confirm that I am up for it. I have a few minor temples that we could get to as well, if the main site doesn’t yield anything.” Having said that, Momo let out another one of her sighs. “That simple info cost me way more of my time than I had bargained for.”

“To be fair, you called me,” John put emphasis on the verb in that sentence. “You could have just as easily confirmed this with a text message.”

“Yeah… yeah…” The support fell silent for a second. “I honestly just wanted to talk to you again. Don’t know what that says about my previous statement about liking the loneliness…”

“You can do both, just takes that you like me more – in small doses,” John joked.

“I guess… and I think I got my fix for now,” Momo reported. “I’ll call you again sometime next week, I think. For all I know, you will have an hour worth of tales again then.”

“Well, the aim is to keep things on the downlow for a little bit,” said the Gamer, “not sure how successful that is going to be.” With a grin, he added a spontaneous joke to the end of the conversation, “Fair warning though, my time is precious, so I need to be paid one nude per call.”

“…Sure… hear you in a few days,” Momo responded in a hesitating tone, then abruptly ended the call.

John put the phone on the table to look at his computer screen again. An automatically updating list of tasks showed the remarkable amount of progress he had already made. If Beatrice had been around, he could have been done already. The passive maid was calculating the budget, however.

‘Just another reason why I want Momo as chancellor,’ the Gamer thought. ‘Aclysia can take over the financial stuff and Beatrice can be my full-time secretary again. I really want a woman in this room…’ His phone buzzed suddenly, and he picked it up with one questioningly raised eyebrow. That turned into two pleasingly raised brows a moment later. “Momo, you wonderfully lewd thing.”

The nude he had requested in jest had arrived in his inbox. It was the first time he saw as much as a picture of her in months. Her skin was as milky white as ever, almost glowing in the open field she stood in. Camera raised high with one arm, she took the selfie at an extremely high angle. It allowed a view down her flat front. While the equally distributed, miniscule rise of her breasts was disappointing to some men, John was not part of that group. The nipples, clearly hard in the picture, and the way they fit on the rest of her body was enough to rouse his male instincts.

Her flat stomach was something basically every man could agree on being wonderful, though. Not as toned as those John’s other girls, it was simply a snow-white display of kissable wonder. The upper, barely peeking part of her smooth pussy stood out thanks to its pink colour, the same as her nipples and lips.

Lips that were pressed together in a pouty, embarrassed fashion. The redness of her face mixed well with that, as did her eyes. They seemed almost hesitatingly raised at the camera, as if she would have much rather looked away but didn’t want to seem without courage. Her bleached white hair was as orderly as ever, cut sharply at the jawline, framing her blush wonderfully.

It was unlikely that sending John a nude was causing her to be embarrassed. She had never been particularly shy about him seeing her naked. No, it had to be the fact that she was doing it out in the open field of whatever part of the Middle East she was in today. It was basically impossible anybody saw her, but that didn’t change that she was revealing herself in the wild.

Her expression was adorable, her body was to cuddle and kiss and lewd, and her attitude was more perverted than she would have admitted in words. Luckily, one picture spoke a thousand of those. Much more than the message he got afterwards from her saying, ‘But just because you asked for it!’ did.

‘God, I hope you come back to me and become one of my girls again,’ John thought, really wanting to be the one who got to claim this woman as his, every day. Especially since he remembered her juicy ass just as well as the rest of her, even if he couldn’t see it on this particular image. He had to create a Momo folder on his phone to archive the image properly. Out of respect for her decision for independence, he had deleted all images he had previously. It was safe to assume he could keep this one.

‘And now this is a problem,’ he thought and looked at the tent under the table. Sending out a mental signal to the nearest of his elementals, he resigned himself to wait for a way to take care of it until the help arrived. Since he couldn’t touch himself, doing more work was the only option.

Thankfully, the help was always eager to take care of the problem.

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