Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 47 - this is……

After Wu Ruo explained something, Hei Xin took him, Hei Gan and some guards, as well as the captured Wu Shi and U Bai, and went to the Wu family with the shopkeeper.

At Wu’s house, Heixin left Wu Shi, Wu Bai, and the shopkeeper on the carriage, and ordered four guards to guard them. Then, they came to Shu Qingyuan with Wu Ruo.

When Wu Qianqing and Guan Tong saw Wu Ruo brought such a person, they could not help but stunned: “Xiao Ruo, you are …”

Wu Ruo looked at Heixin.

“The old slave has seen his in-laws and his in-laws.” After he saluted to him, he took out the bone dragon spike and ghost ghost flute to let Wu Qianqing look at them: “Is the in-law seen these two weapons?”

Wu Qianqing looked carefully and shook his head, “No.”

“Are you sure you haven’t seen it?”

“Very sure.”

Hexin also said, “I wonder if the in-law master can show the old man the gift slip we gave to his wife that day.”

Wu Qianqing looked at Wu Ruo and saw that he nodded, and instructed the housekeeper Wu Xu to take out the gift list.

Heixin took the gift list, suddenly, narrowed his eyes. Although he had heard the corpse and said that the part of the gift was taken privately by the Wu family, but he didn’t expect that it would be so much less, and there was still a part of the gift Was replaced.

“Trouble in-laws and in-laws, go with the slaves to see your Wu family’s owner.”

“Is there anything wrong with the gift list?” Wu Qianqing asked Wu Ruo as he looked at Wu Ruo, who had been silent.

Heixin returned the offer list to Wu Qianqing and asked him to bring it with him: “When I see the owner, the old slave will inform them one by one.”

Before seeing him, Wu Qing looked cautiously, nodded, and took Guan Tong and Hei Xin together to leave Shu Qingyuan.

On the way, Black Letter asked Wu Qianqing to find someone to inform Wu Xuanran and Wu Qian to compete with them, and their wife to take a trip to Pu Jinyuan.

Ub Fang, who was preparing for his lunch break, learned that Black Letter was coming, and it was not easy to take it easy. After all, Wu Chenzi had let him entertain the Hei family.

When he came to the lobby and saw Hessian standing in the middle of the lobby with a group of people, a bad hunch immediately rose in his heart.

Wu Bufang walked into the hall with a smile: “The butler, come to the cold house by car, I don’t know why you need to bother you to come to see the husband in person?”

Heixin politely addressed Ubud a moment before saying, “The chief of Uzbekistan, when others come, I will explain the intention in detail.”

Ubud raised an eyebrow: “Is there anyone else?”


Ubud asked them to sit down.

Heixin was a subordinate, and he would not forget his identity because Ubud side treated him with courtesy. He respectfully stood beside Wu Ruo.

Ubu Fang asked Wu Qianqing and Wu Ruo the intention of the black letter while they were not here.

Both father and son shook their heads slightly, saying they didn’t know.

Before long, Wu Xuanran and Wu Qianjing and Wu Qianli took their wives to Pu Jinyuan, and even Wu Qianbin, Wu Qiantong, and their wives who had gone out for a morning inspection hurried over.

They saw Hei Xin and Wu Qianqing. They were all in the hall, and they were all stunned.

Heixin smiled slightly: “President Wu, everyone is here.”

Ubud Fang asked Qi: “So the butler can explain the intention?”

“Before I explain my intentions, I have something for everyone to see.” Hei Xin took out the two artifacts of Skeleton Dragon Spike and Ghost Flute and put them on the table. “I don’t know if you can recognize these two artifacts?”

As soon as Wu Qianbin, Wu Qiantong and their wife saw the viewer, they were shocked and almost jumped out of the chair.

Isn’t this the magic weapon they stole from Wu Ruo’s gift? How could it be in Hessin’s hands?

The others looked blankly at the instruments on the table.

Ubud squared his eyebrows: “This is …”

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