Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

“I… I’m going! ”

After hesitating, Samisu gritted his teeth and agreed.

Hearing this, Yan Qing showed a bright smile.

“Okay, let’s go change your clothes.”

“Do you want to go out in your pajamas?”

As soon as Yan Qing said, Sha Wu reacted.

She is still wearing that pink pajamas.

So, Sawu immediately ran to the second floor and entered his bedroom.

If a girl is going out, it is very common to wait for an hour.

But it only took half an hour for the mist to come out of the room.

At this time, the lower body is wearing a pair of shorts, but the upper body is a hooded dress.

And also with a mask and sunglasses.

In the evening, this costume, it is difficult not to suspect that this guy has nothing to do with criminals.

But Yanqing also knew about the mist.

In so many years, this is the first time that Sawu has seriously planned to go out.

Having not been exposed to the outside world for many years, Sawu is estimated to have suffered from crowd phobia.

Letting her appear in front of outsiders without reservation is probably even more uncomfortable than killing her.

So you have to take your time.


The two put on their shoes together.

“Sagiri, ready?”

“It’s up to you to open the folding door.”

Yan Qing said this, her eyes were full of encouragement.

Samisu looked at the closed gate as if she was facing something very terrible.

But she nodded anyway.

Taking a deep breath, Samist came to the doorknob.

Her eyes were glued to the doorknob.

Just twist it and you can get out yourself.


One thought of the outside world.

Those memories that had already died began to attack the mist.

Various abrupt sounds lingered in the ears of the veil.

It made her breath short, and her chest rose and fell sharply.

Sagiri stretched out her hand.

But before her hand touched the doorknob, cold sweat was already running down her forehead.

“I… I…”

The corners of Sawu’s mouth muttered these words indistinctly.

Just in the mist mood of the contradictory thing.

A warm hand was placed on her shoulder.

“Come on, Samist.”

“I believe in you!”

Yan Qing’s gentle voice, like the warm sun in winter, broke into the heart field of the mist and dispelled the cold around it.

With Yanqing’s encouragement, Sawu made up his mind, continued to move forward and back, and soon held it on the doorknob.

But no matter how hard the yarn fog is used, the doorknob cannot turn a single bit.

It’s not that the doorknobs are tight, but the yarn fog, which can’t use its own strength at all.

“Brother… I… I…”

Sagiri’s voice was tinged with sobs.

She really seems… Can’t do it…

No matter how hard you try, you can’t turn the doorknob in front of you.

At this time, Yanqing’s voice sounded again.

“Sagimono… I believe you! You can do it! ”

“Do you want to give up on this?”

“The decision I just made, is it really saying beautiful things?”


Listen to the voice of Yanqing ringing in my ears.

In Sawu’s mind, other voices suddenly sounded.

A voice from within.

If you give up halfway, my brother definitely hates myself like this, right?


Being hated by my brother or something like that…


Just don’t happen!!

Samist’s heart shouted.

She used all the strength of her body again.

Next second.


The sound of gears turning sounded.


With a slight sound…

Door… Open?

Looking at the open door, Sha Wu collapsed to the ground as if she had used all her strength.

But her eyes still looked at the open door in disbelief.

“I… I did it? ”

“Brother… Brother… I…”

“I did it…?”

“Yes, Sagiri, you did it.”

“Well done.”

Yanqing squatted down, picked up the sau, and patted her back with his palm, his voice full of relief.

After receiving Yan Qing’s confirmation, the sa fog seemed to wake up like a dream.

Out of the corners of her eyes, tears welled up.

Although wearing sunglasses, Yanqing is still keenly aware. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So, he took off the sunglasses of Sawu and wiped the tear tracks of Sawu’s eyes with his fingers.

“Okay, don’t be too happy.”

“It’s just beginning!”

“You still have a lot to face.”

“But don’t worry, brother I, will always accompany you.”

Listening to Hiko’s voice, Samisi nodded heavily.

“Hmm! I know! ”

Looking at such a yarn fog, Yan Qingguan smiled.

Then put on sunglasses for her and took her hand.

“So… Miss Samisi. ”

“Can you accompany the little one to visit the supermarket?”

Looking at Yanqing’s funny look, Sha Wu couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Grabbed Yanqing’s hand and nodded heavily.

“Okay, brother!”

“Let’s go then.”


Although success opens the door by its own strength, it is the first step for Sawu to contact the outside world.

But that’s just the first step.

The mist needs to adapt to the outside world, and there are still ninety-nine steps to walk.

It’s like now.

After leaving the house, Yanqing walked towards the nearest large supermarket with the sausha fog.

Although it’s late afternoon, there aren’t many pedestrians on the road.

But Sawu still nervously grabbed Yanqing’s hand and carefully followed behind him.

Occasionally meeting an oncoming passerby on the road, Sawu would hide behind Yanqing in fear, not daring to emerge.

For the performance of the sa fog, Yanqing was not bored, but slowly and patiently waited for her to adapt.

Originally, the journey to the supermarket, if Yanqing walked alone, it would only take about ten minutes at most.

But this time, after adding the yarn fog, it took more than half an hour to walk for about ten minutes to arrive.

But fortunately, it was still early, and the supermarket did not close so early.

Yanqing and Sawu finally arrived at the door of the supermarket.

Looking at the crowds in the supermarket, Sawu swallowed her saliva.

Yanqing patted Sawu’s back.

“Don’t worry, brother is always by your side.”

“… Well! ”

Listening to Yanqing’s comfort, Sawu plucked up the courage and entered the supermarket with Yanqing.

The cashier at the entrance of the supermarket saw Yanqing arrive and skillfully greeted him.

Yanqing has been shopping in this supermarket for a few years, and the staff with a little seniority will know him.

“It’s good in the evening, brother Yanqing, I’m here to buy vegetables again.”

“It just so happens that today’s beef price is on sale, do you want to go and see it?”

“Eh… This is…? ”

The staff said hello.

But soon, their gaze fell on Yanqing, the well-dressed ass behind him.

Feeling the curious gazes of these strangers, Sawu was very afraid.

The body was shaking, and he didn’t dare to talk at all.

Still Yanqing opened his mouth to untie the siege.

“This is my sister, Sagiri.”

“Eh! Is it turned out to be the sister of Yan (Zhao Nuohao) Qing? ”

“I’ve always heard Brother Yanqing mention you, but today is the first time I’ve seen you!”

“Sister Sawu, how are you!”

The staff greeted Sawu warmly.

But Sha Wu was extremely uncomfortable, hiding behind Yanqing, not daring to answer at all.

Letting the mist leave the house and come outside is already the limit today.

Letting Sawu contact strangers again is undoubtedly very difficult for her.

Yanqing took these people’s greetings.

“Sagiri is a little shy, please don’t blame it.”

“Hee-hee, Sister Sawu is really cute, of course we won’t be like this.”

“Haha, then let’s go grocery shopping first.”

“Okay, brother Yanqing, I’ll see you later.”

“See you later.”

So, Yanqing entered the food section of the supermarket with the dangerous yarn fog.

However, at this time, a golden figure was staring closely at Yanqing’s back in the dark.

Looking at Yanqing pulling a tightly wrapped little girl, two words suddenly popped out of her mouth.



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