Comprehensive Freedom

v1.2 chapter 75th look forward to - The 9th cut

“Esdes, did you find the manual? Did you go to tune up the girl?” Noel froze for a moment, but did not expect Esdes to run to the small darkroom.

“Well, I also wrote it in the manual and tried it on the girl named Matsu!” Estes nodded with a smile and said, “Listening to Lena, dear I think I am suitable for this job , So I will use the techniques and props, all written in the manual!”

“That’s true! But have you tamed the proud girl named Margaret?” Noel asked doubtfully, wanting to make sure, and hope Margaret hadn’t been broken by Esdes. .

“It should be half successful, after all, there are some props that are not used by her. Those who need my dear to help her complete the initial medical examination before the second half of the training can continue!” Esteston paused, then smiled. : “Of course, if the girl named Margaret is obedient, you don’t need the second half of the training plan!”

“Listening to what you said, I was looking forward to what she was tuned to by you!” Noel smiled slightly and was imagining what the arrogant girl is now conditioned to.

“Honey, I am sure you will be surprised!” Estes smiled mysteriously.

“It’s not too early now!” Noel glanced out the window and said, “Shayou, let the maids prepare dinner!”

“Got it, Master!” Shayou nodded and turned to walk in the direction of the kitchen.

“You talk here first, Sbia, accompany me to change clothes!” Noel said to the girls in the hall.

After that, Noel and Sbia soon entered the luxurious room upstairs, but unexpectedly, Hill, who slept naked, went to the celebration from him/herself, and still sleeps beautifully when he comes back. It doesn’t seem to mean anything at all.

“What should I say, this is too sleepy, right?” Noel smiled helplessly, wandered to Hill’s side, lifted the quilt covered by her, and slapped it on her Fengman’s body. Buttocks.


“Ah! Hmm? Noel, when did you come back! Boom!” Hill was awakened, clutching his patted buttocks, and confusedly seeing the coming person, the whole person jumped on Noel, fragrant on his face Take a sip.

“Shortly after coming back, hurry up and get ready to eat dinner!” Noel hugged Hill hanging on his body.

“That’s right! I brought the marmalade sauce, how would Noel reward me?” Hill asked with a grin, the Great Europeans rubbed on the other party intentionally or unintentionally.

“If you’re rewarded, I’ll play games with you and Margaret at night!” Noel smiled evilly, lightly on the lips of the other party, and said, “Now get dressed and go down to eat with me!” “Noel must remember to speak and count!” Hill said with a grin, then got off Noel and found a loose suspender pajamas in the cabinet.

After the revenge, Sbia, now very clever and sensible, is replacing Nuo with a suit.

“Noel, who is she? Why don’t I seem to have seen it?” Hill asked, looking at the girl who was changing Noel’s clothes suspiciously.

“Her name is Sbia. The maid he collected on this trip will get along well in the future!” Noel answered, rubbing Hill’s little head with his hand.

“Oh! Miss Sbia, my name is Hill, please advise!” Hill nodded with a smile and introduced himself to Sbia.

Soon after, Noel looked at the time and knew that the dinner should be ready soon, and he also changed his clothes.

When Noel walked down the hill with his arms around, the dinner was indeed ready. He greeted the girls to the dining room and enjoyed delicious food together. While everyone was seated, Noel found that it seemed that no one had arrived.

“Why didn’t you see Lena?” Noel looked at the interior of the living room, and found no Lena figure.

“It should still be upstairs, guarding the girl called Matsu!” Estes also looked at it, and indeed did not find Lina, saying where she might be.

“Aia, let Lina come down for a meal, and let the girl named Margaret come down together too!” Noel thought for a moment. Anyway, Estes said that the training was half successful. There should be no major problems. of.

“Got it, Master!” Aiya nodded and left the living room.

“My dear, you can’t wait to know, what does that fungus look like?” Esdes said with a chuckle when Aiya left.

“It’s a bit! But aren’t you already tuned in, then there shouldn’t be any problems with eating together!” Noel smiled, acknowledging that he really wanted to see some changes in the fungus.

‘Hill! And margarine? How could the two of them appear here! ‘I was surprised to see that Chelsea lowered her head. When she came over, she didn’t pay attention. When she was seated, she found that Noel was holding Hill. He also heard that Esdes spoke of the name of the fungus.

Chelsea is very nervous now, because she sees Hill sitting and smiling in Noel’s arms, not like being caught here, nor like being persecuted by the people here. It’s like staying here voluntarily, just look at the expression on Hill’s smile so happy.

And now Chelsea is most worried about Hill discovering herself and exposing her identity. After all, she did not use the emperor to become her, but she dressed herself beautifully and beautifully.


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