Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 18: Riding Into Town

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A fun car ride, followed by a not-so-fun bus ride~


DID Percy care about getting caught? Eh… not really. So long as Annabeth and Clarisse were fine with it, he was fine with it. But at the same time, if they weren’t willing to walk the walk… well, there was an easy way of checking on that front, wasn’t there?

Looking to his right and then to his left, Percy sees that Annabeth and Clarisse are actually barely paying him any mind, even with their hands on his inner thighs. Instead, the two are looking past Percy at each other, slightly challenging expressions on their faces as their eyes narrow and they play a game of proverbial chicken with one another.

Cute, but Percy wasn’t going to just sit here and let them turn him into a battlefield. No, as far as he was concerned… he was the third faction in this little dust-up, and he was armed to the teeth. His own hands come down upon Annabeth and Clarisse’s respective thighs and Percy wastes no time in moving his fingers further up towards their crotches.

This causes both blondes to freeze in surprise, as if they really didn’t expect him to retaliate in any way. For a moment, they seem to be stuck, caught in their own indecision, but Percy finally manages to make eye contact with them both, giving them each little grins that make it clear that he’s fine with this… so long as they’re okay with him giving as good as he gets.

“… C-Chilly back here! Luckily I brought a blanket!”

Annabeth’s sudden declaration is accompanied by her pulling a large blanket out from between her and the car door. Percy can’t help but raise an eyebrow as she reveals the damn thing and hastily begins to spread it out across her and Percy’s laps. Of course, she scowls when Clarisse tries to tug it over onto herself as well, and even attempts to prevent the Daughter of Ares from doing so… but Percy quickly gauges that there’s more than enough blanket to cover the length of the car’s backseat and teams up with Clarisse to make Annabeth share.

Soon enough, the three of them are all covered from the waist down, allowing for their… exploration of one another to continue. When Percy gives Annabeth a slightly judgmental look, she just blushes and averts her gaze, even as her fingers fiddle with his zipper under the blanket. Really? She’d been all for playing chicken with Clarisse without a blanket before, but the moment Percy decided to extend the fun, she just had to cover up?

As much as he liked Annabeth Chase, his very own Wise Girl, Percy had to admit… she wasn’t without her flaws. Still, if he couldn’t handle her at her worst, there was no point in sticking around. And to be fair… she was worth a few personality flaws here and there; Percy couldn’t help but feel.

Clarisse, meanwhile, is still hesitant after everything that’s happened between them. However, where she’s cowed when it comes to Percy, the same cannot entirely be said for Annabeth. Sure, she understands that she wronged the other girl quite a few times, but after the two of them competed for so long, neither is really willing to set down the rivalry quite so soon, no matter what sort of pecking order might be established.

In the end, Percy is the main beneficiary of their competition, so he can’t really bring himself to complain. Underneath Annabeth’s blanket, his cock is quickly extracted from his pants by their hands, and the two girls both begin steadily stroking him up and down, working at odds of one another as they each try to one up the other and prove that they’re better.

Of course, they both seem to be forgetting something. Percy only cums when he wants to. And right now, sitting in the back of Argus’ car, he doesn’t really feel much like cumming. After all, he would just wind up ruining Annabeth’s blanket, wouldn’t he? The two girls on the other hand… well, that was different.

His own hands are not idle, though it takes Percy a little bit longer to get into their respective pants and stick his hands down the front of their panties, all things considered. While Annabeth and Clarisse might not have been working together necessarily, they WERE still both eager to get a move on, so they’d managed to get his cock out of his boxers in record time.

By comparison, Percy only has one hand for each girl, so they’ve already been giving him a dual handjob for a little bit by the time Percy’s fingers finally land on both of their pussies and he begins to feel them up. Still, the results are well worth the wait, as both Annabeth and Clarisse stiffen and then begin to pant, blushing heavily and averting their gazes.

For Annabeth, this means leaning her free arm on the window and placing her face in her hand so she can bite down on the inside of her palm to quiet the moans that he’s provoking from her with his fingering of her cunt. For Clarisse, she doesn’t fully look away or stare out the window. She just stares straight ahead, her lips pressed into a thin line as she tries to contain her whimpers and mewls that escape from her mouth.

All the while, Percy is in his element. He’s not sure why that is. Why does all of this sex stuff seem to come so… naturally to him? From all the way back in the bathroom where he’d just decided not to let Clarisse or her sisters make him cum, Percy had felt like he was always large and in charge when it came to sex. The only woman he’d been with where he didn’t feel like he was in absolute control of the situation was Hestia, but then to be fair… she was a literal Goddess.

Still, was it something to do with Poseidon? Maybe he should have asked Chiron or Hestia herself earlier, but it was a little embarrassing wasn’t it? ‘Oh hey, am I super good at sex because of my dad or something?’ just wasn’t the kind of thing you talked to other people about… right?

Either way, it makes for an excellent way of passing the time as Argus drives them all into town. Both Annabeth and Clarisse have to do their best to hide the respective orgasms he draws out of them, even as their own efforts fail to bear fruit. They even split their attention eventually, with Clarisse lowering her hand to focus solely on fondling and massaging his balls as Annabeth jacks off his member… but to no avail.

It's not until Grover suddenly speaks up that Percy realizes they’ve been made… though not by his best friend.

“Uh, didn’t we already take this turn?”

Its then that Percy makes eye contact with one of the eyes on the back of Argus’ neck and realizes that the driver has been taking them in circles for a few moments now to give him extra time to… finish. He almost barks out a laugh at the realization that the giant is actually a total bro, but in the end he just offers a carefree grin and a shake of his head towards the other man to let him know he’s perfectly fine.

A handful of seconds later, before Grover can get any more suspicious, the car pulls to a stop outside of the bus station.

“We’re here.”

Percy just keeps on smiling as his frustrated female seatmates have to hurriedly work together to tuck his erection back into his boxers and pants. Annabeth is even nice enough to fit his cock down his inner pants leg for him, though it seems she does so out of guilt for failing to get him off more than anything else. Percy, meanwhile, pulls his hands back out of each girls’ respective panties and makes sure to get their clothes fixed up as well.

It’s all one mad scramble under the blanket to try and get themselves decent before Grover fully gets out of the car and turns his gaze onto them. But while it’s close, they aren’t found out by the satyr, even as Annabeth collects her blanket and the three of them pile out of the car. Argus gives them all one final nod, and a particularly impressed nod to Percy specifically, and then drives off.

From there, they make their way into the bus station to get their tickets, but as soon as they’ve entered the building, Annabeth grabs Percy by the hand and speaks in an authoritative tone.

“Grover, take Clarisse to get our tickets and figure out our route. I need to speak with Percy for a moment alone.”

“Huh? Oh, sure!”

Clarisse doesn’t look nearly as okay with that as Grover does, but in the end Percy just gives her a nod and the Daughter of Ares submits, moving to follow the satyr deeper into the bus station. Annabeth, meanwhile, quickly takes Percy around a corner and drops to her knees, rapidly removing his cock from its confines again.

“Look… we don’t have much time. So please… let me take care of you.”

Her tone is almost plaintive, Percy notes with amusement. He remembers their last time like this, out back behind one of the cabins of Camp Half-Blood. And he remembers quietly messing with Annabeth by not cumming even as her jaw likely began to ache, ultimately forcing her to take things all the way. This time around… she’s right, they don’t have much time. And he appreciates her trying her best to return the favor that he’d paid her and Clarisse in the car.

“Go ahead, Annabeth.”

Something in his tone, maybe the affection, makes Annabeth blush and scowl a little bit.

“Tch… Seaweed Brain.”

Then, she takes him in her mouth, bobbing up and down on his cock in some secluded corner of the bus station. Technically anyone could turn the corner at any moment and see what she’s doing, but while there is a certain frantic energy to Annabeth’s sucking, it’s not because she’s afraid of being caught by strangers, he doesn’t think. No, rather, the Daughter of Athena merely recognizes that she’s on a time table before Grover and Clarisse come looking for them both again.

Percy recognizes that fact as well and, leaning back against the wall and resting a hand atop Annabeth’s head, he sighs… and lets go. He doesn’t try to hold back with her this time, letting himself feel every bit of pleasure from her enthusiastic nob-gobbling.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

He doesn’t cum immediately, but he does cum pretty fast as a result, all of that foreplay in the car contributing to his arousal. Though if he’s being honest… making Annabeth and Clarisse both cum from his fingers while Grover sat unsuspecting in the front seat was more arousing for Percy than their efforts to jack him off with their hands had been. He was a people pleaser first and foremost he supposed, and as much as they’d tried their best, neither Annabeth nor Clarisse were experts with their fingers or anything like that.

Either way, Annabeth’s tongue and mouth and even her throat are working overtime on his dick, and with Percy no longer holding back, it’s only a couple minutes before he groans and lets loose. Annabeth’s eyes widen slightly in surprise at how easy it was for her to suck him dry this time, but she’s nothing if not adaptable. She quickly begins to swallow, drinking down every last drop and pulling back off of his cock with a pop just as Grover’s familiar voice calls out from around the corner.

“Annabeth? Percy? We got the ticket situation all figured out! And even have a proper route planned and everything! Where’d you two go?”

He’s getting closer and closer, but before he can fully turn the corner, Annabeth has already tucked Percy’s softening member back into his boxers and fixed up his pants for him, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she hops to her feet and pulls him out from behind the corner right behind her. They very nearly run into Grover… or rather, Grover very nearly runs into them but pulls up short at the last second.

“We’re right here, Grover. Let me see what you’ve got figured out and I’ll decide for myself if it’s a proper route or not.”

“O-Oh! Sure!”

Percy just watches on with a slightly fond smile as Annabeth takes over planning. She COULD have just sent Clarisse off to take care of him while she figured out the bus schedules and their route with Grover from the very beginning… but it was obvious Annabeth didn’t quite trust Clarisse in that way just yet. No, she still had to do it all herself, or at least take on way more than she really needed to.

If one of Percy’s side goals for this quest was to reshape Clarisse into a more honorable sort of warrior, then another side goal would be teaching Annabeth that she could and SHOULD delegate where possible. She couldn’t keep doing everything all the time… that way lay burnout and madness.

Still, for the time being at least, he doesn’t raise any sort of protest as Annabeth makes some minor changes to Grover’s plans but declares his work ‘passable’. And soon enough, the four of them are all on a bus heading into New Jersey. The prophecy had told them they had to journey West. But where that would take them, Percy still didn’t fully know…

That said, he doesn’t get a chance to ponder it for very long, nor does the possibility of any more public hanky-panky on the buss materialize either. Because just as they’re all really getting settled in their seats, the bus pulls up to it’s next stop about fifteen minutes into their trip and three more ‘people’ get on. And one of them… one of them is undeniably Mrs. Dodds, the math teacher that Percy had wound up killing during his recent field trip to the museum.

Except she seems to be alive and well now… and she’s looking at him with a twisted expression on her face, one that has Percy reaching into his pocket and preparing to uncap Riptide as he leans over to the others.

“Annabeth, Clarisse, Grover… don’t look now, but I’m pretty sure we have company. Grover, tell me I’m not going insane. That IS Mrs. Dodds, yes?”

The satyr looks over and jolts, his eyes widening.

“Oh… yeah, that’s… well, that’s not just Mrs. Dodds, Percy. Those are the Furies. Spirits of Vengeance that serve Hades.”

Annabeth and Clarisse tense up right alongside Percy at that. Clarisse reaches for the wrapped spear she’s brought with her, pulling it out from under her seat slowly even as she looks to Percy.

“… What do we do?”


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Get ready for a fight, there's no reasoning with monsters - 21%

[X] Try to talk it out, they're all servants of the Gods or something, right? - 79%

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