Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: The Whistle Arrow and the Sky-Eye Bloodline

Translator: Udong Editor: EbonyFrost/Udong
Cech Flet walked into the room without a word. Quietly standing with his back against a corner in vigilance, he gently nodded.

Looking at the three different expressions, Qian Jin smiled in satisfaction at the common understanding that their energy connections had become more solid. During those days, they had been taking potions and at the same time, Adams, the master of drugs, had been teaching him pharmacy. They could have improved their energy connections to another level if there had been better herbs.

“And your Warrior Power?” Qian Jin stepped back to the bedside and watched the three with interest. Although they were all seriously wounded in the last battle, their Warrior Power must have been enhanced with the recuperation and the herbal treatment.

Fanta Kunge made a simple heartfelt smile and his hands slightly clenched. “I have reached the peak of a Level 3 Demon Fighter! I should be able to break through to Level 4 if given some more time!”

“Haha, I have become a Level 7.” Duren Burg sat on the chair in a careless and casual way. “We’re geniuses, aren’t we? The victim of a physical assault should upgrade a level in such a short time with your brilliant medication conditioning and my brilliant comprehension!”

Cech Flet silently clenched his fist with thankfulness flashed in his cold eyes. He said in the usual way, “I’m close to the Peak of Level 9.”

Qian Jin shrugged. In a fleeting twenty days, all of them had made different amounts of progress which was worthwhile. Qian Jin had thought that energy connections could only be reinforced by practicing Warrior Power little by little! But he had a new secret this time! Despite the three had gained a bargain, he also came to know that injuries had turned out to be an advantage to enhance energy connections by pharmaceutical treatment! He learned this through an exchange with Adams!

“But honestly speaking, we all felt a little bit sorry for you.” Duren Burg adjusted his posture. “We seemed to keep you from the General Exam.”

General Exam? Qian Jin smiled in a touch of bitterness! He might be late for the examination given the current circumstance.

“There is no problem if I don’t take the exam.” Duren Burg held the cigarette. “I’m a Bloodline Warrior who has gone through Level 1 Awakening already. I will be popular among those advanced war academies.”

Fanta Kunge gently bent his head! Any advanced war academies in the Zence Empire would never deny themselves a Bloodline Warrior! Even if Duren Burg had inherited his Hydra Bloodline Power from his mother for the fact that his father did not belong to a Bloodline Warrior family and it was highly possible that he might not be able to have the Level 2 Awakening, not a single advanced war academy would underestimate him!”

A lot of Bloodline Warriors would simply skip the Elementary Warrior and Mage Academy classes. Instead, they received home-education of a comprehensive practical teaching and then they would be admitted by higher academies. On one hand, they went there for more military commanding talent. On the other hand, they were also headhunters who would recruit excellent non-bloodline warriors for future help on the Human-Demon Battlefront.

The outcome of the Battlefront had never been decided by one person unless this one person was a Bloodline Warrior who had had the Ultimate Awakening! But, didn’t the Demons have Demon Warriors in possession of the Ultimate Awakening?

A huge Magic Array formed by hordes of mages could also inflict heavy losses on Bloodline Warriors via a Forbidden Spell with the help of a Magic Stone or Magic Core! Sometimes Bloodline Warriors might even lose their lives!

For any Bloodline Warrior, it was never too much to have more capable and loyal men at hand. With their help, one could weather the storms of the battlefield and save his skin, even in a disadvantageous position!

Many ordinary warriors were equipped with a strong strategic vision and tactical ability. They were willing to fight as a group at the command of a Bloodline Warrior on account of their limited combat power and humble family.

Even some Bloodline Warrior would join another bloodline group from time to time.

Advanced war academies were never just a place to learn fighting skills, which had long been a common sense in any bloodline family.

They focused more on military training as they tried to create a platform for the exchange of and between talents.

“We can always find a way in. We can also take the admission test in the middle of the course.” Qian Jin played it cool while shrugging. He was near the Peak of Level 9 Demon Fighter and the test was nothing. What’s more, he didn’t mind waiting for another year! He could always train himself in the [Endless World] and the Torrent Battle Fort.

The Warrior Union was the main retreat place for graduates and those who temporarily retired from the Human-Demon Battlefront. To some extent, it, together with the Mage Union, could be said as higher organizations for war academies. Most instructors had once served in the two places before they went to the academies.

With a letter of recommendation by Fabreidis, it would take Qain Jin nothing to join the Torrent Battle Fort, through which he could also enter the war college in the future!

Looking at the skilled and spirited three, Qian Jin said, “If we set off now, we might be able to make the exam.”

“Good!” The squatted Duren Burg jumped off the chair. “I’m already tired of this place!”

Qian Jin turned to the others. Fanta Kunge quietly nodded and Cech Flet made no expressions as if he was saying, “As you like”.

“Before we go, I would like to say goodbye to Hayen Brianna.” Qian Jin thought for a moment. “We have to leave them a nice going-away present. After all, they have taken care of us for a long time.”

Out of the room, those confused young soldiers walked with Qian Jin all the way to the pungent streets. Grandma Medi had just cleaned up the pharmacy. She was surprised to see the three vigorous young warriors!

“You recovered already? So soon?” Grandma Medi laughed as her wrinkles bloomed like a flower! She examined Duren Burg again and again. Last time she saw these kids was more than 20 days ago and they were almost about to die! She had thought it would take them two months before they could stand on their feet!

Duren Burg kept beating his breast and said with a smile. “Sounds like a gorilla! I didn’t expect this either! I thought it would take us at least forty days.”

Qian Jin walked up to the pharmacy and started to operate a variety of pharmaceutical equipment in a skilled way. He threw some weird herbs, as well as some animal bone powder into each of the dozen pots, from which a sharp smell slowly drifted out.

“What is he doing?” Grandma Medi stared at the back of Qian Jin. He had always been used to cooking up only one pot of medicine. What happened to this crazy kid today? Moreover, these drugs didn’t smell the same as the ones used as a treatment for bone injuries.

Each pot of boiled medicine was poured into different jars and then secured with a plug and plastic seals.

Qian Jin strengthened his back in a long exhalation! He turned to Grandma Medi, “These jars are engraved with the usage! Bone injuries, visceral injuries, or the injuries caused by the Warrior Power impact. Though they are not some panacea, the effect is still fairly good!”

Grandma Medi could do nothing but just blankly nod. What a scene! The pharmacists she knew always had to concentrate on only one pot, which was still not easy! They needed a perfect control on the entire process including the temperature of water, the time when to put herbs in and so on!

It was amazing to cook up two kinds of medicine simultaneously! And three? God, it was a miracle that could only be archived by a master! The old lady looked at the dozens of jars… How could this young man have such perfect control force? Was he really just a pharmacist instead of a pharmacy master?

“So, thank you for these days.” Qian Jin made a bow, “We have to go.”

Out of the room first, Qian Jin took a few turns in the familiar relics before he came to the small square. Some bandits were holding swords and shields and doing the daily combat practice.

Hayen Brianna held two different swords in separate hands and there was a broken one hanging on her waist! She slowly came to the front. “You’re leaving?”

Qian Jin nodded. “We have all been cured and it’s about time.”

“Okay, I’ll prepare the horses.” Hayen Brianna put the broken sword back into the scabbard. “The outside is not very quiet! The Top Ten Bandit Groups, the Demon’s Dark Group, the Zence’s Black Dragon and even barbarians are almost everywhere! Be careful.”

“I will.” Qian Jin nodded at the woman with gratefulness. He wouldn’t have managed the escape without her help, especially as he had taken three seriously injured companions with him! He really owed her big time and it must be paid back in the future!

“Oh, right! I left you some medicine in case any of you might get hurt.” Qian Jin put a fist on the heart. “I will not forget the promise! Come any time you need!”

“I certainly will.” Hayen Brianna pointed at the horses being brought over by her man. “The rain has stopped. Take care.”

“I say, your lady bandit boss!” Duren Burg turned around on the horse and pulled on the reins. “This time you saved my ass. If you needed any help in the future, just ask. Well, except bad stuff…”

Stop!” Hayen Brianna put her arms around the chest, which highlighted her slender waist and well-nourished breast. She said with a faint smile under the black iron mask, “You really think I am one of those shitty assholes, don’t you?”

“It seems not.” The boyish man scratched his head. “Well, we’re leaving now but we haven’t really met yet! How about you taking off…”

“Alright!” Hayen Brianna posed her white fingers on the mask while said in a teasing tone.” Just so you know I have sworn to marry the first man who has seen my face!”

“Wait!” Duren Burg had a shiver on the horseback and he immediately waved his hands. “I give up. I don’t want a wife yet!”

The woman turned to the ordinary warrior, Fanta Kunge, who shook his head like a rattle-drum! Cech Flet simply closed his eyes to say no!

Sensing the woman had turned to him, Qian Jin forced a smile. “I have already got more than one wife waiting at home. I suggest you stay where you are!”

A touch of sadness flashed behind the black metal mask. “Is that so? It seems that marriage bears no hope for me!”

Qian Jin scratched his head in distress! With such a stubborn Luna at home, there would be more trouble when he went back to pick up his father!

“Go! Go! Hope your lady bandit boss has already been promoted as a Leader next time we meet!” Duren Burg turned the horse around and rode towards the exit.

The lively relics quieted down again. A scar-face horse thief asked while watching the four horses disappear from their eyes, “Boss, you really sure this man can help you?”

Hayen Brianna turned to him. “Have you ever seen any bloodline warriors committed themselves to standing by an ordinary one?”

“…” There was a silence before the scar face spoke again. “How about the Dragon Zence, the first Emperor of Zence?”

The female boss knocked the scar-faced man with her fist. “That’s the man who founded the Zence Empire! Can you think of another one except him?”

“No, I can’t.” The bandit shook his head even faster than Duren Burg had waved. “There isn’t such a person! From ancient times only ordinary warriors have followed a bloodline around no matter in the Zence or Lucifer Empire.”

“That’s right!” Hayen Brianna stood with arms akimbo.” Qian Jin is not just a pharmacist and he will exceed a Level 9 Demon Fighter! Or how could a bloodline warrior stay so loyal…No, there are two!”

“Two?” The scar-faced man looked at the boss with confusion. “Boss, haven’t you mistaken the number?”

“Me? Mistaken?” The demanding woman stared into the man’s eyes. “Have you forgotten what bloodline warrior I am?”

The man shrank his neck: “Sky-Eye Bloodline…”

“Yes, as a Sky-Eye Bloodline who has gone through the Level 2 Awakening, I have the ability to see through all things in the world!” She patted the scar face’s shoulder. “Although it is a little exaggerating, that Demon man surely possesses some bloodline power… ”

“Demons!” Several bandits screamed at the same time! The Zence Empire and the Demons had always been in each other’s way! But Qian Jin made friends with a bloodline warrior from his bosom enemies? How unbelievable! But that Demon looked obviously like a human!

“Of course he is a Demon.” The disdainful eyes swept the surprised crowd. “Demons can also have offspring with humans. I just don’t know what branch he belongs to.”

“Boss has a pretty sharp pair of eyes.”

“Too bad! Qian Jin’s has wives already! More than one…”

“Yes, boss, I think…”

“I say, you are asking for a beating, aren’t you?” Hayen Brianna faked an angry face as the bandits scattered all at once, leaving her softly talking to herself. “Is that so? Or it is just a lie? ”

The unstoppable rain washed the earth as it cleared the sky.

After the rain, the grass was fresher and greener like a piece of jade! The water columns decorated on the grass tip were like countless pearls that were reflecting the noon sunlight. Qian Jin set his foot down on the grass while sprinkled droplets flew out like a spouting fountain.

The four boys took a deep breath of the fresh air and their bodies seemed to be refreshed!

Qian Jin firstly frowned as some alertness came into his eyes! And then Cech Flet also started looking around!

Blood! There was a hint of faint blood mixed in the air! It was even fresher than the air. The four young warriors all looked at each other, suggesting their acknowledgment!

The Frontier was not safe! Qian Jin vigilantly looked around as he recalled what Hayen Brianna had said! The scene made by the Dark Group had completely broken the piece of this place!

Suddenly a burst of noisy hoofs sounded from a distance! Six shadows came into Qian Jin’s sights at the hills not so far from where they stood!

Qian Jin narrowed his eyes at the six men, of who all were injured! They were chased by dozens of bandits waving swords and harnesses as if they were about to hitch the refugees at any time!

In the back, two young girls were running while assisting a middle-aged warrior who was in leather armor but injured badly! His waist had obviously been pierced by some sharp weapon and blood kept gushing out like a non-stop fountain as he ran along! A long bloodstream was left on the washed off ground in a second!

In the front, there was a panicked young warrior! He seemed to have the lightest injury! As he ran forward, he kept looking back from time to time! There were two fine middle-aged warriors sticking tightly to him! The three all had some nice weapons in hand! Especially the shield! It was definitely worth some praising words even from the Forge Master Qian Jin!

Unfortunately, in this specific situation, gains might turn out to be losses! The thick and hard shield was so heavy that it had become a burden!

The two girls might run ahead of the shielded warrior if they had abandoned the middle-aged man!

Qian Jin was very sure about that! Both of the two girls had a pair of beautiful slender legs! The tight black leather armors were tightly attached to the body, revealing a blooming heroic spirit! The figures that had apparently passed the formative years were simply oozing a unique charm.

Seeing four warriors standing ahead, the clamoring bandits dispatched four of them out after a long shout! They waved the long spears in hand for a first shot!

Qian Jin switched eyes with the others! How arrogant the bandits were! They only send forty percent of them out!

Now it was impossible to stand by! The bandits had been used to a most wanton indulgence of life! They would launch an attack the minute they saw a living creature!

Qian Jin took off the [Shoot Moon] Bow and put an arrow in the bowstring! He pulled the quack weapon to a full position and let the arrow out aiming at the forefront bandit! The shooting arrow went out in a high-speed rotation, producing a thorny sound like a child was blowing a whistle!

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