Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“Hey, Goto what are you thinking, hey.”

Mo Xiu’s voice brought Goto Ichiri back to reality.

“Well, there is a specialty street about musical instruments in Shinjuku, where musical instruments are cheaper, so we can go there.” Goto Kazusato, who came back to his senses, said.

“Shinjuku? There is a train to Shinjuku about to depart, so let’s hurry up and buy tickets.

Moshula grabbed Kazuri Goto and ran to the ticket office.

As time passed, more than half an hour later, Mo Xiu and they also rushed to the musical instrument specialty street in Shinjuku.

“Mo Xiu, what kind of keyboard synth are you going to buy, and the budget is 500,000 yen?” Goto Ichiri asked.

“Huh? 500,000, Goto you can afford me too much, let’s not go directly to the sky, I’m still a beginner, just buy a type for beginners.

Mo Xiu wiped the sweat from his face and said speechlessly.

“Ah, is that so? Sorry, I didn’t think about the bit, so Mo Xiu, how do you see this Yamaha Reface CS of this store. Goto

Ichiri grabbed Mo Xiu and pointed at the goods of a shop on the street.

“Ah, well, I don’t really know much about musical instruments. But since it is Goto you recommend, it should not be bad!

Mo Xiu then walked into the shop with Kazuri Goto.

“Welcome, do you want anything?”

“Ah, Miss Clerk, can I take a look at this YamahaReface CS?” Mo Xiu asked.

“Of course, sir, I’ll help you take it out,”

the clerk took out the synthesizer and handed it to Mo Xiu’s hand.

Yamaha’s synthesizer is exceptionally small compared to its heavyweight counterparts, it is a beginner synthesizer, even people who have not studied music theory can use it to fly, although it can adjust the timbre and function relatively little, but its price is quite affordable.

Mo Xiu decided to buy it after trying it out, after all, he didn’t have any other synth to choose from.

“When I have money, I must change the big guy.” Mo Xiu thought to himself.

Mo Xiu turned his head to look at Kazuri Goto and found that the other party had used the Social Fear Invisibility Technique after entering this store.

She straightened her collar, pulled the zipper to the top, covered her face, and shrunk hard into the inside of the garment.

When Mo Xiu saw this scene, black lines also appeared on his face.

Let’s hurry up and finish shopping and take this guy Goto out. It’s too embarrassing to leave her here.

“Miss clerk, I decided to buy this.” Mo Xiu said to the clerk.

“Then, Mr. is patronizing 55,000 yen.”

Mo Xiu pulled out the money to settle the bill, while the clerk helped put the synthesizer into the bag where the instrument was placed.

Mo Xiu put the synthesizer on his back, turned around and said to Goto Ichiri, who was already holding his head and squatting to defend, “Goto don’t close himself here, go, go.” Then he pulled Kazuri Goto out.

In Shinjuku, a teenager strolls the streets with a gloomy looking girl.

As the sun rose overhead, the boy also felt a pang of hunger coming to his stomach.

“Goto, I have some money left over from buying musical instruments, so let’s invite you to dinner.”

Mo Xiu proposed to Goto Kazuri behind him.

“Hey, don’t invite me to dinner, I can pay for it myself.” Goto Kazuri said in panic.

“Ha, what are you talking about! You helped me so much today, how could I not invite you. This is our habit of Donghuang people, if you refuse, it means that you think I am not friends with you enough!

Mo Xiu locked his gaze on Kazuri Goto.

“Well, if you say so, then I can only thank you for the hospitality.” Goto Kazuri said weakly.

You should have been cheerful and agreed! Mo Xiu grabbed Goto Kazuri and pulled her into a fast food restaurant on the side of the road.

What Mo Xiu didn’t know was that it was in neon. Men only pay when they chase their girlfriends, and the mainstream here is the AA system.

Mo Xiu pulled Kazuri Goto to the front desk of the fast food restaurant and said to the front desk: “Well, bring me a B set meal.”

“What are you going to eat Goto?” Mo Xiu asked Goto Kazusato.


, that, that…” Mo Xiu looked at Goto Kazuri, embarrassed by the appearance of changing towards the soft body, and also turned his head to look at the front desk again.

“Just bring her a B package like mine.”

After receiving the meal, Mo Xiu and Goto Ichiri also found a position at the edge and sat down.

What to say about it? Goto Ichiri has never eaten in a fast food restaurant outside, because there are too many people in this kind of place, Goto Ichiri feels that there are always people watching him, awkwardly unable to eat.

Mo Xiu looked at the twisting in front of him, and Goto Yili, who looked around, was speechless: “Goto, you eat normally, no one will look at you at all, but if you continue to be so weird, the entire restaurant will watch you eat.”

“Yes, is that so?” Kazuri Goto wondered.

Originally, Mo Xiu thought that after this conversation, Ichiri Fuji would eat normally, but what he didn’t expect was that Ichiri Goto directly stuffed the food in front of him, and it was all stuffed in three times and five divided by two.

Looking at Goto Ichiri, who was choked in front of him, his face was livid, Mo Xiu hurriedly handed over his own drink, and Goto Yiri drank all the drinks with a sharp inhale, and by the way, he also brought down the food that was choking in his mouth.

“Ha, ha, ha, come to life.” Goto gasped.

“Goto, I know you don’t want to stay in a crowded place, but you don’t want to do it either.” Mo Xiu said helplessly.


“What’s wrong with Goto again, why is it making such a loud noise.” Mo Xiu quickly asked.

“This drink is yours, right? Have you just taken a few sips? Goto asked in panic.

“This drink is indeed mine, and I took a few sips just now. What’s wrong? Mo Xiu wondered.

“Kiss, kiss, I just kissed you indirectly!” Kazuri Goto was extremely excited.

“Mom and Dad, my daughter is not clean!” Kazuri Goto was so excited that he fainted.

“Hey, Goto, are you okay!”

Seeing this, Mo Xiu also hurriedly went over and pinched Goto Yili among the people.

“I, I seem to have a dream.”

“Unfortunately, it wasn’t a dream.”

Mo Xiu looked at Goto Kazuri who was woken up by himself and said.

“Ah, wouldn’t that mean!”

“Don’t say anything, let’s leave here first, the whole restaurant people are starting to look at us.”

In order to prevent Goto Ichiri from continuing to rectify, Mo Xiu forcefully pulled Goto Ichiri out of the restaurant together.

On the side of the street in Shinjuku, because a girl dressed in pink is apologizing to the teenager next to her.

“Sorry, I messed everything up.”

“What are you talking about, Goto you helped me so much today, I thank you for being too late, how can I blame you!” Mo Xiu said to Goto Ichiri with a smile.

Goto Ichiri suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said to Mo Xiu: “Mo Xiu, you should not have a book to learn the theory of synthetic instrumental music!”

“Ha, that kind of thing still needs to be learned, I just found a tutorial on the Internet last night!” Mo Xiutian said shamelessly.

“Mo Xiusang, music is not so easy to learn, let alone synthesizers that are easy to learn and difficult to refine, too arrogant is not good.” Goto Kazuri said as if exhortingly.

“It seems that Goto, you don’t believe me! Then show you my strength.

“Dear friends passing by, hello! Today I will play a song “Fading” for you.

Mo Xiu unfastened his backpack and took out the synthesizer, shouting at pedestrians on the street.

As Mo Xiu’s fingers danced on the keys, simple but beautiful melodies were played.

The music is all there, how can there be no lyrics. Mo Xiu cleared his throat and sang immediately.

You are a bright shadow in my life

, thinking that knowing where

you gradually disperse

and another beginning…………

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