Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 12: Recovery

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Percy and Hestia have a little chat as she offers him some sexual healing~


A low groan leaves Percy’s lips as he slowly comes back to consciousness. There’s a hand on his cock, soft and feminine, stroking him up and down. For a second he almost calls Annabeth’s name… but he’s grateful he doesn’t, because when he opens his eyes a moment later, it’s not Annabeth jerking him off. Rather, it’s the Goddess of the Hearth herself, Hestia.
The brunette divinity blushes when their eyes meet, but she doesn’t stop what she’s doing. Nor does Percy ask her to stop. In fact, despite Hestia’s clear lack of experience in these matters, he’s quite enjoying her novice-level technique for what it is. Her hand positively glides up and down his member, which throbs with need. He might even call it… heavenly.
That said, Percy can tell from the way Hestia suddenly bites her lower lip and glances between him and his pulsating prick that she’s only a few moments more of silence away from terminating the handjob and pulling back out of embarrassment and guilt. Rather than let that happen, Percy decides to fill the awkward silence in his own way by blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
“You know, if I had a quarter for every time I woke up after a fight to find a beautiful woman jerking me off, I’d have two quarters now. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.”
Hestia’s blush intensifies and her eyes widen slightly at the revelation, no doubt thinking of just who the first one would have been. After a moment, she tilts her head to the side and offers a wry smile.
Percy chuckles and nods, not surprised that she figured it out so quickly. He’d feel bad about throwing Annabeth under the bus to the Goddess, but frankly, it didn’t seem likely that Hestia would hold it against the Daughter of Athena, all things considered.
After a beat though, Hestia’s brow furrows and she frowns.
“… A quarter?”
Blinking, Percy lets out a light laugh.
“Ah, I suppose you don’t really have access to the internet here in Camp Half-Blood, do you? It’s this thing called a meme… it’s a little hard to explain, truth be told.”
How would he even go about describing memes to an immortal Ancient Greek Goddess? Hestia would probably just nod along, smiling in confusion, not understanding a lick of it but willing to humor him all the same… or something. It would be an exercise in futility, Percy was sure. He would- why was she smiling knowingly at him?
“I’m not quite as computer illiterate as you think, Percy. I know about the internet. And I know about memes. I only asked because… I thought it was two nickels, not two quarters.”
Percy’s mouth opens… and then clicks shut as a sense of soul-deep shame threatens to overwhelm him. Holy shit, she was right. To be fair, it was a little pedantic to get down into the nitty gritty of it being nickels or quarters, or even dimes and pennies. But she was still right. He’d just been schooled on internet memes by the Goddess of the Hearth.
“… I don’t know how I’m ever going to recover from this.”
Hestia just giggles at his depressed tone, her hand still on his cock, still stroking him up and down. At least Percy had managed that much with this whole thing. She was no longer thinking about removing her hand from his dick… which as far as Percy was concerned, was a definite plus, even if it had cost him his pride to make it happen.
Of course, just as he’s thinking that, Hestia looks back down at her hand wrapped around his cock, hesitates for a moment… and then pulls away all the same. Curses and damnation! But before Percy can really bemoan his failure, the Goddess surprises him… by climbing onto the bed.
Looking anywhere BUT into his eyes, Hestia hikes up her dress, exposing long legs and shapely thighs and curvaceous hips to him. Then, she sits herself down right between his spread legs. For a moment, Percy thinks she’s about to impale herself upon his cock right then and there, virginity be damned. But no… while it looks like she might do that for just a moment, it quickly becomes apparent that she has something else in mind, something that will keep her virginity intact.
Instead of actual penetration, Hestia wraps her thighs around his cock, which ends up slapped up against the wet crotch of her underwear. The Goddess of the Hearth’s breath hitches at the sensation, her eyes glowing with the golden proof of her divinity as she bites her lower lip again, staring down at his dick. Slowly, she begins lifting herself up and down, sliding her thighs along his member in a way that Percy has to admit… is positively fantastic.
Groaning in heartfelt enjoyment, the young demigod stays where he is. He figures it’s probably doctor’s orders that he not move too soon… even if he feels perfectly fine and like he’s been completely healed.
As she gives him what might just be her first thigh job of her entire existence, Hestia licks her lips and speaks, looking downright apologetic while sliding her legs up and down his member.
“What happened today should never have happened, Percy. That hellhound… someone would have had to have summoned it. And right under my nose at that. I’m sorry that I failed you in such a monumental way. You are well within your rights to be angry with me, to be clear.”
Percy blinks at that. Maybe it’s the thigh job, but he’s finding it really hard to muster even basic frustration towards the Goddess.
“… Why would I be angry at you, Hestia? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Frowning at that, Hestia shakes her head, even as she continues to glide her pale thighs up and down his shaft. Her underwear-clad crotch slides along the underside of his cock as well, providing a slick wet sensation that lets him know how aroused she is, even if she’s managing not to show it too much.
“The very fact that you were attacked is a failing on my part, Percy. Camp Half-Blood is my home and hearth. To be exact, this place is my Domain. That is how I know the hellhound was summoned in, not lured. I knew the moment that it appeared within my borders, the moment it was brought in by… by a traitor.”
She positively spits out the last word, but not before getting a little choked up by it. Percy could tell that it bereaved her almost as much as it infuriated her to know that someone in Camp Half-Blood HAD to be responsible for the hellhound. Frankly, for Percy himself, the revelation was a scary one. The hellhound had been summoned? That lined up with what Clarisse had said before he and the monster had fought. About how it’s very presence shouldn’t have been possible.
Speaking of which…
“I assume since we’re… conversing like this, that no one else was seriously hurt, right? Just me?”
Hestia looks pained but nods her head as she sighs.
“Just you, Percy. I think… I believe that the hellhound was after you to begin with. I believe it was summoned in order to target you specifically.”
Percy’s eyes widen at that. Wait, really? But… why? In the end, he doesn’t even have to ask. Hestia can read the question in his eyes.
“… You might have already been told this, but just under a century ago, your father along with his brothers swore an oath to father no more demigod children. You, Percy… are proof that that oath was broken.”
Oh right. Shit, he’d completely forgotten that bit. Annabeth had told him of course, but… well, he’d let it slip his mind he supposed. And Poseidon had certainly seemed all too ready to claim him, right? So he had figured it couldn’t be a REALLY big deal. And yet… Hestia was making it sound like it was.
“So then… someone is trying to kill me because I’m a Son of Poseidon?”
Looking pained… and still giving him a thigh job that Percy is greatly enjoying, the Goddess of the Hearth nods.
“I believe that might be the case, yes. I want to be clear Percy… none of this is your fault. Nor were you the first instance of my brothers’ breaking that particular oath. There have been other demigod children born of the Big Three in the last few decades, even if my brothers might think I don’t know about all of them.”
That… okay. Percy just nods, head spinning a little bit as he forces himself to adjust his worldview a bit more. So, being the Son of Poseidon wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. He’d technically already known that thanks to Annabeth, but in the wake of everything that had happened since that conversation she’d had with him, he’d sort of let it fall to the wayside. Still…
“Well, they tried and they failed. And I’m sure they’ll try again… but don’t worry, Goddess. I’m not going to make it easy for them.”
Percy tries to give Hestia a brave smile at the end of that statement, only to have the Goddess frown and all but slam her hips down, her thighs clapping around his cock as she scowls at him.
“You should not have to defend yourself from them in the first place, Percy. At least not here, within my Domain. Camp Half-Blood is supposed to be safe for all of its denizens. I promise you I won’t let anything like this happen again. I’m going to get to the bottom of what happened here today…”
Honestly, he doesn’t quite know what to say to that. In the end, Hestia seems really worked up about this… more worked up than even he is, and Percy is the one who almost died. In the end, he just gives the Goddess a smile and a nod.
“I believe you, Goddess. Thank you.”
Startling, Hestia blinks and then blushes profusely at his simple, sincere response. Finally it seems he’s taken some of the wind out of her self-flagellation sails, because she falls quiet after that. Though, she doesn’t cease her efforts to get him off with her thighs. In fact, if anything she doubles them, focusing solely on his pleasure now that the conversation has come to a close.
Percy groans as he enjoys the feel of Hestia’s soft, creamy thighs clenching down around his rock hard cock. He moans as her panty-clad slit rubs against the underside of his member as well, leaving his balls churning with need. In the end, once neither of them is distracted by talking any more, it’s not long at all before Percy can feel his balls tightening up and can tell he’s getting close.
“A-Ah… Goddess… I’m going to cum.”
He expects her to pull away, to want to handle his load in some way that won’t make a mess of her. But then, that’s what he expected last time as well, and she’d completely blown those expectations out of the water too. In the end, he supposes that he shouldn’t be surprised that Hestia only picks up the pace even further, humping away at his cock until at long last… he blows his load.
His seed geysers up into the air but at an angle, resulting in the entirety of his massive load of cum winding up staining Hestia’s body instead of landing back on him. Rather than just her face and tits this time, he ends up coating her entire dress with his cum, covering her from head to crotch. It’s as embarrassing as it was last time… but thankfully, there’s no glowing trident floating overhead to make things even more embarrassing at least.
Hestia, for her part, shivers as she comes down from what looks to be some sort of pleasure high. Huh… she didn’t cum, did she? Percy honestly can’t say… and he’s not nearly brave enough to ask. Pulling herself away from his cock, lifting one leg over so she can scoot out from between his legs and stand up off the bed once more, Hestia blushes as she turns back to him, covered in his cum.
“… Please stay here in the Big House for the night for me, Percy. You can return to Poseidon Cabin tomorrow once I’ve made sure there are no lasting effects from your injury…”
Percy has to bite back a comment at that, tempted to ask if they really should have been doing anything sexual if there COULD have been lasting effects after he healed. But… no, he can already tell Hestia is beating herself up enough for everything that’s happened. He’s not going to pile it on even more for the good-natured, beautiful Goddess.
Instead he just smiles and nods, leaving Hestia to give him one last tentative smile before leaving him alone. For a moment, he’s sure that he’s never going to be able to go back to sleep after all of this… but no sooner has the thought crossed his mind than a wave of exhaustion hits him. His eyes are closed before his head even fully hits the pillow again.
The next day, Hestia doesn’t let him go until a little after noon. Percy half-expects her to use the opportunity as an excuse for more sexual antics that don’t involve penetration, but it would seem in the light of day that she’s feeling ashamed of herself, so nothing happens.
Still, by the time he makes his way back to Poseidon Cabin, Percy is feeling perfectly fine. Maybe a tiny bit sore, but overall, he’s healed in record time and is actually doing pretty good. He figures he’ll hop by his cabin, get a change of clothes, and then head over to the Dining Pavilion to try and sneak a late lunch if at all possible.
That’s the plan, anyways. Alas, that plan does not survive contact with reality. His expectations of a quick in and out when it comes to the cabin he currently has all to himself are subsequently dashed upon the rocks when he steps inside and finds that someone is waiting for him.
Scrambling into position the moment she heard the door opening… is Clarisse La Rue, Daughter of Ares. The position she’s chosen to take in order to greet Percy is… an interesting one to say the least, especially given the fact that she’s entirely naked. Percy finds himself admiring the curve of her toned, bare-naked ass, her rippling back muscles, and her flared hips, even as she takes up her pose.
The all-around statuesque blonde prostrates herself before him, pressing her forehead to the ground as she speaks in a hesitant and surprisingly submissive tone.
“This… humble maid greets her Master for the week. How may I serve, Master Jackson.”
Well now… that was a thing, he supposed.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Treat Clarisse gently, he doesn't have it in him to be mean - 14%
[X] Treat Clarisse rough physically, she seems like she might enjoy that - 82%
[  ] Treat Clarisse cruelly, he hasn't forgotten their earlier interactions - 4%


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