Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

“Kita-chan, why are you here? You haven’t heard from you for so long, I thought something happened to you! After

a short period of doubt, Hongxia also put away all the questions in his heart and asked the other party with concern.

“That… That, I…” Faced with the complicated situation on the scene, Kita Yuyo, who was in chaos, tried to find a reason to fool the past, and the blue-haired bassist had just arrived at the scene.


Ryo Yamada, who had just walked out from the corner of the street, made a puzzled voice after seeing Kita Ikuyo in front of him.

“So she’s still alive! Great, let her pay the equipment fee that she didn’t pay last time. The

bass crumbs man thought irresponsibly.

“Aaaa Cool ancestors. Seeing

Yamada Ryo’s Kita instantly made Yuyo’s voice, this poor child did not know that her respected ancestor was still arranging her in her heart just now.

“Do whatever you want me to do, please forgive me for the sins I committed by running away that day, please ravage me and make a mess of me!”

Seeing Yamada Ryo, Kita Ikuyo seemed to be determined, completely forgetting the previous idea of running away, and began to kneel directly on the street to admit her mistake, but her words of apology did not seem to be very normal.

“Not normal? It’s just terrible! Mo Xiu looked at the tiger and wolf words spoken by Kita Yuyo in front of him, his face was also covered with black lines, and he complained in his heart.

“Please don’t say such misleading words!” Hongxia on the side also quickly interrupted after hearing Kita Yuyo’s bad speech, after all, if Kita Yuyo is allowed to speak again, it will cause a devastating blow to the image of the entire band in the eyes of people from the outside world.

“Ahem, the people around seem to have gathered, let’s go back to the stars first, and talk about what to say when we get there.”

Seeing that the people around him seemed to gather here because of Kita Yuyo’s words, Mo Xiu quickly proposed to the members of the band for the sake of the reputation of the band, and because Goto Ichiri, who looked like he was about to get sick on the side.

“Oh, let’s go back and talk about it, it’s too shameful to be outside!”

Hongxia also noticed the crowd that gathered, so she handed the drink in her arms to Mo Xiu, and then grabbed Yamada Ryo with one hand, dragged Kita Yuyo with the other, and rushed directly in the direction of the stars.

Seeing that Hongxia in front of him showed his divine power, Mo Xiu didn’t care to complain in his heart, grabbed Goto Ichiri next to him with one hand, whose expression had begun to collapse, and chased her in the direction of the stars.

Among the stars, Itachi Xingge, who was orthodox and remembered the schedule of the band performed tonight, watched Mo Xiu and Hongxia drag a humanoid object into the walk, and also asked suspiciously: “Are you guys beating people to death outside, bringing back the corpses and destroying the traces?” Don’t just bring such obscure things back to the exhibition hall.

“What the hell is the destruction of corpses! Sister, don’t make jokes that are not funny at all. After hearing his sister’s doubtful speech, Yidi Zhi Hongxia also stood up and complained about what the other party had just said.


Yamada Ryo on the side laughed out laughing at this time unexpectedly covering his face with his hand.


After hearing the laughter, Hongxia’s eyes instantly became sharp, and he looked at Yamada Liang, and the other party suddenly couldn’t laugh, and the raised hand was frozen on his face.

“What happened? Why did Kita-san suddenly become a member of the previous band that escaped?

At this time, the things dragged by Mo Xiu’s hands suddenly made a sound, and Goto Ichiri also recovered from the state of illness after entering the stars, so he began to ask about his confused experience when he became ill.

“This, I see Kita-san, she is also going to wake up, you just ask her directly.” Mo Xiu looked at Kita Yuyo who was dragging Hongxia in his hand, and said to Goto Ichiri, who was confused.

Kita Ikuyo also woke up from the double impact of being caught by the band members who released the pigeons before and the excitement of seeing Ryo Senpai, Hongxia also let go of her hand when she saw this, and then Kita Ikuyo she looked around and found that she had been dragged to the stars.

“What did I do before?” Kita Ikuyo remembered what he had just done in front of everyone on the street and his extremely bad speech, and he blushed with shame, and mosquito coil eyes appeared, and there was a tendency to become a steam hime again and burn out the CPU.

Mo Xiu saw the steam coming out of Kita Yuyo’s head, and he also reacted to what was going on, so he picked up a bottle of energy drink that had just been placed on the table and pasted it on Kita Yuyo’s hot face.


Kita Yudai was excited by the cold drink, and suddenly sobered up again, she quickly looked at the place where the cold came from, and found that it was Mo Xiu holding the drink.

“Want to drink?”

Mo Xiu smiled and asked the other party with a drink.

“Ah, thanks.”

Kita Yudai, who was completely awake, also took the drink handed by Mo Xiu and thanked Mo Xiu.

Mo Xiu looked at everyone, and then said: “Don’t continue to stand, find a place to sit down and say something.”

After everyone sat down, their eyes also looked at Kita Yuyo in unison.

“Ah, can you stop staring at me with such strange eyes.” Kita Ikuyo was uncomfortable by everyone’s gaze, so he covered his face with his hand and said.

At this time, Hongxia saw that Kita Yuyo was embarrassed, so he also followed and said: “Everyone doesn’t need to stare at Kita-chan so much, what happened, let Kita-chan say it himself.”

“Ah, thank you Ijichi-senpai, I’m sorry I didn’t come to the show as agreed at that time, in fact, I lied to everyone from the beginning, I can’t play guitar at all.” Kita Yuyo confessed to everyone with an excited expression, and after saying these words again, her heart was also completely relieved.

“Alas——! It turns out that Kita-chan can’t play guitar at all? Hongxia was also shocked after hearing the reason why Kita Yuyo did not come to the performance, after all, as long as it is a normal person, he would not have thought that the other party was lying to them from the beginning.

“Yes, I’m just a fool who got carried away for a while because I admired Liang’s ancestors, and actually tricked my seniors into joining the band, and didn’t measure up.” Kita Yuyo continued to confess his sin, reverently repenting.

“It turns out that this is why Kita-chan is so resistant to practicing the ensemble with us!”

Hongxia suddenly realized and came up with a reasonable explanation for the various strange behaviors that Kita Yuyo had done when he was in the band before.

“Hmm.” Kita Ikuyo nodded in affirmation.

“Kita-san, she looks so embarrassed, can I do anything for her and help her share the pressure?” Goto Kazuri looked at Kita Yuyo, who had already started to swing the opposite folio, and thought to himself.

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