Comprehensive Freedom

v1.2 chapter 50th Bandit - Plan

The mountains of Fam

“Sir Noel, according to the information I learned during the assassination of the troops, there is a group of revolutionary troops here in the mountains of Fam who pretend to be thieves and specialize in hijacking some officials who attacked the empire!” Black Hitomi looked at the mountains in front of her and described what she was Know the information.

“Since there is still such a thing?” Noel frowned, thinking about the need or not, and flattened these thieves.

“My dear, possibly defecting Generals Hermi and General Nagajid may have taken soldiers to hide inside!” Esdes thought for a moment, if they were really thieves disguised by the Revolutionary Army, it is very likely that those The rebels hid inside.

“There is indeed such a possibility. After all, they led the army to take refuge in the revolutionary army!” Noel nodded his head and agreed with Estes.

“But if you clean up the thieves here, it is very possible to let the rebels run away.” Sbia, who was sitting on the horse with Noel, whispered her ideas when they were discussing.


Both Noel, several women and the beautiful legion were amused by Sbia’s words. For them, those were just small thieves, and all of them could be solved in a moment.

“”The teased Sbia blushed and buried her small head in Noor’s mouth. She wondered what was so funny.

“You’ll know it later!” Noel said with a smile after touching Sbia’s hair. “Say, go and see where the thieves’ strongholds are. Look at how many people are inside. Go quickly.” Back!”


After talking, Shayou jumped from the battle horse and ran into the mountains at a super fast speed.

“Before Shayou returns, Black Hitomi is talking about relevant information here!” Noel thought it should not be that simple, otherwise the manager of the assassination force would not pay attention here.

“Well, my dear, you’re right, anyway, I’m also idle. Black pupils talk about it!” Esdes nodded.

“Actually, there is not much information, that is, the mountain range of Fam, it is likely to be the front line base of the revolutionary army, and the thief they played here is a special attack on the imperial officials passing by here, but they did not attack some. Ordinary businessmen or ordinary people, so here is the attention of the assassination of the chief of the army!” Black Hitomi thought about the information and said all that he remembered.

“Frontline base? That means that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army may be established on the south side!” Noel said with a smile, he thought there was a great possibility.

“It is very likely that when I was going to hack Najetta, those revolutionary troops could arrive so quickly. It should be from here that I saw the pursuit of soldiers and then passed back to their headquarters to let there The people rushed to rescue!” After listening to Noel’s guess, Estes recalled that when she pursued Najetta.

Just when Noel and Estes guessed where the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army would be set up, a whimper of Shayou appeared beside them. “Master Lord Noel, Master Estes, I found it in the mountains. There are two strongholds in one of the bandits. One of the strongholds is only about 100 people. Another stronghold, simply estimated that there are at least about 500,600 people, and the people inside are not like thieves at all, but like trained soldiers, and the guard is also quite strict.” Sha You said slowly, what she saw The situation of the two strongholds.

“Are there any traces of rebels?” Noel asked casually.

“Yes, thousands of people have found traces of construction camps around the road leading to the 500,600 thieves. The thieves cannot have a stronghold and live outside the construction camps. That should be left by the rebels. And it just looks like it’s been removed soon!” Sha You said the strange situation around the stronghold, plus her own guesses.

“Esdez, let’s raze the two strongholds here first, how?” Noel said with a smile, but he didn’t expect to ask casually that he really got the news of the rebels.

“Would rather kill the wrong than let it go?” Estes also smiled, she did not refuse to kill more people.

“Shayou, you tell me first, the direction of the stronghold over there, and then you are leading 10 people, to clean up about 100 people there!” Noel said after thinking for a while, after all, two trips is too troublesome .

Shayo pointed to Noel in the direction of the 500,600 stronghold. She led 10 people on horseback and ran to clear the small stronghold.

Nuoer also took the remaining people in the direction pointed by Shayou, but she was not as rushed as she was, and slowly walked there on horseback, he didn’t want to be caught by those people before he reached the stronghold. Set an ambush first. Although you are not afraid of those rubbish, you will have less unnecessary trouble.

“That.. Master, is it really okay for Sister Yau to bring so few people to fight against 100 thieves?” Sbia said worriedly. 11 people challenged 100 thieves. It’s not realistic.

“Hahaha! Spia, you shouldn’t worry about them, but more about those thieves. I hope they can run away alive!” Esdes smiled.

“.” Sbia looked at with puzzlement, smiling girls.

“Don’t think too much, you will know later.” Noel smiled slightly.

Soon, Noel and his party came to a place not far from the stronghold of the thief, instructed the women to dismount the horses to find a place to tie up, and picked up Sbia, which was no different from the ordinary people, and led the women to use the high-speed shaving to the periphery of the stronghold Washed up on the cliff.

The figures of Noel and the girls, constantly flashing in the woods, soon reached the cliff above the thief stronghold, glancing lightly at the trained thieves below.

“Don’t run around, wait for Sayu to pick you up here!” Noel put Sbia in her arms and turned his head, said: “Try not to use a large range of abilities, and be careful not to hurt yourself!”

“My dear, you think too much, but they have not fought a lot, who would make such a low-level mistake!” Estes flew to Noel’s eyes.

“So attack, don’t stay!” After that, Noel took the lead with a wicked smile and jumped directly from the cliff to the thief stronghold.

Estes, Black Hitomi, and Seleu followed, and the members of the Beauty Legion jumped along.


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