Comprehensive Freedom

v1.2 chapter 59th Secret Realm - Message

Hill didn’t pay attention to the items placed at the entrance. After all, no one dared to take the things out of the door. Besides, there wouldn’t be any people here. He helped the marshmallows poured by the drug and quickly entered the seated in the center. Large mansion.

“Miss Lena, Miss Aya, I’m back!” Hill smiled slightly and said, “I brought back the people Noel wanted, and there is some information that needs two people to pass on!”

“Give her to me, Miss Hill tells Lena about the intelligence!” Aiya took the comatose marshmallow from Hill’s hands and helped her to walk upstairs to the bedroom.

“Miss Hill tells me information, so I can quickly pass it to the master’s hands!” Lina smiled and gently pulled Hill to sit on the sofa in the living room.

“The night assassin group has recently seen counterfeit goods making waves. They are now divided into two groups to protect the two civilians who are out today. They intend to wait for the emergence of these counterfeit goods in this way, and then wipe them out! “Hill glanced at the marshmallow, who was helped upstairs, and then turned back to the Lena next to him, and slowly spoke about the information she knew.”

“Where do the two civil servants go, do you know?” Lina asked with a smile. She wanted to know the detailed information so that she could send the information to her owner.

“One was going to the northern suburbs to deliver the relief rice. It has been away for some time. The other is a huge luxury passenger ship docked at the departure point of the Grand Canal in the suburbs of the Imperial City. The dragon boat sailed at about noon, and it will take a few hours. It’s time!” Hill thought about it and said the two civilians, where he was going.

“Miss Hill, is that all?” Lena asked with a smile.

“Well!” Hill nodded with a smile, said: “But today’s shopping clothes, but also let go of the outer entrance!”

“I will send the message first, and by the way, I will tell the maids to take those items back at the entrance. Miss Hill can rest in the mansion. I and I will guard this place and no one will bother you!”

After finishing speaking, Lina quickly wrote the information on the paper, then went to the kitchen to get some stimulant-mixed meat slices, and went to the eagle feeding room for sending information, folding the paper and tying the eagle legs. I fed some slices of meat mixed with stimulants and let it fly out the window to convey the message.

After all, Lina didn’t know if the location of her master, Noel, would be far away from the Imperial Capital. I was afraid that it would not be possible to send the information to Noel before noon. After sending the information, it is estimated that it will be overexcited and die.

Scribe line

800km southeast of the imperial capital

Margu Heights

There are dozens of flat-topped mountains that rise up from the ground and form their own independent ecosystems. The high level of dangerous species here makes them unsuitable for human habitation, but it is a good place for training and hunting.

And somewhere in this mysterious environment, there are signs of human habitation. There is a lot of beautiful women in bikinis at the small lake, some are basking in the sun, and some are playing in the small lake. Swimming, there is a handsome man Chiluo upper body, his head leaned on the beautiful European behind the big European school, holding a simple fishing rod in his hand to fish.

In a place not far from them, a girl was surrounded by a group of dangerous species of velociraptors. The girl disappeared in place without a panic and a smile, her figure flashed at the high speed beside her, and her hands were constantly waving silver. White silk thread.

“I’m getting more and more proficient. Even when I meet those two people, I can easily strangle them!” The girl smiled to herself, pulling the white silver thread in her hand.

The girl suddenly pulled the silver-white silk thread. The group just now is a dangerous species of velociraptor. It was instantly cut into pieces of different sizes of minced meat. It can be clearly seen under the reflection of the sun. The white and silver silk thread is densely packed. The entire area was filled, and blood on the silk was dripped continuously.

After quickly recovering the silk thread, the girl ran to the handsome man who was fishing.

“Master Lord, Lord Estes, those dangerous species have been cleaned up. I am also surrounded by silk threads. If there are enemies or dangerous species close to me, I will clean them up in the first time, and they will not be disturbed. To the two adults!”

This girl is Sbia. After she signed the maid contract with Noel, Noel found that the ability to awaken had no attack power at all, so Noel handed the imperial kaleidoscopic [cross tail] to her and helped She exchanged the emperor’s fit.

Because Lina did not follow this expedition, Noel could only bring Sbia here, where she was trained strictly in places with many levels of dangerous species, and her points for killing dangerous species here certainly fell into Noel’s pocket.

“Oh! It’s a master of the King Chuan Temple’s true biography. The perception is really good. In a few days, you can use the Six Forms so skillfully!” Esdes smiled, facing Sbia. Praised.

“Thank you, Master Estes’ compliment, I will continue to work hard!!” Sbia, who heard the compliment, showed a sweet smile.

“Spia, what level of power have you used?” Noel asked at Sbia with a smile.

“Report the master! Now I can not only make myself transparent, but also transparent any objects I touch, and I kind of feel the threshold for making objects transparent without touching.” Sbia side He will bring the emperor with his hands transparent, while talking about his ability to control.

“Although this ability has no offensive power, it is still very good!” Noel thought and smiled, thinking that this ability is also good, but unfortunately did not appear on himself.

Just when Sbia wanted to say something, an eagle was flying at a very high speed in the sky, and suddenly hurriedly leaned towards Noel from the high sky and rushed over, Sbia quickly waved the emperor in his hand, and the silk thread was quickly on Noel’s head A large net was formed in the sky, and the eagle rushing into the net was pulled aside.

“My dear, this seems to be a messenger eagle raised at home, but it looks a little strange, and it’s about to die!” Estes looked at it, and was caught in a dying eagle in the net.


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