Come to The Peak

Chapter 10 - : Nangong Xiner

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After peeling the wolf skin, Luo Yu continued to roam in the forest.

Bing Ping Pong … Oh drink …

“Um … someone?” Luo Yu heard someone’s voice

Xunsheng looked for three teenage girls in the forest to fight with a fierce beast covered in scales and shaped like a bison

It was a scaled beast, a tertiary fierce beast. There were also many injuries on the body under the encirclement of the three, and they could not breathe for a long time.

“Jiang Chong Nan Dou” yelled at the girl when she was weak in the scales and beasts.

A blood sword spurts out the scaled beast and loses its vitality

The three were so tired that they sat on the ground panting, Luo Yu looked at the three and said nothing.

The two teenagers looked at Luo Yu, their eyes were full of vigilance. It was common for the beast to kill the Yuebao when the mountains were in crisis. Luo Yu didn’t mind

Luo Yu turned around and left. “My son, etc …”

Luo Yu looked back, it was the only girl among them


At this time, Luo Yu began to look at the girl in a blue military uniform to outline her figure. The hair was tied into two pony tails. The face was slightly playful and the face was slightly ruddy. The girl was very beautiful.

Do girls in this world grow up so early? Luo Yu looked at the young girl in front of her, but she should be convex

Watching Luo Yu look at her Nangong Xin’er’s face turned redder.

“Don’t you be alone? Nangong Xin’s voice sounds like a lark, which is very nice.

“Uh-huh, I came from the beast mountains to experience” Luo Yu did not hide

“It’s great. We are from the same source. We can go together. You are very dangerous.”

“Xin’er, bullshit, this guy has never known us, how can you let him be with us, the cruel beast mountains are in crisis everywhere in case he is a bad guy …” Another older man stopped him

“Yes, yes, Xin Er, it’s really inappropriate for a stranger to join us,” the teenager next to him echoed.

“Forget it, your friends can’t welcome me when they get up. We’ll go halfway along the road.”

Luo Yu will leave when he has finished speaking, and he has no plans to go with them

“Ah, wait!”

Nangong Xiner quickly stopped Luo Yu, and then ran to the two teenagers and said

“Hao Yong, Hao Yi, it’s okay, he can’t beat us all by himself, let alone many people have multiple helpers in the beastly mountains”

“Then what if he is a burden? Nangong Hao Yong still disagrees.

“Look at the wolf skin around his waist, but that’s the blue moon wolf skin, how could it be a burden”

Nangong Xiner was really attentive and observed the wolf skin around Luo Yu’s waist

“Well, there must be no harmful heart, but there must be no anti-human heart. We still need more embankments.” Nangong Hao Yong and Nangong Hao Yi have compromised.

“Hello, my name is Xingong Nangong, let’s go together, there is a care in the beast mountain”

Nangong Xiner ran over and stretched out her small hand and smiled at Luo Yudao, smiling as the spring sun, warming people’s hearts

“Hello, my name is Yu Luo”

Luo Yu stretched out her hand without refusing, mainly because this girl made him feel good. The name Xiner reminded him of a person, a person who made me feel ashamed for life. Although I was traveling, Luo Yu did not tell them real name.

In this way Luo Yu and the three of them went together in the beast mountain range.

And Luo Yu’s humorous language and rich past experience often made Nangong Xiner laugh and laugh, and the two brothers Nangong Haoyong gradually lowered their alertness to Luo Yu.

“Yu Luo, what happened to that fox demon? Nangong Xin’er’s sadness was completely attracted by the story told by Luo Yu.

“Later, the fox demon gave Jin Dan, who practiced for thousands of years, to save her beloved. The scholar was saved and she died.”

Luo Yu is telling Nangong Xiner another story from the past life

“How can this be so pitiful” Sigh of Nangong Xin’er

“Hey … wish to be a wing bird in the sky, wish to be a good friend in the earth, and it will last for a long time. There is no end to this hate. How many lovers in this world cannot become dependents?”

Remember that life

“Feather, hurry up, hurry up”

A beautiful woman with a shot in her legs said to Luo Yu who was bathing in blood and fighting three medium ninjas.

“No, I don’t go, I have to go together, it’s a big deal to die together.”

“Woo, go, stupid, you will be surrounded by more ninjas you catch up if you don’t leave,” said the woman, crying, and watching Luo Yu again, her heart was almost broken

X`2 starting hu

After a while, more ninjas rushed up, a flash of determination flashed in the woman’s eyes, gritted her teeth, took out the last F5 grenade left on her body, rushed up and opened the pull ring

“Yu … goodbye, you must be alive” the woman murmured as Luo Yu looked at the crazy breakout

“Xin’er … no …”

Rumble …

There was only one roar in reply to Luo Yu. Xiner turned into a fly-ash with the dozens of ninjas who had caught up in the roar. At the last moment, Xiner looked back at Luo Yu with a smile, all eyes were love, pain, and not regret.

“Xin Er …”

Luo Yu shouted, even though he didn’t even say a few words in his sword, now he was in tears, Luo Yu went mad to the three Zhong Ren, his eyes were full of Tao Tian’s hatred, only in his heart A thought,

kill! kill! kill!

Killing the beasts as a funeral for Xiner, killing three Zhong Ren equal to his realm at the cost of the last breath with several knives in his body, and finally he himself was in a pool of blood and was rushed Save the dragon team members to save him.

Luo Yu remembered that in the past life he had been trapped in an island country, his lover Meng Xin opened a picture of a grenade to save him from breaking a few bullets in order to save him. He was so helpless that he hated Inability to bring Xiner to break through

After that, he practiced madly, and finally became the master of martial arts the day after tomorrow, a few masters of martial arts in China. At that time, he was twenty-five years old. He was known as the youngest and most promising to break into the innate realm. Master of martial arts.

It’s because the girl in front of her is also named Xiner, so she can go with them.

“I am a fox waiting for millennia

Millennium wait millennium helpless

Love deep down to see me dance for you with beauty

When love hurts, listen to me and sing for you

Cold window reading you and me eachother


The golden candlesticks are indeed endless

Mo Lu Shu Tu

Can you make me cry for love

I am still the white fox who loved you thousands of years ago

How much spring goes to spring

Life is always your fox “

Luo Yu sang a song from the previous life, and several people from Nangong Xiner were completely immersed in this beautiful and beautiful melody.

“A red dust love,

The word fulfills the wishes of the world.

World fame and fortune,

Why drink wine to worry. “

At the end of the song, Luo Yu sighed softly, this song is Xiner’s favorite song

Nangong Xin looked at the deep eyes of this young man who was almost the same age as herself, and she had such sadness and sorrow. From the singing, you can hear what kind of impermanence he experienced …

“Why is there a faint pain in my heart …”

“Yu Luo, what song is this? I have never heard such a beautiful and beautiful song” Nangong Xin said with tears

Even the two brothers Hao Yong of Nangong secretly wiped tears “I learned this from one place”

Luo Yu smiled

“It’s a place where you can create such a song.”

Nangong Xiner longs for the road

“In fact, every place can be a paradise for human beings, but there is a distinction between good and evil, beautiful and ugly. The world is simple, but human nature has complicated him.”

Luo Yu said

“Good insights, I have never heard of it, my father just taught me to be weak and strong, to survive the fittest.”

Nangong Xin’er thought on his face

“It ’s true that weak meat is strong, but one day when you become a strong one, you do n’t forget your feelings when you are a weak one. If one day the grass grows into a towering tree, use his shade to cover him. Countless Grasses Growing “

“Well, that Yu Luo, who do you want to be?

Nangong Xiner asked

“Of course I also want to be a strong person. I want this day to not restrain me, the ground cannot oppress me, people cannot bully me, and protect the people I love from bullying.”

Looking at the endless void, Luo Yu said slowly, his voice echoed in the hearts of several people for a long time.

Let’s do that for men!

Maybe he can really do it!

Nangong Xiner had this idea in her heart

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