Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 121

“These have all become shadow servants and an army of bugs… However, the old bug in this world ‘passed away’ sixty years ago. Although it is not known when it will recover to the extent that it can create black clay shadow servants, dozens of Years are indeed not short, not to mention there is another guy……”

Seeing the overwhelming army in the simulation, Kamijouha was actually not surprised. After all, the enemy had obviously been preparing to cause trouble for a long time. It was normal to have so many troops deployed in his base camp.

Even if it hadn’t been for a Holy Grail War. , if the Great Holy Grail needs time to accumulate magic power to start the next Holy Grail War, maybe the old bug has been causing trouble in the past sixty years and will not wait until now.

Perhaps it was also because of this that the enemy did not create black mud shadow servants that covered the entire Fuyuki.

After all, no matter how much magic power the Great Holy Grail has, it still needs to be used carefully, otherwise too much magic power will be used, and if the Small Holy Grail cannot come by then, isn’t that simply reversing the priorities? What they want in the end is definitely the Little Holy Grail

“Moreover, although there are many of these Shadow Servants, if you think about it carefully, the Great Holy Grail should only have the heroic spirit base absorbed by the first three Holy Grail Wars, which is definitely not enough. Therefore, this is probably the minimum shadow servant made using the minimum 03 spirit base fragments.”

This is just a guess, but Kamijouha looked at the situation where the army of Shadow Servants in my simulation seemed huge, but the Conqueror King broke out of a path with a simple charge and killed more than a dozen Shadow Servants. Look, this undoubtedly confirms his guess.

Shadow followers are also divided into strong and weak ones. This depends on which heroic spirit’s spiritual base residue they are made from, and it also depends on the integrity of the spiritual base residue that makes the shadow follower. The former is very simple and easy to understand.

A Shadow Servant made with the spiritual foundation of a first-rate heroic spirit is definitely stronger than a Shadow Servant made with the spiritual foundation of a second- or third-rate heroic spirit, because the combat power of the Shadow Servant itself is in its spiritual foundation. To obtain information and power, imitate the original spirit base’s followers.

The latter is actually the same principle as the former. Since it is based on the spirit base and imitates its shape to obtain combat effectiveness, the more complete the spirit base is, the more information and information it can obtain. The more power there is, the stronger the strength is of course.

And right now, in Kamijouha’s view, this army of shadow servants is the lowest quality. As long as it can be made into a shadow servant that can fight, it can be saved however it takes. existence. Of course, they will make a slight modification on this basis and coat them all with black mud.

Although such shadow followers are undoubtedly very weak, due to the curse properties of black mud, they can be used in large numbers. posing a threat. In addition, the spirits in their hands are basically not that rich, so creating such an army of shadow followers is undoubtedly an option.

Of course, such an army is not suitable for fighting on a wide battlefield, because it is easy to be defeated by enemy heroic spirits. Play Wushuang Flurry to wipe out all of them. But in this big hole, there is a narrow battlefield with no place to hide. With the characteristics of black mud, they can easily contaminate the enemy.

Again, they don’t need to defeat the enemy. , as long as the enemy is polluted with black mud, it is a victory. If the enemy is a follower, he will forcibly control or let him go berserk. If the enemy is a master, he will let the curse seriously injure them, or even curse them to death on the spot.

And this is what Old Chongzi and the others have done before. The reason why these armies are not sent out to fight is because their base camp is the most suitable battlefield for the shadow follower army.

“As for the ones they sent out before and the ones they said suddenly disappeared, they should be shadow followers made to normal specifications. No wonder they were so angry. It must be heartbreaking to have someone with normal combat power suddenly disappear, and it would also be equivalent to losing part of the spiritual base residue, which would make their already poor family even worse.”

After analyzing this, Kamijou Ha couldn’t help but chuckle.

Although the old bugs and the others are quite a threat because of the black mud, they do not have real high-level combat power, and the resources are not rich enough to do whatever they want. The degree of use makes them have to use such means to win, which makes them look a bit shabby and humble.

Looking at it this way, we really can’t blame them for acting despicably. After all, there is no possibility of victory otherwise. After all, their trump card is only black. Mud, at least until the contamination reaches the control of the followers, they can only rely on black mud to cause trouble.

However, apart from contaminating the followers, they have another way to obtain units with high combat power. And this method is essentially The easiest way is to succeed as long as they stand still.

Unfortunately, they are obviously very afraid of the King of Heroes. After all, the King of Heroes does have the strength to be feared by everyone. Therefore, they would rather expose their existence than get rid of him. Kill or pollute the King of Heroes first.

But they never expected that someone would kill the King of Heroes before them, and then their attempt to sneak in failed, so last night’s work was in vain.

Not only that, originally Even if they expose the existence of the Shadow Servants, under normal circumstances it is impossible to guess who they are and where their base camp is. Even if the enemy knows where their base camp is, they shouldn’t just launch it in such a prosperous manner. offensive

“Unfortunately, they met ‘I’”

Kamijou Ha smiled again. After all, he knew many things, so he could judge so many things at once, and even knew the location of the enemy’s base camp at once.

Not only that, he also knew in the simulation that the enemy had the easiest way to create units with high combat power, so he decided to fight quickly. Regardless of anything else, he had to deal with the old bug first.

“I was overthinking it before. Although the perspective of ‘me’ in the simulation is different from mine, since we have already seen the shadow follower and deduced some of the enemy’s intelligence and practices, it is natural that he can definitely deduce the enemy’s difficulties and difficulties. Threatening, so he would attack immediately without giving the other party time. Kamijou

Yu nodded and praised himself for being smart and perceptive.

It can only be said that the old bugs and the others are indeed unlucky. Although they originally did not have enough fighting power, their chance of winning the final victory was not low.

But when they encountered After falling in love with him, it can be said that 157 was directly hit by dimensionality reduction, breaking all the opponent’s plans at once, and even now going directly to Huanglong, not giving them time and preparing to solve them as quickly as possible.

“However, it’s hard to say whether we can kill them today. However, the odds are good.”

Thinking of this, Kamijouha stopped his analysis and continued to watch the simulation.

【”Ha ha ha ha!!!! So weak! It’s impossible for you guys to stop this king’s charge!”】

【The Conqueror King laughed loudly, and he entered and exited the army of shadow followers and insects, easily killing many enemies.】

【”However, miscellaneous soldiers are miscellaneous soldiers, but the number is indeed large. With such a huge number, I can’t easily open a passage for you.”】

【Yes, because of the powerful chariot that can fly and charge freely, even on this somewhat narrow battlefield, it can easily deal with the army of shadow followers. But correspondingly, he can’t open a passage for you like he did yesterday.】

【”That’s it, let’s use that move!”】

【”Move forward, toward the other side thousands of miles away! Boy, get ready and sing victory at the top of your lungs!”】

【As soon as he finished speaking, the Conqueror King loudly let out a war cry, bursting out an extremely huge amount of magic power. At this moment, a series of war cries different from those of the King of Conqueror and those of others present sounded out of thin air, as if in response to the King of Conqueror’s words.】.

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