Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

The cold wind blew in from the open and ventilated window, and when it was about to appear, the weather was actually a little cold, and Mo Xiu pulled the clothes on his body to make it fit his body better.

“Senior Liang, you are wrong about one thing, I will not leave the end band.”

Mo Xiu’s tone was as firm as ironclad, and the eyes that showed in his pupils were fixed on Liang’s body.

“My desire for fame and fortune and the use of music as a tool doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon my friends and use the band as a springboard when I’m famous, I’ve said it before, haven’t I? I will let the end band leave a strong mark on the history of music.

Mo Xiu’s words made Liang look sideways, but it wasn’t enough, Mo Xiu walked a few steps in the empty room, and Liang’s gaze turned with it.

“You think my purpose in creating music is very utilitarian, but have you ever thought that the world is utilitarian, and what you need to end the band now is traffic, fame and money, vulgar, right? It is unbearable, but how many people can always follow their own ideas and pursue their own pursuit to live.

He paced around the room a few more steps, then glanced at Liang again and asked, “Senior Liang, you also joined the band in the past, but why did you leave?”

Mo Xiu’s words seemed to poke at the pain point in Liang’s heart, she frowned, and forcibly endured the unhappiness in her heart: “I used to like the straightforward lyrics of that band, but in order to cater to others, the lyrics became more and more boring and chased the stream, and for me, losing personality was no different from dying, so I left after a big fight with them.”

“In this way, I think my lyrics are not chasing the stream, with my level of filling in the lyrics, I am the stream, so say Liang ancestor, do you think my songs have no personality?”

Feeling that it was a little rude to circle around the cool, Mo Xiu chose to lean against the wall and continue to speak.

“That’s right, I still think that those songs written from the heart can really move people’s hearts…”

“Stop, Senior Liang, you are wrong in this sentence, only those written from the heart are good songs?” Not necessarily, those top music producers, a few of them write songs with personality, I see you are very happy to listen to the works they create on the orders that continue their own style!

Liang’s point of view was not finished, it was interrupted by Mo Xiu, in this era to talk about personality, and what is the difference between digging a dead end, too ideal, even in the original work is the same, if the guitarist picked up by the band at the end is not a guitar hero, not a real genius with first-class lyric filling skills, then I have been chasing personality creation, I am afraid that I have already pounced on my grandmother’s house.

Was there a mistake with that band?

There are mistakes, but what they are wrong about is definitely not chasing the lyrics of the stream, but forcing the only thigh in their band, and after that, the performance of several members of the ordinary high school level can no longer attract the audience, and naturally it has ushered in the final dissolution and demise.

“Liang’s ancestors may blindly chase popularity, and bands without innovation will not go far, but bands that only know that chasing personality will definitely die sooner than it.”

In the face of constant accusations, Liang had nothing to say, and Mo Xiu would not wait for her to think of any words to fight back, naturally continuing to speak, taking advantage of the victory to pursue.

“Miss Ryo, do you know how much rice in Tokyo costs 1 kilogram? Do you know how many independent bands, when chasing their dreams, in order to save that little activity fund, can only succumb to the cold basement to practice, but finally ushered in the disbanding of different things?

“You don’t know, you can take any instrument at home to eat for others for a month, and we ended the band with the unconditional support of an exhibition hall at the beginning, I don’t know how many bands are envious to death.”

As he spoke, Mo Xiu’s tone changed again.

“You said that I joined the band for profit, so what purpose did everyone in the band join the band, Goto is to get rid of his social fear, get rid of loneliness, and maybe some purpose of making money and small vanity.

Kitosan joined the band simply for your ancestors, maybe she is the purest person in the band.

As for Senior Sister Hongxia…, her purpose or dream can be said to be noble, but her process of realizing her dream needs the help of a utilitarian like me.

Even if it is Liang’s ancestor, the purpose of you joining the band again is not just to play rock, right? Mo

Xiu’s eyes seemed to see through everything, Liang felt like he was stripped naked in front of him, Hongxia didn’t tell him about his dream and the reason why he joined the band, right? How did he know.

“You know us well?”

She swallowed her saliva and tried to calm down.

“I’m a cautious person and try to get to know everyone around me.”

Mo Xiu said mysteriously, Liang looked at Mo Xiu like this and felt a little scared, people like him will definitely stand at the top no matter what line they are in, why do they have to run to this little broken band to perform.

“Senior Liang, what are you afraid of, I’m not a tiger that will eat you, everyone in the band is a good boy, and I hope to be friends with everyone.”

Mo Xiu saw the fear in Liang’s heart, so he smiled and tried to appease her, but he didn’t expect that this backfired, but instead aroused Liang’s guard.

“I can’t talk about you, maybe Mo Xiu you are right, it’s that I’m too idealistic, I almost gave up music in the past, and the reason why I joined the end band was actually just because of Hongxia’s request, she almost saved me at that time, and now it seems that you will help her more than me.”

Liang closed her eyes, as if she had admitted defeat, maybe for the future of her friends, maybe her thoughts were really too naïve, but when she opened her eyes again, her thoughts and will became more firm.

“But now the more genius you are, the more afraid I am, because the end of the band can’t keep you, maybe now you say that you won’t leave, but who knows in the future, the biggest thing in the world is temptation, the greater you help the band achieve, the more hurtful it is to leave.”

Ryo no longer sat and she stood up too, trying to look Mo Xiu in the eye, a genius who focused on interests, she didn’t know how to keep him in the band steadily, nothing could attract him here.

“I won’t hurt everyone in the band, and please believe in me more, so I swear to you, if the band disbands in the future, or I leave the band, then I will never touch the instrument again and never write a song again, so that you can always trust me.”

Mo Xiu has some brain case pain, just tortured Yamada Ryo seems to be tortured a little fiercely, the other party who chases personality is really a little too deep in his opinion, do I look so much like an evil person who chases profits?

After hearing the words, Liang took two steps forward and got close to Mo Xiu’s side, she stretched out the little finger of her right hand and said to Mo Xiu: “Then don’t mind making another agreement, right?” A liar swallows a thousand needles.

“Are you a child?”

However, although Mo Xiu said this, he still stretched out his fingers, and Liang’s fingers were tightly linked to each other.

“Hook fingers, hook fingers, the deceiving person will swallow a thousand needles and cut off the little finger.”

The ancient nursery rhyme seemed to really have magic, and after the two sang it at the same time, Ryo seemed to really put down his heart and accept Mo Xiu.

“Does this convention really work? But my previous vows weren’t much better. ”

Mo Xiu is still such a mouthful of rotten vernacular.

“If you believe it, it will be useful, now we are friends, Mr. Monster.”

Liang withdrew his fingers, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and said a little happily.

“Why do I have an extra nickname! But finally gained your trust, Miss Weird. ”

Mo Xiu doesn’t like to be taken advantage of, and he won’t lose in this regard.

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