Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

It was getting dusk.

The campus of Toyonosaki School did not disappear.

On the contrary, it is getting more and more lively!

The originally empty playground is now full of students.

In front of the playground, there is a huge stage, and lights of various colors appear in unison, like a concert scene.

And here, what is unfolding is the annual orientation party.

Today is a very relaxing day for the students.

Today’s school system is relatively lax, and even if you do something other than the previous regulations, you will not be punished.

Soon, under the announcement of the host, the annual orientation party began.

Each club will perform a show.

Behind the scenes, several people from the Light Sound Club, including Yanqing, looked a little nervous.

After a day of practice, Yanqing barely hit the requirements of Tianjing Zhonglu.

Next, he will take the position of lead singer and perform on stage.

As for the guitarist, it is temporarily served by Tanaka Nakaru’s music teacher, Yamanaka Sawako.

As a music teacher, the guitar naturally does not bother her.

This is also what it took a lot of effort for Tanaka to make Yamanaka Sawa reluctantly agree.

Looking at the nervous people, Yamanaka Sawako, who was a teacher, opened her mouth to encourage.

“Guys, don’t be afraid, cheer up!”

“I’m sure we can!”

Encouraged by the teacher, several people looked at each other and nodded their heads in determination.

And the other side.

Kanna Hospital.

Yui Hirasawa was lying in the hospital room at this time.

She had straps wrapped around her ankles.

Turning his head to look out the window, the sky that had gradually darkened, Hirasawa Wei’s heart was very uneasy.

At the same time, there is a sense of self-blame and guilt.

It is clear that they have been working hard to prepare for this day for so long 20.

But at the critical moment, he dropped the chain.

Although Tanaka has told herself through text messages, she temporarily found Yanqing and music teacher Yamanaka Sawako to replace her to recuperate.

But Pyeongtaek Wei is still relieved.

Come to think of it…

Hirasawa Wei clenched his teeth and got up from the hospital bed.

He left the hospital on crutches.

Even if you can’t participate in the show due to physical reasons, you must not be absent!


Ying Li slowly came to the playground, came to the place where her class was, and found a place to sit.

Her best friends immediately gathered around.

Although Ying Lili is a book painter, she has always been the image of an elegant lady in school, not to mention her family background, even in terms of learning, she is also quite good, and she is an excellent student in the class.

So she doesn’t have many friends.

Of course, whether it is true or false is unknown.

“Wow, Sawamura-san, why are you here?”

“Didn’t you always go to this kind of party before?”

Several female classmates asked.

Ying Li just smiled politely, and then said.

“You can’t be absent all the time, don’t you, and there is also a performance in the painting department this time, of course I will come to see it.”

“Well, Sawamura-san said the same.”

“By the way, I heard that the super cute junior in the first year is also performing! Looking forward to it! ”

“Junior! Are you talking about that junior? ”

“Wow! He actually wants to perform eh! ”

“Yes, it seems to be the finale, what is it called… Coming from the light voice? ”

“Is that the society that is about to be abolished?”

“I didn’t expect that the junior would actually join this kind of society!”


Listening to the voices of the junior who were discussing around him, Ying Lili was inevitably a little curious.

She has not paid much attention to the school about men and women.

I didn’t expect that such a popular junior actually appeared in the school now?

“The junior you are talking about is…?”

Ying Li asked curiously.

The female students around suddenly looked surprised.

“No, Sawamura-san, you actually don’t know that junior?”

Eiri shook her head.

“I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t paid much attention to this.”

“It’s also said that Sawamura-san has a lot of opportunities, how can he have time to understand these gossip.”

“Hehe, Nazamura-san will look forward to it a little later.”

“That junior is very cute!”

“You must not know that in our school’s forum, that junior has been rated as the only school grass in Toyonosaki in recent years!”

“So that’s it…”

Hearing this, Ying Li Li couldn’t help but become more curious.

You know, Toyonosaki has spontaneously evaluated a lot of school flowers by students in recent years, after all, she and Kasumigaoka are one of them.

But the school grass has never been a candidate.

But I didn’t expect that I just didn’t understand for a while, and what kind of school grass did I actually come out?

Maybe even Yanqing himself didn’t know that his popularity was already so high.

“Okay, okay, don’t say it, the evening meeting begins!”

The surrounding female students cast their excited eyes on the stage one by one.

The first to perform was the judo club.

The members of the judo club wearing judo uniforms began to perform judo moves, as well as those chopping boards.

These are all things that the judo club performs every year, and they have been talked about for a long time.


After about an hour, the final performance finally came.

This performance is a performance of the Light Voice.

Background… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Receiving the host’s instructions, Tianjing Zhonglu and the others looked at each other again, and then nodded one after another, cheering up.

“It’s okay, we can definitely do it!”

“Let’s go! This time to make the light voice famous! ”



Then several people walked to the stage together.

Yanqing and Mio Akiyama walked side by side, and it could be seen that Mio Akiyama was nervous, and his nervous body was shaking.

Especially after several people appeared on the stage, looking at the crowded students below, feeling the gaze of thousands of eyes, Mio Akiyama’s shyness was about to reach the extreme.

If he could, Mio Akiyama would want to find a crack to drill into now.

But she knew that if she did this, the consequences would be unimaginable, and for the light voice, it would be devastating!

At this moment, Mio Akiyama felt that his trembling palm was held by another hand.

Turning her head in surprise, she found that it was Yanqing who was holding her hand.

“Mio, don’t be nervous… Relax, breathe deeply…”

Yan Qing’s whispered voice sounded in her ears.

Mio Akiyama’s originally nervous mood, under Yanqing’s comfort, I don’t know why, suddenly reduced a lot.

It’s like, as long as Yanqing stays around, there is an inexplicable sense of security that envelopes her, making her feel very relieved.

Mio Akiyama nodded towards Hikochoshi.

Yan Qing could also see the determination in her eyes!

After reassuring, Yanqing let go of Mio Akiyama’s smooth, weak and boneless little hand and stood on the C position, after all, he is the lead singer.

Feeling the temperature of Yanqing’s palm disappear, Mio Akiyama didn’t know why, and his heart was a little empty.

But she quickly calmed down her emotions, stood in her place, and looked at all the audience in the audience with resolute eyes.

Seeing that the members of the Light Sound Department were ready, the host also showed a smile and faced the audience under the stage.

“Then, next, please enjoy the singing performance “Light Fluttering Time” brought by the Light Sound Club!”

After saying this, the host retreated into the background and left the scene to everyone in the Light Sound Department.

“Here we go!”

Tanaka said in a low voice, and then, as the drum sounded, Mio Akiyama, Yamanaka Sawako, and Kotoko all plucked the instruments in their hands.

The pleasant intro reverberates through loudspeakers in every corner of the campus.

All the students were immersed in this beautiful music…

However…… There is a person, but not so calm.

A corner of the vast audience.

When Eiri saw the faces of the members of the Light Sound Division who appeared on the stage, her eyes widened.

She even wiped the corners of her eyes in disbelief!

After confirming that it was indeed the face in his memory, he opened his mouth wide!

I’m going, I’m going, I’m going!

Am I right??!

The so-called, super popular junior, that is, the guy who is the lead singer of the light voice department, is actually – Yanqing?!!


It’s Yanqing!

Yanqing’s appearance, Ying Li Li can not forget!

Originally, she thought that it was likely that she just looked similar.

After all, she is an ordinary everyday world, where will there be extraordinary powers similar to those mastered by Yanqing!?

But as soon as she thought of Yanqing’s words:

14, high 437 a freshman, ordinary daily world…

Isn’t this kind of explanation just verifying the current situation?


Ying Li thought back to the familiar back he saw some time ago, when he was on the way home, waiting for the traffic light…

That’s not at all my mistake!

And it’s Yanqing!


I didn’t expect that… I didn’t expect that I was actually in the same world as a big guy of Yanqing’s level?

As soon as he thought of this, Ying Li Li’s heart suddenly had an unstoppable excitement!

But now, there’s nothing she can do.

Although the excited fingers are shaking.

Thinking about it, Yingli thought of something.

So, she immediately took out her mobile phone and turned on the video recording function under the surprised eyes of the people around her.

The camera focused on Yanqing’s face and began the video!

The female students around were first stunned, and then shocked!

See what they found?

Eiri Li, one of the two beautiful girls in Toyonozaki, actually took out her mobile phone to record after watching the performance of the newly promoted school Kusanahikoqing?

This is big news!!

What Yingli was interesting to the first-year freshman, that is, the school grass Yanqing, instantly spread like a violent wind, all the students!

At this moment, Yanqing did not notice this scene at all.

Although Ying Li’s behavior is very surprising, it is also so noticeable when she has a lot of aura added to it.

After all, the classmates who took out their mobile phone videos on the scene are not only Ying Li.

And Yanqing is still performing seriously.

However, at this time, a figure attracted the attention of everyone in the Light Sound Department.

I saw that Hirasawa Yui didn’t know when, with a cane, appeared at the right entrance of the stage, looking at the people performing with a look of relief and encouragement.

Seeing the arrival of Pyeongsawa Wei, the emotions of everyone in the light music department suddenly became excited, and even the performance began to work hard, completely releasing themselves!

And the atmosphere of the scene was completely driven by the performance of the light voice!

Students consciously turned on the flash of their mobile phones and began to cheer!


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