Comprehensive Freedom

v1.2 Chapter 41 - attack

After reporting the battle report, Esdes quickly left the palace and returned to the outside of the large mansion where Noel was, but the two followers Liva and Daidas also followed.

“Welcome Lord Esdez is back!” The members of the beautiful legion that were guarding, welcomed Esdez’s expedition with a smile on their face, and the two following were ignored by them directly.

“Don’t follow, all male creatures are prohibited from entering here, so you can go back and prepare to clean up the characters on the list, hurry up and pull out the member named night-raid!” Esdez and the guards ordered Nodded, turned his head and followed his own two beasts commanded.

“Comply! Let’s do it now!” Liwa and Daidas knelt on one leg on the ground and said in a respectful voice.

“If there is any urgent matter, remember to report to the guards at the door here, don’t break into it! Otherwise, you will die like Niu, don’t say I haven’t told you!” The two on the ground glanced into the large mansion inside with a smile on their faces.

Until Esdez entered the outer gate, Liva and Daidas’ field of vision completely disappeared, and the two people slowly stood up from the ground.

“Liva, what did General Estes mean before leaving?” Daidas asked Liva suspiciously next to him: “Not even the guards here are the same as the last maid. Isn’t it superb? Isn’t it so exaggerated?”

“It may not be as powerful as that maid, but it won’t be any worse!” Liwa patted the dust on her knees, looked closely at the door guard, and said lightly: “When I was still a general, just I have heard that General Noel has a beautiful army of 100 people. Every woman in the army is in the presence of a thousand. I think these people who are guarding this mansion are now them!”

“Really? Really want to play against them!” Daidas smiled, looking at the guard at the door expectantly.

“Daidas, don’t do the same stupid things as Niu. Do you think General Estes needs to scare us both?” Liwa frowned, and he was really afraid that the fighting madman would pick things up. , And said seriously: “Let’s go ahead and do it, General Estes!”

“Liwa, don’t worry! I want to live longer, so I won’t pick things up, let’s go and carry out the task of the general’s account!” Daidas smiled, he can remember Esdes Having said that if she dared to provoke General Noel’s men, she would personally make that life worse than death, but when it was said, there was no point in joking.

“Well, let’s go!” Liwa sighed with relief after listening to Daidas.

The two big men returned to the imperial city side by side, and they ran awkwardly overnight to make them a little tired. The two discussed and decided to find a place to rest and rest on the task. In the hotel in the Imperial City, the two opened a room each. Going to perform tasks during the break until noon.

Large mansion interior

Esdes, who has returned to the interior of the large mansion, has completely changed into a human-like atmosphere. When he entered the large mansion, he disappeared instantly, and soon appeared in the Noel room, looking at the red bed on the big bed. One man and one woman.

‘Ok? New sister? Why is that woman so familiar, as if seen somewhere! ‘Think of it, if you think about it for free, Esdes fluttered with a smile on Noel’s body, and kissed him suddenly on his face, shouting with joy: “Boo! Honey, I’m back !”

“Huh…?” Noel, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt something soft on him, slowly opened his eyes to see the person, and said vaguely: “Esdes? When did you come back?” ?”

“I went to the emperor capital early in the morning. I was afraid that I would make you sleep, so I went to the palace first and reported on the battle situation over the northern fortress. I had just returned from the palace, but I didn’t expect my dear to wake up “Esdez smiled slightly, drawing a circle with his fingers lying on Noel’s mouth.

“Then you already know what happened when I called you back?” Noel asked with a smile, but his hands were not idle, and he slowly untied Estes’ military uniform.

“The minister and the little emperor have said a little bit, that is, let me replace my dear ones, those little thieves named night-raid! When I just returned to the periphery of the mansion, I had the second beast warrior under my hands It’s time to do this! Hmm!” After answering, Estes was full of spring.

“Does it need to be so anxious just back?” Noel smiled, since he said so.

—After that, the animal beast passed by this place, and all the h retreated one after another—

Soon after

It wasn’t until the big noon that the sun was hanging overhead that the battle between Noel and Estes gradually subsided, and finally the two women in the big bed were carried to the bathroom in the room for cleaning.

“My dear, the little emperor has promised to establish an emperor’s policing force, but he can only be transferred to 4 emperor’s ambassadors from other places, and the remaining 2 dear ones will look for me!” Esdes said with a grin. She leaned back on Noel’s arms and let the other person clean herself.


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