Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 21: Em’s Deal

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Percy and Medusa make a deal.


“… Please don’t make me choose between you, Em.”

In the end, he just can’t bring himself to attack her. Certainly not right after sex. It would make him feel scummy, even if he was doing it to protect Annabeth. Em might have turned out to be the legendary Medusa, the Cursed Gorgon, but they’d shared a tender moment all the same and Percy didn’t necessarily want to ruin that.

At the same time, he had to be honest with her. Trying to trick the Gorgon into letting them all go was never going to work. Not when she’d already made up her mind. But maybe their short time together would mean enough for Medusa to capitulate to his earnest, heartfelt request.

At hearing his blunt, begging words, Medusa is the one who tenses up beside him now. Her fingers clutch at his chest for a moment before she huffs, looking up at him through her sunglasses.

“Why? Because you would choose her over me?”

The answer to that is an unequivocal ‘yes’, of course, and Percy thinks she already knows as much. He’s pretty sure she knew it when she’d originally suggested he leave Annabeth in her clutches in the first place. Truly, there was just no contest between the two of them. He and Em had had their fun together, sure. But Annabeth was… she was his lover. He didn’t know how else to describe it, only that Annabeth mattered to him. End of discussion.

Still, he doesn’t think saying THAT out loud is a wise idea in this moment. Instead, Percy tries to deflect.

“Annabeth hasn’t done anything to you, has she? Your problem isn’t with her… it’s with her mother.”

Medusa’s lips thin out and he can imagine the beautiful woman’s eyes narrowing behind her shades as her nostrils flare for a moment. They both know he’s right, of course. Medusa’s grudge is against Athena. For obvious reasons.

“Do you know your history, Percy Jackson? Do you know how I came to be what I am?”

Hesitantly, Percy nods. It involved, as most stories from Ancient Greek Mythology did, the gods. Specifically, it involved two gods very close to matters.

“From what I understand… you were a Priestess of Athena. But Poseidon seduced you and the two of you copulated inside one of Athena’s temples, on the altar there. In response, Athena cursed you.”

Medusa’s lips curl into a bitter, sad little smile.

“Yes. I was but a mortal woman once upon a time. Raised by my parents, Phorcys and Keto, I joined the Priesthood of Athena because it was expected of me. She was, after all, the Patron Goddess of our small town. And yet… was I wrong for pining for something more? Was I wrong for being excited when a different God entirely started to show me interest? More interest, in fact, than my own Goddess ever had, despite my worship and service to her.”

Percy squirms in response to that, knowing full well that the different God in question was… his father. Grimacing, he feels compelled to speak, even if it’s not exactly in defense of Poseidon.

“The stories say that Poseidon seduced you as a way to get back at Athena. That he was bitter over something she’d done to him.”

Medusa snorts derisively.

“Yes. I found that out after the fact. Your father… was never a perfect being, Percy. He is as flawed as anyone else. And if I were anyone else, I might incur his wrath for saying as much… but tis the truth. Still, for all his flaws, he came to me in his divine form and made no lie of his identity. I was warned about him by my sisters, but I allowed myself to be taken in by him all the same. I allowed him to court and seduce me. I allowed him to bed me.”

Percy is a little impressed at how she takes accountability for her actions. She’s clearly bitter about it… angry too. But at the same time, she’s willing to own up to her own mistakes. That speaks to a mentality that can be reasoned with. He hopes.

“Even still, what was I to do? Poseidon wished to take me at the foot of my Goddess’ statue. His intentions were obvious, but I was already in too deep. If I had denied him, what would have been my fate, hm? Would he have simply let me go, let bygones be bygones? By that time, I had no choice. And… he was a persuasive man, your father. Almost as persuasive as you are.”

Percy blushes deeply at that, even as Medusa shoots him a teasing grin. It doesn’t last long, however.

“And yet Athena punished me all the same. Made me into a monster. Cursed me. So yes, my grudge is with her, Percy Jackson. But she is a Goddess and I am but a lowly Gorgon. Am I to sit here and continue to stew in my anger and angst when one of her children is less than a hundred feet away? Am I to just let a chance at vengeance, no matter how small, slip through my fingers?”

Percy opens his mouth at that… and then closes it. Medusa nods in vicious satisfaction, likely thinking that his silence is him seeing her point or perhaps coming around to her way of thinking. This is not exactly true. While Percy does see her point, he’s still not going to give her Annabeth. Or at least… he’s not going to give her Annabeth permanently.

Another idea sprouts in Percy’s mind and he finds himself considering a different option entirely.

“What if… what if you could have your cake and eat it too?”

Medusa tilts her head to the side at that. Percy just grins.


“Trust me?”

“… Yes?”

Percy chuckles as he wraps the blindfold around Annabeth’s head.

“You’re a smart girl, Annabeth. I don’t think I have to spell anything out for you. If you haven’t figured it out already… you’ll figure it out soon. All I ask is that you play along, alright? I think this is the best way of doing things.”

As he closes the blindfold tight, Annabeth lets out a shuddering breath.

“You’re right, Percy. I’m not stupid. Though I’m starting to feel stupid for not seeing it earlier. The blindfold though… it’s all I needed to figure out what was happening. I DO trust you, Seaweed Brain. I guess I just have one question… are you absolutely sure about this?”

“Yes, Annabeth. We stepped into the lion’s maw, but it hasn’t closed its jaws yet… and it won’t, so long as we convince it we’re worth more alive. Put simply, this is a challenge like any other. Keep the blindfold on no matter what, don’t ask questions… and we’ll make it out of this in one piece, okay?”

“… Okay.”

Percy smiles softly and takes Annabeth’s hands in his one he’s made sure the blindfold is fully secured and once he’s pushed the sunglasses up the bridge of his nose again, making sure they’re fully secured as well. Technically, this isn’t a challenge for him. But it’s actually just as dangerous for him as it is for Annabeth if not more so. One slip of the shades he’s now wearing and… well, they won’t slip. Easy peasy.

Having left Clarisse with orders to watch over a fretful Grover, Percy had led Annabeth away from them and then asked her to let him blindfold her. He’d seen the realization dawning in her eyes then, and knew she’d finally figured out why Aunty Em’s Garden Gnome Emporium had a LOT of life size stone statues and not many actual garden gnomes at all.

Still, that she was willing to trust him like this… it did Percy’s heart good. Not least Medusa had made that part of the challenge. Percy wasn’t allowed to tell Annabeth anything. Annabeth was supposed to go in blind both figuratively and literally, to show that she wasn’t so much her mother’s daughter that she HAD to know everything all the time.

So far, so good. Pulling Annabeth into the room, Percy turns to see Medusa waiting on the bed for them. Still naked, the beautiful dusky skinned woman no longer has her turban or her sunglasses on. The turban wrap is off to the side and the sunglasses are on Percy’s face instead, allowing him to see her in all of her… glory.

The snakes that make up the infamous Gorgon’s hair writhe and twist at the sight of Annabeth, but then focus on him in particular, seeming almost intense as they stare at him. Medusa’s actual eyes however, just as snake-like as her hair, are fixated on Annabeth, almost as if she expects the younger woman’s blindfold to slip off right then and there.

“Good… very good.”

Slowly, Medusa spreads her legs wide and then reaches down and uses her fingers to do the same with her pussy. The same pussy that Percy had creampied about half an hour before. His seed still seeps out of her, leaking from betwixt her thighs. But Medusa doesn’t care.

“Bring her here.”

He can tell from the tenseness in Annabeth’s shoulders and the way her breath hitches that she very much wants to ask questions. Fortunately for him, she’s as aware of all the Greek Tragedies as he is. So many myths ending in heartbreak because the main character couldn’t follow simple instructions. They might be Greek Demigods themselves, but that doesn’t mean they have to be as stupid as their predecessors.

Percy leads Annabeth over and guides her to her knees as Medusa’s hand motioned instruction. Annabeth’s nose twitches as she smells his seed and likely Medusa’s arousal as well. Silence falls for a moment as the Gorgon sits there on the edge of the bed patiently. Percy gives her a look from behind his sunglasses, causing her to finally huff out a laugh.

“Very well, very well. She’s done well so far. Now though… now she will lick.”

Percy gently cups the back of Annabeth’s head, sliding his fingers through her hair. He pushes her forward towards Medusa’s pussy, expecting some resistance from the blonde, some reluctance. To his surprise, Annabeth is fully relaxed. She lets him guide her in… and when her lips finally meet Medusa’s slit, her tongue slides right out into her cunt. Percy knows this because the Gorgon’s eyes widen, her snake hair kicked up into a frenzy as she tilts her head back.

“O’ Daughter of Athena… thou art little more than a SLUT!”

A clear provocation, and one that makes Percy scowl. And yet, Annabeth doesn’t rise to the bait. She doesn’t push back against his hold; she doesn’t stop licking Medusa out. If anything, he starts to wonder if she even heard the Gorgon’s words. She seems to be diving in to scoop out his cum with her tongue with… rather single minded intent.

“Ah… never would I have thought one of Athena’s get would stoop so low. I could not imagine it. But… you’re right, Percy. This is a much better revenge.”

Percy grins at that, even as Annabeth stiffens a bit, revealing that she IS listening to Medusa. Still, she continues to do as she was bid. She continues to eat out the monster woman. Medusa, meanwhile, gestures for him to come closer.

He leans over Annabeth, only to have the Gorgon grab him by his hair and pull her into a tongue-filled kiss. If she wanted to, she could have torn off his shades right then and there and turned him to stone. But she doesn’t. Instead, Medusa moans into his mouth, humping Annabeth’s face with her crotch. Her free hand eventually winds its way into the blonde’s hair, being a bit rougher with her, grinding her down harder. But she doesn’t remove the blindfold. That would be cheating. That would go against the spirit of this… quest.

As far as ‘labors’ go, Percy knows this is probably one of the weirder things that any Greek Demigod has ever had to do on one of their quests. And that’s certainly saying something. But if it works… it works, right? Better this than having to cut Medusa’s head off with Riptide. Maybe he could have gotten away with it just like his namesake if he’d fucked her harder until she passed out… but it would have made him feel grimy and filthy.

This did too, in its own way. But it was a nicer kind of filthy. The sort of filthy that would wash away with enough time. Or even be a pleasant memory to look back on.

With a lewd cry, Medusa suddenly arches her back, pulling away from their kiss and letting go of Percy as she proceeds to climax all over Annabeth’s face. The blonde flinches but takes it like a champ all the same, her face and the blindfold both getting splattered with not just Medusa’s pussy juices, but also the last remnants of Percy’s creampie.

There’s a long moment as Percy waits with bated breath to see how Medusa will react to Annabeth not just taking on her challenge but passing with flying colors. Honestly though, he’s not too worried. Mostly because Medusa’s hair is all laid back, the snake heads all heavily lidded and looking like they’re about to curl up for a well-deserved map.

With a sigh, Medusa nods to Percy.

“Very well… I am sated.”

Thank fuck.


“I really am sorry, Annabeth.”

“And as I told you before, you have nothing to apologize for. You did what you needed to do. We got out of there intact. That’s all that matters. Besides, we even got out of there with more than we went in with.”

Percy winces at that, because as aloof as Annabeth is acting about it… he still feels a little bit like she’s gotta be slightly mad. After all, it was one thing to pass Medusa’s challenge by not giving in to her innately curious nature while also sexually submitting to a woman that her mother had cursed. It was another entirely to get paid for it afterwards.

But Medusa had insisted. Probably because she knew that turning Annabeth into a prostitute would add insult to injury, so to speak. And in the end… they hadn’t really been in a position to refuse the money that ‘Aunty Em’ offered them.

“If we hadn’t taken her money, we would still be wandering through the woods more than likely. But because she paid us for our time, we had enough cash to purchase these train tickets and continue on our way. We ARE on a time table, after all.”

Percy nods at that, before grinning half-heartedly.

“I suppose if we had to become prostitutes… at least we did it together.”

Annabeth gives him an amused but also exasperated look at that, one that causes Percy to grin even wider. Yeah, they were fine.

“Still… I can think of a way for you to make it up to me…”

Oh? Percy raises an eyebrow, curious… and excited to find out what Annabeth had in mind.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] She wants him to fuck her atop the St. Louis Arch, the greatest feat of architecture in the area - 92%

[ ] She wants him to fuck her on the train, no trip to the Arch necessary - 8%

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