Come to The Peak

Chapter 2013 - : Bing Lincheng

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With the same skill, a blitz was launched with the space channel of the Ghost Continent leading to Ye You mainland, and the teleporter was quickly controlled to occupy Ye You mainland’s city.

Although the Ghost Continent does not have a direct access to Ye You’s main city, it has direct access to other major cities.

After passing through these space passages, the Luoshen Army quickly occupied most of the city of Ye You mainland.

The main city of Ye You has a characteristic, there is no space passage leading to the main city of Ye You, because the nearest city is only a thousand miles away, there is a space passage leading to other cities in that big city. The main city did not consume a lot of resources to build space channels leading to other big cities, and the space channels in the other city can be used directly.

It is also for this reason that Fu Mousheng said before that why attacking Ye You mainland would completely expose the Luo Shen Army. To attack Ye You ’s main city, it is not possible to initiate a blitz through the space channel.

But Ye Youcheng has a space passage to the death **** capital of the death continent.

Mu Tuo City is a city thousands of miles in front of Ye You’s main city, and this city is also known as Ye You City’s acropolis.

At this point, the city had been occupied by the Luoshen Army, but after the Luoshen army attacked the city, someone had fled and flew to Ye Youcheng to report the news.

The main city of Ye You, a majestic city covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, lies on the ground like a black alien beast.

Several streams of light flew from the distant sky to Ye You main city in horror …

In an inner city covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles, the large black castle stands in the center of the inner city, which is precisely Ye You Wang Mansion.

“Go and report to Lord You, we have important military reports!”

Outside the inner city, more than a dozen soldiers in armor said anxiously, headed by a middle-aged man in a state of divine respect.

Most of the more than ten people were still carrying injuries.

“Aren’t you the Lord of Mu Tuo City? Okay, wait a minute, I’ll report to You King immediately.”

A Shenwei knew the middle-aged man, and hurried into the inner city to report to Ye Youwang.

Soon after, the Shenwei flew over and asked everyone to enter.

The middle-aged man quickly took his subordinates and flew to the castle.

In the castle, a man is sitting in the golden hall.

This man is slender, with a blue shirt and ordinary face, a pair of sword eyebrows slanted into his cymbals, his eyes are also green and faint, and a ray of soul flames beating. He has no vitality, only death and huge energy fluctuations.

King Ye You, one of the top ten Yan Luos in the death realm, ranks second and is powerful.

A group of people entered the temple, and the middle-aged man knelt directly on the ground, anxiously: “You king, something bad is going on!”

“Mutuo City Lord, what is in a hurry?”

Ye Youwang asked coldly, frowning.

“Master, Luo, Luoshen Army, and Luoshen Army in Vulcan Realm. They have captured Mu Tuo City, and their subordinates and a large number of soldiers broke out and rushed to report to the adults.”

The middle-aged man hurried.

“What? Vulcan Realm calls Mu Tuo City!”

When Ye Youwang couldn’t sit still, he got up from his position and asked exclaimed.

“Yes, a lot of people and horses, no less than 500,000 troops, directly attacked Mu Tuo City. There are only 30,000 soldiers and horses in our city. There is no resistance.”

“What’s going on, how could the army of Vulcan Realm directly hit Mu Tuo City?”

Ye Youwang said ugly.

“My lord, I am afraid that other cities have also fallen. I suspect that Vulcan Realm has waged war on our death **** realm, but I do n’t know why there is no news in the continent ahead.”

The middle-aged man was terrified.

“Abominable, is it possible that the Vulcan Realm launched a sneak attack that directly attacked other cities and blocked the news? Why don’t the king know at all”

King Ye You was furious, and then quickly ordered: “Come!”

A Shenwei entered the temple, waiting for an order.

“Mutuo City Lord, you send your subordinates and him to the capital of death immediately, and report this to Lord Lord, so that Lord Lord will send troops to support Ye You continent.”

Ye Youwang had smelled the crisis and ordered it immediately.

Then several emperors who fled together with this **** guard took the hand of the king and flew towards the transmission space channel.

“I ask you, where did the enemy attack?”

Ye Youwang asked.

“Conveyor Space Channel”

Mu Tuocheng said: “Because of this, we did not react at all”

“Abominable, from the space passage, it seems that the city in front of Mutuo City has been occupied!”

Ye Youwang took a palm shot on the king’s chair, his face was ugly.

“So what do we do now?”

The main road of Mutuo City.

“Now we have directly mobilized the army in the city and defended Ye Youcheng from death. As long as we can support it for one day, the **** of death can send troops to support it from the space channel. Fortunately, there are still 200,000 relatives in our city. There should be no problem to resist the day. People, order down, mobilize the army, all go to the city defense office! “

King Ye You ordered immediately, and he didn’t know what kind of terrorist army they would face.

In Mu Tuo City, hundreds of warships flew to Ye Youcheng in a mighty manner.

On one of the main ships, Li Yu frowned: “I’m afraid the enemy already knows that we have occupied Mutuo City, Zhu Chi, General Niu Kuang, and you will bring 400,000 troops to attack the main gate, General Luo Luo, Duan Yu, you two They brought 200,000 troops to attack the West Gate and the North Gate, Wang Tao Doudou, and the South Gate was left to you. “

Li Yu said.

Their men and horses just attacked Mu Tuo City, and they have not gathered all the soldiers and horses. At this time, there are only more than 800,000 horses.

“Understand, leave it to us”

Everyone nodded.

Thousands of miles away, the battleship arrived just a short moment later, and the mighty army stopped in the void more than twenty miles away from Ye Youcheng.

On the wall of Ye You, a famous guard who saw so many troops, many people were already scared.

The Shenyuan Fortress in the city, the crossbow on the wall, and various defensive and killing devices are ready to go.

King Ye You stood on the wall, looking at the distant battleships moored in the distance, his face ugly.

“Dare to ask who your coach is? Can you come forward?”

Ye Youwang asked with a drink.

“Ha ha ha ha, You Yu invited, how could Li Yu not meet?”

Wearing a golden **** armor, Li Yu, with a resolute face, rode a Vulcan war wolf, and Zhu Chi and Niu flew out of the battleship madly, looking at King Ye You in the distance.

“Who is your lord? Why siege Ye Youcheng with a large army? Are you afraid of destroying the friendship between Vulcan Realm and our death **** realm?”

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Ye Youwang asked coldly.

“Hahahaha, in Xia Liyu, the current General Marshal of the Luoshen Army, we have n’t talked much about You King, You King, and polite words. Our Majesty wants to unite the world of God and return to the world for a permanent peace. good time”

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