Comprehensive comic: Picking up Medea at the beginning

Chapter 021

Today, Ku Chulin is in a desperate situation.

In front of him are flying yellow sand and countless enemies.

And the king of the other party has already roared.

“Our opponent is Ireland’s child of light, the great hero of the half-man and half-god, O My Legion, show each other our domineering!”

The red-haired king who drove the chariot opened his hands in front of the formation.

Then his incomparably sophisticated, each of them is a heroic spirit, and the legion that can be called invincible in the world followed the king’s declaration and directly charged towards the enemy!

Although it seems that the king is doing rough things, in fact, Ku Chulin knows that the other party is not a rough guy.

Otherwise, if the opponent drives his own chariot and attacks with his own legion, then at the moment of illumination, the moment the opponent enters the capture range of his gun, Ku Chulin will be sure to penetrate the opponent’s heart and directly end the battle.

But the other party obviously won’t do such a stupid thing after knowing his real name.

He stood in the middle of the formation, his battle-hardened army firmly protecting him, and at the same time very cleverly limiting Ku Chulin’s range of activities with a enclosure similar to encroachment.

On this battlefield, all Ku Chulin can trust is the gun in his hand, and other than that… All enemies, enemies that follow, a steady stream of enemies!

No matter the front and back, left and right, there are enemies on every side, and the enemy’s attack may stab out from any position around you at any time, penetrate your own key points, and kill yourself!

Now he is like a bird trapped in a thorny bush.

Undoubtedly in a desperate situation!

In the face of such a desperate situation, it is difficult for anyone to remain calm, basically after realizing this matter, they either cry and howl, collapse in place, or shout ‘desperate situation will make people grow’, and then the Jedi erupts.

The latter, even if he dies, is enough to be called a hero.

But Ku Chulin is not such a hero.

Of course, he is not a weak person who will collapse on the spot.

He is the rare one, and after realizing that he is in a desperate situation, he is still him, the dashing, free him!

Ku Chulin looked at the thorny bush of enemies in front of him, he put on a fighting posture, the smile on his face gradually became obvious, and his wide eyes also brought a bit of wildness.

“Yo, let the horses come.”

He whispered calmly.

This situation reminded him of the flying star he saw when he was young.

It was a star that crossed the sky and burned itself out.

It is also when he embarks on an adventure that seems to indicate the prophetic star of his future.

His friends around him were saddened by the brilliance of that moment, and some even felt that it was a very ominous sign.

But only he was calmly convinced at that moment.

– This body will eventually be like that star, exhausting everything at a young age and disappearing without a trace.

Ku Chulin, who had this idea at the time, smiled unconsciously.

That smile was the same as he is today.

Because that’s good for him.

This is a very good fate for fighters.

He accepted all this at a young age, and his presence here as a follower today is proof of his life!

Fight alone.

Sleepless battles.

This is not the first time for Ku Chulin!

Even that time he had to give up the freedom of his left hand because of his oath, and he had to give up his magic gun, but even then, even when he was not even allowed to fight dignified as a hero – he still laughed and enjoyed the battle, and calmly accepted his death.


“Come on, enjoy the battle together!”

Ku Chulin, holding the magic spear, rushed directly into the thorny bush that bound him, like a blue meteor in the black-pressed crowd.

At this moment, he is also like the flying star he saw at the beginning.

He had already begun to streak across the sky of his choice, bursting with light.


Ku Chulin used his experience to judge the battlefield, and soon locked the position of the king who unleashed the inherent enchantment and held this army.

He has already begun to burn.

But before burning out, he will try to make his brilliance as dazzling as possible!

It’s like – through the heart of that king!

The trajectory of Ku Chulin’s movements has always been watched by Iskander.

Choosing to use the legions in the inherent enchantment to surround and kill each other is already Iskandar’s respect for the bravery of Ku Churin, as for being a little more conservative? What’s the difference between that and being scared off by the other party!

What he wants is not simply to kill the opponent, but to conquer the opponent!

So Ku Chulin’s behavior seemed to Iskandar as if it were a challenge.

The opponent quickly shuttled through the military formation, and Iskandar, who had discovered this, should have retreated now, but he did not.

As king, he stands with his people, and his figure should be looked up to and desired by his subjects.

So… He will never back down!

“If you can do it, come on, hero, make a fuss as much as you want, and then fall under our ambition, our domineering!”

Iskandar did not retreat.

Ku Chulin confirmed this, and while pouting and feeling a little unhappy, he also accelerated his speed!

He tore a crack in the Iskander formation, then swung his magic spear and leaped towards the Iskandar on the chariot.

And Iskandar, when facing such a Ku Chulin, directly pulled the reins of the chariot and pulled out his own sword!

“On the road of conquest and ravage, there is no room for retreat!”

As Iskandar tightens the reins, his second treasure – the distant ravage of hegemony is directly liberated!

The flying hoofed thunder bull pulling the chariot rushed towards Ku Chulin, and the pulled divine power wheel carried great power and also triggered the thunder symbolizing Zeus’ divine power!

In the last Holy Grail War, Iskandar used this treasure tool to deal with Artoria, and then after liberating the Shenwei wheel, the other party successfully released the treasure tool, and then the flying hooves thunder bull and the Shenwei wheel were all destroyed under the torrent of energy bursting from the holy sword.

But that was against Artoria.

Artoria has a strong sense of magic and magic release, and her luck judgment is not generally good, even if she is combined with the extremely poor Emiya Kiriji, her luck has a D evaluation.

And it just so happens that the thunder power of the Shenwei wheel depends on luck.

If you are lucky, the probability of being hit by the freely emitted thunder is low, and the probability of being hit by bad luck is high.

Defense and luck, two factors combined, made the distant ravage hegemon, an A+ rated treasure, destroyed almost without exerting its power.

But Cuchulain’s luck….

It can be said that the mana evaluation is only C, and the avoidance shield used to defend against throwing attacks happens not to be triggered when facing a wide range of fugitive attacks.

In addition, because Bazette’s spell was briefly cut off, Ku Chulin directly lost his mana supply, and after the spell was transferred to Medea, Ku Chulin was found by Aozaki Orange and Iskandar before he recovered much – these are already proof of bad luck!

Even more so now.

The thunder that occasionally fell on Artoria when facing her, almost fell on him one after another when facing Ku Chulin!

This greatly hindered Kul Chulin’s actions.

However, he may have already known his luck – or maybe he regarded this thunder directly as part of the opponent’s attack, and did not think about the problem of luck or luck at all.

So now this situation has not made him give up, and even he is still judging the distance between himself and Iskander.

It is probably not enough to pull the opponent into the range of the gun and directly launch the inevitable attack.

This thunder has already paralyzed his body, if he gets close to that distance, then the speed of the opponent’s chariot will definitely exceed his current self!

At that time, there is no time to shoot, and it is estimated that it will be hit by the opponent’s chariot!

So Cuchulin did not plan to close the distance anymore, but put on a posture, intending to throw the magic gun in his hand towards Iskander!

Although there is no concept of a necessary shot to launch a treasure tool, it is more powerful.


After calculating the distance, after running over, Ku Chulin poured all his strength into the magic gun in his hand.

At this moment, he ignored the attack of thunder, and no longer dodged the soldiers around him, and rushed over to stab his attack against thunder and lightning.

These attacks all fell on him, and instantly opened a lot of holes in him.

But it didn’t work.

Ku Chulin has a fairly high-level combat continuation, so as long as he is not killed here instantly, then no amount of attack can stop his next shot!

This is the moment when the meteor burns to its brightest!

It is also the moment when the stars are about to burn out!

“–Burst through the spear of death!”

The crimson light pierced the sky like thunder.

But at this moment, the inherent enchantment that was originally full of yellow sand began to dissipate, the surrounding soldiers, and Iskandar driving the chariot in front of him all disappeared, and Ku Chulin’s all-out attack also flew straight into the night under such circumstances, engulfed by the darkness of the heavenly dome.

At this moment, Ku Chulin was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and then Iskandar, who was originally in front of him, was a little stunned to find that he was no longer on the battlefield just now – he appeared at the side of his own royal lord, and he was recalled by his own royal lord with a spell!

Moreover, he used two spells, and without his permission, he was directly called back as quickly as possible!

He was upset.

But he couldn’t be angry with his imperial lord.

Because when he appeared here, he saw that his royal lord was caught, and even the wolf of the royal lord was sent flying by another follower.

Faced with such a scene, even Iskander, the conqueror king, could only sigh, and then let the night wind take away his short-lived regrets, rearrange his emotions, and press his gaze and unreleased anger to the guy who hijacked his royal lord.

“Interrupting our conquest without permission, are you ready to pay the price?”

“I won’t show mercy to my enemies who don’t understand the amorous.”

Hearing Iskander’s words, Roland, who was obviously a little surprised at the moment he saw him, also regained his original smile.

“O conquering king… The same words I want to send you—you have lured us here and set traps without permission, are you ready to be our enemy? ”


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