Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“Guardian spirit, spiritual vision, spiritual power? So what is your relationship with Goto? Mo Xiu continued to ask.

“We have different guardian spirits, but we all choose creatures that match our nature as the master, and Kazuri Goto is my chosen master.” Guitar Jun said.

“Goto is your master? But she can’t see you, is this guy really of any use? Mo Xiu questioned.

“Why do you have so many problems! Can’t see what’s wrong? Now many guardian spirit owners are not able to see the guardian spirit, as human beings enter the modern era, the occurrence of supernatural events has become rarer, the human living environment has become very comfortable, there is no near-death crisis to stimulate the emergence of spiritual power, human spiritual vision and spiritual power will naturally degenerate. Guitar Jun said helplessly.

“Therefore, we guardian spirits can only find people without spiritual vision to be the master, besides, I am not a useless thing, I can passively improve the master’s guitar talent, and when necessary, I can also rely on the guitar to greatly improve the user’s musical level.” Guitar Jun replied triumphantly.

“Then why didn’t you lean on the guitar to help save the scene when you performed just now?” Mo Xiu questioned again.

“It’s over, isn’t it! Because relying on this matter is very physically draining of the user, with my master’s physical condition, even a song will fall to the ground in less than time. Guitar Jun explained again.

“That’s how it is.” Mo Xiu thought to himself.

“Oh, I finally met someone who can see herself, patronizing to talk to you, so excited, my master is running home, I’m going to go over to find her.” Guitar Jun said excitedly.

“Before leaving, I would like to warn you that people like you who have spiritual vision but cannot use the spiritual power in their bodies are very delicious in the eyes of some things.” Guitar Jun disappeared into the air after saying this.

After hearing this, Mo Xiu instantly stood upside down in shock.

“What the hell? Scare yourself before leaving, right?

“But before, when I knew that this world was the world of Ke Xue, I guessed that this world was not simple, but I didn’t expect the water to be so deep, it seems that this world should have more than one work about those common senses, and I must arm myself as soon as possible by adding points.” Mo Xiu’s heart was alarmed.

Mo Xiu looked around, and he felt that something seemed to be lurking in the countless glooms that were not illuminated by neon lights.

“What’s the matter of going home beforehand, now I feel so dangerous outside!” Mo Xiu thought to himself.

Half an hour later, Mo Xiu also ran home, and he skillfully used the key to open the door.

“I’m back!”

“What are you kid doing? Why did you come back at this time? ”

Ah, yes, I’m going to join the band.”

Mo Xiu replied to the aunt who initiated the question.


“That’s right, our band practiced and performed in the starry hall near home.”

“In this way, then you go to eat first, the food is hot in the pot, remember to brush the bowl after eating.” After the aunt finished speaking, she went back to the living room to watch TV.

“Got it.” Mo Xiu said while thinking to himself: “Eat first, and then go upstairs to add some after eating.”

Some time later, Mo Xiu’s room.

Modifier expansion.

The light blue screen once again appeared in front of Mo Xiu’s eyes, and this time there were two new abilities on it.

Spiritual Vision (Level 1) +

Spiritual Power (Unawakened) Cannot Be Added

” The two abilities of Spiritual Vision and Spiritual Power were not available before, so will the abilities on the modifier increase with my cognition? Before I didn’t know that there were spiritual powers in this world, but after I knew it, these two abilities appeared.

“What is my causal force now?” Mo Xiu’s gaze continued to look below the modifier.

Causal power: 6 standard

units “There are actually six units of causal power, but so many causal forces can’t even point out the spiritual power of level 1?” Spiritual vision can be improved, but without the power of self-preservation, isn’t it the same as thinking that your inspiration is not high enough in the gram story?

“Let’s continue to have some music skills, music skills go up, so that you can copy the music of your previous life, and when the time comes, it will be popular on the Internet, the causality is not much and much, think of what skills and what skills.” Mo Xiu mused.

Mo Xiu pulled the modifier’s page to the musical skill and then clicked on the plus sign.

“I can have today all by my own efforts, modifier plus points.”

With a blur of the modifier screen, severe pain and muscle twitching from Hemo Xiu’s body, the skill was also upgraded to the second level.

Music: Keyboard Synthesizer (Level 2) +

Causality: 4 Standard Units

“Does it only consume two causal points to rise to Level 2?” You can also continue to improve your skills, so continue to add points. Mo Xiu clicked on the plus sign of the skill again.

As the modifier screen blurs again, the skills on the modifier also become

: Music: Keyboard Synthesizer (

Level 3) Special Effects: Dexterity of Hands

Causality: 1 Standard Unit

“Does upgrading to Level 3 consume 3 Causal Power?” And there are special effects, and I don’t know if my current music level can benchmark those professionals. Mo Xiu thought triumphantly.


Hongxia: “Let’s talk about how to carry out band activities in the future!”

Hongxia: “Tomorrow at the stars.”

After Mo Xiu saw the two messages, he also replied to one and knew the past.

“It’s time and time to rest, I went to the stars this afternoon, and when I came back, I felt like I was dying of exhaustion.”

Mo Xiu also felt that his body could no longer hold up after a day of tiredness, and he fell into bed and slept directly.

The next day, on the streets of Shimokitazawa, a teenager was walking with a young girl in the direction of the stars.

“It’s here, Goto come down quickly, let’s go in together!”

“Ah, this…” ”

With me here with you, and you’re not alone, you’re still afraid to go in!”

Mo Xiu looked at the embarrassed Goto Kazuri in front of him and urged speechlessly.

“Ah, here it is.” Goto Kazuri plucked up the courage to walk down, and Mo Xiu also opened the door when he saw this, and walked in with her.

Among the stars, the blonde woman sitting at the counter looked over there after hearing the door being opened, and said, “Tickets won’t be sold until 5 o’clock, two guests, you’re early.”

“Oh, we’re not here to buy tickets.” Mo Xiu also replied to the other party.

“Well, I’m not here to buy tickets.” Itachi Xingge’s gaze also looked at the two, and found that these two people were the keyboard players and guitarists who helped end the band’s performance before.

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