Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 15: Destiny Beckons

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started today and I'm really excited for it~

Percy has all the time in the world to build Clarisse back up... right?

In the end, Percy doesn’t immediately do anything. And not just because the sight of Annabeth humping Clarisse’s face and riding the Daughter of Ares’ mouth with her cunt is quite arousing. It’s also because Annabeth was right to be upset. Setting aside what ways Clarisse might have wronged him, it wasn’t right for Percy to immediately forgive her because of all the ways she’d wronged Annabeth before he’d even arrived.
With that said, Percy sits and watches for a spell as Annabeth lets her eyes drift shut and a low moan leave her lips. Her grip on Clarisse’s hair tightens up and she forces the naked kneeling blonde further into her crotch.
“That’s right, bitch. Keep licking. Fuuuuck…”
As Clarisse does precisely that, the bully thoroughly put in her place, Percy’s cock twitches in between his legs. Hm, he actually hadn’t cum yet, had he? He hadn’t let Clarisse bring him off with her mouth so his cock was still rock hard and ready for action. Annabeth, of course, didn’t have the same skills that he had it would seem. As much as the Daughter of Athena might have wanted to prolong things and make Clarisse really work for it… she couldn’t last like he did.
In fact, maybe it was Percy’s fault because Clarisse’s actions definitely seemed very, VERY enthusiastic. Had he set the bar so high for the naked blonde that she was going absolutely wild with Annabeth now? Or was she simply getting off on the humiliation and degradation that Annabeth was foisting onto her in this moment?
Either way, the end result is the same. Annabeth’s eyes suddenly snap open and Percy sees the Daughter of Athena’s face twist in a mixture of emotions. There’s pleasure and arousal there of course… but also some distaste and perhaps even a degree of self-loathing. She wants to put Clarisse in her place but at the same time, she feels like she’s surrendering in some small way by letting the other woman make her cum.
Or at least, that’s the impression Percy gets from where he’s sitting, anyways. In the end though, Annabeth simply can’t hold it at bay like he can. Her eyes go crossed and she lets out a throaty, wanton moan as Clarisse’s tongue finishes her off and she ends up climaxing all over the other woman’s face. She bucks her hips from the experience, shuddering in place for a few moments as Clarisse gulps down Annabeth’s pussy juices. And then she all but throws Clarisse’s head away from her, pushing the kneeling blonde off of her crotch and stumbling over to the bed to collapse onto it with a huff.
Seeing how wobbly her legs were until she finally laid down, Percy just smirks in amusement, even as Annabeth gives him a half-hearted glare.
“What’re you looking at?”
Deciding that in this case, discretion is the better part of valor, Percy doesn’t voice his earlier thoughts regarding her mild self-loathing. Instead, he leans over Annabeth and gives her a kiss that makes the Daughter of Athena blush and drop her glare in an instant. They kiss rather tenderly for a moment and then Percy pulls back just enough to be able to whisper down at her.
“Trust me?”
Looking into his eyes, Annabeth jerks her head up and down in a nod, making him give her a crooked smile.
“Then follow my lead.”
With those whispered words, Percy pulls away from Annabeth and rises to his feet, looking down at the still-kneeling form of Clarisse La Rue. She looks up as he approaches and with lidded eyes and a flushed face, opens her mouth and lolls out her tongue quite submissively. In that moment, she looks like a broken woman. Completely and utterly broken.
But the flash of surprise and wide-eyed involuntary indignation as he grabs her and suddenly hoists her off the ground makes it apparent that she’s not quite all gone. There’s still a spitfire under all of that self-hatred.
As she squawks, Percy just laughs and lifts her to her feet and then into the air entirely. He doesn’t try to hold her aloft for very long though of course, instead spinning them both around and dropping her onto her back on the bed. Grabbing hold of her ankles, he lifts her legs into the air and crouches a little bit so he can plant his twitching, throbbing cock against her slit.
Clarisse’ breath hitches as her knees bend and her feet end up pressed against his pecs. She doesn’t try to push back on him or anything like that though. She just lays there, docile and waiting for him to take her.
“… Is that really all you’re good for now, Clarisse?”
The statuesque blonde freezes up at his words as he parrots what Annabeth said earlier. Annabeth, laying on the other part of the bed and watching this, also tenses up for a moment. But the Daughter of Athena doesn’t speak, eventually forcing Clarisse to break her silence.
Running his hands up and down her legs, pressing his cockhead into her slit just enough to tease her but never enough to penetrate, Percy smiles.
“You fucked up, Clarisse. Not just with me… but from the sound of things, you’ve been fucking up the entire time you’ve been in Camp Half-Blood.”
That makes the Daughter of Ares flinch and avert her gaze, shame filling her eyes as she’s reminded of her cowardice regarding him and the hellhound. But that’s not what Percy cares about. That might be what has Clarisse acting like this, but Percy doesn’t mind that nearly as much as all the other stuff.
“Annabeth is right. The real war is against the monsters. We demigods only have each other. We aren’t your enemies, Clarisse… and you shouldn’t be ours either. We should be allies.”
To punctuate that statement, Percy finally pushes into her. Clarisse’s knees bend further as her feet push against his chest involuntarily… but to no avail. She can’t stop him from penetrating her, though she also doesn’t try. A full body shudder runs through the young blonde woman, and a wanton moan leaves her lips. But her eyes… her eyes are fixed on him now. She’s staring at him, hanging off of his every word.
“You deserved to be taken off of your high horse and brought down a notch. Several notches, in fact. You needed this wake up call, there’s no denying it… and I’ll tell you right now, I’m going to enjoy having the opportunity to boss you around for the rest of this week.”
Clarisse blushes at that but doesn’t look away again even as he continues to thrust in and out of her, starting to really pump away as her mewling moans grow in volume. All the while, Annabeth is watching them. Not just watching but fingering herself as he fucks Clarisse.
“… But that doesn’t mean redemption is out of the question.”
With that, both girls freeze up again. Annabeth relaxes after a moment, remembering his previous words. Her eyes narrow to slits, but she can’t very well speak up when he’s using her own words from earlier against her. They only have each other. That’s what she’d said. And they needed every last one of them to be able to watch each other’s backs if they were going to survive outside of the Camp.
Clarisse, meanwhile, stays frozen, looking at Percy with wide-eyed hope but also a tiny bit of self-recrimination at even the idea that she should be feeling hope.
For his part, Percy wraps his arms around Clarisse’s legs and abruptly pulls them flush with his body. Instead of bent at the knees with the soles of her feet pressing against his pectorals, her legs are suddenly straight in the air at a perfect right angle. Percy straightens up as well, his cock impaled in Clarisse’s cunt lifting her lower body entirely off the bed and leaving her only on her upper back.
Her hands claw at the bed on either side of her as Percy fucks her in the alternative mating press, pounding into her pussy all the harder as her toes curl in satisfaction and ecstasy. Her inner walls get tighter and wetter the more he fucks her.
All the while, even as he’s holding her legs against his chest with her feet on the side of his head, Percy maintains eye contact with Clarisse.
“Should this be the end of your path as a warrior, Clarisse? Should I order you to bring me your spear right here and right now? Make you walk through Camp Half-Blood naked so that you can present your weapon for me to break over my knee as you suggested before? Perhaps you think you deserve that. But I disagree. I think you’re worthy of a second chance. And I think you aren’t quite the adversary to me or Annabeth that you might think you are.”
Percy looks between both girls at that, raising an eyebrow as he scoffs a bit.
“All of this animosity and enmity over Capture the fucking Flag of all things? Seriously? Annabeth, you said it yourself… it should never have gotten this bad.”
Annabeth frowns at that and looks away for a moment.
“You don’t understand Percy, you’re too new.”
At the exact same time however, Clarisse finds her voice.
“I-It’s about more than just some f-flag, Master.”
The two both jolt as they realize they spoke at the same time… and in agreement at that. Accidental agreement sure, but still agreement. They look at one another briefly… and then just as quickly look away, neither wanting to acknowledge the other at that moment. But Percy just chuckles and shakes his head.
“Well, well. Look at that. Common Ground.”
Fucking Clarisse even harder, all he gets from her is more moaning. But Annabeth sputters and scowls at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You know that doesn’t really count.”
Percy isn’t so sure but he knows his point is already made so he lets the two girls actually ruminate over it for a while, fucking Clarisse harder and faster. He’s got time, after all. Time to figure out everything later, he figures. For now, he’s going to fuck Clarisse. He’s going to plow her silly. He still owes her some payback for her bullying and so does Annabeth, after all.
But he’s not going to let this break her. He’s not going to let the warrior that Clarissa La Rue is capable of becoming fade into memory. She can beat herself up all she wants. Annabeth can smack her around too for good measure. But Percy… Percy is going to help Clarisse rise again. Better than ever. This is his pledge to himself and as he makes it, he grunts and thrusts forward one final time before pulling out and cumming all over Clarisse’s body, his cock nestled between her thighs for a moment.
The statuesque blonde gasps as her front is coated in his seed, her eyes widening in surprise and then fluttering in some level of satisfaction over being treated so… degradingly. It’s clear she still feels like she deserves no small amount of punishment for her cowardice against the hellhound.
They’ll have to work on that, of course. But before Percy can say anything or do anything else, Annabeth is suddenly there. The Daughter of Athena looms over Clarisse, studying the Daughter of Ares’ face for a moment… and then leans down and gives her a dominating, tongue-filled kiss. Percy grins at the sight of it, even as Clarisse lets out a muffled squawk of surprise. From the look of things, Annabeth was on board with his plans for the rest of this week at least…
Hestia sits in her chair in front of the fireplace of the Big House, frowning most severely. Deep in thought, but also stretching her senses out across the entirety of her domain, the Goddess of the Hearth hunts. She can feel young Percy, Annabeth, and Clarisse engaging in certain… activities in the Poseidon Cabin. Activities that Hestia can’t help but be amused by if she’s being honest.
It’s not as though she has room to be offended by the threesome, of course. After all, her own actions regarding Percy Jackson had been… well, she was getting distracted wasn’t she? Instead, Hestia focuses on the matter at hand. Someone had summoned a hellhound into her domain. Never mind that it wasn’t summoned directly into the Camp, her domain spread much further than that.
That a monster was able to invade HER Hearth was… as terrifying as it was infuriating. But even more terrifying was the fact that she couldn’t figure out who’d done it. The number of individuals who could possibly obfuscate their actions from her should have been countable on just one hand. Especially in Hestia’s own domain. And yet… she didn’t THINK any of them had been the one to do this. Which meant it was someone else… or most likely of all, someone within the Camp.
And yet, who among her flock would betray her like this? Who would betray their fellow demigods in this fashion? Hestia felt like she was getting close to the truth. She felt like she was-
The Goddess of the Hearth flinches, pulling herself back together in an instant and turning her attention away from uncovering the identity of the traitor and instead towards her brother. Zeus wasn’t directly present in Camp Half-Blood thankfully… but this was far more than a simple phone call.
Plastering her best smile on her face, Hestia lets out a shuddering breath.
“Zeus. Brother.”
Ah, of course. And there it is. Zeus finally knows. Ever since Poseidon had claimed Percy, Hestia had known she was on borrowed time. She had managed to keep things at bay for a little while longer than she expected… but this hellhound debacle had taxed her focus to its limits and ultimately stretched her attention just a bit too far, hadn’t it?
And even if it hadn’t… someone in Camp would have eventually ‘told’. All they had to do was pray to one of their parents and spill the beans and then their divine parents would go to Zeus. Hestia hesitates for a moment, considering how best to handle this situation. She’s suddenly navigating VERY choppy waters, well aware of her brother’s legendary temper. And Zeus had even more reason to be angry of late, because apparently his Master Bolt had been stolen.
Quite frankly, Hestia didn’t even know why the King of the Gods had time to be angry about Poseidon’s infidelity. After all, the investigation into his Master Bolt’s disappearance should have been taking up all of his time. More than that, Zeus’ own infidelity had resulted in a certain tree that resided on Half-Blood Hill to this day. But then… Hestia was used to her brother being a hypocrite.
She couldn’t say that to his face though, now could she? But a response was still needed all the same…
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Hestia is respectful and polite, especially in the face of Zeus' ire and the theft of his Master Bolt - 6%
[  ] Hestia is calm and collected but not particularly respectful, striking a middle ground - 28%

[X] Hestia matches fire with fire in the face of Zeus' hypocrisy. She is the Goddess of the Hearth after all. - 66%


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