Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 7: The Goddess Hestia

It’s funny, she’s never had much in the way of desire before now. Early on, her only desire was to get to live. Being born only to be swallowed up by your paranoid and envious father will do that to you. Oh, Hestia didn’t have to worry about dying, necessarily. She was immortal, as all of the Gods and Goddesses were. However, surviving was not the same as living, and a life in her father’s belly was no life at all.
After Zeus finally saved them all, she hadn’t desired much of anything, save to tend to her Hearth. She was pushed into war against their father and uncles even though she’d suggested diplomacy, but it wasn’t as though she desired it. And after all that was said and done, she hadn’t held any other desires within her, save to look after her brothers and sisters.
Zeus might have been their leader, but Hestia was the eldest. It was her place to look after her fellow Gods and Goddesses. Of course, then there had been the incident with Priapus. If not for the loud braying of a nearby donkey, the minor god of vegetation would have mounted her in her sleep and taken her virginity right then and there. That he hadn’t… well, it had been as much luck as anything else.
This was all to say, for the longest time Hestia had been content with tending her Hearth and looking after those who did the same. As the Goddess of Family, she had watched over human families for quite a long time, even while looking after her siblings and their children as well. And when it came to Camp Half-Blood needing a Director, Hestia had stepped up there as well.
She had ever been fulfilled in all of her duties, to be clear. There had never been a time where she had felt… unsatisfied. Until now. Now, for the first time, Hestia found herself desiring something more. She found herself desiring someone. And even though she knew it was a bad idea… she couldn’t help but send the message off for Percy Jackson to come visit her. Still, she promised herself she would not lie to him. He would know the truth of the situation before anything happened between them at the very least.
It was late in the evening when he was called over to the Big House. Percy had to wonder what was up. He wouldn’t turn down a chance to talk with Hestia some more, but at the same time he couldn’t help but be concerned about what the Camp Director wanted from him. Especially since she was also a literal Greek Goddess of all things.
So yes, he was a little trepidatious when he stepped back into the Big House to find Hestia sitting alone in the living room. Making his way closer to her, Percy clears his throat.
“Uh… you wanted to see me, Goddess?”
Looking away from the fire, Hestia startles for a moment, as though surprised to find him suddenly there. Had she been that deep in thought? Had she forgotten that she was the one who asked for him to come over? It’s only for a moment, and then she recovers her equilibrium, smiling softly and shaking her head.
“Please, Percy. I told you to call me Hestia, did I not?”
Ah, she did, didn’t she? So much had happened since their last conversation, he’d sort of forgotten… not to mention, just being in her presence earlier had been somewhat dizzying.
“I also told you that we would talk more later on, didn’t I? Well… it’s certainly later now.”
Standing from her armchair, Hestia extends a hand to him, clearly intending for him to give her one of his in turn. Blushing a little bit, Percy finally offers his own hand and lets the Goddess take it. She’s warm… inhumanly so. Not in a bad way though. In fact, her divine warmth seeps into him, traveling up his arm and through his body. Percy lets out a breath of air in a rather explosive fashion, even as Hestia’s breath hitches as well.
Then, before he can question what just happened, she’s tugging him along. They move together through the large farmhouse, out of the living room and down a hall. And then they step into a bedroom… what can only be Hestia’s bedroom, in fact. Percy bites his lower lip as he looks around for a moment. He can’t say HOW he knows this is Hestia’s bedroom, other than that it just feels like it. And of course, the fact that they’re in her house, so she must have a bedroom somewhere within these four walls.
Regardless, Percy is starting to feel a certain sort of way as Hestia leads him over to the bed and has him sit down on it right next to her. Somehow, he suspects this is not entirely normal. Somehow, he’s quite certain that the Goddess of the Hearth doesn’t do this kind of thing for any other campers.
“Godd-… er, Hestia?”
Smiling at him softly, her golden eyes glowing, Hestia still holds his hand in her own. She intertwines their fingers together, making Percy blush even harder at the contact.
“Percy… I was not entirely forthcoming with you, earlier. There were others in the room, and I could not be as candid as I wished to be. But now… now it is just the two of us… and I have a confession to make.”
Percy blinks at that, trying to figure out what she’s talking about. After a moment, he tilts his head to the side, only able to think of one possibility.
“… Is it about who my dad is? Because I already have a pretty good guess.”
Hestia looks surprised… and then a little embarrassed.
“Ah, no Percy. I’m sorry but that rule is somewhat set in stone. Even if your heritage might seem obvious, you will not be acknowledged as your father’s son until you’ve been claimed by him properly.”
Technically that wasn’t new information, but it still sucked to have it confirmed by Hestia. Still, if that wasn’t what she wanted to tell him, what confession did she have to make? Before he can ask, Hestia lets out a soft sigh, still interlocking her fingers with his. He’s holding hands with a Goddess, Percy realizes with a start. It’s a little… intimate.
“Percy, you are not just the Son of a God. You are also a Reincarnation.”
Reincarnation? Percy feels a little blindsided. In no small part because he doesn’t entirely know what that means. Luckily for him, Hestia continues on with an explanation.
“Anyone who finds themselves in the Underworld after death can be reborn, Percy. First by bathing in the River Lethe to erase the memories of their previous life, and then being reincarnated into the mortal world. You are one such being… you have lived a life before this, an existence that I recognized immediately.”
Percy furrows his brow at that. She recognized him immediately? Was he that important in his past life?
“I will not beat around the bush, Percy. If you wish to know who you once were, I will tell you here and now. Just say the word.”
He doesn’t say a thing. He’s still playing catch up. Honestly, Percy had still been struggling to wrap his head around the fact that he was a demigod. Now he finds out he’s also reincarnated? But it sounded like… well, the way Hestia described it, he was still himself. Whoever he HAD been had washed away their memories in the River Lethe. He was Percy Jackson now, totally and utterly.
At the same time, Hestia seemed to think that his Reincarnation still meant something. Something big. And if a Goddess could recognize him at the drop of a hat so easily, then it probably WAS something big. At the same time, he really wasn’t sure if he wanted to know or not. He wasn’t sure if he needed to be aware of who he was in some previous life he didn’t remember.
“… I can see this decision is a difficult one for you, Percy. Perhaps I can… help you relax.”
Percy is suddenly torn from his inner thoughts when Hestia reaches across them both with her other hand… and places it upon his crotch. His eyes widen, as the Goddess of Hearth and Family blushes and gently rubs her palm into the crotch of his pants. What… what was she doing? Holding hands was one thing, but this?
Not that Percy was complaining. Hestia was divinely beautiful. She was a Goddess, after all. And yet…
“I thought… a-aren’t you a Virgin Goddess, Hestia?”
He distinctly remembered that Hestia was one of the Olympian Goddesses who had never taken a husband, who had never lain with a man. It was a whole part of her mythology, he was pretty sure. But far from drawing back at being called out, Hestia just smiles and nods, even as she continues to rub the growing bulge of his crotch.
“Yes, Percy. I was the first Virgin Goddess, in fact. Long ago, I asked my brother Zeus to grant me his blessing, so that I might remain a maiden and remain unwed as well. He agreed to my request. However… I never made a vow of celibacy.”
That was… uh… Percy was honestly having a hard time processing all of this. And as if to make it even harder for him to do so, Hestia abruptly escalates. The Goddess drops from the bed onto her knees and shuffles between his legs, spreading them apart and reaching for the button and zipper on his pants. Percy doesn’t stop her. He just watches as she looks up at him with a smile, slowly extracting his growing erection from its confines.
“It would probably be best if I remained virginal, of course. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of other things we can do together. I shall continue to be a maiden… even if I help you relax a little bit.”
Percy lets out a shuddering breath, his cock now in Hestia’s hand, twitching in both her grasp and the open air. On the one hand… he didn’t feel any more relaxed at the moment. On the other hand, he definitely didn’t want Hestia to stop. So he wasn’t about to tell HER that.
The Goddess of the Hearth’s hand slides up and down his cock experimentally for a moment… before she bites her lower lip, gauging his size briefly before nodding to herself. Then, much to his eternal shock, Hestia reaches down and… tugs at her top. She’s wearing robes that conceal her body quite well, and so Percy isn’t quite sure what he’s seeing, but one moment she’s all covered up and the next moment her… her breasts are out.
Full and soft and pale, Hestia’s chest is by far the most glorious thing Percy has ever seen. But then, it’s the first time in his life… or rather, this life, that a Goddess has exposed themselves to him like this. Staring, mouth slightly agape, Percy can only watch as Hestia wraps her chest around his length, smothering his cock in her tits.
At first, she manages to completely swallow him whole with her cleavage, but Percy wasn’t completely hard yet, and now with her pillowy breasts wrapped around his dick, it doesn’t take long at all for him to finally reach Full Mast. Once he does, the tip of his member is pushing out the top of her cleavage, very nearly striking her in the chin as she slides her tits up and down his cock.
Seeing this, Hestia hesitates for only a moment… and then leans forward, opening her lips wide and taking the head of his cock into her mouth. Percy’s eyes go wide at this, his head tossed back as he groans in appreciation. This was all happening… quite fast. It hadn’t even been a DAY!
And yet, here he was. Getting tit-fucked by a Goddess. Getting blown by a Goddess. And all after he’d had several… encounters with his fellow demigods as well. From Clarisse and her cronies, to Annabeth in the infirmary not once, but twice. All of it was a bit much, but this definitely took the cake. Percy couldn’t deny that his time with Annabeth had been amazing, and he would happily spend more time with her in the future. He’d already agreed to be on her Capture the Flag Team, and he had to admit, he was also curious what sort of destiny they had together, if they did have one.
But this? This was Hestia on her knees, giving him a boobjob. And it was exceptional. Despite the Goddess’ status as a Virgin Goddess, despite the fact that he could tell she was acting purely on instinct, Percy could admit… he was enjoying himself immensely. Hestia’s natural talent could not be understated. The fact that she’d never done this with anyone before, the fact that he was the first to even get to enjoy her body… well, that was just the icing on the cake. A major turn-on too, to be sure.
Hestia’s really getting into it as well at this point. Her hands heft up her sizable bust, keeping his cock wrapped in her pillowy mammaries. Meanwhile, her lips and tongue are all over his cockhead, specifically his glans as she all but French kisses his dick tip. Making out with his member is certainly a choice… and an exciting one at that, something that Percy is massively enjoying.
So much so that… despite his instincts earlier telling him that there was nothing and no one who could make him cum before he wanted to… Percy finds those instincts turn out to be wrong. Sure, he could hold his own against Clarisse and her goons or even Annabeth… but Hestia was something else. She was… well, she was a literal Goddess. And it was his first time ever being attended by the divine.
“H-Hestia… fuck, I’m getting close…”
Hearing this, the Goddess of the Hearth doesn’t pull away or reposition herself so he doesn’t make a mess of her like Percy is expecting her to. No, rather… she redoubles her efforts, as though lost in a frenzy of arousal and bliss. Her tongue swirls around his cock tip, her hands squish her breasts along his throbbing length. And before Percy can do or say anything else… she brings him over the edge, leading him to his climax.
Only then does Hestia pull back, just as he’s beginning to cum. The end result is that he ends up covering her face and tits in his jizz. He coats her features in his seed, cumming all over Hestia’s front. It’s not like he wants to give the Goddess a facial… it seems incredibly disrespectful and inappropriate. But Hestia didn’t give him much of a choice, and it would seem his ability to hold back his releases has met its match in the form of this delectable, beautiful, big-breasted Virgin Goddess.
Hestia, for her part, seems… happy at least. She even scoops a finger through his seed and brings it to her lips experimentally, much to Percy’s mortification. As he watches her lick the finger clean, she seems thoughtful for a moment… before startling as if just remembering he’s there. Golden eyes look up at him and through the cum covering her features, Hestia smiles.
“So, Percy. Now that you’re more relaxed… what do you think? Would you like to know your previous Reincarnation or not?”
Percy, reeling a little bit, can admit that he IS technically slightly more relaxed now. In some ways. In other ways, he’s decidedly NOT relaxed. But… he does need to make a decision.
Only, before he can make said decision, he sees something reflected on Hestia’s glistening, cum-covered face. A glow that’s not coming from her eyes… but above the two of them. Hestia has seen it too and is now staring at something above his head.
Slowly, Percy looks up… and stares blankly at ephemeral glowing green trident hanging over the both of them. Wha-
A displeased rumbling sees his attention focusing back on Hestia. Hestia who, still covered in his cum, is glaring up at the trident with more fury and agitation than he’s ever seen in the easy-going Goddess so far. A growl leaves the Goddess’ throat, even as she snarls.
The tone of her voice has even Percy shivering in fear, and when he looks up at the trident again, it seems to be flickering in terror… before vanishing a moment later. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t there though, and Percy can’t really bring himself to ignore it or whatever it meant.
“What… what was that?”
Hestia’s anger doesn’t dissipate, but it does take a backseat as she rises to her feet dressed in her robes once more. Looking at where the trident was, and then down at him as he remains seated on the edge of the bed, the Goddess just sighs.
“That was your father claiming you, Percy Jackson. Congratulations. I can finally acknowledge you officially as a Son of Poseidon.”
Oh. That was. Wait… Percy had already guessed his dad was PROBABLY Poseidon, on account of him literally feeling like a fish out of his water his entire life. But for the God to claim him after he’d done THAT with Hestia… yeah, okay. He understood why the Goddess was peeved now. His father had just done the equivalent of ‘That’s my son!’ hadn’t he?
Oh god…

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