Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Everyone, this is today’s repertoire and score.” Hongxia handed a stack of papers separately to Mo Xiu and Goto Kazuri.

“Hey, no one else? Doesn’t this band have a lead singer? Goto asked suspiciously.

“There’s no one else, and this time we only play and don’t sing.” Hongxia replied.

“The score looks very simple and should be ready to start immediately, but if there is no lead singer, you have to work the performance, I play the guitar very well, it’s fine.”

Kazuri Goto pounded her chest to cheer herself up, but her pumping efficiency was obviously not very high, and she couldn’t stop at all.

“This guy Goto is alive again.” Mo Xiu felt helpless in his heart.

“Gorilla?” Yamada thought to himself.

“Why did you suddenly become an orangutan…” Hongxia’s face was full of black lines.

“Ahem, Goto, don’t cheer yourself up, you can take out the instrument or something, connect the equipment and try to play.” Mo Xiu reminded.

“Oh! I’m ready to go. Goto Ichiri, who was interrupted by Mo Xiu to cast the spell, also began to prepare.

“That synth looks exactly like the kind for newcomers!” And it’s too new.

Just after Mo Xiu took the synthesizer out of his bag, he suddenly heard Yamada Liang on the side say lightly.

“Ah, you said this synth, I bought it in addition to being cheap, but also because it is suitable for newcomers!” After all, I bought a synthesizer yesterday and started practicing music. Mo Xiu replied.

“Hey——, Mo Xiu, are you really a novice who has only been practicing for a day? Is there really no problem with playing for a while? Hongxia said in a panic.

“Yes, newcomer, otherwise you will record the song in advance for a while, and fake it on the stage, after all, you may not even be able to pop up the song completely, and it will not be good to lose people when you go up.” Yamada Ryo said expressionlessly.

“It’s true, Liang, how can you say such things to Mo Xiu, sorry Mo Xiu, you must not go to your heart, Liang she is not a mean person, she is just not good at words.”

Hongxia quickly apologized to Mo Xiu after hearing Yamada Liang’s speech.

“And the only people who come to see our band perform are my friends, they are ordinary high school students, how can you hear the quality of the music, even if you touch the fish on the performance, they can’t hear the difference between having a keyboard and not having a keyboard, after all, in this song, the keyboard player only needs to play a few harmonies.” Hongxia soothed Mo Xiu in a gentle tone.

“I can hear it, after all, the harmonies of the keyboard will mask the last bit of bass!” Ryo Yamada said aside.

“Really, Ryo, shut up, are you an ordinary high school student? If you can’t speak, you can not speak. The Archangel of Shimokitazawa angrily scolded the bass weirdo.

“Senior Sister Hongxia, I didn’t take the words of Senior Liang to heart, after all, she just didn’t understand me, because I am a real genius.” Mo Xiu said to everyone with a confident expression.

“Hey, really? Mo Xiu, are you really okay? Self-confidence is a good thing, but being too confident is the same as Icarus. Hongxia persuaded.

“Just trust me, don’t you know if you rehearse something?” You’re right, Goto. Mo Xiu turned his head to Goto Kazuri and said.

“Ah, Mo Xiu is right.”

“If Moshula crotches by then, then rely on the technical power of my guitar hero to shock the audience and give the audience a little guitar shock.” Kazuri Goto fantasized about the scene at that time.

“In that case, let’s rehearse and try it first, after all, it’s the first time to cooperate, first slower, then gradually speed up, slowly adapt, without further ado, then let’s start.”

Hongxia sat next to the drum kit and said while preparing.

Everyone debugged their respective equipment, connected it, and began the first ensemble.

With the end of the last piece of music, the first rehearsal is also over.

Everyone looked at Goto Kazuri, Goto Kazuri’s face instantly became gloomy, and Ichichi Hongxia wanted to comfort her when he saw this, but accidentally said the words in his heart.

“Super sucks!”

“Poof!” The bass crumb man laughed irresponsibly next to him.

“Ah——, why, why, I’m a guitar hero, why did I play like this!” Goto Kazuri thought with a dead face.

“Explain – poof.”

Mo Xiu suddenly saw a strange thing appear in the practice room, and he was shocked and punched it directly, but he didn’t expect that the thing would disappear as soon as it touched Mo Xiu’s fist.

“Hey, Mo Xiusang, what are you doing in a sudden shock!” Mo Xiu’s actions startled Hongxia.

“Mo Xiu, you don’t think I’m playing too badly and want to hit me!” Goto Kazuri said in horror.

“Ah, red bean paste code plug, Mosang, I took back everything I said before, I shouldn’t doubt you, don’t be like this, my body is thin, I can’t withstand the beating.” Yamada Ryo said quickly.

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you all see something strange in the practice room just now? Mo Xiu looked at everyone with a puzzled look.

“Didn’t you see something strange? Mo Xiu, you won’t be hallucinating because this rehearsal is too bad, and everyone who is angry has hallucinations! Hongxia said to Mo Xiu with a concerned look.

“No, Mo Xiu was so angry with me that he hallucinated, I was also so uncomfortable, no, I have to find a small and dark place to hide.” Kazuri Goto thought to himself.

“You didn’t want to hit me, then it’s okay.” Yamada Ryo returned to his original cold look.

“Didn’t you all see that? Maybe that’s really my delusion, rest assured, I’m fine. Mo Xiu replied.

“Are you all right? It’s okay, what about ——, people? How a big living person suddenly disappeared. After

knowing that Mo Xiu was okay, Yidi Zhi Hongxia put down his heart again, but suddenly found that Goto Kazuri next to him was missing.

“Goto? The large non-combustible wet garbage in that combustible trash can should be. Mo Xiu replied with a black line on his face.

After hearing Mo Xiu’s words, Ito Zhihong Xia quickly ran to the trash can to look inside, and found that Goto Ichiri was really shrunk inside.

“I’m Plankton Goto Ichiri.” Goto Kazuri shrunk in the trash can and made a sound.

“Don’t suddenly look like an expired funny artist!” Hongxia shouted helplessly into the trash can.

“Come out quickly, it’s about to be a show.” Itachi pleaded.

“I, I still can’t play.” Goto Kazuri said in a broken voice.

“No one here will blame you, after all, it is a temporary band, and my drumming skills are not very good!” Itachi Honnatsu comforted.

“I play it very well!” Mo Xiu and Liang said in unison.

“If I go up, I can’t even warm up, so why don’t I perform with a guitar seppuku Kazuri Goto choked.

“No, no, no, using a guitar seppuku or something is too rock!” Hongxia complained.

“Don’t worry, as long as someone dares to boo us at that time, let Mo Xiu go down and beat them up.” Yamada Ryo waved his hand.

“Why did I go down and beat them up?” Mo Xiu wondered.

“Because Mo Xiu, aren’t you from Donghuang? Donghuang people should know kung fu! Liang touched his chin, thinking about the scene when Mo Xiu beat those people.

“You are completely a stereotypical influence on the Donghuang people, and I apologize to all the Donghuang people who don’t know martial arts!” Mo Xiu was furious.

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