Come to The Peak

Chapter 132 - : Jiancheng

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The folding forging method is that the materials of weapons are continuously folded and forged in the process. Fanjie weapons must go through at least one hundred forgings, and superior fan weapons have undergone thousand forgings, so there is a saying in the world that there are hundred forged knives and thousand forged swords.

Under the forging of Hao Lao, the fused star iron has become a fast bar. Vaguely, it can be seen that it is a prototype of a sword. After half an hour, Hao Lao’s hammer has never been After stopping, an old man wielded a heavy hammer and beat constantly at an astonishing speed. Such physical strength surprised Luo Yu, and it would be absolutely shocking in the eyes of the worldly people.

Under the forging of Hao Lao, the star body also turned into a giant sword. The giant sword is purple, with two wide blades, the sword body is two meters long, and the handle length accounts for a quarter of the entire sword body. One, and Hao Lao also smelted an iron ring at the hilt. At this time, Hao Lao also stopped forging. Half a hour of beating Hao always kept his face flushed, and if nothing happened, it seemed as if he had just done a trivial matter without any effort. A place.

“Master, is the sword cast?” Luo Yu said looking at the giant sword in Hao Lao’s hands.

“Don’t worry, it’s too early, now start the next step, carved inscriptions!” Hao Lao said lightly.


“That’s right! Mingwen is the most important step of Baojie weapons. Mingwen has the function of connecting the world and the vitality of different inscriptions, and the effect of different inscriptions is also different. Although this giant sword is only smelted into the top-quality artifacts, according to theory There is no need to engraving the inscription, but it can be made into a companion weapon. It needs to be inscribed with the blood refining inscription, “explained Hao Lao.

“Blood Alchemy Inscription!”

“Huh! The inscription of blood refining has the best fit between the sword owner and the sword, and one day you will break into the innate realm and sculpt other inscriptions for the giant sword.” Hao Lao talked in red blood. The flowing container floated to Hao Lao.

“Shit, put some more blood, but this time don’t need ordinary blood, you need your essence”

“Fuck! Master, don’t you, let it go, and you need blood!” Luo Yu said bitterly.

The essence blood is the heart blood, which is the essence of the blood. The ordinary people have a few drops at most, and the martial arts blood is strong, but the acquired martial arts has a few tens of drops at most. s consequence.

“Mo Ji, don’t want you two or three pounds this time, just a drop” Hao Lao laughed.


Luo Yu was relieved when he heard that, a drop of essence blood had no effect on him, and he could replenish it soon.

“Even if you need two or three pounds, unless you squeeze the child dry,” Luo Yu muttered. At the same time, her body was surging, and a drop of fine blood was forced from the heart. The fine blood poured out through the wound just now. Blood is the size of a mother’s finger, red as amber, and glowing red.

After driving out this drop of essence blood, Luo Yu’s complexion was pale again for two minutes, and Hao Lao waved a hand, and the essence blood fell into the red blood flowing gold, the red blood flowing gold flashed red, and the fascinating rose red flowed like The cocktails are very beautiful.

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Hao sees something like a black stick brush in his hand. This is a special rune pen for inscriptions. Hao’s old nib is stained with red blood, and the red blood in the jade bowl is sucked into the rune. , And the whole pen body changed from black to red.

Hao veteran holds a charm pen, and writes inscriptions on Luo Jian’s surface that have never been seen on the sword surface. Those inscriptions are engraved on the sword surface, and the vitality of the surrounding world shows a faint fluctuation, converging into a fog visible to the naked eye The state then poured into the sword, and those inscriptions absorbed the vitality of the earth and disappeared into the sword body, and the rune pens in Hao’s hands did not stop, Long Fei Feng Wu kept engraving the mysterious inscriptions .

After depicting hundreds of different inscriptions, Hao Lao finally stopped writing. At this time, all the inscriptions that disappeared in the sword appeared again and were brilliant. These inscriptions were hooked into a beautiful pattern. , The pattern resembles a soaring dragon, wrapped around the sword, the dragon’s head just reaches the tail of the hilt.

“So beautiful!” Luo Yu beamed her eyes and looked at the purple giant sword. The giant sword was domineering, and coupled with the exquisite inscription was like a work of art, which turned Luo Yu into a magical forging art. More yearning.

“How is Master?”

“not yet!”

“not yet!”

“There are two last steps, back to the furnace and quenching.” Hao Lao talked and threw the giant sword into the furnace. This is called back to the furnace. The purpose of the back to the furnace is to completely imprint the inscription on the sword body. After half an hour of incineration, when the sword body turned red, Hao Lao wrapped the giant sword with the real yuan and took it out, and threw it in the ice-cold water.

Here …!

The high-temperature giant sword was put into the tens of degrees below zero and made a whispering sound. A white smoke rose from the sky, and the ice spirit water was continuously evaporated under the high temperature attached to the sword. Was continuously evaporated by the high temperature of the great sword.

“This is the last step, quenching, the purpose is to let the sword cool down for a short time, so that the hardness of the sword body reaches a peak,” Hao explained.

“Huh! No wonder, Master, you asked me to find ice spirit water. If ordinary water is instantly evaporated by the high temperature from the fire on the sword, only ice spirit water that is -10 degrees below zero can be quenched.” Luo Yu suddenly realized.

“Oh, you guys finally got the hang of it, yes, even if a pool of water is replaced by ordinary water, it will be evaporated by the high temperature of the sword from the fire,” Hao laughed. The water in the tank is slowly being evaporated and the tendency to be visible to the naked eye is decreasing.

“But ordinary ordinary weapons must not be quenched with ice spirit water”

“Ou! Why?”

“Because the materials of ordinary ordinary order weapons will be stimulated by ice spirit water after high temperature in the future, the weapons that are heated and cold will be cracked, and the weapons created by Baojie materials can withstand the coldness of ice spirit water,” explained Hao Lao. .

“Oh, the principle of thermal expansion and contraction” Luo Yu knew it at all.

“Hot and cold shrinking! This is the first time I heard this word, but that’s what it means”

The ice spirit water in the tank was completely evaporated between the two, and the Great Sword cooled down. At this point, the giant sword was cast. Hao Lao lifted the giant sword and waved it twice, and the strong wind hanging between the purple giant sword waved.

“Drink!” The red mang flashed in Hao Lao’s eyes, wielding his sword to a small stone mountain in the small world, slashed in the air, a red sword mang was sent, chopped at Shishan, a roar, and Shishan was split in half.

“Fuck! Such awesome!” Luo Yu was surprised. Hao Lao’s sword was just like a fairy **** just now. It was the strongest attack that Luo Yu had ever seen. The stone mountain, which was hundreds of meters high, was split in half. This kind of power can really be called Kaishan. And Hao Lao seemed to just wave at will.

“Oh, try it!” Hao Lao’s eyes flashed a playful smile, and fluttered the sword to Luo Yu.

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